Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 394: That pervert, you stop (10)

   Seeing Xia Xia approaching her, Jian Peiling came back to her senses.

   OMG! Oops! How could she say what was on her mind?

  Mom...Will my mother be unhappy after hearing this? Will you hit her again?

   Xia Tian's hand had just been placed on Jian Peiling's shoulder, when she felt her trembling, the conditioned reflex wanted to hide but didn't dare.

   "Lingling, then mother asked you, do you like your current mother or your previous mother?"

   This question is really embarrassing!

  If the answer is not good, she will definitely be beaten?

  Jian Peiling "I" for a long time, but couldn't answer.

  Xia Tian still had a smile on his face, and continued to speak patiently: "Lingling, have you forgotten what Mom said last night? Mom will never treat you like before."

  Xia Tian thought about it, maybe she said she was a fairy, not Jian Jing, it might be easier for Jian Peiling to get close to her, right?

   So, she told Jian Peiling: "Yes, I am the immortal who heard your cry for help, so I came to protect you and love you!"

   Sure enough, when Jian Peiling heard that Xia Xia was a fairy, her whole person changed.

   Those clear eyes were full of joy and disbelief: "Really?! Are you really an immortal?!"

  Xiaomi nodded with a smile: "Well, but you have to keep it a secret. If you let others know that I am a fairy, I will leave here, and your mother will come back..."

   Before she could finish her words, Jian Peiling hurriedly promised: "I won't tell! I won't tell anyone! I won't tell Dr. Mu!"

   However, she did not know that her conversation with Xia Xia would be completely overheard by Mu Qianxiu...

   Summer is not afraid that Mu Qianxiu will hear it, what is there to be afraid of? She did nothing wrong!

   "Well, that's good!" Smiling, he rubbed the top of Jian Peiling's hair, then got up and continued cooking.

  Because she knew that Xia Xia was really not her mother but a 'fairy', Jian Peiling didn't worry that Xia Xia might beat her.

   She had too many doubts, so she kept asking about summer in the kitchen.

   Jian Peiling: "Sister Shenxian, have you become my mother?"

  Sister Xia Xian: "Well, you won't be discovered by becoming your mother!"

  Jian Peiling: "Sister Shenxian, that night, did you use the fairy method to heal my wounds so that I don't have any pain?"

  Summer: "Well, yes, I used a very magical fairy method!"

  Jian Peiling: "I knew it! Originally, I had a lot of injuries on my body, but I woke up after a sleep and I didn't have any pain! My head doesn't hurt anymore!"

   It turns out that from that day on, my mother was no longer a mother, but a fairy sister!

   Immortals really heard her prayers and came to help her!

   Jian Peiling raised her foot and walked to Xia Xia's side, and she could see from her actions that she had already developed trust and dependence on Xia Xia.

   She then asked Xia Xia: "Sister Fairy, will you be by my side in the future?"

   Putting the fried vegetables on a plate in summer, he asked Jian Peiling with a smile: "Then do you want me to be by your side in the future?"

  Jian Peiling nodded without any hesitation, and reached out and grabbed the corner of Xia Xia's clothes: "I hope you are by my side! I hope you are always by my side!"

  Xia Tian hooked his lips and smiled, his eyes soft: "Then I will always be by your side!"

   Hearing the promise of summer, Jian Peiling was relieved.

   She is so afraid that the summer will leave soon, and then her mother will come back...

   After a while, Jian Peiling hesitantly asked Xia Xia, "Sister Shenxian, where did my mother go?"

   This really difficult to answer.

  Tell Jian Peiling that in fact her body will still be Jian Jing, and then the real Jian Jing is dead?

   It seems that this answer is not very good.

  Because of that, she is not like a fairy who fell from the sky, but more like a female ghost who revives her soul from a dead body.

  cough, although she is neither a fairy nor a ghost.

   But compared to female ghosts, fairies are obviously much nicer!

   After thinking about it, Xia Xia told Jian Peiling: "I sent your mother to another place. If I don't let her come back, she will not come back."

   Hearing Xia Xia's words, Jian Peiling breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time couldn't help worrying: "Then... will she be hungry? Will it be cold?"

   Xia Xia was stunned for a while, but he never thought that Jian Peiling would still care about Jian Jing, so the child's heart will always be so pure!

   She looked down at Jian Peiling who was standing beside her and said, "She won't be hungry and she won't be cold."

"That's great!"

   Out of selfishness, Jian Peiling didn't want her mother to come back, because she didn't want to live the life she had before.

   She doesn't want to be guaranteed three meals a day, she doesn't want to be woken up in her sleep, she doesn't want to kneel on the ground every day crying and begging for mercy, she doesn't want to be scalded by boiling water, and she doesn't want to be sealed with a needle...

  Since mom can live well in another place, don't come back!

   After that, Jian Peiling asked a lot of questions in the summer, and the questions were full of childishness.

   For example, will she transform, will she fly and so on.

   In the last summer, I could only tell Jian Peiling: "You can't ask too many of these questions. If someone finds out that I have secretly become your mother, I will leave."

   Sure enough, this sentence is more useful, Jian Peiling immediately stopped asking!


   Today's lunch at noon, Jian Peiling ate a lot, and has been praising the delicious food made in summer.

  It was only in summer that I found out that Jian Peiling is a sweet girl.

   Also, there are a lot of words.

   But Xia Xia didn't think that Jian Peiling was too talkative, and Jian Peiling was willing to talk to her, which showed that she had completely let down her guard against her.

   And her wounded heart was repaired faster than expected in summer after learning that her mother had gone to another place and would not hurt her anymore.

   After lunch, Xia Xia accompanied Jian Peiling to watch TV for a while before letting her take a nap.

   Before going back to the room to sleep, Jian Peiling kissed Xia Xia's cheek, said a little shyly, "Good afternoon, Sister Fairy" and ran back to the room.

  Xiaomi raised his hand to touch the kissed face, and the smile in his eyes couldn't help deepening.

   What a cute kid! She hopes that Jian Peiling can become more and more cheerful——

   While Jian Peiling was taking a nap, Xia Xia felt that she should think about making money.

  I want to spend time with Jian Peiling, but I also want to make money.

   If you open a store, you will be busy if you are busy, right?

  What if she earns money at home?

How to earn money at home?

   Open an online store? Stocks?

correct! It's stock speculation!

   When it comes to stock trading, summer has a very sharp eye.

   She still has 20,000 yuan in her savings. If she invests in it, it should be doubled to 100,000 yuan.

  Stock speculation can make people rich overnight, and it can also make people bankrupt.

   I don’t have much obsession with money in summer.

   She doesn't need to earn too much, just enough for her and Jian Peiling.

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