Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 393: That pervert, you stop (9)

   Take Jian Peiling out for breakfast in summer, and then go to visit the new school together.

   When we went, it was just after class time, and many students were playing on the playground.

  The environment of the new school is very good, the students are very sunny and lively, and the teachers are very approachable and seem to be very qualified teachers.

  Compared to Jian Peiling's previous school, it is much, much better.

  I was quite satisfied with this school in summer, and asked Jian Peiling for her opinion.

   "Lingling, will you go to school here in the future?"

   Jian Peiling looked at Summer expectantly: "Is it really possible?"

  The playground of this school is very big, there are amusement facilities and a large garden, and the teaching building is also very new and beautiful!

   Unlike her previous school, the teaching building is very old, the playground is very small, there are not even a few trees, except for sand, it is still sand.

  The teacher ignored her, and the classmates always liked to bully her because of her small size.

   In fact, she had long wanted to go to that school.

   But there is an advantage to going to school, she eats at school in the morning and at noon.

   Although the taste of the food is not very good and there is no meat to eat, it is full.

  If you stay at home...

  Jian Peiling's appearance in summer knows that she likes this school very much.

   "Of course it's true! If you like this school, Mom will enroll you now!"

   is just right, she also thinks this school is not bad and full of vigor.

  Jian Peiling gathered up the courage and nodded vigorously: "Yeah! I like this school!"

  She, wants to go to this school——

   Fortunately, it is not long before the new semester starts, and Jian Peiling can be a transfer student.

   Director Chen, the first grade director of the school, gave Jian Peiling an achievement test and some basic question-and-answer conversations.

   Then I found that besides being a little introverted, Jian Peiling's grades were still very good, and she got full marks in both Chinese and mathematics.

Sitting in the director's office, Director Chen told Xia Xia: "Jian Peiling's grades are very good, but she is a little introverted, but it doesn't matter, our school has a psychological counselor who can guide the child to become cheerful! After Jane's mother completed the transfer procedures You can come and go through the admission procedures.”

Xia Xia glanced at Jian Peiling, who was sitting obediently beside her, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, I have already called and said to Lingling School just now, I will go through the transfer procedures later, and I will immediately Come to the school to go through the admission procedures."

   "Excuse me, can Lingling go to school tomorrow after it's done?"

   "Of course, after all the formalities are done, you can come to school anytime!"

After thinking for a while, Director Chen said to Xia Xia again: "Since Jane's mother is going to go through the transfer procedures now, she can put Jian Peiling in the school, and I can arrange for her to go to class for a while, so that she will not run around with you. ."

  Director Chen said it was the best thing to do, this way, it could indeed prevent Jian Peiling from running back and forth with her.

   In fact, the summer is preparing to make this request...

   is just right, allowing Jian Peiling to get acquainted with the environment here in advance.

   Xia Xia wanted to ask Jian Peiling's opinion first, but when he lowered his head, he saw her eyes full of anticipation.

   chuckled, Xia Xia raised his hand and patted her little head lightly, and then said to Director Chen, "Thank you, Director Chen!"

  After a few polite words, Xia Xia told Jian Peiling to be obedient, and then left to go to her original school to go through the transfer procedures——

  The transfer procedures are easy to handle, just ask the school to issue a certificate.

  I called Jian Peiling's head teacher before she went to school in the summer, so she just arrived and the transfer certificate only needed her signature.

  It comes and goes, and the admission procedures are completed before 11:00 noon.

   received school uniforms and new textbooks, and only left school with Jian Peiling in the summer.

   For the new school, Jian Peiling is full of expectations.

   Jian Peiling is very happy when she thinks that she will be able to go to the new school tomorrow—

   Before going home, I took Jian Peiling to the supermarket in summer, bought a lot of ingredients and snacks, and filled the refrigerator!

  When I was shopping at the supermarket, I was chatting with Jian Peiling all the time in summer, asking her if she liked the new school very much.

   Last night's hypnosis and apology, coupled with her attitude towards her this summer, Jian Peiling is not so afraid of her anymore.

   Jian Peiling can actually feel that summer is really good to her.

  Although it is still a little unreal, Jian Peiling hopes that these are all true!

   She longs for this kind of life to last longer, even if it is only for a few days, she is very satisfied!

   After going out for half a day, Jian Peiling's relationship with Xia Xia became closer, and even her voice was louder than before.

   At noon, Jian Peiling sat in the living room reading her new textbook, while in the summer she was cooking in the kitchen.

   As far back as I can remember, Jian Peiling has never seen Jian Jing cook and cook in person, except for takeout.

   When she heard the sound of chopping and cooking vegetables in the kitchen, she felt incredible.

   Quietly walked to the kitchen door to see, just in time to see the quiet and beautiful profile of summer.

   Jian Peiling suddenly felt that this face... was very unfamiliar!

  Why does she feel that the person in front of her is not her mother?

   Yes, although they look alike, they don't look like my mother, whether it's the tone of voice or the look in her eyes.

   Could it be that her mother was taken away by the fairy, and then the fairy sent her a good mother?

   When Jian Jing was not at home, Jian Peiling liked to watch TV, especially the kind of immortal ones.

  Because she always looks forward to the day when the gods can see her and come to help her!

   Every day, she prays, praying that the gods can hear her voice.

  Jian Peiling thought wildly, the more she thought about it, the more she thought it was possible!

  Children are very easy to talk about on TV, thinking that there may be gods in this world.

   She even couldn't wait to tell Dr. Mu about this discovery, telling him that her mother was sent by a fairy now, she must be a good mother!

  Jian Peiling was so engrossed in her thoughts that Xia Xia glanced at her several times, but she didn't notice it.

  Xiamen was a little curious, so he asked her, "Lingling, what are you thinking about?"

   I don't know if Xia Xia's voice is too gentle and believable, or if Jian Peiling is too fascinated by her thoughts.

   As soon as Xia Xia finished asking, she reflexively said what was in her heart.

   Then, Summer was stunned.

   So, in Jian Peiling's view, is her performance in the past two days the reason for changing a mother?

   Also tell Mu Qianxiu about this?

   It seems that she has regarded Mu Qianxiu as a completely trusted friend!

   Well, that's fine, anyway, Mu Qianxiu is a pervert, and it's still very good for children.

   But now, she seems to have another thing to deal with!

  Xia Tian put down the spatula in his hand, walked to Jian Peiling and squatted down.

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