Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 390: That pervert, you stop (6)

  Because the landlord's family just moved out not long ago, the hygiene of the house is still relatively clean.

  Summer is a straightforward person, and so is the landlord.

  The landlord left after giving the keys to the summer.

   In summer, he turned on the TV for Jian Peiling to watch, while he rolled up his sleeves to clean up.

   Jian Peiling now fully believes that her mother has 'changed a person', much calmer than before.

  The new house is very nice, there are three rooms too!

   Two bedrooms and a study.

   Mom said, they each have a bedroom.

   So after that, she doesn't have to sleep in the kennel?

   I really like the room, it's pink, and it has a princess bed!

   Jian Peiling sat on the soft sofa, thinking that she might be dreaming.

  Why did the scars on her body disappear overnight? Does your body feel uncomfortable?

  Why did my mother become so gentle overnight, and bought her clothes and delicious food.

   Now, she has her own room!

   Well, she must be dreaming!

   Before she watched TV, it was said on TV that she didn't feel pain when she was dreaming.

  If you pinch yourself and it doesn't hurt, you must be dreaming.

   Jian Peiling quietly glanced at the summer that was mopping the floor, reached out and pinched herself hard.

   Hiss~ It hurts!

   So, she is not dreaming?

  Jian Peiling was sitting on the sofa alone, thinking wildly. In the summer, she has already tidy up her new home with ease.

   Just finished cleaning, and the clothes and shoes she bought online were also delivered.

   Throw her clothes and Jian Peiling's clothes in the washing machine, wash them, dry them, and put them in the closet.

  “Ding Dong~”

   The doorbell rang, and Xia Tian was still putting clothes in Jian Peiling's room.

   "Lingling~ It should be a takeaway, you ask if it is, if it is, open the door!"

   Hearing Xia Xia's words in the room, Jian Peiling responded, walked to the door and asked, "Who is it?"

  An answer came from outside the door: "Delivery."

   It was confirmed that it was a takeaway, and then Jian Peiling opened the door.

   She took the takeaway from the delivery boy, and just as she was about to close the door, she saw a familiar person standing at the door opposite.

   "Doctor Mu!" Jian Peiling was a little overjoyed, she was very happy to see Mu Qianxiu!

   Mu Qianxiu, who just got off work and was about to enter the house, was also surprised to see Jian Peiling: "Lingling? Why are you here?"

   Jian Peiling answered with a takeaway: "My mother rented this house this afternoon, and we will live here in the future!"

   Seeing Mu Qianxiu's key in the door, Jian Peiling asked him again, "Does Dr. Mu live here?"

   Mu Qianxiu smiled and nodded: "Well, it seems that we will be neighbors in the future!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, he came out of the room in the summer, and the eyes of the two people just met.

After being stunned for a while, Xia Xia pretended to be surprised: "Doctor Mu? Do you live here too?"

   Mu Qianxiu still had a smile on his face: "Yeah, I didn't expect Miss Jian to move here."

   "Oh, I want to transfer Lingling. It's closer to the school, so I just moved here."

  Xiamen's answer was very natural. When he saw Mu Qianxiu again, the feeling that came from Jian Jing himself had disappeared.

   She walked to the door, took the takeout from Jian Peiling, and asked Mu Qianxiu with a smile, "Dr. Mu have dinner? Do you want to eat together?"

   Mu Qianxiu shook his head and refused: "I've already eaten it, thank you!"

  Since that's the case, Xia Xia didn't say anything anymore, patted Jian Peiling's shoulder lightly, and motioned her to go in for dinner.

After    and Mu Qianxiu nodded slightly, Xia Xia closed the door.

As soon as    was closed, I heard the system prompt: "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Mu Qianxiu's favorability for you is minus 40%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  yo~ Twenty up!

   Could she understand that it was Mu Qianxiu who felt that she was under his nose now, so he was a little relieved?

   In fact, Mu Qianxiu really thought so.

   Xia Xia and Jian Peiling live opposite him now, and if there is anything at ordinary times, he will be there as soon as possible.

   In the afternoon, he said, to give summer a chance.

   If he finds out that Jian Peiling will be 're-violated' in the summer, then he...


  Put takeaways on the table in summer, take them out the same way, and eat with Jian Peiling.

   When Jian Peiling and Xia Xia ate together, they ate very little, mainly because she was afraid!

   had no choice but to serve her vegetables in summer.

   Luckily, it was because of the summer that the food was served in person, so Jian Peiling was full for dinner.

   After eating, he cleared the table in the summer and let Jian Peiling take a bath by himself.

   Jian Peiling obediently lay on the bed after taking a bath, for fear that she would suddenly change her mind in summer and would not allow her to sleep in the bed.

   When she heard the sound of Xia Xia opening the door, Jian Peiling trembled, and she was almost buried under the quilt.

   "Lingling, are you asleep?" Xia Xia walked to the bed and sat down.

   Jian Peiling didn't dare to pretend to be asleep, so she opened her eyes: "Mom..."

  In the past, summer was quite predestined to have children. She had never encountered a child who would fear her so much.

   She couldn't stand Jian Peiling's fearful appearance, so she was going to give her a little hypnosis.

   At least, she has to make Jian Peiling stop being so afraid of her!

  Xiamen stroked Jian Peiling's hair lightly, ignoring her trembling trembling, leaned over and approached her.

   "Lingling, look into my eyes."

   Her voice became different from usual, inexplicably attractive.

   Jian Peiling looked at Xia Xia's eyes, and her eyes gradually became slack: "Mom..."

   "Lingling, mom wants to apologize to you. Mom was wrong in the past. Mom shouldn't get angry and beat you at every turn, and hurt you like that!"

   "Mom promises you that I will never hurt you like this in the future. Be a good mother! Are you willing to forgive your mother?"

  If Xia Xia hadn’t hypnotized Jian Peiling a little, she would never have believed Xia Xia easily, judging from the abuse she had been subjected to over the past few years.

   No matter how sincere Xia Xia said it, she would doubt Xia Xia's words.

   But it’s different when hypnotized. The words of summer are much more credible to Jian Peiling!

   Jian Peiling's eyes were red, and she said with a crying voice: " really don't want to fight Lingling in the future?"

  Xiamen nodded solemnly: "Well, I promise not to fight!"

   Jian Peiling kept looking at Xia Xia's eyes, and his eyes gradually recovered.

   She reached out and hugged Xia Xia's neck, jumped into Xia Xia's arms and cried softly, as if to vent her grievances over the past few years.

   Jian Peiling was able to take the initiative to hug her, which means that in her heart, she has completely let go of her defenses against summer.

  Xiamen patted Jian Peiling's back lightly and reassured her softly, "Okay, stop crying, stop crying!"

   solved Jian Peiling's problem, and Mu Qianxiu's next problem didn't seem to be too difficult.

   As long as Mu Qianxiu knows that she is not a child of domestic violence, those negative favorability points will also be added slowly.

  Everything, let’s talk about it when the favorability is fully added…

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