Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 389: That pervert, you stop (5)

   It's not that Mu Qianxiu thinks too much, but because as far as he knows, there are cases where the mother poisoned her own child in the meal.

   Of course, in the end, he killed the mother...

  Since Jian Peiling said that the performance of summer today was 'abnormal', then something was obviously wrong.

   So I don't eat the dishes ordered in summer, but also for the sake of safety.

   Mu Qianxiu asked Jian Peiling which room in which hotel.

   Jian Peiling is a very smart girl. When she came, she looked at the hotel's signboard and noticed which room they were staying in.

   So after Mu Qianxiu asked her, she could answer accurately.

   Then, Mu Qianxiu ordered takeout for her.

   Mu Qianxiu also taught Jian Peiling to 'clean up the scene' and 'disguise the scene' after eating the takeout.

  What are you pretending to be? Of course, disguised as she had eaten those summer meals!

   So when I returned to the hotel in summer, I really thought that Jian Peiling had eaten the lunch she ordered.

   She also asked Jian Peiling: "Is the food delicious? Are you full?"

   Jian Peiling was frightened, afraid that something was wrong in the summer, so she lowered her head and dared not peek at the summer: "Eat... I'm full..."

  Xiamen nodded, hummed, and then sat down to eat Jian Peiling's 'leftovers'.

   Jian Peiling saw that he also ate those meals in summer, and only then did he know that there was no poison in the meals!

   If it is poisoned, it is impossible for my mother to eat it! Isn't that suicide?

  It turns out...she and Dr. Mu thought too much.

   But Jian Peiling still couldn't figure it out, why is her mother so abnormal today?

   She doesn't know such a mother anymore, she doesn't feel like her mother...

   When eating in summer, Jian Peiling sat on the sofa and dared not move.

   When the summer is over, she still maintains that state.

  Xiamen sighed, walked over and took the remote control to turn on the TV, and then played the cartoon for Jian Peiling.

   After all, he is a six-year-old child, and he was fascinated by the cartoon when he saw it.

  In summer, take the newly bought card, put it into the mobile phone, and then turn on the Internet to find a house.

   She didn't plan to live in the house she rented before, or else she wouldn't pack up and come to the hotel directly.

   She wanted to start over with Jian Peiling—

   In fact, I didn't pack any luggage in summer. I just took some valuables and bank cards that Jian Jing kept at home. Those who took them out and sold them second-hand were also worth some money.

   She didn't take any clothes or anything in summer, she disliked it!

   Jian Jing has made a lot of money in recent years, but also spent a lot.

  Buy clothes to buy all kinds of luxury goods, and maintain her skin that has a very good foundation.

   In the summer, forget about Jianjing and the rest, it is impossible to pay the richest man for a suite.

  So even if she wants to move, she still has to rent a house, so don’t even think about buying a house——

  Looking around, I suddenly saw an incredible rental information in summer!

   After carefully checking the rental address, in the summer, I am sure that the house is opposite Mu Qianxiu!

rent? Still not renting?

   If you rent it, you will be neighbors with Mu Qianxiu.

   Then, it should be easier to add the negative favorability to it, right?

   The thought of losing 60% of the favorability makes me feel bad in summer.

   Although, she doesn't have that thing.

   These are Jianjing's pots! But now she wants to carry it!

  If she changed her host, she wouldn't have just met Mu Qianxiu, so she would let her favorability become like this...

   Xia Xia doesn't blame Mu Qianxiu for her negative opinion. After all, if it were her, she would also have a negative opinion for Jian Jing!

   Originally, Gu Yanyu was a little uncomfortable in the summer because Gu Yanyu's host was a perverted murderer, but thinking about it carefully, there was nothing to be afraid of.

  What are you afraid of?

   In terms of skill, Mu Qianxiu couldn't beat her at all!

   Speaking of perverts, she seems to be... a little perverted occasionally.

   Take a look at Mu Qianxiu's profile again, and I can't help but sigh that hateful people must be pitiful!

  Mu Qianxiu lived in domestic violence from the time he could remember until he was twelve years old.

  It was just a coincidence that Mu Qianxiu's mother was a woman of the past, just like Jian Jing.

   But Mu Qianxiu's mother is slightly better than Jian Jing because she can't beat him.

   However, Mu Qianxiu's mother was a woman who was always in the dark, and finally left with other men, leaving him to live with his father.

   Mu Qianxiu's father was a man who was not doing a proper job, and was addicted to gambling and drinking.

   I lost money every day, I was in a bad mood, I drank, and Mu Qianxiu waited for a beating.

   belts, brooms, cigarette butts, ashtrays, boiled water...

  Xiamen can already imagine the pain of the abuse he suffered just by seeing Mu Qianxiu's detailed information.

  Mu Qianxiu's childhood was dark, which also created his psychopath.

  According to the data, the first person Mu Qianxiu killed was his father who had abused him for twelve years.

   At that time, my father drank and took a bath in the bathtub.

   Mu Qianxiu saw that he was drunk, so he went in and pressed his head into the bathtub to drown.

  Because my father was already drunk at the time, his ability to resist was much lower.

   The whole process was quick. After drowning his father, Mu Qianxiu went back to his room to sleep.

   It was not until the next morning that he called the police. When the police came, they saw him in a panic.

   A child who is often timid and cowardly due to domestic violence will not be suspected by the police as a murderer.

   In the end, Mu Qianxiu's father was judged to have died unexpectedly, and Mu Qianxiu was sent to an orphanage.

  Although Mu Qianxiu has not been subjected to domestic violence since he was twelve years old, he is living a fairly stable life.

  The psychological counselor also counseled him, and he looked no different from a normal person.

   But no one knew that a pervert had already lived in Mu Qianxiu's soul.

   Looking back many times, Mu Qianxiu regretted one thing in particular.

   It is not that he regrets that he killed so many parents who abused his children, but that he regretted letting his father die too happily in the first place——

   Mu Qianxiu's profile is not very long because his lifespan is not long.

   Shortly after he killed Jian Jing, he then killed a man who domestically abused his children and wife.

   As a result, this time, he, who has always been so clean of hands and feet that the police are helpless and fearful, has left clues.

  The male protagonist of this novel world is a policeman, and he is also the perverted murderer who finds Mu Qianxiu.

After   's arrest, Mu Qianxiu confessed to his crime and counted some victims that the police did not find.

   His crime was so bad that he was finally sentenced to death, which was executed immediately.

   Then, Mu Qianxiu's life ended at the age of 30——

  After hesitating for a moment in summer, he contacted the landlord and said he wanted to see the house.

   She took Jian Peiling to see the house directly with the things. After seeing it well, she immediately paid the rent and deposit.

  The furniture and electrical appliances in the house are complete, so you can move in directly without any problem.

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