Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 375: Cute zombie, follow me (20)

  Summer opened the door and walked into the villa, not at all worried that a zombie would suddenly pop up.

  Looked around, nothing was wrong.

   It’s just that Xia Xia felt that the people who lived in this villa before seemed to have only left for a while…

   Maybe it was her delusion.

  I went upstairs in summer and wanted to visit the room where I slept tonight.

   As soon as I got to the stairs, I heard the baby cry!

   The cry of a baby? Maybe just meowing?

   Listen to it, it's similar to a cat meowing.

   But if you listen carefully, it is indeed the baby's cry.

   is weak, but the source of the sound... is upstairs!

  Xiamen followed the cry and came to a bedroom.

   I saw the newborn baby boy lying on the bed.

   is indeed a new born, the little boy still has some blood stains on his body, not even the umbilical cord.

   The little baby boy was placed on the bed like that, not even covered by the quilt, and his skin was frozen blue.

   I don't know how long this little baby boy has been kept here, it seems that his mother left after giving birth to him.

   is forced to leave, will you leave voluntarily?

   At this moment, the little baby boy was so weak that he could only make a cat-like cry from time to time, as if expressing his desire to survive.

   When Gu Yanyu saw the little baby boy on the bed, he didn't even know what it was.

   "Hohohoho?" What is this?

   should be human, right?

   Because he smelled human beings on this little boy.

   But this 'little man' looks so small!

   Gu Yanyu's voice brought Xia Xia back to her senses, and she hurried over to the bed to take the quilt and wrap the little baby boy.

  Xia Tian said to Gu Yanyu, "It should be the child's mother who gave up this child in order to live."

   Gu Yanyu tilted his head to look at her with a look of incomprehension.

   Is there a conflict between the two?

   "Because the newborn baby is still young, he can't understand what adults say, and sometimes he will cry loudly."

   And crying in the end times is simply a disaster!

  Summer is understandable, but at the same time unhappy.

   Of course, she hoped otherwise...

  The little baby boy was abandoned just after birth, which made her think of herself.

   If her parents hadn't abandoned her, she could have... a happy family, right?

   "A Yu, will you go out and find some milk powder and come back? Do you remember what milk powder looks like?" Xia Xia asked Gu Yanyu.

  Gu Yanyu nodded, he remembered.

   A few days ago, when he was shopping with Xia Xia, he passed by the baby area.

   At that time, I took him in for a stroll in the summer and introduced him to what is milk powder, what is diaper and so on.

   "Okay, then you remember to bring unexpired milk powder, small diapers, and some baby clothes... Oh, and remember to bring a feeding bottle."

   "Hohohoho!" Guaranteed to complete the mission!


   Worried that the baby boy would be too weak and would get sick, he bought a potion in the platform mall to feed him in summer.

   The little baby boy who drank the potion is finally no longer weak, and his little hands and feet can move.

  Xiamen breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at the little baby boy lying on the bed.

   The little baby boy is very beautiful, and it can be seen that his mother must be a beautiful woman.

   Summer hopes that the parents of the little boy are not so cruel.

   Maybe they will come back to pick up the baby boy?

   Thinking like this, I decided to stay in this place for a while in summer and wait for the parents of the little boy to come back——

   While Gu Yanyu was out looking for something, he went to the kitchen to use a gas stove to boil hot water to bathe the little boy in summer.

   There are no baby supplies in this house, it should not be the home of this little baby boy.

   Maybe, because he was about to give birth, he came here to give birth.

   Bathing a baby boy is not difficult, but the untreated umbilical cord is more difficult in summer.

   If it is infected, then the problem is serious.

   But she is not a doctor, how to deal with it?

   No way, I went to the platform mall again in the summer to see if there was anything in the mall to deal with this umbilical cord.

   Don’t say, the platform mall is quite versatile, and it actually exists!

  A patch specially attached to the navel, so you don't have to worry about infection.

  The little baby boy is very good, he just hummed twice while taking a bath, and then fell asleep.

  Gu Yanyu went quickly and came back quickly.

   Worried that the little boy would be hungry, so he first brought a can of milk powder, a feeding bottle, a pack of diapers and a few sets of baby clothes.

  In the summer, put on diapers and clothes for the little boy first, and then go to formulate milk powder.

When    was mixing milk powder, she also asked Gu Yanyu to join her.

  Because she was worried, what if Gu Yanyu couldn't help biting the little baby boy?

  While mixing milk powder in summer, he told Gu Yanyu: "That little baby, you can't hurt him, you know?"

   Gu Yanyu blinked, it turned out that Xia Xia was worried that he would hurt that little baby!

   He roared twice and gestured to Xia Xia, indicating that he did not eat human flesh.

  Xiamen grinned and said, "I'm not worried that you will smell the baby's scent, so I can't help it!"

  Gu Yanyu: "..."

   He seems so uncontrollable... a zombie?

   Anyway, he is now an eighth-order zombie, and he no longer has a strong desire for human flesh.

   So summer worries are absolutely superfluous!

   Seeing Gu Yanyu like this, he patted him on the shoulder after adjusting the milk powder in summer: "Okay, I trust you! But you must remember, don't hurt the baby!"

   Gu Yanyu nodded solemnly, saying that he would never hurt the baby!

  Smiles satisfied in summer, took the bottle upstairs to feed the baby.

  Gu Yanyu followed behind, watching Xia Xia pick up the baby and gently feed the baby with milk.

   Maybe it was because the movements in summer were too gentle, and the maternal love radiated from her whole body made the baby feel at ease.

   At the same time, it also made Gu Yanyu a little unhappy.

   You must know that although summer is sometimes very gentle to him, but not so gentle!

What's wrong? Summer didn't like him, did he change his mind to like this little baby boy?

   Later, Gu Yanyu realized that summer is of course different for him and the little boy.

   The little baby boy can be regarded as a son, can Gu Yanyu?


   It is estimated that the little boy has not eaten since he was born, and he has finished drinking the milk powder prepared in summer.

   That small appearance makes me feel a little distressed in summer——

   Now the child is still young and sleeps a lot.

   And he is very well-behaved. He hums twice when he is hungry, and sleeps when he drinks milk.

  If he can't sleep, he doesn't cry or make trouble.

  Gu Yanyu used to like to walk around behind Xia Xia's buttocks, but now he likes to lie beside the bed and watch this pitiful little guy.

   He just watched, occasionally reaching out and carefully touching the little boy's hands, feet or cheeks.

  Because the hand is too cold, the little baby boy will move as soon as you touch it, it looks very cute!

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