Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 374: Cute zombie, follow me (19)

  Gu Yanyu has collected so many crystal nuclei in F City, and there must be no more crystal nuclei left, so naturally he has to leave F City.

   Before leaving F City, they naturally had to find a means of transportation.

   In summer, it is wise to go to the place that sells cars and choose a big red Hummer to drive away.

  This Hummer isn't as good as the previous RV, but it's still pretty good.

  At least this color, I like it in summer—

   "A Yu, how did you meet Huo Junlan yesterday? Did you kill all of Huo Junlan's teammates?"

   Driving is quite boring. Of course, in summer, I am distracted by chatting with Gu Yanyu to relieve the boredom, otherwise I will doze off.

   Who is Junlan Huo?

   Gu Yanyu tilted his head and thought for a long time before he remembered that what Xia Xia said should be the woman he was going to kill yesterday.

   In the past few days, apart from Huo Junlan's teammates who wanted to kill him, he didn't kill any other humans.

  When he saw those human beings in F City, he either didn't show up, or he took a detour.

  What, does Xia know the woman who was going to kill him before?

   Could that woman be her friend?

   Thinking like this, Gu Yanyu's whole person is not well.

   He stretched out his hand to pull Xia Xia's sleeve, bowed his head weakly, and looked completely sincere in admitting his mistake.

  Xiamen tilted his head to look at him, and asked with some doubts: "What are you doing? I just asked you."

  Although it is wrong to kill innocent people indiscriminately, can she expect the zombies who are the 'natural enemies' of humans to show mercy to humans?

   No way!

   So Xia Xia didn't mean to blame Gu Yanyu, he just wanted to teach him who should be killed and who should not be killed.

   Gu Yanyu saw that Xia Xia was not angry, so he guessed that he was thinking too much.

   is also right, summer is so good, how can he be friends with that bad woman who wants to kill him!


  It took a long time in the summer to tell Gu Yanyu who should be killed and who should not be killed.

  Gu Yanyu looked like "I understand" and nodded.

   But Summer wasn't sure if he really understood it all.

   After all, they are zombies, and they want to bite when they see people.

  I am still worried in summer, worried that Gu Yanyu will eat human flesh again, how disgusting, bloody!

   She remembered that when he watched a zombie movie with Gu Yanyu in a certain world, Gu Yanyu almost vomited, right?


   Hearing Xia Xia suddenly laughing, Gu Yanyu was a little confused.

   "Hohohoho?" What are you laughing at?

   Seeing Gu Yanyu's puzzled look, Xia Xia waved his hand: "It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly remembered a very funny thing!"

   "Hoohoho?" What's the matter?

   "You want to know?" Xia Xia asked Gu Yanyu.

  Gu Yanyu nodded again and again, he really wanted to know!

   Xia Tian thought that Gu Yanyu's body in this world has always been a zombie. According to the data, he should have no memory.

  Then she said something about him, he shouldn't have noticed anything wrong, right?

   Thinking like this, Xia Xia simply told him and said, "We watched a movie together before, and it was about the end of the world and the outbreak of the zombie virus."

Um? What is a movie?

   It's no wonder that Gu Yanyu didn't know this. If you asked questions about zombie viruses, he might know. After all, those scientists are studying every day.

   But he doesn't understand some common sense of life.

   Xia Xia saw that Gu Yanyu didn't understand, so he first explained to him what a movie is.

After    finished speaking, he said, "At that time, when you saw a zombie biting a person, when you opened the human stomach and held the intestines and other internal organs in your hands, you were so disgusted that you almost vomited."

   "When you recover your memory, will you be so disgusted by yourself that you vomit?"

   The corner of Gu Yanyu's mouth twitched. Although he also felt disgusting, he probably wouldn't vomit.

   After all, he is 'not' Gu Yanyu!

   Thinking that Xia Xia was talking about his experience with 'others', Gu Yanyu's mood became very manic.

  He lowered his head, covering up the storm he couldn't suppress, and the bloodthirsty factor in his body.

   - If you want to ask Gu Yanyu who's most jealous in his life, there is only one answer: his own!

   Although every time Gu Yanyu regained his memory, he would feel speechless at the fact that he was jealous of himself, but once the memory was gone, he would continue to eat his own jealousy—


  Although the decision to go to Beijing was suddenly interrupted for a few days, after leaving F city with Gu Yanyu in the summer, the route still went to Beijing.

   Stop and go all the way, not in a hurry, not like a person who is trying to survive in the end times.

   Of course, there is no need to survive in summer.

  When you are hungry, go to the supermarket you pass by to find something to eat, and you can always find something to eat.

  Especially in places where there are many zombies, there is no need to worry about not eating.

   After all, if there are too many zombies, no one dares to visit.

  Those zombies, not to mention they won't bite her, even if they see her, they have to turn around.


   Because Gu Yanyu is now an eighth-order zombie! Not needing to release mental coercion will also make those low-level zombies instinctively fear, and then detour.

   In the blink of an eye, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu were already on their way to Beijing for half a month.

   Obviously, if you keep driving, you can get there in four or five days, but because they don't take the expressway but the city, the route is lengthened.

   In addition, they occasionally have to live in a certain city for two or three days to collect crystal cores, and the time is delayed again and again.

   Fortunately, the two of us are not in a hurry, so we can arrive at any time when we arrive in Beijing!

   On this day, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu arrived at Y City, two cities away from Beijing.

The population of   Y City is quite large. After the outbreak of the zombie virus, the number of zombies will naturally increase.

   It is more than a month after the outbreak of the zombie virus. I wonder how many human beings are still alive in Y City?

   "Let's stop here for two or three days." Summer drove the car into a villa residential complex that looked pretty good.

   She plans to live in the villa for two or three days.

  Gu Yanyu nodded in agreement.

   Of course he agreed, because when he extended his mental power, he noticed that there were two Tier 4 zombies in the city.

   Tier 4 zombies!

  The taste of the crystal nucleus is good-

  Driving a car through the villa area in summer, trying to find a villa with less damage.

  Finally, they found a villa with a clean appearance and complete floor-to-ceiling windows.

   "Is it all right here?" Xia Xia asked Gu Yanyu, of course Gu Yanyu listened to Xia Xia unconditionally.

   The car was parked on the side of the road. In summer, he got off the car and walked directly to the villa, while Gu Yanyu consciously went to the trunk to get things.

  As soon as I arrived at the door in summer, I found that the door was unlocked!

   Well, the owner of the house should be in a hurry, so it is very normal that the door is not closed.

  In those houses now, as long as no one is there, the doors are basically not locked.

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