Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 350: Professor Wen, please give more advice (22)

  The text message sent to Wen Linxia in summer, when Wen Linxia saw it, it was already a month after he went to Dashan as a volunteer teaching.

   He went down the mountain specially that day, thinking of going back to the town to buy something.

  I don't know what to think, he turned on the phone that had been turned off, and dozens of messages popped up.

  'Professor Wen, call me after seeing the information...'

  ‘Professor Wen, why did you suddenly resign? where did you go? contact me please? ’

  ‘Professor Wen, what happened to you? Is it good to start! \'

  'Professor Wen, don't scare me, turn it on! Contact me now! ’

  'Wen Linxia, ​​if you don't turn on the phone again, I'll go and report your disappearance, believe it or not? ! ’

  ‘Did you see the message, did you not return my message? ’

'Where are you? ! ! ! ’


  'Wen Linxia, ​​do you think I can't find you? ! ’

  ‘I will find you! ’

   After reading dozens of text messages in turn, Wen Linxia was a little confused.

   His coming to T City was a temporary decision. It could be said that no one except Lin Kuan knew where he was.

   Didn't expect Xia Xia to be so nervous about him, and even when he saw the last message, Wen Linxia inexplicably believed that she would really find her.

   But what did she do to him?

   At this time, shouldn't she be with her boyfriend?

   However, Wen Linxia didn't know that at this time of summer, he had already arrived... behind him!

   "Wen Linxia!"

When the familiar voice came from behind, Wen Linxia couldn't believe it.

   He even thought that he might have auditory hallucinations.

  Because for the past month, apart from eating and sleeping, he taught those children classes every day, and the rest of the time was spent thinking about summer.

   Even in the dream world, there are all summer figures.

   Yes, he must be hallucinating.

  How could it be possible to find this place in summer! She didn't even know she was here!

   Yes, it is a hallucination.

  Wen Linxia suppressed the loss in her heart, turned around but was stunned.

   That familiar, youthful and beautiful face that he had dreamed of countless times is now in front of him!

  Wen Linxia's eyes widened, looking at the summer in front of him: "Xiaoyun? You... could you..." Here? !

  Because he was so surprised, Wen Linxia stammered when he spoke.

  Xiamen stood two meters away from Wen Linxia, ​​looking at him with anger and grievance, his eyes were still red.

   "I thought you were dead! Why don't you turn it on! Do you know how anxious I am to find you?!"

   Seeing summer like this, Wen Linxia panicked even more, as helpless as a child who did something wrong.

   He even forgot that he left M City in anger because he "tricked" him in the summer and said he didn't have a boyfriend.

   He thinks it was him who did the wrong thing... well well, he was the one who was wrong! He must be wrong!

  Wen Linxia quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I... I'm in the mountains, and my phone doesn't have a signal, so I just don't turn it on... I didn't know you were looking for me..."

   He took a few steps forward and walked in front of Xia Xia. He wanted to wipe Xia Xia’s tears, but he felt it was inappropriate.

  Xiamen raised his hand and wiped away his tears, then stared at Wen Linxia: "Then why didn't you tell me first when you left?!"

  Because he's angry...

   "You're talking!" Summer was a little fierce.

  Wen Linxia was angry when he saw Xia Xia for the first time. To be honest, he was a little scared.

   He spoke weakly, full of curiosity: "How did you know I was here?"

   "You answer my question first!" Xia Tian pouted, looking like he was about to cry.

  Wen Linxia was afraid that he would really cry in summer, so he quickly explained honestly: "I, I decided to come here on a temporary basis, I didn't want to tell you..."

   "Why don't you want to tell me? What do you mean, Wen Linxia? Are you... hiding from me?"

  Wen Linxia didn't speak, he didn't even know what he meant!

   Hide summer? What is there to hide, she already has a boyfriend...

   Seeing Wen Linxia, ​​he stopped talking, and turned his head away from her.

  Xiaomi rolled her eyes, thinking about it, and then she simply squatted on the ground and started 'howling' with her head and arms in it.

  Wen Linxia was startled and stunned, so he squatted down and put both hands on Xia's shoulders: "Xiaoyun...Xiaoyun, don't cry..."

"Woohoo, Woo Wow, Linxia, ​​you are a big bastard! ... Woohoo, you don’t know how much I am worried about you! You don’t know how hard I find you this month.

   She cried and said, but she still didn't raise her head. Wen Linxia felt distressed and guilty when she heard it.

   "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry 1 I was wrong! I was wrong! I was wrong! I shouldn't have left without saying goodbye! I shouldn't have shut down! I'm sorry Xiaoyun! Don't cry, okay?"

   Summer just ignored him and cried very happily.

   Just kidding, she held it back for a month!

   At this moment, she has to make Wen Linxia feel distressed enough to say anything!

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Wen Linxia's favorability for you is 95%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Well, for the sake of her favorability, she can cry less for a while...

   On the road in a rural town, a girl in sportswear crouched on the ground and cried so much that it was heart-wrenching.

The tall and handsome man next to    frowned tightly, his face was full of self-blame and distress, and he kept coaxing the girl.

  Because both of them were dressed differently from others, passers-by could not help but glance at them.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Wen Linxia's favorability for you is 96%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Wen Linxia's favorability for you is 97%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Wen Linxia's favorability for you is 98%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

About half an hour later, Wen Linxia, ​​who had apologized countless times, began to say: "Xiaoyun, don't cry, I promise to tell you where I go in the future, the phone will never be turned off, and I will reply immediately when I receive your text message! "

   Having said that, Wen Linxia found that the cry in summer was much smaller.

  Wen Linxia's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said a lot of promises.

   Just when he was about to run out of words, he finally heard Xia Xia speak.

   "Can you do what you say?" Summer's voice was muffled and hoarse from crying too long.

  Wen Linxia nodded again and again: "I can do it! I can do what I say! Definitely!"

   After he finished speaking, it took a long time for summer to finally raise his head.

   His fair little face was still full of tears, those beautiful eyes were red, and the tip of his nose was pink.

   That poor little appearance made Wen Linxia feel even more distressed.

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