Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 349: Professor Wen, please give more advice (21)

   Xia Xia hummed and gave Song Yanming a cheering gesture before turning around and entering the school.

  Song Yanming had been standing there until he could not see Xia Xia before he got in the car and left.

  Today, he deliberately rested, left M University without going home, and went straight to the suburbs——

  In a cemetery in the suburbs, Song Yanming appeared in the cemetery holding a bunch of gypsophila.

   His destination was very clear. It was in front of the tombstone engraved with "The Tomb of His Beloved Wife Yun Ziyi".

  Song Yanming stopped and looked at the photo on the tombstone with undisguised affection in his eyes.

  On the tombstone, Yun Ziyi in the photo is young and beautiful, with a gentle smile.

  Song Yanming put the gypsophila bouquet in front of the tombstone and said softly, "Yiyi, I'm here to see you."

  If summer is here, you can hear the tone of his voice, which is different from usual.

   is not only with affection in his eyes, but also full of love and longing in his tone.

   "It's been seventeen a blink of an eye, it's been seventeen years since you left me...Yiyi...I brought you your favorite starry sky. Are you there, okay?"

   "I'm fine, so is Xiaoyun! By the way, Xiaoyun is going to take the graduation exam in advance today... Oh, I forgot, I told you when I came last week..."

   "But Xiaoyun said that after the exam today, she will confess to the boy she likes. I don't know what that boy looks like..."

   "Yiyi...I miss you so much..."

  In the cemetery, a handsome, calm man stood there.

   He looked at a certain tombstone with gentle eyes and whispered something.

   As for what he said, no one knows except him and the beautiful woman who has been sleeping underground for seventeen years—

After staying in the cemetery for a long time, Song Yanming looked at Yun Ziyi reluctantly and said, "Yiyi, I have to go back and prepare a celebration feast for Xiaoyun, and come back to talk to you another day. You are there, take good care of you. take care of yourself, you know?"

   As usual, the answer to him was silence.

  Song Yanming didn't mind either, enduring the familiar dull pain in his heart, he reluctantly left.

  The breeze blew past the gypsophila in front of the tombstone, on the tombstone, Yun Ziyi's smile was still peaceful——


  The exams in summer went very smoothly, the papers were handed in ahead of time, and the graduation certificate written by the principal himself was also obtained in advance.

   Then, she went to Wen Linxia.

   The result was told that Wen Linxia had resigned and left the school!

   "When did it happen?!" Summer asked in surprise.

   "It's just this morning! Professor Wen left school after resigning... eh! This classmate... why is he running so fast?"

  Summer is running outside the school while calling Wen Linxia.

  Although she submitted the papers ahead of time, it was almost noon at this time.

   It has been several hours since Wen Linxia resigned.

   She had no idea that Wen Linxia would resign, nor why she would resign.

   However, Wen Linxia's mobile phone is off...

   Xia Xia frowned tightly, and went straight to Wen Linxia's residence after leaving the school gate.

   When I was looking for Wen Linxia, ​​I was still thinking in the summer: Okay, since Wen Linxia has resigned, he can make a confession not at school, but at his door!

   However, when he arrived at the door of Wen Linxia's house, he rang the doorbell for a long time and no one responded.

not at home? !

   Now, in the summer, I bought a positioning system directly in the platform mall and searched for the location of Wen Linxia.

  I found out after searching, no wonder Wen Linxia's mobile phone was turned off! He's on a plane!

   So, where is Wen Linxia going by plane?

   After looking at it, Xia Xia knew that he was going to T City.

  What to do in T city?

  Turn off the positioning system in summer, thinking that something might have happened suddenly in Wen Linxia, ​​so he left in such a hurry.

   It takes about three hours to go from city M to city T. I checked the flight information in summer and determined that Wen Linxia would get off the plane at about 1:00 pm.

  Since that's the case, then she'll call him later.

   Anyway, now that she has graduated and he has resigned, it seems that time has suddenly increased!

  Summer sent a message to Wen Linxia, ​​asking him to call her after seeing it, and then go home——

   At half past one in the afternoon, Wen Linxia got off the plane.

   However, he didn't even take out his mobile phone, let alone turn it on, so naturally he didn't see Summer's text messages.

   Someone came to pick up Wen Linxia at the airport, Lin Kuan, his good friend in college.

   As soon as he got in the car, Lin Kuan looked at him with a smile on his face: "Yo~ why did our Professor Wen suddenly go to our remote countryside to be a volunteer teacher on a whim?!"

   "It's nothing, I just got bored in the city, so I just wanted to change the environment."

  Wen Linxia is still smiling, and her tone is normal. She really looks like someone who suddenly wants to change the environment.

  Lin Kuan knew Wen Linxia quite well. Although Wen Linxia's tone was normal, he still heard something was wrong.

   Knowing that there must be a reason, Lin Kuan didn't ask much.

   He laughed twice: "I can't wait! You're here, I have a chance to be lazy!"

  After graduating from university, Lin Kuan, who was originally a wealthy young master, resolutely went to Dashan to become a volunteer teacher despite the opposition of his family.

   This is for several years!

  Lin Kuan started the car and left the airport with Wen Linxia——


  M City,

  Xiamen checked the flight and knew that Wen Linxia's plane had arrived at City T, but he didn't get his call.

   After thinking about it, Xia Xia decided to take the initiative to call him.

   As a result, the phone was dialed, but it was still turned off!

  What the **** is Wen Linxia doing? !

   Inexplicably lowered her favorability! Unexpectedly resigned! Inexplicably left M city! It doesn't even start up for no apparent reason!

  Xiamer turned on the positioning system again, and then found that Wen Linxia was in a car with a man of his age driving next to him.

   After listening to their conversation, Xia Xia knew that Wen Linxia was going to be a volunteer teacher in a certain mountain!

   It’s okay to be a volunteer teacher. The problem is, why did Wen Linxia choose to be a volunteer teacher at this time?

   Besides, why didn't Wen Linxia tell her before going to be a volunteer teacher?

   After thinking about it, Xia Xia can only guess based on Wen Linxia's inexplicable drop in her favorability in the morning, that he left in such a hurry because she——

   Now Wen Linxia's mobile phone is off and can't get through. When she enters the mountain, she doesn't even think about being able to contact Wen Linxia by her mobile phone.

   So, she has to go by herself!

   But, is she going to T City now, or will it take a while?

  If Wen Linxia really left because of her, then Xia Xia felt that she should go to him after a while.

After    decided, turn off the positioning system in summer.

   Regardless of whether Wen Linxia can receive her text message or not, she still sends another text message:

  Professor Wen, why did you suddenly resign? where did you go? contact me please?

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