Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 316: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (17)

   Sometimes Gu Yanyu can't help but sigh: "Why does time pass so slowly..."

   Then he will count with his fingers, how many days and nights there are still in summer.

   In summer, she was thinking about when to implement her plan to fix Gu Yanyu——

   In the blink of an eye, it has been a month since I ran away from home in the summer.

   This morning, Gu Yanyu woke up with his arms around Xia Xia as usual, got up reluctantly, and ate breakfast with Xia Xia before going to the military camp.

   As a result, not long after Gu Yanyu went to the military camp, he was notified by the servants from the Lu residence, "Miss fainted suddenly!"

   Gu Yanyu was taken aback and hurried back to Lu Mansion.

   asked the doctor who checked Xia Xia's pulse, the doctor shook his head in confusion: "It's strange, the lady's body is not in serious trouble, why is she in a coma?"

   Of course, Gu Yanyu didn't think that Xia Xia would pretend to lie to him, and he was so panicked in his heart.

   This doctor can't see anything wrong, so change to another doctor.

   But just when Gu Yanyu wanted to ask someone to invite the doctor again, Summer in the bed woke up.

   Gu Yanyu was overjoyed and hurried over: "Are you okay? What's wrong? Why did you suddenly faint?"

   One of his inquiries was exchanged for Xia Tian's face full of doubts.

   " come you are here? I...where is this?"

   Summer's question made Gu Yanyu bewildered.

  Call him uncle in summer? ! call him uncle? !

what happened? !

   Just when Gu Yanyu was stunned by lightning, the bell came over: "Miss, you just fainted suddenly, don't you remember?"

   Seeing the bell, Xia Xia also looked at her with the eyes of a stranger: "Who are you?"

  Bell's face was stunned: "Miss, you don't recognize slaves?!"

Xia Xia shook his head, then frowned and thought for a while, and said, "I remembered! There was a chaotic army entering the Lu Mansion, and my mother said... let me go with the mammy... Then, the chaotic army chased up... Mammy They...they..."

  Xiamen grabbed Gu Yanyu's hand and asked him, "Uncle, my mother and the others, are they all right?"

   Now, Gu Yanyu finally realized a problem.

   He regained his memory, and then in the summer... but 'amnesia'!

   In fact, Gu Yanyu's first reaction was, summer clothes!

   So he planned to swipe away the servants in the room, leaving only himself with Xia Xia.

   However, at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

   "Ayu, long time no see... oh no, it's been a long time since you haven't seen me, but I see you every day!"

   "Uncle Sharon?"

  Gu Yanyu knows that he needs to communicate with the people of the Plane Association, so he doesn't need to say it, just think about it.

   It's just that Gu Yanyu was surprised. He didn't expect that Xia Lun would still be able to contact him if the system malfunctioned.

   After all, he has traveled several worlds, so Sharon can never contact him once!

   Sharon smiled and said, "It's me, why, you can't even hear my voice?"

   Gu Yanyu habitually joked with him and replied, "With such a standard voice, how could I not hear that it's you, Uncle Xia Lun!"

  Sharon choked, gritted her teeth and said, "'re like this, I won't tell you what happened to Summer!"

   "Eh, don't! I was wrong, I was wrong! Uncle Sharon, you are such an arrogant person, you will never know me in the same way, right?"

   That's right, it's very useful here in Sharon.

   Then Sharon said: "For the sake of what you said so nicely, then I'll tell you!"

  Gu Yanyu didn't speak, waiting for Sharon to tell him.

  However, Gu Yanyu never thought that Xia Lun had already united with Xia Xia and was ready to...get him a good deal!

   Sharon said, "It's not because the system is malfunctioning, that's why you and Xia Xia are trapped in the world of novels!"

   Gu Yanyu hummed: "Then what? Does this have anything to do with the current situation in summer?"

   "Of course it does!"

   "What's the matter?" Gu Yanyu asked.

   Sharon replied: "The brain waves of both of you are linked to the system. Just now...the system fluctuated again, and as a result, if you are not careful...the summer will lose your memory."

   "Really amnesia?!"

   If there was someone else next to him, Gu Yanyu would really be able to jump up.

  Xia Lun held back a laugh, pretending to be serious and humming: "Now summer only has Lu Zijin's memory, and the memory stays at..."

  Gu Yanyu answered: "Staying at the time when the chaotic army entered the Lufu and she was intercepted by the chaotic army on the way to escape."

"Right, that is it!"

   "Now, how can I restore summer's memory?" Gu Yanyu's tone was very serious.

   So serious, Sharon finally couldn't bear it anymore.

   He hurriedly turned off the voice on his side, first covering his stomach and laughing loudly.

   Just before the "fainting" in summer, which is rare in summer, he took the initiative to contact Sharon.

   She went straight into the subject and asked Sharon to help her.

   Actually, in addition to her love of making systems, Sharon also has a hobby, which is pranking!

   This summer prank suits his taste very well!

   Anyway, he is also bored, and summer is also boring, so why not play?

   So, Sharon didn't even hesitate, and simply agreed to help Xia Xia.

   Then...there was a "fainting" in the summer, and Sharon took the initiative to contact Gu Yanyu, saying that there was a problem with the system again.

   Gu Yanyu waited for a long time without waiting for Sharon's answer, and hurriedly called him: "Uncle Sharon! Uncle Sharon, are you still here?!"

   "Pfft... Am I still dead when I'm not here? The signal was not good just now, because there was a problem with the system."

After   , Sharon couldn't help but praise herself: The reason is awesome!

   Gu Yanyu was very worried that the system would disconnect again, and quickly asked Sharon again: "Then tell me now, how can I restore my memory in summer!"

   Sharon only replied: "Let her fall in love with you 100%."

   Then, he quickly disconnected.

   said that the signal is not good, then 'bad signal'!

  Gu Yanyu still wanted to ask Sharon something, but no matter how much he shouted, he couldn't get Sharon's response.

   In fact, what Gu Yanyu wanted to ask was, how can he know the summer when he has 'amnesia', and how can he be 100% in love with him.

   He also wanted to ask if Sharon also had to give him a Raiders system prompting his favorability or something.

  Otherwise, how could he know when in the summer and fall in love with him 100%?

   Gu Yanyu tilted his head and looked at Summer who was lying on the bed listening to the bell.

   If there is no Sharon, then Gu Yanyu would really guess that summer is a dress.

  Gu Yanyu didn't know that Xia Lun would lie to him together with Xia Xia!

   sighed helplessly, thankful that the system went wrong after he regained his memory.

   Before he regained his memory, then he and Xia Xia didn't know each other.

  The consequences are a bit bad!

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