Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 315: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (16)

   Then, in summer, naturally, you have to pretend to be surprised, and then hurry up and run!

   Seeing Xia Xia running away in a panic, of course Lu Jinshu hurried after him!

  How could the 'short legs' in summer outrun Lu Jinshu's long legs?

  You chased me and ran to a dead end in the summer 'accidentally'.

  Looking at the bamboo ladder leaning against the wall, after hesitating in the summer, he climbed up, 'thinking' to rely on this ladder to turn out.

   "Zijin!" Lu Jinshu was afraid of falling in the summer, so he hurried over to hug her.

   " let me go!" Xia Xia blushed, but did not break free from Lu Jinshu's arms.

  Lu Jinshu directly took Xia Xia down from the bamboo ladder, and hugged him tightly: "Don't move!"

   He let out a cold cry, which directly made Xia Xia 'don't dare to move'.

   But the next moment she raised her tearful eyes and stared at Lu Jinshu full of accusations.

   "What are you yelling at me for! Who asked you to come to me?! Didn't the letter say it! Don't look for it! Are you illiterate?!"

   That momentum is much more frightening than Lu Jinshu!

  Lu Jinshu's momentum instantly weakened.

  If Lu Jinshu was really some kind of animal, he would definitely be able to see his ears that were pricked up and collapsed softly in an instant...

  Lu Jinshu softened his voice and apologized: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you, I...I am... too worried about you..."

  Xia Tian held back the laughter in his heart, and didn't turn his head away from looking at Lu Jinshu: "Who made you worry, I'm fine!"

  Lu Jinshu looked at Xia Tian up and down, and she did look pretty good.

   looks good and is not thin.

   On the other hand, he couldn't sleep well, couldn't eat, and everyone lost a lot of weight.

   Thinking like this, Lu Jinshu felt a little wronged.

   But more than that, it is fortunate.

  I am glad that the ten days of 'running away from home' in summer have gone well.

   In my heart, I let out a sigh of relief.

   "Well, but I'm not good." Lu Jinshu said.

Xia Xia looked up at him: "What's wrong with you? The emperor wants to give you a marriage, marry whoever you want! You are a first-class waiter, there are so many beauties, as long as you hook your fingers, they will be delivered automatically! You …”

   Before she could finish, she was interrupted by Lu Jinshu.

   He said, "But I just want to marry you."

  Fuck! It's so rare to say these words from Lu Jinshu's mouth!

  Xia Tian looked dumbfounded, reading Lu Jinshu in a daze.

  Lu Jinshu was amused by the expression of summer and grinned. There has never been a moment when summer was cuter than now!

   He asked Xia Xia: "Zijin, will you marry me?"

  Is this a marriage proposal? ! Proposing so soon? !

  Xiamen widened his eyes in surprise, looking at Lu Jinshu with an expression of disbelief: "You... what did you say?"

  Lu Jinshu leaned over and approached the summer.

   "I said, Zijin, are you willing to marry me?" Lu Jinshu's voice was low, and when he deliberately lowered his voice, Xia Xia's body was softened.

  Xiamen blinked and swallowed again: "Uncle..."

   "Don't call me uncle in the future, it's not your own anyway."

  Summer: "!!!"

  She, she wants to say it again!

   If she knew that one runaway could solve so many problems, she would have left home long ago!

   "Then...then, what do I call you?" Xia Xia asked Lu Jinshu.

  Lu Jinshu thought about it and replied, "After getting married, call him Xianggong. Before getting married, let's call him Jinshu."

   After finishing speaking, Lu Jinshu pressed his forehead against Xia Xia's forehead and said, "Zijin, I'll be waiting for you..."

  Lu Jinshu's eyes were originally very deep. Looking at her so affectionately at this moment, Xia Xia's heart skipped a beat.

  Who said that Lu Jinshu's EQ is low? who said it?

   It's not what she said anyway! She doesn't admit it!

  Nima becomes affectionate, and love words come casually!

  Xia Tian opened his mouth, just about to speak, when he heard a prompt from the strategy system: "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Lu Jinshu's favorability to you is 100%, the task is completed, congratulations!"

  ! ! !

   The last 1% favorability is too high... there is no sign of it!

  When summer was still stunned, Gu Yanyu had completely recovered his memory.

   The hand that was already around Xia Xia tightened a little bit. He smiled and said to Xia Xia, "Actually, the lady can change her name to Xianggong now!"

   In summer, he stopped pretending to be weak, and flexibly broke free from Gu Yanyu's arms.

   "Want me to call you Xianggong? You want to be beautiful! You will pay me for three years first!"

   Although I didn’t think that the favorability level would suddenly increase, it filled up so quickly.

   But this is really good news for summer.

   At least, she can fix Gu Yanyu in advance!

  Gu Yanyu raised his hand, held his tough face, and blinked and pouted cutely: "No, no, they don't want to give you three years, they want to give you many, many three hundred years~ There are countless kinds~"

   Summer had a smile in his eyes, but a snort on his face.

   I thought to myself, don't think that she can change her mind if she is cute!


   Ten days after 'running away from home', he was 'find' back in the summer.

   When Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu returned to Ancheng, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  The horse stopped at the entrance of Lu Mansion, Gu Yanyu turned over and dismounted first, and then carried Xia Xia down.

   When the summer fell on the ground, Gu Yanyu habitually took her hand and walked towards Lu Mansion.

   His unabashed intimacy made everyone see that something was wrong.

   When he had not regained his memory before, although he was also very affectionate with Summer's behavior, he would not be as affectionate as he is now!

   "Miss! You are back! The slaves are worried to death!" Bell ran to Xia Xia with a crying voice.

  Xiamen grinned at her, took out the bell bracelet she bought and handed it to the bell: "Hey~ I bought it for you!"

  Bell was a little flattered to take it. I didn't expect to go out in summer, and even thought of buying her a gift!

   "Thank you Miss!"

Gu Yanyu next to    raised his eyebrows, lowered his head and asked Xia Xia, "Didn't you buy it for me?"

   Hearing this, Xia Xia raised his head and glared at him: "I'm pranking with you, how can I buy you something!"

After   , Xia Xia snorted.

   Gu Yanyu smiled and pinched the flesh on her cheek: "That's my fault, it's my fault."

   Here, Gu Nanshen reminds all the men that when your daughter-in-law is angry, no matter who is at fault, it is your fault!

   When admitting mistakes, remember to be very sincere!

   "Of course it's your fault!" Summer replied.

   This flirtatious posture made the people next to him look at him in a daze.

  Completely, I don’t suit this style of painting——

   Although everyone didn't get used to it at first, after Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia came back, Gu Yanyu could not wait to watch over her twelve hours a day.

   That posture, it's a bit difficult for others to get used to it!

  Although Gu Yanyu wanted to be with Xia Xia all the time, Lu Jiajun couldn't ignore it because of his identity.

   However, it's the management, but more time is spent by Gu Yanyu to accompany the summer.

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