Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 223: Long live, Your Majesty! (fourteen)

  Yu Wenli smiled smugly: "I know that the Queen's Wife wants to drink it, so I brought my brother here! But let's talk about it first, the Queen's Wife is really good at catching a tiger for me!"

  Yu Wenli knows that Xia Xia's martial arts are strong, and he has tried it before with Xia Xia.

   Of course, in the end he lost miserably...

  Xiamen was about to nod his head when he heard Yu Wenyuan's unpleasant words: "No! It's too dangerous to catch tigers!"

   knew that Yu Wenyuan was worried about her, but catching a tiger was too easy for summer.

   What's more, she wasn't going to force it...

   She tilted her head, raised her eyebrows and looked at Yu Wenyuan: "Are you questioning my ability?"

  Yu Wenyuan thought that Xia Xia was angry, and waved his hands quickly: "No no no, that's not what I meant, I just... just worried about you..."

   He was about to be incoherent in a panic, but Xia Tian suddenly burst into laughter.

   She raised her hand and took Yu Wenyuan's arm, and said, "Don't worry, I'm very good! It's beyond your imagination."

   "Alright then, I'll go with you later..."

   Yu Wenyuan's voice was not finished when Yu Wen Li, who was next to him, came over and said, "Me too!"

   Yu Wen Li is used to the way Yu Wen Yuan and Xia Xia get along, so he is no stranger to it.

The people who followed    refreshed their understanding of Yu Wenyuan again and again.

   Mu Qing and Yu Wenhong are very close to Xia Xia and Yu Wenhong, and they can hear them when they talk.

   "Your Majesty treats Concubine Si Gui well, there is no pretence at all! 嘤嘤~ I'm so envious~" Mu Qing whispered beside Yu Wenhong.

   Yu Wenhong heard the words and turned his head to look at Mu Qing.

   Sure enough, Mu Qing looked at the backs of Xia Xia and Yu Wenyuan with envy, as if he wanted to take Xia Xia's place.

   Yu Wenhong frowned, a trace of displeasure flashed across his eyes.

   "Hmph~ What, you want to enter the palace too? Do you want this king to send you in?" Yu Wenhong asked Mu Qing with a sneer.

   The envious expression on Mu Qing's face disappeared, and looked at Yu Wenhong with an incredible and incomprehensible look: "What are you talking about?!"

   She is indeed envious of Xia Xia, and she is indeed fond of Yu Wenyuan's type.

   But she is not a woman who is always in the dark. When she likes Yu Wenhong, she naturally likes Yu Wenhong wholeheartedly.

   She just said that she was envious, but Yu Wenhong actually said that he wanted to send her to the palace?

   "What? Weren't you very happy to go to the palace with others yesterday? If you want to enter, the king has a way to send you in, and there are ways to make you more favored than Concubine Si..."

   If it weren't for the presence of so many people, Mu Qing couldn't help but slap Yu Wenhong.

   She really didn't expect such words to come out of Yu Wenhong's mouth.

   Having known people for more than a year, Mu Qing suddenly felt so unfamiliar.

   is really strange!

   Mu Qing didn't speak, and didn't even look at Yu Wenhong again.

   Yu Wenhong was actually stimulated, especially seeing Yu Wenyuan being so good to Xia Xia, and then Mu Qing looked envious again.

   Actually, what Yu Wenhong said just now was not all angry, he really wanted to send Mu Qing to the palace.

   But the premise is that he has to make sure that Mu Qing is completely on his side.

   But he didn't know what he was going to lose since this idea came up...


   We walked all the way to the periphery of Nanshan Hunting Ground, where tents were already set up.

   Yu Wenyuan was going to hunt tigers with the summer, and had no plans to go to the tent.

   I only explained a few words to everyone, and let them move freely.

  The guards brought the horses over, Xia Xia and Yu Wenyuan each rode one, and Yu Wen Li followed behind.

   Just as everyone was about to set off, they heard Mu Qing shouting from behind: "Wait a minute!"

   The three turned their heads at the same time and looked at Mu Qing who was running towards them.

   Mu Qing also wore a riding suit today, pink, looking youthful and pink.

   "I, can I go with you?" Mu Qing looked at Xia Xia.

  Although it has been more than a year, Mu Qing has been trapped by Yu Wenhong for a long time, and there is really no one he knows.

   She is angry with Yu Wenhong now, so naturally she doesn't want to stay with him.

   Just now, she heard that they were going to fight tigers in the summer. She had never seen a wild tiger, so she was curious!

  Summer raised his eyebrows, if I remember correctly, Mu Qing would not ride a horse.

   "You can go with us, but only if you have to ride a horse." Summer said with a smile.

   Mu Qing was stunned, she can't ride a horse! How to do?

   When I went out before, I either rode a carriage or rode the same horse as Yu Wenhong.

   Mu Qing's eyes fell on Xia Xia, wanting to say that he rode the same horse as her.

   But she sprinkled dog food with Yu Wenyuan all the time. If she was so close, she would be drowned by dog ​​food.

   Riding with Yu Wenyuan? Forget it, she doesn't dare!

   looked around and landed on Yuwen Li.

   Mu Qing opened her innocent eyes and looked at Yu Wenli expectantly.

   Yu Wenli and Yu Wenhong have a bad relationship, and they don't usually hang around, so he doesn't know Mu Qing.

   Seeing Mu Qing looking at him with this look, Yu Wenli blinked: "What do you think this king is doing?"

   Mu Qing trotted two steps to Yu Wenli and said, "I can't ride a horse, can I ride the same horse as you?"

  Yu Wenli almost fell off his horse, he stared at Mu Qing with wide eyes: "What did you say?! Do you understand whether men and women are kissing or not?"

   "It doesn't matter, you can just treat me as a man." Mu Qing got closer, and had already reached out and grabbed the reins of Yuwen Li, for fear that Yu Wen Li would not agree to take her away.

   Yu Wenli tugged on the reins, but didn't pull it back.

   He glared at Mu Qing: "You are a woman! How could I treat you as a man! If you want to follow, ask Brother Sixth Emperor to take you..."

   Before he finished speaking, Mu Qing said, "I don't mind you taking advantage of me, you big man, what are you babbling about?! Are you a woman?"

   "Why is this king a woman?! Good! Come up, this king will take you!" Yuwen Li reached out to Mu Qing and took her on the horse.

   Mu Qingji succeeded, smiling a little treacherously.

   Seeing the interaction between Yuwen Li and Mu Qing, Xia Xia suddenly remembered something.

   That is Yuwen Li in the original plot, not a soy sauce, but an authentic male support!


   "Alright? Then we'll go!" Xia Xia finished, and glanced at Yu Wenyuan with a smile.

  After he nodded slightly, he rode his horse into the hunting ground.

   Seeing that Yu Wenyuan and Xia Xia were gone, Yu Wen Li, who rode the same horse as Mu Qing, quickly followed.

   As soon as the four of them left, Yu Wenhong came over on the back.

   Yu Wenhong rode his horse and stopped at the place where he and Yu Wenyuan stayed in the summer before. He looked down at the guard next to him: "Are you sure the emperor and the others are going this way?"

   After the guard nodded yes, Yu Wenhong asked again, "Who are you all with?"

   "There are Concubine Si, the Eighth Prince, and Miss Mu."

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