Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 222: Long live, Your Majesty! (Thirteen)

  The emperor is going to take the Manchu civil and military to the autumn hunting. Of course, the posture can't be as low-key as the micro-service patrol.

  The mighty people set out from the palace, crossed the most prosperous street in the capital, and then went to the Nanshan hunting ground.

   She rode the same carriage with Yu Wenyuan in the summer. Today, she did not wear a palace suit, but a neat yellow riding suit.

   Her yellow color, at first glance, is similar to Yuwen Yuanming's yellow robe.

   But if you look closely, it is actually golden yellow.

  The riding suit was made by Yu Wenyuan at the embroidery room in the palace, and the color was also made according to Yu Wenyuan's instructions.

  Since according to the rules, you can't wear bright royal colors in summer, then, golden yellow! Stimulate those who are not pleasing to the eyes of his family in summer every day.

   For Yu Wenyuan's careful thinking, Summer has no objection and is willing to cooperate.

   Sure enough, as soon as this summer's golden riding suit spread out, those people's eyes were about to fall.

   She stood beside Yu Wenyuan, not weak at all.

  If those people didn't know clearly that there is no queen yet, they would all think that summer is the queen of the mother world!

  The carriage drove calmly on the street. In summer, he lifted the curtains of the car and looked at the people of Limin who were kneeling on the ground.

   After only one look, he put down the curtains and turned to look at Yu Wenyuan who was reviewing the memorial.

   Although it was said that he was going to the autumn hunting to relax, Yu Wenyuan was still very conscientious and dealt with the things he should have dealt with first.

   Seeing Xia Xia looking at him, Yu Wenyuan covered the memorial, raised his eyes and asked her, "What? Are you bored? Would you like to go out and ride a horse?"

   He was worried that he would not speak when he was reviewing the memorials, and that he would be bored sitting by himself in summer.

   Xia Xia shook his head and moved his body beside Yu Wenyuan.

After    moved to Yu Wenyuan's side, he rested his head on his thigh: "I'll sleep for a while, call me when I get there."

   Yu Wenyuan chuckled and nodded: "Okay, I'll call you when I get there."

  Xia Tian rubbed Yu Wenyuan, then closed his eyes and went to sleep.

   Although the weather is not very cold now, Yu Wenyuan still took a cloak to cover it in summer to prevent her from catching a cold.

   After putting on the cape for the summer, Yu Wenyuan went on to review the memorial.


   As it approached noon, the mighty group finally arrived at the palace outside the Nanshan Hunting Ground.

   Now the palace is resting for a while before going to the hunting grounds after lunch.

  Lunch is not for Yu Wenyuan in summer, but for everyone.

  The table is very long and long. In the summer, Yu Wenyuan and Yu Wenyuan are sitting in the highest position. Below are the princes, and then the courtiers and their families.

   Yu Wenyuan only brought summer, and did not bring other concubines.

   Therefore, there is only one woman in the summer by his side.

   When eating, Yu Wenyuan has been serving summer dishes, all of which he prefers to eat in summer.

   Except for the court lady **** who was with Yu Wenyuan and Xia Xia, it was the first time that the others saw the relationship between two people.

   Everyone was so surprised that they almost raised their hands to rub their eyes to see if they were dazzled.

   "I don't want to eat this." Xia Xia put the ribs that Yu Wenyuan had just put into her bowl into his bowl.

  I don't know what happened, but in summer, I found that my taste was spoiled by Yu Wenyuan.

   It was clear that before the food was good or not, it was enough as long as you could fill your stomach.

   Now I still have the habit of wanting to eat and not wanting to eat. Even in summer, I feel like I don’t know myself anymore.

   "What? It doesn't suit my appetite? Or does it taste bad?" After asking, Yu Wenyuan even picked up the ribs and tasted it himself.

  Without having to talk in summer, Yu Wenyuan found out why.

  The taste of summer is relatively light, and I usually don’t eat salty things.

   But today, the ribs are obviously salty, although only a little salty.

   Yu Wenyuan's face darkened, he opened his mouth to speak, but Xia Xia held his hand.

   He tilted his head and looked at Summer.

  Xiamen shook his head at him: "It's okay, even the best chefs in the world sometimes shake their hands and put too much salt, and these ribs are not too salty, so don't care."

  According to the taste of normal people, the saltiness is just right, but she ate it too lightly.

  Although she is not a kind person, she doesn't want to blame Yu Wenyuan just because the chef's ribs are a little salty.

   "Okay, then forget it." Yu Wenyuan, who was still angry at first, heard that Xia Xia was so understanding, and was no longer angry.

   The princes and courtiers below were stunned for a moment, unable to react at all.

  The Eighth Prince Yuwen Li looked at Xia Xia with a different look, and laughed and joked: "Hey~ Huangxiongzhao is going down at the imperial concubine like this, is the younger brother about to officially call the emperor's sister-in-law?"

   Actually, I have seen Yuwen Li many times in summer, and the two of them can chat quite well.

   Mainly... Yuwen Li is also addicted to alcohol.

   So there are a lot of good wines at his place.

   By chance, when Yu Wenli went to Longwo Palace to find Yuwenyuan, he saw Xia Xia drinking, and the two of them chatted like this.

   In normal times, Yuwen Li called the summer to call the emperor's sister-in-law.

   Just in front of people, it's still inappropriate to call the summer emperor's sister-in-law.

   Yu Wenli's joke made Yu Wenyuan's smile deepen. He tilted his head to look at Yu Wenli and said with a smile, "You can call Huang's sister-in-law now."

   And Yu Wenyuan's words made all the people below change their faces.

   Except for Yuwen Li, who was still smiling, the faces of the others were not very good-looking.

   After all, there are family members of other concubines below, as well as the young ladies who admire Yu Wenyuan and look forward to fighting for the queen's position after the draft enters the palace.

   Calling the Queen's Sister-in-law now? what does that mean?

  Isn't the emperor ready to make the imperial concubine his queen? !

  Everyone's eyes fell on Xia Xia, as if they wanted to see what else attracted Yu Wenyuan besides this skin.

   But look around, they really didn't see anything!

  Most people are thinking, what is the origin of this woman? !

   And Yu Wenhong was thinking, maybe Yu Wenyuan didn't really fall in love with 'Si Tu', but just wanted to use her to stimulate him or warn him.

   After all, Yu Wenhong would never believe it. In just over two months, how could Yu Wenyuan fall in love with her when he knew that 'Si Tu' was his secret guard?

   This is totally impossible!

   For a lunch, the people who eat it have different thoughts.

  After lunch, everyone is ready to go to the hunting ground.

  The palace is not far from the hunting ground, and Yu Wenyuan took everyone on foot.

   Today's weather is particularly good, the sky is clear.

   He and Xia Xia walked in front hand in hand, talking and laughing while watching the scenery.

Beside   , there is Yu Wenli, who is making jokes, selling stupidity.

   "I found a good pot of wine yesterday, when will the Queen's sister-in-law be interested in drinking together?"

  Yu Wenli is not bad, but when he talks about good wine, he feels that he is addicted to alcohol in summer.

   She tilted her head and looked at Yuwen Li: "Did you bring good wine?"

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