Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 181: Squad leader, are you blushing? (three)

   Bai Yiran stood there, just dazzled by Summer's bright smile.

   He and Jiang Ziyue have been classmates for one and a half years, but he has never seen her smile so brightly.

   In his heart as calm as lake water, it seemed as if a stone had been thrown by someone, and ripples appeared in circles.

   At the same time, Summer received a reminder: "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Bai Yiran's favorability for you is 40%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Summer, who was riding a bicycle towards the city, paused, and then the corners of his mouth habitually raised a shallow arc.

  Very good, the first shot went smoothly.

   Seeing Bai Yiran's appearance is still very green, but you don't have to worry about too much physical contact.

   Well, this task... she should be able to complete it.


   I rode my bike all the way in summer and went back to school.

   At this time, there are already twenty minutes left for the last class in the morning.

   Put your bike in the parking lot in summer and walk back to the classroom.

   Jiang Ziyue's seat is at the back door of the classroom, go in through the back door and sit back to her seat.

  The teacher who was in class looked at her, ignored her like air, and continued the class.

  Yes, Jiang Ziyue's state at school is like this.

  The teacher has left her alone, whether she comes to class or not, whether she will sleep when she comes to class.

   It was as if Father Jiang had completely ignored her, no matter how bad she was in school, as long as the teacher didn't ask the parents to disturb him.

   It seems that people all over the world are not optimistic about Jiang Ziyue, including herself.

   On the seat, there are no books, not even a book.

  Jiang Ziyue's book, don't tear her up and fold the plane as early as the beginning of school.

  If you don’t have a book to read, it’s better to be in a daze.

   Looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the classroom in summer, Jiang Ziyue's memories are all in his mind.

   For some reason, Jiang Ziyue and Bai Yiran have bad fates.

   What's wrong, probably because of twists and turns of fate, and then died young.

  Xia Tian held his cheek with one hand, recalling Jiang Ziyue's memory over and over again...until the bell rang after class.

   "Okay, get out of class is over!"

   "Stand up!"

"thanks for your work teacher!"

   After class, everyone left the classroom in groups to go to the cafeteria.

   Those people either didn't seem to see summer at all, or they looked at her with disdain.

  Xiamen doesn't mind either, not to mention that Jiang Ziyue is used to this kind of life, even she doesn't feel the slightest bit about these eyes.

Can    eyes kill? cannot.

   So as long as she ignores these sights, it will be fine.

  In summer, he got up and walked to the school cafeteria to get food.

   found an empty table and sat down, and then ate slowly.

   There were many people talking in the cafeteria, which was very noisy.

   Eat quietly in summer, as if nothing around her affects her.

  Suddenly, a person sat down across from him.

   Looking up in summer, what he saw was a condescending boy.

   This boy I met in the summer, named Liu Yipin, from the next class, has been pursuing her.

   Many students disdain Jiang Ziyue, but she can't stand her beauty, and many people still like her... appearance.

   Liu Yipin, an ordinary-looking boy with a good family background and the same bad grades, is one of the guys who likes Jiang Ziyue.

   "Why is Yueyue eating alone? I'll accompany you!" Liu Yipin laughed... In summer, it was very wretched and disgusting.

   It was so disgusting that she couldn't even eat lunch.

   "Please don't call it such a disgusting name, thank you!" Xia Xia finished expressionlessly, stood up, and turned to leave.

   Liu Yipin let Summer leave so easily, he had already found someone to stop him from going back and forth.

  Jiang Ziyue was originally a hot tempered person, and she would fight whenever she disagreed.

  Since that's the case, I can't bear to let it go in summer.

   So she directly picked up the mop that was leaning against the wall and beat the boys who were blocking her.

   They lay on the ground begging for mercy, and Xia Xia turned around and stared at Liu Yipin: "Fuck your uncle's Liu Yipin, and try it again in front of your auntie!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Xia threw the mop at Liu Yipin.

   In the middle, his lifeblood...


   Xia Xia hummed and turned to leave.

   Everyone is not surprised that Jiang Ziyue fights, but I have never seen a girl in 'Jiang Ziyue' overwhelmingly beat seven or eight boys. This is simply... It's amazing!

   Then in the summer, a lot of rotten peach blossoms were extinguished inadvertently.

In the days after   , it is destined to have a lot of peace of mind.


   Originally wanted to stay at school in the summer afternoon, but it was too boring, so I just left.

   The uncle of the doorman was no stranger to her leaving early, so he didn't stop her at all.

   She left school smoothly in the summer, and she didn't go home, she just rode her bike around aimlessly.

   It was not until night fell and I was hungry in the summer that I rode my bike home.

   There is no one else in the Jiang family except the nanny at this moment.

  The nanny has already made dinner, and when she sees the summer coming back, she asks her: "Miss, is eating now?"

  Summer nodded, and went back to the room to wash hands and change clothes.

   When she changed into home clothes, the nanny had already put the food on the table.

   did not speak, and sat down to eat.

   Then, go back to the room quietly.

  This is the state of Jiang Ziyue when she stays at home every day.

   In fact, Jiang Ziyue also goes out at night. She goes out to the bar and spends the night with a bunch of friends.

   She didn't bring her cell phone when she went out today, her cell phone was out of power.

  It was after dinner in the summer that she wanted to call Bai Yiran, only to see that her phone had run out of power and was automatically turned off.

   As soon as the battery was turned on, there was a phone call.

  Summer pressed the answer button, then turned on the speaker.

   Before he could speak, there was already a roar: "Fuck! Jiang Ziyue, we thought you were dead!"

   "I forgot my phone when I went out in the morning." Xia Xia explained lightly.

  The other side paused, and then said: "We are at the XX bar, come quickly!"

   "I won't come, and I won't go to play in the future."

   "What did you say?!" The people over there thought they had heard it wrong.

  Xiamen said again: "I said, you don't have to call me in the future, I don't want to play anymore."

   "Yo~ Jiang Meiren, is this going to be good?" Someone teased over there.

  Xiamen only said two words: "I'm bored."

  Those people just fancy Jiang Ziyue's lavishness, and every time she goes out to play, she just spends money.

   None of them really wanted to be friends with her.

   Also, summer doesn't want to waste time with those people.

   In order to avoid trouble, I plan to change my mobile phone number tomorrow in the summer. This mobile phone number is no longer necessary.

   He didn't say anything to the person on the other end of the phone, and just hung up.

  I originally wanted to call Bai Yiran, but after thinking about it, I should wait until I changed my phone number before calling.

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