Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 180: Squad leader, are you blushing? (two)

   Seeing Xia Xia just looking at himself and not speaking, Bai Yiran raised his hand and looked at his watch.

   Then determine the current time, it is very early!

   "Student Jiang Ziyue, why are you here at this time? Are you truant again?"

   Summer came back to his senses and immediately entered Jiang Ziyue's state.

   She got up from the grass and patted the grass clippings on her skirt nonchalantly.

   Then he stood in front of Bai Yiran and said, "Yeah, I skipped class again, so why didn't you go to school, Mr. Class Principal, a good student?"

   Yes, Bai Yiran is the monitor of their class.

  Good grades, good family background, good looks, is one of the school's grassroots.

   There are many people who like Bai Yiran, and Jiang Ziyue is one of them.

  Jiang Ziyue likes Bai Yiran, which is a secret that no one has ever known.

  Don't look at Jiang Ziyue's usual carefreeness, she seems to be very bold, but she is actually very timid.

   Others said: "Jiang Ziyue's little sister, her boyfriend changes every week, she must have been slept long ago and I don't know how many times!"

  Yes, Jiang Ziyue is very diligent in changing boyfriends, because those boys are not the ones she really likes.

   Gossip, Jiang Ziyue never cares.

   She made a boyfriend without even touching her fingers, and of course they broke up soon.

   But every time, she dumped others.

   In order to protect herself better, Jiang Ziyue started practicing Taekwondo very early.

  She is outside and never suffers.

   The only loss Jiang Ziyue has ever suffered in this life is in Bai Yiran...

   "I... I'm not feeling well, so I didn't go to school. I asked for leave, but I didn't play truant!" Bai Yiran said embarrassedly at Summer's questioning.

   "What's wrong with you?" Xia Xia looked at Bai Yiran up and down, left and right, and didn't seem to see where he was uncomfortable.

  Bai Yiran coughed twice naturally and said, "Cough...I...I have a cold..."

   Xia Xia raised her eyebrows and grinned meaningfully: "Master monitor, are you pretending to be sick and skipping school?"

   That determined look made Bai Yiran unable to hold on.

  He nodded: "Well, I'm pretending to be sick, can you help me keep it a secret?"

  Xiamen put his hands around his chest and tilted his head to look at Bai Yiran: "Unless you tell me why you are pretending to be sick and skipping school, I won't help you keep it a secret!"

   Bai Yiran hesitated for a while before nodding: "Then... can you count?"

  Xiamen widened his eyes and looked very angry: "You don't believe me? Then I'm leaving. I'll go back to school and tell the teacher now that you are pretending to be sick!"

   After saying that, Summer turned around and was about to leave.


   Bai Yiran hurried over and grabbed Xia Xia's wrist.

   "Why are you pulling me! Are you trying to be a hooligan?!" Xia Xia turned around and stared at Bai Bai with a vicious look.

   Bai Yiran immediately let go of Xia Xia's hand like an electric shock, and then quickly apologized: "Yes... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

  Xiamen snorted: "I think you mean it!"

   Bai Yiran was in a hurry and waved his hand quickly: "I really didn't mean it! I believe you, I will tell you the reason why I pretended to be sick, you help me keep it a secret!"

  Xiamen turned around and looked at Bai Yiran, who was a head taller than her: "Say it!"

  Bai Yiran lowered his head and said softly, "Actually, today is the birthday of my grandparents...I want to come and see them..."

  This, summer is also known.

   In Jiang Ziyue's memory, today, she came here by accident and met Bai Yiran.

   All her actions just now were just copies of Jiang Ziyue's actions in her memory.

   "Oh, my grandparents also died early, but I don't usually visit them except for Qingming Festival." Xia Xia said, with a bad attitude.

"My parents were busy with work and didn't have time to take care of me, so I lived with my grandparents since I was a child. My grandpa died five years ago today, and my grandma passed away three years ago today... In fact, every year today, I secretly take sick leave to visit. Their."

   Bai is also the same, he is a very sincere young man.

  Xiamen raised his hand, patted Bai Yiran on the shoulder, and then... stepped back without a trace, keeping a distance from him.

   "For the sake of your filial piety, I won't complain to the teacher!"

   Hearing what Xia Xia said, Bai Yiran's face immediately showed a happy smile: "Thank you..." You.

   "But there are conditions!"

   The smile on Bai Yiran's face froze.

   Then he nodded: "Go ahead, as long as the conditions are not excessive, I will promise you!"

   In Jiang Ziyue's memory, Jiang Ziyue was brain-twitching and said, "You be my boyfriend for a week".

   Bai Yiran had a feeling of being forced. Although he finally agreed, a week later, he avoided Jiang Ziyue since then.

   Actually, Jiang Ziyue regretted such a condition as soon as she said it.

   She secretly fell in love with Bai Yiran for so long, and never dared to express her feelings.

   Finally got a chance to get close to Bai Yiran, and she was ruined by herself!

   Jiang Ziyue once thought countless times that if she could turn back time, she would never put forward such conditions!

   For Raiders, I have no experience in summer.

   But with the example of the body walking and missing a path, of course she can't say things like 'you be my boyfriend for a week'.

   She didn't want to make her mission more difficult as soon as she arrived!

   "In the future, you will help me with my homework so that my grades can reach the top ten in the grade!" Xia Tian raised his chin and stated the conditions.

   Bai Yiran seemed to have heard it wrong, and asked her uncertainly: "You want to rush your grades to the top ten in the grade?! Isn't it the bottom ten?!"

   No wonder Bai Yiran was so surprised, because Jiang Ziyue was the bottom one in the grade and had never been broken through.

   So when he heard that Summer said that he was in the top ten of the grade, Bai Yiran couldn't believe it.

   "Is there something wrong with your ears?! Auntie is so surprised now that she wants to be aggressive and study hard?!" Xia Xia put her hands on her hips and yelled at Bai Yiran.

   "I'll ask you, do you agree? If you don't agree, I'll sue the teacher!" Xia Xia threatened Bai Yiran.

   "I promise I promise!" This condition is a bit difficult.

   But if you do your should be...can be done, right?

   Although Bai Yiran doesn't doubt the ability of the top student in his grade, he doesn't quite trust the brain of the bottom one...

   But anyway, he decided to give it a try!

  The rat **** in the class wants to learn, and he, the monitor, is very happy to have an opinion.

   "That's it! I'll go first!" Xia Xia picked up his bicycle, turned around and waved at Bai Yiran with a smile, then stepped on the pedals and left.

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