Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 170: The secret agent is too calm (10)

  When the show girls are busy dressing up, they don’t have to rush in the summer, just prepare to wear no makeup.

   Sitting in front of the mirror, Xia Xia saw that the expression on his face turned out to be a bit awkward.

   Hmm, it’s kind of dumbfounding.

   She told Gu Yanyu only last night that after the draft was over, he would not have to face Shangguan Wanru every day.

   But I didn't expect that Gu Yanyu would come up with such a solution.



When    was drafted, Gu Yanyu was a little guilty.

  Although he was also preparing to speed up the draft, he didn't think so fast.

   In fact, since the summer, it has been difficult for him to face other opposite sex.

  Especially the kind...ready to seduce him.

   In order to only face summer, Gu Yanyu had to speed up the draft.

   The draft process was not difficult. After randomly selecting a dozen or so girls, Gu Yanyu finally chose Summer.

   The remaining so many beautiful girls were all sent out of the palace—

   In the evening, Gu Yanyu went to the summer place.

   Originally wanted to apologize weakly, but before he could speak, Xia Xia gave him a pack of magic medicine: "You go to Shen Cairen tonight."

  Gu Yanyu opened his mouth and wanted to say: 'Can't I be here with you? ’

   Seeing Xia Xia's eyes, Gu Yanyu was too guilty to say anything.

   Alright alright, then he'll go again...

   This compromise was another day's work.

   For the next ten days, Gu Yanyu would go quietly to the summer place to get the magic medicine every night, and then go to the show girl he had chosen before.

   Knowing that he would be "loved" one by one in the summer, he chose less!

  I regret it now, it's too late.

   Every time he "favored" those women, Gu Yanyu would upgrade them, but not much.

   Now the lowest-ranked person in the harem is this talented person in summer.

   The highest-ranked one is Shangguan Wanru that Shu Concubine.

  Although she is of the highest grade, Shangguan Wanru is still very upset recently, very upset!

   It's been almost half a month, and Gu Yanyu only comes during the day when she asks Summer to come.

  At night, never come to pamper her!

  Shangguan Wanru is very insecure now and doesn't know what to do.

   In summer, I can see Shangguan Wanru every day, and I can also see that the halo of the protagonist on the top of Shangguan Wanru's head is getting less and less, but after the remaining 30% is left, it will no longer move.

   At this time, Gu Yanyu also 'pampered' all those women, it was her turn—

   It is not the first time that Gu Yanyu and Gu Yanyu have lived in the same room, so there is no feeling of not being used to it in summer.

   She didn't realize that she was actually used to the existence of Gu Yanyu...

   She didn't realize that her heterosexual conflict actually didn't have much obvious resistance to Gu Yanyu...

  It was late at night, and in the summer after bathing and changing clothes, he was sitting on the bed to embroider, while Gu Yanyu was on the couch on the side, ready to sleep.

   yawned and tilted his head to look at Summer: "Don't embroider, the light is not good, it hurts the eyes too much."

  Ancient is this bad, there is no electricity.

  At night, no matter how many candles are lit, they are not so bright.

   And this evening, the summer is going to be 'sleeping', so bright lights, there is no movement inside, it is really abnormal.

  Xiamen paused, but put down the needle and thread in his hand obediently.

   Lie down on the bed, cover the quilt, close your eyes and sleep.

   As for Gu Yanyu...


  Summer: "…"

  Gu Yanyu was still there, ahhh, the blue veins on his forehead slightly bulged in the summer.

   She understood why Gu Yanyu did this, but! !

   "Shut up!" He reprimanded softly, Gu Yanyu really shut his mouth honestly.

   Then, he looked at Summer pitifully with a very aggrieved look.

  Summer has never felt so powerless, really.

   "There's no need to make such a sound, it's... awkward." Xia wanted to say it was hard.

   But in fact, it's not bad.

   She listened, only to feel a little hot in her ears.

   Gu Yanyu blushed, in fact, he was embarrassed, isn't it for summer!

   "Close your eyes and sleep with you." After Xia Xia said something to Gu Yanyu, he also closed his eyes.

  Gu Yanyu shrugged, okay, okay, then he won't call.

   Later, the real guns will come!

  In the bedroom, it instantly became quiet.

   Soon, summer really fell asleep.

   Listening to the summer's breathing gradually becoming stable, Gu Yanyu's mouth showed a satisfied smile, then closed his eyes and fell asleep—

   When I woke up in summer, it was already dawn.

   Now, Summer is stunned.

   She finally realized that something seemed wrong.


  Why does she still have insomnia in the real world?

  Why did she lose sleep when she first arrived in the novel world?

  Why is she not sleeping anymore?

   Is there any rule here?


  Xiamen thought about it carefully, something quickly flashed through her mind, but the thought slipped so fast that she couldn't catch it at all.

   She just lay on the bed and thought for a long time, and she came to the conclusion that she may be recovering from insomnia, and then there is a pattern.

  Only this conclusion is the most in line with the explanation in summer.

   She decided to wait until she got off work, so she went to see a psychiatrist and asked what the reason should be.

   If Gu Yanyu, the 'sleeping pill', knew that he had such an obvious medicinal effect, he still hadn't been found, and he would really vomit blood—

   With the permission of the summer, Gu Yanyu spent the night in her bedroom every day for the next period of time.

   Everyone knows that Gu Yanyu has begun to spoil Summer, but it is very strange that he does not upgrade Summer.

   In this regard, everyone is just talking quietly.


  In the blink of an eye, it has been two months since Xia Xia followed Guan Wanru into the palace.

   Shangguan Wanru has never been "loved" by Gu Yanyu since the first few days.

   I've been watching Gu Yanyu's 'favorite' summer every day!

   I was so angry that my teeth were itching, but I kept telling myself: It's okay, it's okay, the emperor's greed is just the body of that **** Shangguan Wanxi. After all, the emperor only favored Shangguan Wanxi but didn't upgrade her grade!

   However, it didn't take long for Shangguan Wanru to be slapped in the face.

   In summer, he was named a royal concubine!

   "What did you say?! Say it again!" Shangguan Wan, who was dressed in palace attire and dressed up every day, looking forward to Gu Yanyu's visit, glared at the palace maid.

  The maid knelt on the ground, trembling all over because of fear.

   "Back... Hui Niangniang... The emperor today... today's decree... seal... Shangguan talented people... for Xi Guifei..."


   The one who responded to the maid was a tea set that shattered in an instant.

   Shangguan Wanru's chest heaved up and down with anger: "Why...why is that bitch..."

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