Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 169: The secret agent is too calm (9)

   Concubine or Empress?

   This question made Xia Xia finally stop what he was doing and looked up at Gu Yanyu.

  The eighteen-year-old boy, wearing a dragon robe, really looks like a king of a country.

   Well, Gu Yanyu is really competent to be the king of a country.

   Xia Xia paused and said, "I'll follow the normal procedure, you can directly seal Shangguan Wanru as a concubine."

   Hearing what Xia Xia said, Gu Yanyu didn't react for a while: "Ah? Why?"

  Xiamer put down the things in his hand, 'changed' a few small white medicine bags out of thin air, and said, "Don't worry, although it is using you, it will not make you lose your innocence."

   Gu Yanyu blinked and reached out to pick it up, but Xia Xia put the small medicine bag on the table and let him get it himself.

   He coughed slightly awkwardly, and Gu Yanyu took it from the table obediently: "What is this?"

  Gu Yanyu knows that the restorers and energy collectors of the Plane Association can open a thing called a platform mall in the novel world, where they can buy a lot of magical things, and then they can become real objects and come to the novel world.

   These are probably the magic of the Plane Association.

   "This is an illusion medicine." Xia Xia said: "I have set it up, as long as Shangguan Wanru eats it, she will have the illusion of being favored by you."

   After hearing what Xia Xia said, Gu Yanyu understood.

   "Okay I know, but you really want to go through the normal process?" That would take a month!

   At this time, it means that you have to lose sleep for a month in summer.

  Xiamen nodded: "I follow the normal process."

   Seeing that Xia Xia was so determined, Gu Yanyu couldn't say anything.

  Since the summer is going to be normal, let's go...


  Gu Yanyu was very obedient in other respects, except that he was disobedient about letting him "leave and don't follow" in summer.

  Since Xia Xia wanted him to directly seal Shangguan Wanru as a concubine, then he should seal it.

   The next day, Gu Yanyu took time to give Shangguan Wanru a chance to meet, and then ordered the concubine that night.

   That night, Gu Yanyu gave Shangguan Wanru a magic pill, which made her passionate in bed for a long time.

   After Shangguan Wanru woke up, she still felt that her back was sore and her legs were weak.

   But more, is happy.

   She was favored by the emperor and concubine just after entering the palace, and 'Shangguan Wanxi' did not even see the emperor's face!

  After washing and dressing, Shangguan Wanru asked the maid to call Xia Xia and wanted to show off in front of her.

  This effect is what we want in summer, and of course it fits well.

   After Shangguan Wanru showed off, Xia Xia sneered and pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "Don't be too happy, soon you will only become an old man!"

  Shangguan Wanru had a disdainful smile on her mouth, and lowered her head to admire her nails: "Shangguan Wanxi, no matter what, for now, it's easy for me to crush you and run you over!"


  Shangguan Wanru just wanted to teach Xia Xia some physical lessons when she heard the **** outside preaching loudly: "The emperor is coming—"

   Shangguan Wanru was startled, and a happy expression appeared on her face immediately.

   glanced at Xia Xia proudly, and Shangguan Wanru quickly got up and went to the door to salute.

When the bright yellow dragon robes came into view, everyone knelt down: "See the emperor! Long live the emperor! Long live!"

   Gu Yanyu's eyes have always been on Xia Xia. He is wearing a pink show women's dress in Xia Xia, kneeling on the ground as usual, and bowing his head slightly.

   There was a momentary urge to help Summer up, but in order to cooperate, he couldn't do it.

   clenched his fists slightly, Gu Yanyu paused before speaking: "Pingshen."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

   Shangguan Wanru stood up first, and she leaned towards Gu Yanyu when she came together.

  Gu Yanyu wants to keep his body like a jade for the summer, how can he let other women touch him!

   Just turned sideways without a trace, and Gu Yanyu avoided Shangguan Wanru's approach without letting her notice it.

   "Did Concubine Ai sleep well?" Gu Yanyu asked Shangguan Wanru with a smile.

   He is a professional actor, and he is best at using soulful eyes.

   As long as Shangguan Wanru is regarded as his partner, there is no problem in entering the role.

   Shangguan Wanru saw Gu Yanyu's look, and felt that her whole body was numb.

   She was even more certain, she was already fascinated by the young emperor for a while.

   "Aiya~ Your Majesty, you are so bad~ You were so troublesome last night, how could people sleep well?"

  Emma! Gu Yanyu almost vomited when he heard this trembling whine.

  Aggrieved, he turned his head and glanced at Xia Xia, as if to say: I have sacrificed so much, should I be rewarded?

  Summer hooked her lips and showed a smile.

  Gu Yanyu was stunned for a while, but he could see that Xia Xia was really smiling, not just a habitual arc.

   pouted, alright alright, if he can make a beautiful smile, he is also worth it.

   turned around and cooperated with Shangguan Wanru.

   Shangguan Wanru seemed to be afraid that Gu Yanyu would notice Xia Xia, so while Gu Yanyu was 'not paying attention', he asked the palace maid to quickly take Xia Xia out——

In the days after   , Shangguan Wanru called Xia Xia every day.

   But every time she wanted to do something about summer, Gu Yanyu came.

   Shangguan Wanru certainly couldn't have thought that Gu Yanyu did it on purpose. After all, he couldn't think of the meaning of Gu Yanyu's actions, so he thought that Gu Yanyu was going to see her!

   In just a few days, Shangguan Wanru's rank was second only to the imperial concubine.

   In the harem, there is no concubine of the rank!

   So for now, in this harem, she is the only concubine of the emperor!

   Shangguan Wanru's sense of superiority can be imagined.


   "嘤嘤~Wanxi, when will I not have to face Shangguan Wanru?"

  I have used up several packs of phantom medicine, although every time I tell myself to regard Shangguan Wanru as a filming partner.

  But... Gu Yanyu was afraid that he would lose control and kill Shangguan Wanru directly.

   Of course he knew that Shangguan Wanru now had the aura of the protagonist on her head, so killing her would definitely not work.

   That's why he is so anxious!

   "Wait until the draft is over."

   Xia Tian only said this, and then gave Gu Yanyu a few packets of magic medicine.

   Gu Yanyu took it in grievance and nodded: "Okay, then wait for the draft to end!"

   Summer is thinking that there are still more than half a month before the draft is over, and the time is still early.

   But before dawn, she was called up by the steward.

   She didn't sleep, she always woke up the same time.

  While the show girls were complaining, the steward announced a piece of news that surprised everyone.

   Oh, everyone in this surprise, excluding summer.

  The steward said: "The emperor has an order. Today, he will directly select the girls. Those who are selected will stay, and those who are not selected will be sent to the palace!"

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