Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 123: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (23

   This time with Gu Ran, there is also Li Xiaoxi.

   Summer will let Ah Gui deal with Li Xiaoxi specially, so that Li Xiaoxi can't do anything else.

   As for Gu Ran, you can find a few fifth-order zombies to contain him.

   Such a plan is absolutely flawless——

  Li Xiaoxi didn't know that she had entered the trap set by the summer, let alone that her unfortunate life had officially ushered in a climax!

   In the past three months, Li Xiaoxi still can't accept the fact that his farming space has been shattered.

   Worried that she would not have a chance to stay by Gu Ran's side, she worked hard to upgrade her abilities.

   In An and the base, most of the power users who had a bad relationship with her died when they went out of the quest.

How did    die? Of course, it was not attacked by zombies as she said, but she took away the crystal core.

   Only by absorbing more crystal cores can she increase the level of power faster.

   If she hadn't taken a shortcut, how could she level up faster than the genius Gu Ran?

  Look, now because of her ability, even if Gu Ran doesn't like her yet, he still has a very gentle attitude towards her!

   Indeed, because of Li Xiaoxi's ability, Gu Ran was so kind to her.

   Ambition in the last days, especially after he has become the base chief of a base, that kind of ambition becomes stronger day by day.

   He even wants to become the king of the last days!

   Anyway, ZF is gone, the world is in chaos, the strong is king, his idea is right!

   So recently, Gu Ran is thinking about how to grow the Anhe base, and grow it again!

   I heard that the warehouse of a large supermarket in P City has not been swept up, and there are plenty of materials in it.

  If you want to grow stronger, materials are very important.

   However, the reason why the materials in this warehouse are known but no one moves, is naturally the reason why they cannot be moved.

  Why can't you move? There are high-level zombies here.

   The end of the world is less than half a year, and the highest-order zombies that everyone knows are only fifth-order.

   But some people say that the zombies guarding here definitely exceed the sixth order!

   It’s not that a team without a base came here, it’s just that few of them were able to leave alive.

   In order to get supplies, even if they knew that there were high-level zombies here, they had to come and go.

   Everyone successfully entered the supermarket, and even found a warehouse for storing supplies.

   There are not even high-level zombies around, even ordinary zero-order zombies.

  Everything went so smoothly.

   goes well, then unusual.

   "This place is too clean, don't let your guard down." Gu Ran said to his teammates.

   This time, there are fifteen people in the team, all of whom are the highest-ranking power users in the base.

   "Don't worry, boss, we will!" A teammate responded.

   "Senior, you don't have to worry." Li Xiaoxi walked to Gu Ran's side, because there was no room for farming, her clothes were no longer cleaner than others, at best a little better.

   Ordinary appearance, in addition to being stronger than others, Li Xiaoxi felt that he did not have any capital to stand by Gu Ran's side.

   Gu Ran tilted his head to look at Li Xiaoxi, nodded and smiled at her: "Well, I'm very relieved to have you here!"

   Hearing Gu Ran's words, Li Xiaoxi's rough and yellowed face flushed shyly because she didn't use skin care products.

  Gu Ran didn't look at Li Xiaoxi any more, he didn't like Li Xiaoxi at all.

  Yes, just use it——

   Everyone looked at the materials in the warehouse and prepared to move them to the truck outside.

   At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the gate of the warehouse: "Do you know that your actions are theft?"

   This voice is slightly hoarse, with some evil spirit, it is a female voice.

   Everyone turned their heads and saw a beautiful woman standing at the door of the warehouse with a crossed chest.

   This woman, although beautiful, is very strange.

   In the next moment, everyone will not feel strange.

  Because behind the woman, several fifth-order zombies appeared.

   Only then did everyone realize that a woman is not a human being, but... that so-called high-level zombie!

  I have never seen that zombies can still maintain the appearance of humans, but there are still some differences in the skin.

   Moreover, zombies can speak human language?

   "You...are you a human or a zombie?" Someone was not sure and asked Agui.

  Agui chuckled and his eyes fell on the man: "When Miss Ben eats your crystal core, you will know whether Miss Ben is a human or a zombie!"

After   , Ah Gui didn't talk nonsense with those people, and waved to his subordinates.

   It was explained in the summer before, which people who have done bad or bad things with Li Xiaoxi can take away the crystal core, and which people are kind and honest and have family members who can not hurt.

   So those zombies have very clear goals.

   Ah Gui pointed at Li Xiaoxi and beat her, if he didn't kill her, he would torture her!

   They are slowly exhausted, so exhausted that they can't even use their abilities.

   Just when everyone desperately thought that they were going to leave their lives in this warehouse today, summer came out.

   What Gu Ran and Li Xiaoxi saw was the 'Yuan Mengxian' who was wearing a black tight leather jacket and trousers, with a high ponytail, a long knife in his hand, and a little black milk cat behind him!

   Those sharp eyes and cold temperament, if not for the same face, would never be regarded as 'Yuan Mengxian'.

  Li Xiaoxi widened his eyes and looked at Summer with a ghostly expression.

   And Gu Ran, when he saw that Xia Xia was handsome and fought with Agui, and made Agui unable to fight, he only felt that his heartbeat was too fast to be restrained.

   "Hmph~ I didn't expect to meet someone so powerful. Forget it, I'm in a bad state today, so I'll fight another day!"

   After finishing speaking, Ah Gui looked back at Li Xiaoxi, licked his lips, and left with his zombie men.

   Of the fifteen teammates that Gu Ran brought out, ten were left, but those ten teammates were also injured more or less.

   Still no one found out, this is a game.

  Li Xiaoxi stared blankly at Xia Xia, watching her rescue them from the sky like a god.

  Like Li Xiaoxi in summer, that look was very cold.

   Of course, in fact, summer is just looking at the protagonist's halo above Li Xiaoxi's head.

   Originally, the remaining 50% had dropped to at least 20% because of her handsome appearance just now.

very good! It was not in vain that she carefully designed it.

  Gu Ran walked up to Xia Xia with joy, and his eyes were obviously different: "Mengxian, so you're not dead! That's great!"

   At this time, Gu Ran had completely forgotten the person who Li Xiaoxi had deliberately fabricated before, "Yuan Mengxian abandoned his best friend to save his life".

  Gu Ran felt that if Xia Xia was strong enough to defeat the ghost that Li Xiaoxi couldn't handle, Xia Xia would definitely be more powerful than Li Xiaoxi.

   This is a more important point, and another point is to look beautiful in summer!

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