Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 122: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (22

   What else can Gu Yanyu say? Only a silly "oh" sound.

   Both fell silent.

   After a pause, Xia Xia spoke first: "What experiment are you doing? Are you researching zombie viruses?"

   Just now, she saw the locked zombies in the laboratory.

   Oh, there are also living people in a coma lying on the experimental table.

  Summer knows that some scientists are very perverted and will use living people to conduct experiments, so it is not surprising.

   Hearing Xia Xia's question, Gu Yanyu nodded lightly: "Well, I'm researching an antibody. If it is successful, humans will not be afraid of being infected with zombie viruses."

  Summer raised his eyebrows. The original plot did not mention what virus antibodies were finally developed in this novel world.

   There is no mention of this scientist who does not know who it is.

   "My name is Yuan Mengxian, what's your name sir?"

   will ask the name, in fact, I want to know if such a person is mentioned in the original plot.

   Even if you mention it only once, you can know it in summer.

   "Oh, my name is Bo Yangyi." Gu Yanyu said.

   Thin Yangyi?

  No, there was no mention of such a person in the original plot.

   But it's normal. Maybe this scientist named Bo Yangyi has never developed virus antibodies in his entire life?

   "Hello Mr. Bo, nice to meet you!"

  Gu Yanyu opened his mouth, just about to say, "I'm more happy to meet you", but Xia Xia spoke again.

  Xiamen said: "Don't disturb Mr. Bo's experiment, I'll go back to my room first, and I'll leave by myself tomorrow."

   After finishing speaking, Xia Xia didn't give Gu Yanyu a chance to speak at all, so he got up and went upstairs...

   Looking at the back of Summer, Gu Yanyu pouted.

  Forget it, when the summer is over, he will quickly change back to the cat form and go to her side.


   Worried that he would come down to find him again in summer, so when it was getting dark, Gu Yanyu changed back to his cat form.

   Seeing the cat Gu Yanyu returning to him, Xia Xia was not curious about where he went during the day, but just told him, "Tomorrow we will go back to Anhe base."

  It turns out that the summer said to leave and go somewhere else, it was to go to the Anhe base!

   So, is summer going to slap Li Xiaoxi in the face?

   Ah~ I really look forward to it~

   Actually, Gu Yanyu really wanted to capture Li Xiaoxi for human experimentation, but he just held back and didn't really do anything to her.

   "Meow Meow Meow~" Gu Yanyu responded to Summer.

  Xiamen smiled at him and gently stroked his head: "If I leave this world, don't let yourself go hungry, take care of yourself."

   Xia Tian felt that she should be able to finish the task and leave this world soon.

   There is nothing to worry about in this world, and she doesn't need to stay for too long.

   "Meow Meow Meow~" You are gone, of course I will follow you!

   No matter which world you go to...


   Woke up in the summer the next morning, without Gu Yanyu worrying that he would go to the laboratory to say hello to him, but left directly.

  The cat Gu Yanyu was lying on Xia Xia's shoulders, tilting his head to look at Xia Xia.

   Anyway, he doesn't have to walk by himself, so let's watch the summer seriously——

   I left by car in summer. Instead of returning to the Anhe base immediately, I went to the city.

   She knew that today Gu Ran would personally lead a team to collect supplies in the city.

   She also knew that there was a ninth-order high-level zombie in the city.

  This zombie is probably the highest rank at present.

  I saw that zombie in the summer, if it really fights, it is not her opponent.

   However, Xia Xia didn't want to kill that high-level zombie.

  They...but friends!


  P city center. Roof top of a building.

   In summer, he took the cat Gu Yanyu and stood on the rooftop.

   Seeing the graceful body lying on the leather sofa on the rooftop, the smile on the corner of Xia Tian's mouth deepened: "Hi, Agui~"

   Hearing the voice of summer, the graceful figure moved and jumped directly.

   In the next instant, the figure was in front of Xia Xia, but it stopped a meter away from her.

  Agui looked at Gu Yanyu's Miao Mi on Xia Xia's shoulder, and hooked his lips: "Mengmeng, you are here!"

   The one called Agui in the summer is a woman with a pale complexion, gray-black pupils, and a delicate appearance.

  Agui looks in his twenties, with smoky makeup, super short jeans and a white tank top.

  Agui has a very good figure and looks very good, but the skin on his body is gray and white, which does not look normal.

   Of course it’s not normal anymore, normal people’s skin is not gray.

  Because Agui is not human at all!

  She is a ninth-order high-level zombie.

   Summer and Ah Gui met a month ago.

   I was looking for food in the city in summer, and I happened to run into Agui.

  A ghost is a zombie and can eat human flesh, that's normal.

   Of course, if there is a choice, she will give priority to eating the core.

   When I saw summer, Gu Yanyu was not there.

  Agui wanted to eat summer, so the two of them fought.

  However, when Agui didn't expect, this human who apparently had no superpowers, she actually... couldn't beat her!

  Come on, if you can't beat it, let her go!

   I didn't expect this human being to be her friend, and after saying something, he could give her a high-level crystal nucleus.

   Just kidding, Advanced Core! It's a treasure for her!

   So, the two became friends.

What   Xiamen didn't know was that Agui was almost taken by Gu Yanyu that night.

   You can't win the summer, but it can hurt the summer anyway.

   But facing Gu Yanyu, she has no strength to resist.

  If it wasn't for the last summer, Gu Yanyu would really have taken out her crystal core.

   Although Gu Yanyu promised not to kill her, he gave her a rule: 'You must keep a distance of one meter from summer! ’

   So I didn't notice it in the summer. Ever since I got to know Agui, Agui has kept a distance of one meter from her.

  Summer walked to the sofa and sat down, looking very familiar.

   "How is it? Are they here?" she asked Ah Gui.

  Agui also sat on the sofa, still keeping a distance of one meter from Xia Xia: "I asked my subordinates to watch it. I was on the road half an hour ago, I think it should be soon."

  Xiamen nodded, she had come to Agui yesterday and asked Agui for help.

  If you want to appear in the way of hanging the sky, you must have a good helper.

   And it can be said that Agui, who is the king of zombies, is a good helper!

  Agui just asked the zombies to besiege Gu Ran's team, and then she descended from the sky and killed the zombies.

   This is definitely a very handsome appearance——

   Soon, a fourth-order zombie came to the rooftop. He glanced at Xia Xia with one eyeball, and then nodded to Ah Gui.

  Agui hummed, waved at the zombies, and then said to Xia Xia, "The person you're waiting for is here, when will you move?"

  Xia Tian raised the corners of his lips, revealing a lazy and indifferent smile: "Now."


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