Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 111: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (11)

   For more than a month, the halo of the protagonist on Li Xiaoxi's head has become lighter than when summer first came.

  Probably, 100% and 90% left.

  Although it’s only been lightened by 10%, it’s already pretty good for summer when I haven’t done anything yet.


  The two walked on the road for about an hour, but they still didn't see a gas station, and they didn't even find a little bit of gasoline left in the abandoned cars on the road.

   Just when Li Xiaoxi wanted to give up looking for a gas station and wanted to find a way to spend the summer, he saw the sign of a gas station in front of him.

   The two looked at each other and stepped forward.

   Finally, I saw the shadow of the gas station.

   At the same time, I also saw a large group of zombies, and...human beings who are fighting against these zombies.

   Summer roughly counted, there should be ten people, three of them women were guarded by other men.

   The man standing in front looks a little familiar...

   "Senior Gu! Xiaoxi, do you think that's Senior Gu?!" Xia Xia took Li Xiaoxi's hand and shouted while pretending to be very excited.

   Her voice was so loud that even the zombies at the gas station and Gu Ran could hear it.

  Some zombies in the periphery saw Xia Xia and Li Xiaoxi, and they all chose to walk towards them.

  Although Li Xiaoxi was very happy to meet Gu Ran in advance, but seeing the pig teammates' performance in summer really made people want to go crazy!

   "Yuan Mengxian?" Gu Ran in the crowd also seemed to recognize Summer.

   At this time, Gu Ran's impression of Yuan Mengxian was still "I've met a few times, I know the name, I know it's a junior high school girl from the same family".

  I saw that half of the zombies were walking towards Xia Xia and Li Xiaoxi. Of course Gu Ran, as a man, didn’t want them to be in trouble, so Gu Ran solved the zombies in front of him more quickly, hoping to help Xia Xia and Li Xiaoxi out of the siege.

  Most of the zombies that came towards Xia Xia and Li Xiaoxi were obviously first-order, because their speed was similar to that of adults.

   Soon, the zombies came in front of him.

  Li Xiaoxi has no time to think, running is impossible, so let's fight!

   However, before she made her move, Xia Xia had already made her move.

   She held a long knife in her hand, and cut off half of a zombie's head with one accurate knife.

The    technique is so proficient that it seems that this action has been done many times.

  Li Xiaoxi was taken aback, she didn't expect to make such a move in summer.

   If the zombies had not been grabbing her arm and ready to take a bite, Li Xiaoxi might have continued to be in a stunned state.

   After reacting, Li Xiaoxi felt that Xia Xia must have been to perform in front of Gu Ran, so he suddenly became so powerful from having no experience in killing zombies.

  Li Xiaoxi, who has been accustomed to thinking of summer very simply, no longer has any doubts about her.

   All the unreasonable performances in summer are reasonable in Li Xiaoxi's view.

   she thought, after all, Yuan Mengxian has always liked Gu Ran.

  Yes, Yuan Mengxian has liked Gu Ran since the first time he saw him.

   It's just that Gu Ran is too good, so good that she doesn't even dare to approach.

  Li Xiaoxi knew that if Gu Ran had to choose between her and Yuan Mengxian, Gu Ran would definitely choose Yuan Mengxian, so she was so jealous.

   Now, that familiar jealousy came out of Li Xiaoxi's heart again.

  I really want to... I really want to come to the back of Xia Xia, let her fall into the zombie group, be eaten and infected...

  Although he really really wanted to, Li Xiaoxi didn't dare to do such a thing in front of Gu Ran.

   She knew that Gu Ran didn't like Yuan Mengxian at this time.

  So, she still has a chance! She definitely has a chance!

  Li Xiaoxi resisted her desire to kill Xia Xia, and used her supernatural powers to kill those zombies.

   After Gu Ran's team solved the zombies over there, Xia Xia and Li Xiaoxi also finished.

   It might have been reluctant for Li Xiaoxi to solve it alone, but she did not expect that Summer would be so powerful!

  Really, Li Xiaoxi looked at most of the zombies lying on the ground without half of their heads, and her mood suddenly became solemn.

   Summer actually killed more zombies than her third-order advanced ability user!

Gu Ran and his teammates walked towards Xia Xia and Li Xiaoxi, one of them looked at the zombie with half a head missing or had its head burned, and whistled: "Wow! You two girls are too good! One A powerful fire ability user, a handsome warrior! So cool!"

  Li Xiaoxi only has Gu Ran in his eyes, the handsome Gu Ran!

  Although he was a little embarrassed, Gu Ran, who was wearing a casual and simple casual clothes, still couldn't stop his handsomeness.

   Probably experienced the tempering of the end times, so Gu Ran seemed more masculine and calm.

   opened his mouth, Li Xiaoxi just wanted to call Gu Ran, but heard Gu Ran say to Xia Xia in a more delighted tone: "Yuan Mengxian, I didn't expect it to be you! I thought I was wrong just now!"

  Xiamen Yuguang saw Li Xiaoxi's stiff smile, and grinned at Gu Ran: "It's me! When I saw Senior Gu, I thought I was wrong!"

   Gu Ran's handsome face raised a smile, it is a joy to meet acquaintances in this chaotic apocalypse.

The person next to    suddenly realized: "It turns out that the relationship between the captain and this beauty is a senior and a junior! It's not simple, it's not simple!"

The tone of    is somewhat ambiguous no matter how you hear it.

  Xiamen cooperated with an embarrassed expression, and Gu Ran also laughed and scolded: "Don't talk nonsense and frighten the school girl!"

After   , Gu Ran said to Xia Xia again: "Don't mind Mengxian, they are all joking."

   is just a sentence, and Gu Ran has consciously changed his name.

   Mengxian, it sounds more intimate than a name and a surname.

  Xia Tian smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, I'm also a person who likes to joke! By the way, Senior Gu, where are you going?"

   After seeing Gu Ran's teammates, the topic changed in the summer.

   Hearing Xia Xia's question, Gu Ran replied: "We went to ZF's security base in P City. It's not that the car ran out of gas, so I went to the gas station to refuel, and the result..."

   "P City's security base? Don't go to Senior Gu..." Xia Xia had a sad expression on her face, and softly persuaded Gu Ran.

   Gu Ran then noticed that the direction from which Li Xiaoxi and Li Xiaoxi came in the summer was not the P city!

   "Did something happen to the security base?"

  Gu Ran knew that something must have happened. Xia Xia and Li Xiaoxi should not have passed by the security base directly without entering.

   Then there is only one answer, they came out of the safe base!

  Seeing Gu Ranguang talking to Xia Xia, Li Xiaoxi, who was very upset, spoke first before Xia Xia nodded and was about to speak.

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