Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 110: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (10)

  Xiamen looked at Li Xiaoxi with an incredible look, as if he was looking at a stranger: " have you changed...I don't even know you anymore!"

  Li Xiaoxi tilted her head to look at Xia Xia and felt that Xia Xia was just like Yuan Mengxian in her memory, she was so kind that it tickled her teeth.

   "Mengmeng, it's not me that has changed, it's the world that has changed. If you want to survive, you have to be cruel!" For example, to you!

  Xiamen gave a wry smile, and then said firmly: "Since the way is different, then we will not conspire with each other, you stop, I have to go by myself!"

  Can Li Xiaoxi let summer go like this? !

  According to the good luck of the summer, if she, a person with no abilities and no farming space, can live better than her, then it will be maddening!

   So no matter what, Li Xiaoxi won't let Summer get away from her.

  So, Li Xiaoxi eased his attitude and apologized to Xia Xia: "I'm sorry Mengmeng, I was also frightened by the current situation, I just want us to be all right and not be in danger!"

  Xiamen bowed his head and did not speak.

   Not to mention, it may be needed every day, and Li Xiaoxi's acting skills are getting better and better!

   So, everyone has the potential to be a powerful actor...

   Summer's "First Disagreement and Contradictions with Li Xiaoxi" was very successful, and after a few more experiences, you can completely "break" with Li Xiaoxi.

  Li Xiaoxi waited for a long time before hearing Xia Xia say: "I hope that no matter how desperate the end times are, our kind hearts as human beings will not change!"

   Hearing this sentence, Li Xiaoxi's eyes flashed with mockery.

kind hearted? Ah!

  Can I eat it? Can the power level be increased?

Do not! cannot!

   Only the core can increase the power level!

   At this moment, five second-order crystal nuclei are lying in Li Xiaoxi's farming space.

  This crystal nucleus is not the nucleus of zombies, but the nucleus of human beings.

   One of them belongs to Wu Liyang.

   And the other cores are the teammates who trust her more in the team she joined the base.

   These are all after the base began to chaotic, Li Xiaoxi took advantage of those people's unpreparedness, killed them, and took away the crystal cores that had just been derived from their brains.

The lowest level of    nuclei is the second order.

  Whether it is a power user or a zombie, the crystal nucleus can only be derived after reaching the second level.

   After she found a temporary place to live, she absorbed those crystal nuclei well.

  If you want to upgrade faster, you must be more unscrupulous.

   Those people, if you keep them anyway, you might die, so they might as well be absorbed by her...

   Li Xiaoxi's eyes glinted with evil spirits, but in his mouth he said to Xia Xia, "Well, you are right! Our kindness as human beings cannot be extinguished."

   Hearing Li Xiaoxi say this, Xia Xia turned his head and smiled at Li Xiaoxi: "I knew Li Xiaoxi was still the Li Xiaoxi I knew!"

  Li Xiaoxi curled her lips into a smile, but did not speak.


  Li Xiaoxi drove the car and left without looking back.

  The car ran out of gas on the highway after driving for three hours!

   There is no gas station either in front or behind!

   There is gasoline in Li Xiaoxi's space, and there is still a lot, but in front of summer, she can't take it out.

   In order to easily get gasoline out for refueling, Li Xiaoxi tilted her head and said to Xia Xia, "I'll go look for the gas station in front, you wait for me here."

   "I'll go with you!"

   Xia Xia deliberately wanted to block Li Xiaoxi, so before Li Xiaoxi wanted to reject her, he added: "Although I don't have any powers, I can't always be protected by you."

   While speaking, Xia Xia had already grasped the long knife in his hand.

The    long knife was found when I ran out to hang out in the summer night. It was one meter long, with a scabbard, a black handle, and the knife was very sharp.

  Speaking of which, this knife was found by the kitten.

  In the summer, I went to the urban area to find it, and found a cold weapon.

   But it seems that the weapon shop has been visited since the end of the world, so the weapons that are left behind are some of the summer dislikes.

   I was going to leave in summer, but I heard the meowing of the little milk cat.

   Following the sound, I walked over and saw this long knife. The long knife is very summery.

  So, I took the long knife away in the summer——

  Li Xiaoxi's eyes fell on the long knife in Xia Xia's hand, and paused: "Where did this knife come from?"

  Li Xiaoxi didn't notice just now that Xia Xia actually took a long knife.

  Xiamen looked down at his knife and said, "Oh, I found this at the base a few days ago. I don't know who dropped it, so I kept it."

  Li Xiaoxi had no doubts, but just said: "Then take a knife and guard here, lest... lest others drive away."

   Hearing Li Xiaoxi say this, Xia Xia burst out laughing: "The car is out of gas, how can others drive away?"

   This excuse, Li Xiaoxi really said something lame.

  Li Xiaoxi choked, what else could she say?

   Seeing that Xia Xia got off the bus first, Li Xiaoxi had to follow.

   Under the car, Li Xiaoxi's eyes fell on the trunk.

  She rolled her eyes and suddenly thought of a good idea.

  Li Xiaoxi looked at the summer, then walked over to the trunk, and wanted to open the trunk and then take a barrel of gasoline out of the space.

  Xiamen's attention has been on Li Xiaoxi, and she followed her when she saw her movements.

   "Xiao Xi, do you want to see if there is oil in the trunk? I think so too!"

   While talking, Xia Xia opened the trunk before Li Xiaoxi.

  The trunk is empty.

  Xia Tian's face showed a regretful expression: "It's a pity, there is no such thing!"

  Li Xiaoxi: "..."

  If there was a mirror, Li Xiaoxi would definitely be able to see his twitching facial muscles.

   A smile flashed across Xia Xia's eyes, and he was very happy when he could see that Li Xiaoxi was so angry.

   She wanted to see what else Li Xiaoxi could do.

  Li Xiaoxi really had no choice, so he had to say to Xia Xia, "Then let's go ahead and find out if there is a gas station."

  Summer nodded, carrying the long knife on his back, and then carrying the backpack.

  The two of them walked forward on this road that didn't even have a single zombie.

   The muscles on Li Xiaoxi's face were tensed, and anyone with eyes could see that she was in a bad mood now.

   However, Summer pretended not to see it, and told jokes with a smiley face.

   Seeing the heartless look of summer, Li Xiaoxi was really angry.

  If he didn't want to die like this in the summer, Li Xiaoxi really wanted to burn her to ashes with a fire, out of sight and out of sight!

Tolerate! She has to endure!

  Thinking about it, Li Xiaoxi unconsciously quickened his pace, leaving Summer behind.

   Xia Tian tilted his head and looked at the protagonist's halo above Li Xiaoxi's head.

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