Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 477 The Terror of the Demon Sword

Although Qin Ming expected that the ghost's physical value would definitely not be high, there was one thing he did not expect, that is, the ghost's reaction would be so slow!

Qin Ming came to the possessed Eri Kasamoto, and looked at Eri Kasamoto who was looking down at his body. His behavior was very strange.

He now seriously doubted whether this ghost was really a high-level adventurer? Why was this guy so slow to react?

If he was accidentally hit by this trick, he would probably cut off his arm at the first time to prevent the black fog, whose specific effect was unknown, from spreading to his body.

But the ghost was so good, she actually panicked? It took a long time for her to react and cut off her own hand.

Is this really a high-level adventurer? Even if it is a mid-level adventurer, he should have a certain degree of ruthlessness.

The guy who can kill by strength, let alone being ruthless to the enemy, is also extremely ruthless to himself.

Qin Ming has done things like cutting arms more than once or twice, and he is already familiar with it.

He originally just wanted to use the magic sword Yin Guiying, thinking that at most he could make her cut off one of her arms.

But he never thought that this move would kill her in seconds! This is really an unexpected surprise!

Qin Ming had no idea that Guiying, who had relied on special talents and skills to climb up smoothly, had never had a serious fight with others. She had always been the one beating others, and others could not hit her at all.

In the rare cases where she encountered someone who could restrain her ability, Guiying could easily run away.

In other words, Guiying actually did not have much combat experience, and of course she did not have the ruthlessness that a high-level adventurer should have.

This is also a common situation for people with talent skills.

If you have strong talent skills, it will be easy to beat others.

But if you can beat others easily, you will have less combat experience.

Less combat experience will lead to weak actual combat ability.

In the end, a vicious cycle will be formed where the stronger the talent, the weaker the actual combat ability. It is naturally easy to bully rookies, but once you fight with masters, you will be finished.

This is the so-called high expectations and low skills, and poor adaptability.

The ghost died because of lack of experience.

Just as Qin Ming was looking at Kasamoto Eri and thinking, Kasamoto Eri, who stood up and was looking down at his body, suddenly raised his head and his expression became extremely strange.

Looking at Qin Ming, Kasamoto Eri whispered.

"Boss, I seem to have become an adventurer."

"What the hell?!"

Qin Ming was stunned by Kasamoto Eri's sudden words. Just as he was confused, Kasamoto Eri had raised his hand and took out an item from his arms.

And this item was very familiar to Qin Ming, because it was actually an arcade resurrection coin!

Holding the resurrection coin in his hand, Kasamoto Eri looked very surprised at this time.

"I seem to have inherited the adventurer identity and number of this ghost! The nightmare space just reminded me! Her items and talent skills have also been inherited by me!"

As he spoke, Kasamoto Eri opened the attribute bar.

[No.: 369427 (Possessed state)]

[Talented skill: Ghost]

[Strength: 54]

[Constitution: 40]

[Agility: 55]

[Spirit: 83]

[Skills: Clairvoyance (A-level) Earring bomb (B-level) Chunli's wave (A-level) Mind control (S-level)]

[Equipment: Magneto helmet (normal gold plot) Chunli's combat suit (bright gold plot) Reaper sniper rifle (dim legendary level) Professor X's cloak (normal legendary plot)]

[Introduction: A poor guy who was possessed and taken over]

Seeing that Kasamoto Eri actually took out a resurrection coin, Qin Ming's eyes widened on the spot.

Resurrection coin? Isn't this something that can directly resurrect the owner after death?

The adventurer who was possessed alive was unable to activate the resurrection coin! Doesn't that mean that this ghost is completely dead!

Qin Ming didn't have much killing intention for this opponent, because he knew that since the other people were all selected reserve, they must have a trump card in their hands.

I'm afraid everyone has one or two means of resurrection, just like him.

But he didn't expect that Kasamoto Eri's magic sword could actually break the means of resurrection directly!

Originally, Qin Ming thought that Kasamoto Eri's magic sword attributes were too low, and it didn't live up to the level of legendary equipment.

Now it seems that it doesn't live up to the level! It's obviously higher! Her special effects far exceed the quality of legendary equipment!

It's okay to be able to possess adventurers! When possessing adventurers while alive! You can also replace the other party as an adventurer!

What does this mean! This means that Kasamoto Eri has indirectly become an adventurer through this means! And if you are not satisfied, you can change your body!

Is this the power of the magic sword? Or it should be said that it shouldn't appear! The power of the legendary magic sword!

Looking up at Kasamoto Eri, and then at the resurrection coin in her hand, as well as the two keys and a bunch of consumables she took out of her arms, Qin Ming couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, when he saw the talents of Ghost Shadow and King Jinjiao, Qin Ming was still jealous.

After all, the talents of these two guys seemed to be more powerful than his own.

But now it seems that his talent is still stronger. After all, who knows what special effects will be awakened by the upgraded equipment.

The unknown is the most terrifying.

Quickly putting away the two keys and the resurrection coin that Kasamoto Eri had no use for, Qin Ming and the others looked at each other, their eyes suddenly flickered slightly.

Now that he had killed the Silver Horn King, it was a foregone conclusion that he would be selected this time.

But this place had also become a dangerous place. Who knows when the Taishang Laojun would come down to kill them and avenge his boy.

Since he had already made an enemy with the Taishang Laojun, he would have to make a hundred of them! He might as well make more of them!

Anyway, this broken place couldn't stay any longer! So he would try to make enough money at once!

"Let's go! Get Tang Seng!"

With an order, Qin Ming turned around and left, and Mai Shiranui hurriedly followed.

Kasamoto Eri followed closely behind him, flashing back and forth, which made Qin Ming feel a toothache.

The three of them quickly entered the deepest part of the cave, and successfully saw the tied Tang Seng here.

Tang Seng's bodyguards would not show up unless they were in danger of their lives, so at this moment he was tied to the pillar alone.

Seeing this, Qin Ming and the other two looked at each other and suddenly nodded in unison.

The next second, Kasamoto Eri flashed and suddenly appeared in front of Tang Seng, raising his hand and slashing him with a knife!

Qin Ming! Still thinking about Tang Seng's meat!

And if possible! I also want to taste the pork head meat! Hericium erinaceus! Dragon horse blood and the like!

After all, childhood idols are childhood idols, but this does not prevent him from taking benefits.

Because idols cannot be eaten as food!

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