Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 476 The consequences of taking things without permission

The famous Silver Horn King, the Taoist child of Taishang Laojun, died in a confused manner under the siege of several outsiders.

When the three people here solved the Silver Horn King, the battle on the other side was over.

The ghost who quickly killed the rival Golden Horn King, picked up the treasure chest, turned around and saw that the battle on this side was over, and suddenly raised his hand and fired a shot at this side.

The bullet disappeared strangely in mid-air, and when it appeared again, it had come to Qin Ming and went straight to his eyes.

Qin Ming, who heard the sound of the wind, instinctively raised his hand to block, and with sparks flying, he forcibly bounced the bullet away.

However, just when he instinctively raised his hand, the ghost standing in the distance suddenly flashed over, grabbed the key that the Silver Horn King exploded, and teleported away again.

Seeing that the key of the BOSS was actually taken away, Qin Ming and the other two changed their faces, especially Qin Ming, who was really anxious at this time.

This was the first time since he entered the nightmare space that someone dared to steal his things!

"You're looking for death!"

With a roar, Qin Ming turned into blood and flew out at an amazing speed.

But his speed was fast, and the ghost's speed was even faster.

His body flashed in the cave, constantly dodging the attacks of Qin Ming and others, relying on his special talent skills to distance himself back and forth, and the ghost's smile was very mocking.

"Hey! Are you angry! Why are you so angry! Don't be so petty!"

As he spoke, the ghost disappeared again.

This made Qin Ming, who flew over but hit nothing, hit the wall hard with his shoulder, instantly causing a lot of cracks in the wall.

Before he could turn around angrily, a scream suddenly came from behind him.

Qin Ming's pupils shrank when he heard the voice, and he turned his head to look, only to find that it was Kasamoto Eri who was following the attack, and the two weapons in his hands were also forcibly taken away by the ghost!

With a whoosh, he appeared dozens of meters away and successfully distanced himself from this side.

The ghost who appeared looked at the magic sword and banana fan in his hand, and his expression was very proud.

She raised her hand and shook the weapon in her hand slightly, her eyebrows raised, and her face was provocative.

"Remember to hold the weapon tightly next time, otherwise it will be taken away by others."

Playing tricks on BOSS and even adventurers is a game that ghosts often play.

The so-called talent skills are actually the embodiment of the adventurer's spirit. What kind of personality will awaken what kind of ability.

The ghost's personality is originally mean, so she awakened this weird teleportation talent.

And with this talent, she basically dared to provoke anyone she saw along the way, and rarely suffered a setback, and this time was no exception.

But she was still very troubled by the ability of this opponent.

Don't think that she solved the Golden Horn King very quickly, but that was mainly because the Golden Horn King, who became a BOSS this time, relied on magic weapons to survive, and his own strength was actually very average.

On the other hand, Qin Ming was able to turn his body into blood. Faced with this strange ability, the ghost shadow had no idea where to start.

Of course, that was just now. Now the situation is different. Now she has a banana fan in her hand.

And this fire-attributed banana fan! It is the best at restraining evil things!

With a grin, the ghost shadow suddenly swung his hand and directly rolled up a raging fire.

The overwhelming flames blasted the three people on the opposite side away on the spot.

When the fire dissipated, Mai Shiranui was seriously injured, and Eri Kasamoto was burned to charcoal. Only Qin Ming relied on his own strong defense to barely withstand this wave of attacks.

Looking at the three people on the opposite side who died and two were disabled on the spot, the ghost shadow's eyes flashed, and couldn't help sighing.

"It should be said that it is worthy of being the treasure of the Taoist ancestor. The effect is awesome. Now that one has died, how many more of you two can withstand!"

After that, the ghost shadow raised the banana fan in his hand again, ready to pursue the victory.

But before she could launch an attack, she suddenly noticed Qin Ming, who was kneeling on one knee opposite her, with his head down and a smile on his face.

Seeing this strange smile, the ghost's pupils shrank, and he secretly said in his heart that it was not good.

At this moment, Qin Ming on the opposite side suddenly raised his head and spoke in a low voice.

"It's better not to take other people's things casually."

Hearing this, the ghost was slightly stunned, and the next second he suddenly reacted as if he had realized something, and looked down at his body.

As a result, he saw that the black sword in his left hand was now emitting a lot of black air.

The thick black air spread up along her arm and drilled into her arm, and now the whole arm has been dyed black!

The magic sword is possessed!


This sudden situation scared the ghost, and he hurriedly shook his hand to try to throw away the magic sword.

However, as her arm swung, she was surprised to find that the arm at this time had completely disobeyed her command.

This discovery frightened the ghost, and while flashing, she randomly took out potions and stuffed them into her mouth.

The potions she took out were of higher levels, and in the hands of other adventurers, they would probably be life-saving items.

However, no matter how high the level of the medicine was, it was useless, because the state of possession by the magic sword did not deduct blood, and taking medicine was useless.

It was not until she saw the black gas continue to spread and climb up her body along her arm that the ghost came back to her senses from the panic, took out the weapon and cut off her arm fiercely.

It was a pity that her reaction was still too slow. As her arm broke, some of the black gas that had not been cut off and had penetrated into her body was still spreading.

First it merged into the body! Finally it spread to the limbs! Finally it attacked the head!

With the violent twitching of the body, the ghost figure, whose body began to stiffen, fell to the ground with a bang. In a horrified expression, black lines quickly spread across her face.

She found that something was wrong, and struggled to take out a scroll to return to the city, and tried to escape back to the nightmare space.

But before the scroll to return to the city was activated, her other arm was completely covered by the black air, causing her to no longer obey the command.

With a click, the scroll fell to the ground, and the ghost figure's last pair of eyes, which were wide open, were quickly swallowed by the black mist.

The cave fell into silence. After a few seconds, the ghost figure who fell to the ground trembled slightly and slowly climbed up.

But at this time, she was no longer a ghost! But Kasamoto Eri! Kasamoto Eri who took over the magpie's nest!

The magic sword! Not only can it possess corpses! In fact, it can also possess living things!

But this is not the original ability of the magic sword, but an upgraded ability.

After all, Kasamoto Eri is a younger brother who has been following Qin Ming all the way, so Qin Ming actually attaches great importance to Kasamoto Eri.

Qin Ming does not care about the legendary quality at all, so he spent all the savings from selling things in the past few months to upgrade the magic sword to the legendary level.

This also led to the magic sword adding a new ability, that is, the effect of possessing living things.

However, there are many restrictions on possession. First, the possession process is very slow, and second, if the opponent's physical value exceeds 50 points, it cannot be resurrected.

And obviously, the physical value of the ghost shadow has not reached 50 points.

Think about it, just relying on this guy who offends people everywhere and has such a bad character, how could she know the boss, and it would be good if the boss didn't beat her.

If you don't know the boss, you can't know the secret of advancing to the top adventurer.

Don't know the secret that attributes must be balanced in order to merge strength.

The ghost shadow, who will never be hit by anyone, naturally can't deliberately add physical points.

After all, what kind of physical value can you add as an assassin!

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