Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 453: Air Attack

In the huge airplane flying in the sky, while Zhao Honghua and others inside were chatting about nothing, the cabin suddenly trembled violently.

Feeling this scene, the three of them stood up at the same time, with serious expressions on their faces.

Zhao Honghua instinctively observed the surroundings to see if there was a sneak attack.

Kasamoto Miles and Angel, who knew what Qin Ming was doing, quickly turned to look at the small room where Qin Ming was, looking very nervous.

Before the two of them could look at each other and consider whether they should go over to check the situation, the cabin next to them suddenly exploded.

The next second, a large number of monsters jumped in from the gap!

at the same time! Outside the passenger plane! Several planes quickly appeared on both sides! Surround the passenger planes here!

Before everyone can reach the city of science and technology! The troops sent by the other party to intercept! He was the first to kill it!

"damn it!"

Zhao Honghua, who understood what this meant, looked livid at the moment, raised his hand to tear off his Taoist robe, and immediately prepared for battle.

There is a mole in the human camp! This is something that is expected!

After all, the monster has the power of corruption! Countless humans have fought for strength and survival! I chose to join them!

It's not surprising that there will be a few tipsters on the human side.

Or rather from the beginning! Zhao Honghua was already mentally prepared to fight the enemy halfway!

The spell begins! Turn into raging fire!

Zhao Honghua, holding a mahogany sword, rushed out, followed closely by Angel, trying to block the gap in the plane to prevent the enemy from continuing to pour in.

Miles Kasamoto held a machine gun and retreated to the door of the room where Qin Ming was, wary of anyone approaching.

The cabin suddenly became chaotic, with countless people fighting.

There are various types of monsters constantly jumping over from the nearby planes. They are no longer limited to zombies and humans, but many other species have appeared.

And with the two werewolves swinging hard, a huge box was thrown directly over!

The box that hit the ground with a bang was made entirely of gold. Its shape looked extremely gorgeous and full of Egyptian style.

Before everyone who saw the huge coffin could recover from their shock, the upper layer of the box suddenly flew up and, driven by a huge force, was inserted directly into the top of the cabin.

A harsh friction sound was heard, and as two arms crossed the frame, a mummy, covered in bandages and with an Egyptian crown on its head, slowly stood up from the coffin.

Egyptian mummies! To be precise, it’s the mummy of the Pharaoh! Appear!

Looking at the monster standing up menacingly, Zhao Honghua's expression darkened. He swung his mahogany sword and instantly cut open the bodies of the two enemies blocking the way. He roared and charged forward with his sword.

But they had just gotten close, and before they could launch an attack, the Egyptian Pharaoh standing in the coffin had already waved his hand vigorously.

In an instant, yellow sand swept across, and the gravel in the coffin flew out at high speed, slamming into Zhao Honghua who was rushing over, knocking her whole body out on the spot.

Looking at Zhao Honghua who passed by him and flew more than ten meters away, Angel looked shocked.

After reacting, he gritted his teeth, raised his fists and roared out.

With her astonishing body weight, she was able to withstand the impact of the yellow sand. However, the yellow sand that passed through her suddenly condensed into a huge hand in the next second, and grabbed her thigh on the ground, and flew her away in an instant.

Angel spun and hit the cabin. Because it was too heavy, it actually penetrated the iron sheet of the cabin and flew outside screaming.

If Zhao Honghua, who had already stood up, had not had quick eyesight and quick hands to catch her at the critical moment, Angel might have started to fall freely.

Zhao Honghua clutched Angel's arm tightly, and the veins on Zhao Honghua's arm bulged and his face turned red.

She gritted her teeth and forced out a sentence from between her teeth.

"Why are you so heavy!"

Angel, who was dragged and hung outside the cabin by Zhao Honghua and was being baptized by the strong wind, turned dark when he heard this.

"What do you mean it's so heavy! I'm just a little heavier!"

"Nonsense! I moved the bronze cauldron at the entrance to the Taoist temple! It didn't take so much trouble as you did!"

"Zhao Honghua! If you continue to attack my weight! We will no longer be friends!"

The two people here were arguing and exerting force. Zhao Honghua tried his best to pull Angel up.

At this moment, the Egyptian Pharaoh strode out of the coffin and walked towards this side with heavy steps.

Seeing this scene, Miles Kasamoto, the only one who was not restrained, his face darkened. Without thinking, he raised his machine gun, pointed it at the Egyptian Pharaoh and started shooting wildly.

Hearing the wind, the Egyptian Pharaoh raised his hand and grabbed it. The surrounding yellow sand gathered on the spot, easily blocking all the incoming bullets.

Being so disturbed, it finally changed its attention and no longer walked towards Angel and Zhao Honghua, but strode towards Kasamoto Miles.

Just because he wasn't going that way, it didn't mean that he would let them go like this.

The moment he turned around, the Egyptian Pharaoh raised his hand and the yellow sand spurted out from under his feet, shooting directly at Zhao Honghua at high speed.

Zhao Honghua, who was pulling at Angel desperately and was about to drag Angel up, saw this and hurriedly raised the peach wood sword in his other hand to block.

But in such a hurry, how could he withstand the attack.

With a loud bang, Zhao Honghua flew out with his sword.

His body hit the cabin hard, breaking through the iron plate on the spot, and flew out of the cabin with Angel and fell to the bottom.

The Egyptian Pharaoh, who had knocked the two away to prevent them from really climbing up, was still walking towards Kasamoto Eri at this time. The countless bullets shot in front of him could not get close to him at all.

The gravel in his hand was like the hardest wall, and the sparks of the bullets were all bounced away.

Seeing the Egyptian Pharaoh approaching him leisurely, Kasamoto Eri found that the machine gun was useless, and threw the machine gun aside fiercely, and at the same time pulled out the hand axe from his waist, and the other hand silently reached for the grenade.

With a roar, she was about to step forward, but suddenly heard a harsh friction sound behind her.

Kasamoto Eri turned his head and saw that the tightly closed cabin door was actually deforming at a very fast speed.

Countless blood beads that had solidified into solids broke out of the door like shotguns! Shooting towards her with a whistle!

As soon as they approached, they suddenly separated to the left and right, brushing past her, and swarmed towards the Egyptian Pharaoh behind!

Seeing this scene, the Egyptian Pharaoh hurriedly stopped and raised his hands to control the gravel to block.

Just as the gravel flew in front of him, the blood beads in the sky had already hit him.

The two collided, sparks flew in an instant, and the sand wall only lasted for less than a few seconds before it was ruthlessly pierced.

The next moment, the sky full of tiny blood beads rushed in front of him and hit the Egyptian Pharaoh madly!

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