Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 452 New S-Class Power

To be honest, Qin Ming was tempted by Count Dracula's previous proposal.

Vampire bloodline has good abilities and amazing life-saving abilities. It is definitely a very strong bloodline.

The most important thing is that it can perfectly cooperate with Qin Ming's current abilities. This is the most important thing.

After all, if the bloodline and ability conflict, how miserable the end will be. The old, weak, and disabled people in the nightmare space have already told Qin Ming with practical actions.

But the problem is that even if the ability and bloodline are both to control blood, can the three really fit perfectly?

Both are viruses that make people turn into corpses, but one is an Eastern zombie and the other is a Western zombie. Can you say that the two are really the same just because their abilities are similar? Will they not explode when put together?

Corn is also very similar to human genes! Why haven't I seen any human photosynthesis!

Therefore, strengthening this bloodline is actually a gamble, but the success rate can be slightly higher.

But how high it can be, whether it can be perfectly integrated, and not shock Qin Ming into hemiplegia on the spot, Qin Ming himself dare not guarantee.

But Qin Ming thought that even if the fusion was not perfect, it would not cause him to have too much rejection reaction.

After all, we are all blood, and one can turn into blood mist.

Even if he really bursts, he will not die with such a special ability!

This is much better than others. I heard from those top adventurers that there seemed to be a lot of high-level adventurers who exploded directly when they were trying to reach the top.

Because of his special bloodline, he is not afraid of explosions, so he will be much safer. This is also the main reason why Qin Ming is interested in vampire blood.

He is attracted by the immortal characteristic of being able to turn into blood mist!

After struggling for several days, Qin Ming finally made up his mind and decided to use vampire blood.

With vampire blood as the base and the original fantasy dinosaur blood as the material, the two merged into a brand new S-level bloodline! This is Qin Ming's goal!

Anyway, it's the same when he goes back to merge. If something goes wrong, the nightmare space can't protect him at all.

In this case, let's merge them directly. After all, the strength of the BOSS in this world is too terrifying, which makes Qin Ming a little scared and urgently needs to improve his strength.

Since we have to fight! Then just fight harder!

If we don't succeed, we will die! If we really fail! I will find a way to pass the high-level adventurer exam! I will just lie down and live my retirement! I won't struggle anymore!

After making up his mind, Qin Ming's eyes condensed and he injected the blood in his hand into his neck.

As the talent skills were activated, the dream bloodline that followed Qin Ming all the way and the new vampire bloodline immediately began to entangle together.

After a while, a light sound came from Qin Ming's ears.

[Ding! Adventurer bloodline mutated to S level! Please choose the mutation direction! ]

[Mutation direction 1: blood control]

[Mutation direction 2: body atomization]

[Mutation direction 3: swallowing growth]

"Choose 2!"

Although there were three mutation directions this time, and the last one sounded very awesome, Qin Ming, who had already made a plan, was not shaken at all, and his voice was extremely firm.

As his voice fell, the new bloodline in his body officially began to condense.

The blood in his body was boiling! Blue veins appeared on the surface of his body!

With his canine teeth protruding and his eyes reddening, Qin Ming's new bloodline was officially formed.

[Bloodline: Mutated vampire marquis bloodline! ]


Before Qin Ming, who was watching the bloodline forming, opened the panel to see his new ability, his body suddenly shook.

The next second, Qin Ming's face suddenly showed a painful expression, and his knees slammed to the ground with a bang.

Holding the ground with both hands, Qin Ming gritted his teeth as he looked at the flesh and blood that was constantly wriggling on his body.

As another S-level power entered his body, the two S-level powers that had barely reached a balance in Qin Ming's body! Completely out of balance!

The two began to conflict with the new vampire bloodline and fought each other non-stop.

Every collision would cause Qin Ming's body to swell.

This made Qin Ming's body change for a while, and his shape was like a balloon. The reason why his body had not collapsed was entirely due to his physical strength.

There is an unspoken rule among high-level adventurers, that is, no matter what route you take, you must learn a passive skill that can strengthen your body, and you must not have it.

This is to prevent Qin Ming's current situation from happening!

And when adding S-level skills, you must also ensure that you are in the best condition, and the higher the basic attributes, the better.

Because the stronger your basic attributes are! The more your body can withstand the toss!

Maybe you can't withstand the power conflict with 60 points of all attributes, but 80 points can force it to save your life.

Of course, it is more likely that when the power really conflicts, even 80 points of all attributes will not be able to withstand it.

Qin Ming now has all attributes of 60 points with the blessing of a set of equipment, which is the limit of the second stage.

It is very unwise to use this attribute to resist the conflict of S skills.

So Qin Ming didn't plan to use his body to hold on from the beginning! Instead...

With a bang, Qin Ming, whose body was constantly expanding, suddenly turned into a blood mist and exploded.

It was the life-saving ability that the vampire clan basically had! Blood mist!

Qin Ming, who was directly dispersing into mist all over the sky, completely gave up controlling the three forces in his body and instead began to let them run rampant. The purpose of doing so was very clear.

Since you know you can't control the power! Then let them talk it out!

If you have the guts, kill him in the atomized state! Otherwise, the three guys will always have a winner!

And once who is the boss is decided! Then Qin Ming will be safe!

This! This is the main reason why Qin Ming is interested in vampire blood!

It takes too long to wait for all attributes to reach 80 or even higher.

According to the top adventurers, when the attributes enter the third stage, that is, after the own attributes break through 40 points, 5 free attribute points are required for each attribute growth.

In this case, if you want to strengthen all the attributes, you have to wait until the end of time.

In this case, simply don't start from this aspect, just find a way to ensure that you don't die!

Qin Ming's idea is indeed good. With an immortal body, you can indeed avoid dying from the recoil of power.

However, there are pros and cons. Qin Ming, who is still not very familiar with the aspect of power conflict, does not know one thing.

That is, the method he chose has not been widely popularized, but there is a reason.

That is, having an immortal body can indeed prevent oneself from being killed by the conflict of power, and even avoid any sequelae.

But this also means that you will either not be affected, or you will die directly!

When the power in others' bodies cannot be integrated, you can still rely on your own strength and will to forcibly hold the body from exploding, so that the power can temporarily stop fighting, but the price is various sequelae.

If Qin Ming's power really cannot be integrated, he will not even have the chance to have sequelae, and several powers will really fight to death!

He only considered that the power will eventually be exhausted, but he never considered that if these three guys are completely angry!

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