Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 421 Reasons for the crusade

At noon on the second day, accompanied by the sound of chaotic footsteps, Qin Ming's army, which had completely wiped out the enemy, successfully returned in triumph.

He ate up the 8,000-man army regardless of the losses, and even led people to catch his old friend, Percival, who was trying to escape.

After so many missions, Qin Ming met Percival again.

And Qin Ming, who was once alone, has become a hegemon.

Percival, who could only lead dozens of militiamen to fight guerrilla warfare with the enemy and even dared not fight a knight to the death, has also become a knight commander with tens of thousands of troops.

The identities of both parties are different, but the friendship they made that year is still there. Percival can even recognize Qin Ming, whose appearance has changed greatly, and accurately call out Qin Ming's name.

To be honest, Qin Ming did not want to kill the protagonist in front of him who had helped him.

But the other party's action of helping others to lead him out betrayed his friendship.

So he led his troops to block him directly. After tens of thousands of people surrounded Percival, who was left with only dozens of soldiers again, Qin Ming gave him the last chance.

It was not a surrender or a reminiscence. Qin Ming did not even talk to the other party, but just gave him a chance to live.

He sent Mai Zhuo, who was randomly summoned this time, to fight him in a one-on-one knight duel.

If he wins, he leaves.

If he loses, he dies.

And the facts have proved that the knights of the Knights of the Round Table are indeed no match for the Eight Heroes of Orochi.

The facts also prove that Mai Zhuo is indeed not a good thing. Qin Ming said that he could let him go a little bit for the sake of the past friendship.

As a result, Mai Zhuo, who heard the hidden meaning of Qin Ming, opened the blood of the Kingdom of Heaven as soon as he came on the stage, which really did not give him any face.

The coldest-blooded woman in the Eight Heroes, this title is not for nothing.

Show mercy? There are no such words in her dictionary!

With the death of Percival, the treasure chest was in hand.

Mai Zhuo, who came back with the treasure chest, with blood still dripping from his hands, came to Qin Ming and asked for a share of the benefits in person.

Since learning about the situation in the nightmare space, Mai Zhuo and Weiss have been dissatisfied with being a plot character.

They also want to become adventurers, want to completely get rid of the control of the snake, and want to live a free life.

So they set their sights on the scroll in Qin Ming's hand that can transform plot characters into companions, trying to obtain this item to completely leave the King of Fighters world.

This time, they directly acted ruthlessly, completely disobeyed Qin Ming's command, and forcibly killed people to obtain the key, which was also a big part of this reason.

Favors? Can favors be used as keys? Can they be transformed into equipment!

After letting Percival go! Qin Ming's favors were returned! But when she joined the gang! Her equipment was gone!

If Qin Ming hadn't stopped her! Mai Zhuo wanted to attack her own people before!

In a sense, Mai Zhuo, a woman with a cold personality and no sympathy, is far more suitable to be an adventurer than Qin Ming.

Because this woman is really profit-seeking and ruthless, she will definitely be better than Qin Ming if she comes in.

Looking at the key that Mai Zhuo handed over with a cold face, and the request to use it to ask for a membership card.

Qin Ming smiled slightly, and drove her aside without mercy, and did not forget to take the key away.

A little girl with mental illness dared to bargain with him?

If it weren't for Mai Zhuo's favor to him, if it was Weiss, Qin Ming would have picked her up and beaten her.

After dealing with the enemy, Qin Ming immediately led the troops back and led the troops back to the castle successfully.

Looking at the chaotic city, Qin Ming knew that there was definitely a fight here.

He led the troops into the city, turned over and dismounted, and shouted loudly.

"Come here! Report the situation!"

Seeing their boss return, the pitchfork knights next to them hurriedly gathered.

"Your Majesty! It's not good! King Arthur's troops rioted last night! Fighting with our people!"

The expected information made Qin Ming nod slightly, his expression very calm.

"Got it. What are the casualties? What about the enemy?"

"The enemy's 5,000 Knights of the Round Table were almost wiped out! The 2,000 supporting knights were also killed or wounded! It's a pity that King Arthur still escaped!"

"It's normal for him to escape. After all, he is the chosen king. If he was killed by you, it would be useless. What about our casualties?"

"Our casualties are not light either. Nearly 10,000 people died, especially the cavalry. The most important thing is... is..."

At this point, the pitchfork knight who spoke suddenly became entangled.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming frowned.

"What is it? Don't hesitate! Just say it!"

"General Torred led the cavalry out of the city to pursue King Arthur! Although they almost wiped out the enemy! But General Torred was seriously injured by King Arthur! He is almost dying!"


Qin Ming, who had always been calm and even showed a look of joy when he learned that the other party was almost wiped out, froze his smile and his eyes widened after hearing the last news.

Torred led his troops out of the city to pursue the enemy! He was seriously injured?

How could this cautious guy lead his troops out of the city to pursue others! Isn't this something his daughter would do!

"Take me to see him! Quickly!"


"Torretia! Prepare the medicine for treatment!"

Although he was shocked by this information, Qin Ming was just shocked and was not too panicked.

Because as long as Torred was not dead, he could still be saved, although his consumables could not be used by the plot characters.

But those special consumables that can only be used in this space can be used by Torred, the plot character.

And Qin Ming has also strengthened a large number of such emergency life-saving props, and Torred even has a lot of them.

What's wrong with this guy? He has so many medicines in his hands, but he can't save himself!

Qin Ming strode into the room, knocking the door open with his shoulder.

Pulling away the busy doctor, he looked at Torred lying on the bed, wrapped in a lot of blood-stained gauze, and his face was extremely pale.

Qin Ming went up to check the situation first, and after confirming that he had no injuries that could not be recovered with consumables, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"You! How did you end up like this! He ran away! Why did you chase him? And you led the team to chase him! This is not your style!"

As Qin Ming said this, he threw the high-level consumables in his hand to Torred.

"Here! Use it yourself!"

After being hit by something, Torred struggled to open his eyes and looked at Qin Ming. Seeing Qin Ming return safely, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Your Majesty, you are back."

"Don't talk nonsense, heal your wounds first."

"…………This wound cannot be cured."

Looking at the medicine on his body, Torred's eyes flickered and he suddenly shook his head.

When these words came out, Qin Ming was stunned.

"What did you say?"

"This wound cannot be cured, Your Majesty. That guy is a scourge. The most important thing is that he has been famous for a long time. He is also the chosen king. He has too much prestige among the people. He must be eliminated and eliminated for legitimate reasons."

"I said no nonsense! Treat first!"

"Your Majesty, if we suddenly start fighting in the city, they will not admit that they started it first. They may even turn around and say that we suddenly attacked them because we have more people."

"Tored! I order you to treat!"

"Your Majesty, there must be a sufficient reason to start a war. We must tell everyone that they deserve to die and they deserve it."

Looking at Qin Ming with a pale face, Torred's voice was weak, but his eyes were firm.

"Someone must die in their hands."

Tored, an old man who started with the Holy King, the first pitchfork knight, and the first farmer to respond to the Holy King's call, the empire's deputy, the Holy King's right-hand man.

Although he had only been a general for more than a month, Torred had great prestige among the people. Even in the folk legends that were constantly spread, his identity was defined as a minister of heaven's choice, similar to the great wizard Merlin.

If Qin Ming suddenly led his troops to fight King Arthur for no reason, with the Holy King who had suddenly risen recently on one side and the Chosen King who had been fighting the Evil Duke for several years on the other side, the people might not be sure which side they would side with.

But if Qin Ming was angry because Torred died in the hands of the other party, he sent troops to attack.

Then the death of Torred, the first pitchfork knight who had a very special status among the peasants and could be said to be the symbol of their peasants, would definitely cause public outrage.

At that time, no matter how much King Arthur stood up to explain, I'm afraid no one would listen.

Without Qin Ming going there, the angry peasants alone would be enough to make King Arthur drink a pot.

After all, although Qin Ming is the Holy King, it is Torred who has been responsible for distributing food and equipment to the people, spreading propaganda and receiving power.

Even the imperial adjutant died under King Arthur's sneak attack! What else can the other party say!

When King Arthur snatched the Holy Fork before, he only dared to kick Torred away, but did not dare to kill him. A large part of the reason was because of this!

Really killing Torred! But it will attract the hatred of the peasants!

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