Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 420: War Begins

Torred was on guard nervously, but he did not wait for King Arthur and his men to launch a massive attack.

On the contrary, in his stunned expression, King Arthur and his men actually came to say goodbye.

Looking at King Arthur, who only brought a few confidants, Torred's expression was very strange.

When he entered the castle, he saw that King Arthur and his men were full of soldiers, and their expressions were stiff.

Both sides sat down across the table in the hall with different expressions, constantly saying polite words.

While speaking in a low voice, King Arthur and his men secretly communicated with their eyes.

Such a large defensive force here was obviously beyond their expectations, but now the arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

Secretly looking at Merlin next to him, his eyes gradually became firm, and King Arthur suddenly stood up happily and stretched out a hand to Torred opposite.

"Sir Torred, the incident happened suddenly, so we had to say goodbye in advance and couldn't say goodbye to His Majesty the Holy King in person. Please express my apologies to your king on my behalf."

Hearing this, Torred's face turned serious, and he quickly stood up and shook hands with King Arthur.

The pitchfork knights who were called in by him stood around with weapons in their arms, looking at this side with vigilant expressions.

"Our king was out for something and couldn't come back in time to say goodbye. Please don't mind, Lord King Arthur."

The two people who were talking had serious expressions and sincere voices, as if they were close friends who were about to leave, and they looked reluctant to leave.

While the two were talking, the great wizard Merlin, who was secretly moving his feet next to him, also quietly moved behind several trusted knights.

The staff that had been held suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

Seeing this beam of light, Torred, who found that something was wrong, pulled his hand hard and tried to pull his arm back.

However, when he exerted force, he found that his arm was actually held tightly by King Arthur and could not be pulled back at all.

King Arthur, who was trying his best to grab Torred's wrist to prevent him from escaping back to the team, had an extremely ferocious expression at this moment. He grabbed the holy fork in Torred's hand with his other hand and roared.

"Do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, a fierce shout of killing sounded behind him.

The great magician Merlin raised his hand to cast magic and actually opened a huge portal out of thin air! He teleported the elite knights under King Arthur in another castle!

Teleportation! This is a spell that most mages in the world of the Knights of the Round Table know!

But they generally only teleport one person, that is, teleport themselves, and the pre-swing is extremely obvious, and the activation process is long.

There are definitely very few masters like the great magician Merlin who can teleport so many people at once in this world.

And even if it is the great magician Merlin, it takes a very long time to prepare to activate this teleportation.

Countless knights suddenly rushed out from the light, causing the faces of the surrounding pitchfork knights to change drastically. After reacting, they raised their pitchforks and roared to charge towards this side.

In an instant, the scene that was just a good match for the host and the guest suddenly turned into a scene of a big fight, and the two sides fought in the living room on the spot.

And with the movement here, the pitchfork knights stationed in other rooms and even in the corridors also broke into the door and quickly joined the battle.

Inside the castle, shouts and killings were continuous.

Outside the castle, hearing the deafening shouts and killings, the other hired militiamen who had already received the order suddenly looked up and looked at each other.

The next second, they nodded in unison, roared and raised their pitchforks, and rushed towards the castle where King Arthur's army was located.

No matter how strong the great magician Merlin was, he would never be able to teleport 4,000 knights in one breath.

After all, the people he teleported over were only a few, and the real brigade was still on standby in the castle.

After hearing the noise, this elite knight group immediately rushed out, trying to support the boss and follow King Arthur to force their way out of the town. Just as they rushed to the door, they were beaten back from the front.

A large number of pitchfork knights holding pitchforks and torches rushed here from all directions, full of murderous intent.

If it were just these pitchfork knights, it would actually be okay, after all, this elite force under King Arthur's command is absolutely extraordinary in strength, and each of them is highly skilled in martial arts.

It is not easy to crush them with equipment and numerical advantages, after all, the elite soldiers are least afraid of human wave tactics.

But the problem is that they are not only facing ordinary pitchfork knights at this time! There is also an ace force under Qin Ming!

That is the crossbowmen!

Torred actually sent the only crossbow unit in his hand to guard them in advance!

No matter how strong your martial arts are! It is useless when you encounter a crossbow formation!

A volley of shots! The Knights of the Round Table who tried to rush out from the front! Dozens of people were shot dead on the spot! The others were so scared that they had to retreat in a hurry! They retreated back to the castle!

Holding the powerful crossbows that were pieced together, although they were of different shapes, but of very high quality, the crossbowmen, escorted by countless pitchfork knights, rushed into the castle frantically and fought an offensive and defensive battle with the Knights of the Round Table in the castle.

The crossbows were fired randomly, the pitchforks were waved, and facing the crossbows, which were armor-piercing weapons, the Knights of the Round Table in the castle were beaten back step by step. It can be said that in just a blink of an eye, the situation on their side had completely fallen into a disadvantage.

But it was equivalent to their disadvantage, while King Arthur and others who relied on teleportation to launch a sneak attack on the other side gained an advantage.

After all, Torred had never expected that the enemy would come for him, so he had sent out the most elite troops to prevent the Knights of the Round Table from rioting.

Although there were crossbowmen defending around him, the number was very limited.

It would be a miracle if the not-so-elite troops faced the most elite guards head-on.

King Arthur, who was holding Torred tightly, suddenly screamed and kicked Torred out with a kick.

And there was a rice fork stuck in his hand when he took it back, and the sharp fork completely penetrated his palm.

Looking at the fork stuck in his hand, and looking up at Torred who fell into the crowd and was quickly helped up by the crowd, King Arthur was angry and happy.

Pulling the fork out and putting it away, King Arthur, who got what he wanted, waved his hand without hesitation.

"Retreat! Leave the city!"

Hearing the boss's order, the knights around rushed towards the window.

Wearing heavy armor, they broke out of the window and rushed out of the window to the street.

They were going to meet up with their knights, and then rush out of the royal city together and return to their own territory.

However, just when they arrived outside the castle, they found that the castle was surrounded by people.

Countless militiamen held pitchforks and kept pushing forward.

In the castle surrounded by them, the soldiers of the Knights of the Round Table had been forced to the innermost part, with no sign of rushing out.

Looking at the huge crowd in front, King Arthur and others changed their faces. King Arthur was about to rush over, but was stopped by the great wizard Merlin.

"Your Majesty! The other side is too fast anyway! The legion has been surrounded! It can't rush out! Don't worry about them!"


"There is no but! With the Holy Sword and the Holy Fork in hand! We have everything! The top priority now is to find a way to escape!"

Hearing Merlin's words, King Arthur's face was gloomy.

Looking at the elite army surrounded by dozens of times more enemies in the distance, and then looking at the treasure he had just snatched, he gritted his teeth and made a quick decision.


Turning around, hundreds of elite knights turned around and ran, rushing straight to the city gate in the distance.

Although those guarding the city gate were not terrifying crossbowmen, they were also specially arranged by Torred here, a rare long-range force in the empire: the Archer Army!

To be precise, it should be called the Hunter Army.

Most of the members of these armies are hunters from the Hunter Village in the mountains. Holding homemade hunting bows, they were entrusted with the important task of guarding the last gate.

Now seeing someone rushing over, arrows suddenly fell from the sky like raindrops.

Although the power of these arrows is not as terrifying as crossbows, the hunting bows that have been upgraded several times are definitely not bad.

The guards who rushed up against the rain of arrows kept falling under the arrows, and every time someone fell, King Arthur's eyes would shake violently.

Because the soldiers of this guard unit are the most elite and loyal knights, and they are his lifeblood.

At this moment, it is not about death, but the death of his trump card!

After paying the price of dozens of people, the guards finally rushed to the city gate and fought with the pitchfork knights guarding here.

Facing the double attack of long-range and close combat, the guards pushed the door open with force.

Seeing this scene, King Arthur was overjoyed and rushed out with his men.

Outside the city, the soldiers he had sent out to perform the mission had secretly left a large number of horses for them in a hidden corner, as well as a cavalry unit of 2,000 people.

As long as they can meet them, then escaping is definitely a sure thing!

The guards, chased by countless people, strode into the woods.

After paying the price of nearly a hundred casualties again, they finally came to the designated gathering place and successfully met the cavalry regiment that was waiting for them.

The two thousand cavalrymen who also heard the noise here charged towards this side without hesitation. At this moment, the terrifying impact of the cavalry was revealed.

The brave grass fork knights were quickly dispersed in the face of the two thousand cavalrymen who came with great momentum and began to flee.

King Arthur, who had already turned on his horse and looked at the pursuers being killed and scattered, suddenly roared.

"Don't chase! Retreat! Go back to the territory!"

Cavalry against infantry, especially heavy cavalry against infantry, is definitely a dimensionality reduction attack.

They are like ancient tanks, invulnerable to swords and guns, and have a strong deterrent power.

But no matter how strong the troops are, they have their limits after all. Can you fight ten with one, can you fight a hundred with one?

Two thousand against four thousand, and you can still break them with one charge.

Two thousand against eight thousand, you can also force through.

But if you really fight against all the grass fork knights in the city, it will be two thousand against hundreds of thousands! And the defense of each opponent is amazing! They are all armored men!

Charge? Even if you smash the horse's head, you can't charge so many people!

In the previous wave of charge, more than 300 of the 2,000 knights were killed head-on. This is because the pursuers were peasants after all, and they had no combat skills. Facing the cavalry charging like a tsunami, they were instinctively afraid.

Otherwise, even if they could win, most of them would die.

If they don't seize the opportunity to escape now, it will be a problem whether they can escape when the real pursuers come out.

The sound of fierce horse hooves rang out, and two thousand knights escorted King Arthur and others, rushing quickly to the distant official road, trying to stay away from the royal city.

Seeing that he finally rushed out of the town, King Arthur finally breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the holy fork in his arms, and his tense nerves completely relaxed.

But it was obviously too early for him to relax, because just as he was gradually slowing down, there was a sudden sound of rapid horse hooves behind them.

Everyone who heard the movement looked back in unison, only to find that a cavalry unit had caught up with them from behind!

A cavalry unit of 5,000 people!

Riding a mess of upgraded mounts, holding extended pitchforks in their hands, the second special legion of the Pitchfork Empire appeared!

That was the Pitchfork Cavalry Regiment! Qin Ming pieced it together! Select the most elite soldiers! The strongest horses... Well, in fact, it was an imperial cavalry unit that wanted any horse!

And the one who led the cavalry unit to the front! It was Torred, the imperial adjutant!

Looking up at the people in front of him, and looking at King Arthur who was looking at him in surprise, Torred was wearing heavy armor, holding an extended pitchfork, and his face was very gloomy.

He had been struggling, but as he approached the enemy, a firm look suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The next second, he suddenly raised his hand to take off his visor, and suddenly put the pitchfork in his hand flat, pointing it at the more than 2,000 cavalry in front.

"Brothers! Fight for freedom!"


With the shouting, with Torred as the vanguard, thousands of cavalrymen directly crashed into the most elite ace cavalry regiment under King Arthur...

It was when the two sides here completely tore their faces apart, and even Torred directly led people out of the town to fight head-on with King Arthur's ace troops.

On the other side, the 30,000 troops led by Qin Ming, with the cooperation of countless militia teams, successfully blocked the so-called evil ***.

Looking at the regiments that were still organized in the villages and towns.

Qin Ming, who led the troops to surround them, now had a very gloomy face.

And next to him, there were several messengers standing.

Qin Ming, who had already learned from the messengers that King Arthur's troops were making small moves, didn't understand at this time that he was being lured out of his hole.

Looking at the guys in front of him who were wearing evil archduke armor but whose names were all Knights of the Round Table, he took a deep breath.

The next second, he suddenly waved his hand with a dark face.

"Kill! Don't spare any!"

Lure the snake out of the hole? Take the opportunity to rob the castle?

Just kidding! Qin Ming might doubt his command ability! To be precise, he was very suspicious!

But he would never doubt the command ability of his adjutant Torred! Because Torred was a buried military genius!

If his daughter is a general! Then he is a commander! In fact, the empire can be maintained to this day! And it is running safely! Most of it is Torred's credit!

If the other party had lured Torred out, it would have been possible to take the castle.

But what's the point of luring Qin Ming out! He is essentially an imperial flag and mascot!

With Torred here! Qin Ming is not worried about the castle at all!

Since the other party wants to play! Then play with him! Just take down his army! Let's see who will suffer more!

With Qin Ming's order, tens of thousands of troops quickly launched a general attack on the village.

The annihilation war officially began.

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