Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 101 Strengthening Direction Change

It was still the familiar screen switching, and the familiar slideshow mode.

As the light changed, the screen finally stopped at the scene where Qin Ming attacked and killed the disciples of Wangyue Sect in the car.

And this also symbolized that Qin Ming officially returned to the nightmare space.

Appearing in the room, with white light falling from the sky, Qin Ming, who had recovered from his injuries quickly, could not help but frown as he watched his broken arm grow again.

To be honest, his harvest this time was very poor, very very poor.

He only got 5,000 points, and only a pitiful 5 free attribute points.

In addition, there was almost no loot, and all the treasure chests were used up. The only thing of some value was the two white titles.

And the main reason for all this! It was all thanks to those three adventurers!

They came to me for no reason, and fought with me for no reason, but they died and I was disabled, and no one got any benefits.

These damn bastards! It was really a bargain for them to die like this!

Sitting on the bed, Qin Ming's face was gloomy for a while as he gently moved his arms.

He originally thought that with his own strength, he could walk sideways among the low-level adventurers, so he had been doing tasks with a playful mentality and was not too anxious to improve his combat power.

After all, it was still early for him to do the promotion task.

I never thought that there would be stronger people among the strong, and there was such a strong existence among the low-level adventurers.

It seems that this broken place is really a place where crouching tigers and hidden dragons are hidden! Don't be careless!

With a sigh, Qin Ming, who lay directly on the bed, rested his arms and began to think about what to do next.

He planned to add all the five free attribute points to strength to make up for his numerical disadvantage.

The title was also prepared to be fused, but the target of the fusion was not the title of Natural Guardian, which mainly adds strength, but the newly obtained title of Elite Manager.

Because his strength value limit was too low, the maximum could only reach 40 points, and there was no way to add more.

This made it useless to continue upgrading the title. With the blessing of skills and equipment, his strength value was almost full. Continuing to improve it would only lead to overflow.

So Qin Ming decided to use the title to increase his physique! To maximize his ability to survive!

This is why he added all the points to the strength value this time, because without the power of the title, the value would inevitably decrease significantly, and he had to find a way to make up for it.

With the points added and the four titles merged, a brand new title appeared in front of Qin Ming and was directly added to his own attributes.

Name: No. 441985

Title: Elite Steward (Blue Quality, Constitution +20)

Strength: 14 (23)

Constitution: 21 (55)

Agility: 10

Spirit: 10

Defense: 19

Equipment: Terhuon's Wife (Brilliant Silver Plot) Dinosaur Glasses (Ordinary Silver Plot) Bloody Butcher's Cotton Jacket (Dim Silver Plot) Percival Combat Pants (Blue) Ace Bodyguard's Gold Belt (Blue Plot)

Passive Skills: Professional Combat Mastery (B-level) Professional Firearms Mastery (B-level) Advanced Weapon Mastery (C-level)

Active Skills: True~Sonic Hand Knife (B-level) True~Essence Absorption (B-level) Steel Bones (B-level) Shiranui Bloodline (B-level) Super Killing Ninja Bee (B-level)

All five skill bars are full, and the attributes are luxurious, especially the constitution attribute. With the bonus of the blue title, it is almost reaching the upper limit of 60 points in the second stage.

At this moment, Qin Ming's numerical value can be described as terrifying.

However, looking at his current attributes, Qin Ming was not satisfied.

The reason was very simple, because he was not sure whether he could beat the adventurer Feng if he faced him alone again.

And he could not guarantee a sure win even against the same level, so how could he have the confidence to challenge a stronger adventurer?

So for the sake of safety, he decided to upgrade his ability again.

That is to merge the already full skill bar! Integrate the newly acquired super killer Ninja Bee, the B-level skill! Into other skills! Create an A-level skill of your own!

And this skill is...

Ding Dong! Fusion completed! Obtain A-level skill: Super Essence Absorption!

Skill: Super Essence Absorption

Level: A

Effect: Grab the target and bite it, forcibly plunder the target's 5 points of all attributes, and absorb the opponent's vitality to repair its own injuries.

Introduction: Yay! Life transfer!

Among the three important skills, Qin Ming finally chose to strengthen the close-range ultimate move. Looking at the newly acquired upgraded ultimate move, he couldn't help but frown.

To be honest, the strengthening effect of this skill was beyond his expectations. He originally thought that the upgraded version of the essence absorption would continue to improve the absorption effect.

For example, all attributes +8 or even +10, but he never thought that this skill added a special effect, and did not increase the basic ability.

This made Qin Ming, who originally wanted to rely on this skill to forcibly make up for the shortcomings of other attributes, couldn't help shaking his head, looking helpless.

Although it is a good thing to have a blood recovery ability, it can save a lot of consumables.

However, the fact that this attribute bonus was not enhanced completely made his plan to make up for the attribute defects fall through.

In this way, only 10 points of agility and spirit are still his ability shortcomings.

Even because of the change of the title, his original strength value was weakened a lot.

That is to say, with the strengthening, his combat power has not increased, but has decreased.

Of course, with his current terrifying defense and physique, it is indeed easier to defeat him than before, but if you want to kill him...

"Forget it, eight out of ten things in the world are not satisfactory, so this is fine."

Qin Ming took a long breath, took his eyes off the skills, and quickly stood up and walked towards the hall.

He still had 5,000 points in his hand, and he was ready to buy a C-level skill to strengthen his only C-level passive skill to B-level.

The current B-level fighting proficiency and B-level firearms proficiency are both strengthened and fused by Qin Ming by consuming the favorability of Mai Shiranui and spending 300 points of favorability to exchange two C-level skills in the gym.

This can greatly increase his firearms and fighting abilities, making him a real fighter and firearms master.

If he can improve his weapon fighting proficiency, he will be a real fighting master, and an all-round one.

If it were in Japan, he could be a fighting immortal or something like that.

Of the 5,000 points in his hand, 3,500 were used to buy a cheap C-level garbage skill fusion, and the remaining points were used to buy two white consumables, which he took back for fusion and backup to make up for the loss of consumables in the previous mission.

In just a blink of an eye, Qin Ming had spent all his earnings, and there was really nothing left.

After doing all this, Qin Ming quickly left the nightmare space and prepared to return to reality for repairs.

At the same time, in the nightmare space, the blindfolded woman who quickly chose to return had already appeared in the area of ​​her own team...

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