Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 100 Return before the beginning

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Ming and others were sitting at the door of the hall to rest after taking care of the body and bandaging the wounds.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was now covered in bandages and half of his arm was missing, making him look extremely miserable, Mary, who was sitting next to him and was also dressed in bandages, suddenly sighed.

"Hey, you guy was beaten like this and completely disabled. How can you survive in the future?"

After shaking her head, Mary suddenly thought of something and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"How about you hang out with me and become a private detective with me! Don't worry! I have a sister to look after you! You will never die of hunger!"

While saying this, Mary reached out and patted Qin Ming's shoulder, casually putting her arm on it, as if they were two brothers.

After hearing this, before Qin Ming could answer, Mai Shiranui, who was also covered in bandages, was the first to feel unhappy.

"Hey! He is from our Shiranui Gym! Why should he follow you!"

"Dojo? Where do you come from here? It will be hard for you to support yourself in the future, how do you expect to support others?"

"As long as nothing happens to me! The gym will be able to develop again sooner or later! Not to mention I have a junior brother to help me!"

"Help? You asked him to help?! He lost an arm because he avenged you! Help you next time! Be careful to risk your life!"

"Mary! What are you talking about? It is only natural to avenge Master!"

"I have only been a master for one day, and I don't have an arm. The price of becoming a master is too high! Your grandfather didn't teach him anything!"

"Then let me teach it for my grandpa! Qin Ming! Tell me what you want to learn! Senior sister will teach you!"

During the quarrel, the two guys became louder and louder, while Qin Ming, who was sitting in the middle, remained expressionless and silent.

After a long time, seeing that the two of them finally got tired of arguing, he suddenly spoke.

"I'm ready to leave."


Upon hearing this, a chorus of exclamations rang out.

Before the two men, whose expressions changed drastically, could continue to ask, Qin Ming had already added with a straight face.

"I know a guy who can take my hand, but it's going to take a long time, so I gotta go."

"Then I'll follow..."

"No need, he doesn't like to see outsiders. Don't worry, I will come back after he recovers from his injuries."

Shaking his broken arm, Qin Ming looked very miserable at the moment.

Because just today during the day, he suddenly received a reminder from the nightmare space, telling him that the plot of the hungry wolf world had officially begun, and issued a trigger task for him, which was to participate in the battle of the hungry wolf and snatch three copies of the Qin family One of the secret volumes and keep it in your possession for at least three days.

Completing the task will earn you 5,000 points! With 5 free attribute points!

I was beaten to the third level of disability! The arms are broken! Then you told him that the plot mission had just begun? What nonsense are you talking about!

With his current level three disability, how could he participate in the Legend of the Hungry Wolf plot and snatch the legendary Secret Scroll of Qin?

Relying on his own injuries? Relying on my own broken arm? Lying on the ground and blackmailing others? !

Qin Ming, who was afraid that the enemy had helpers and companions, chose to return without hesitation after learning that he could choose not to participate and return directly to the nightmare space.

This also means that he can only stay here for a maximum of forty-eight hours now.

Looking at Mary and Mai Shiranui with wide eyes next to them, Qin Ming sighed heavily.

"You two, let's meet again when we are destined."

After hearing this, Mary and Mai Shiranui's expressions changed again and again, but in the end they didn't say anything, but nodded slightly.

Mai Shiranui said with a serious expression.

"Don't worry, junior brother. The gym will always be open here. Senior sister is waiting for your return."

After hearing this, Qin Ming couldn't help but glance at Mai Shiranui with a strange look.

We can't blame him for his wrong eyes, because the day before yesterday he was cold and rude to me, extremely unruly, and his favorability level even reached -1.

Mai Shiranui, who is 90, has a favorable opinion of him that has reached 690 points!

The most important thing is that this woman's love favorability requirement seems to be only 650...

Among the four title tasks, the strategy task that Qin Ming originally thought was the most difficult to complete was actually completed in such a muddle.

No wonder conquering Mai Shiranui is just a white mission. Isn’t this woman easy to win?

She just broke an arm because of the Shiranui Gym, but she was actually captured? Tsk tsk tsk tsk, no wonder there are so many notebooks.

Covering his broken arm, Qin Ming was silent for a second, then suddenly turned to look at Mary and spoke solemnly.

"Miss Mary, since you don't have a sect and everyone is friends, how about joining the Shiranui Gym with me?"

"Huh? Join the gym?"

"Yes, you've been traveling all over the world. It's not easy to find you. If you join the gym, we can all get together here when we have time."

Now that he had completed a title mission in a daze, Qin Ming suddenly became greedy again when he looked at the other white title mission.

He wanted to see if he could complete this task at the same time, and the result was so smooth that he was surprised.

Maybe it was because of their continuous experiences of life and death that the two of them became close friends.

Facing Qin Ming's invitation, Mary agreed after thinking for a moment.

And as she agreed to join the Shiranui Gym, another title mission was officially completed.

Seeing this, Qin Ming couldn't help but smile, and quickly stood up and spoke.

"Well, I'll go and heal my wounds first, lest it takes too long and my arm can't be reattached. Goodbye, both of you."

Nodding vigorously, Qin Ming turned around and left. Mary and Mai Shiranui looked at each other and immediately followed him, not stopping until they saw him off at the door.

"Junior brother, remember to come back soon after you are cured. Even if you are not cured, it doesn't matter. Shiranui Gym will support you!"

"Don't say discouraging words. Why are you pouring cold water on me? Qin Ming, don't listen to her. This injury will definitely heal. When you are well, I will take you to be a detective! Let's make a lot of money together!"

"Huh? Still a detective! I will let you, the new outer disciple, clean the toilet in a while!"

Accompanied by the quarrel between the two, Qin Ming strode down the stairs and disappeared quickly after leaving the sight of the two...

Mission world: Fatal Fury 3

Mission type: Fighting mode (large mission)

Number of people entering: 100

Main mission: Reach 200 favorability with a main plot character, completed.

Mission reward: 2000 points, 2 free attribute points.

Optional mission: Participate in killing a main plot character, completed.

Mission reward: 3000 points, 3 free attribute points.

Completed title tasks:

Elite Manager (invite a main plot character to join the sect, physical fitness +10)

Master Shiranui (favorability with Mai Shiranui reaches 650, charm +2)

This task has a total of 5,000 points, 5 free attribute points, and two white titles.

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