Infinite World Projection

Chapter 199: Battle of Gods and Demons

The mighty breath rushed from afar and came towards this place.

Golden blood flew into the sky, vast and mighty, so this moment came from afar.

Indistinctly, a mighty breath unique to the demon came from afar, and once that kind of gas machine flowed, it shocked a group of people.

"This breath ..."

Stood in the same place, feeling the inexplicable machine coming from afar. Hei Di moved slightly in his heart, then his face gradually dignified.

An inexplicable sense of danger emerged in his mind, and within his body, a **** pattern spontaneously emerged, oscillating at this moment, and there was a strong sense of threat looming from afar, and appeared on the body of the black emperor.

And under his gaze, a figure appeared slowly not far away.

It was a young man in a black robe. The black robe swayed in the wind and looked handsome and moved.

Stood in the distance, his face calm, all over his body, an air machine unique to the gods and spirits emerged, and it came out.

The breath of breath came from his body. Between silence and silence, the kind of gas machine that was unique to the devil was undoubtedly shocking.

"How can it be?"

In the original place, feeling the breath from Chen Changming in the distance, the black emperor could not help frowning: "The rules of heaven and earth have changed, and no real gods and demons can appear in this era."

"Why would there still exist like you?"

He frowned, and could not help saying at this moment.

As for the changes of this world, as an ancient **** and demon, Heidi could not be more clear.

The current era is at the intersection of the eras, the rules of the world have changed greatly, and there is no soil for a strong presence.

Any existence above the origin that wants to be promoted and broken through will be constrained by the rules of heaven and earth that exist in the world, and thus cannot be promoted.

Even as strong as Hei Di.

As an ancient **** and demon, he once competed with the ancient Yellow Emperor for its existence. Even though the Black Emperor is among the top among the gods and demon, it definitely belongs to the first grade.

However, even with his existence, he cannot fully recover his own power in this era, and can only reach the level of a half-step demon.

He is still the case, let alone someone else.

What even the Heidi cannot do, how do people in front of him do it?

Stood in place, and Hei Di felt very clearly.

The breath of the person in front of him is extremely terrifying. The essence is even more magnificent.

And this kind of power is absolutely beyond human existence. According to common sense, it should have been bound by the heavens and the earth. It simply cannot exist.

However, such an impossible situation actually happened at this moment, and it just appeared in front of Heidi.

How is this not shocking?

"It is worthy to be a variable other than destiny ..."

In the distance, Ye Yaoyi sighed softly, feeling the change in the breath of Chen Changming, and at this moment could not help but sigh gently.

For Chen Changming, she didn't really have much hope, just a dead horse as a living horse doctor, just try it.

After all, now she has no other choice.

The kings are defeated. Under today's fate trajectory, no one is the opponent of the Black Emperor.

If it is said that there is anyone else in this world who can fight against the Black Emperor at this time, then there is only the variable other than the destiny of Chen Changming.

Because of this, she put her hope on Chen Changming.

But even so, Ye Yaoyi knew in her heart that the probability of success was small.

After all, the Black Emperor is an ancient **** and demon.

In this era, even if the ancient Yellow Emperor reincarnated, the Black Emperor facing this moment will never be an opponent.

Because the moment is at the end of the era, as the terminator of this era, under the blessing of days, the strength of the Black Emperor will reach a terrifying point.

Unless a real demon is born and stands in front of the black emperor, no one can block it.

Chen Changming's hopes are slim even though he is a variable.

But what made her unexpected was that Chen Changming could actually do this step.

"Break the ultimate mortal, incarnation of the devil?"

Standing in place, Ye Yaoyi looked calm and muttered to herself: "How did he do it?"

In the age before me, it is almost impossible to break the mortal pole and become a demon.

Even as strong as the black emperor in front of him, as an ancient **** and demon reincarnated, he did not reach the peak at the moment.

Not to mention, Chen Changming is by no means a reincarnation.

As the successor of the spirit king, if Chen Changming is the reincarnation of the devil, then it can only be the reincarnation of the ancient spirit king.

But the early spirit king had already left this world and went to other worlds.

Since people are no longer there, it is naturally impossible to reincarnate.

Therefore, Chen Changming can never be the reincarnation of any demon.

But if it is so, it becomes even more terrifying.

Promote a **** and demon when he is not a **** and demon?

And still in this era ...

This difficulty is much larger than ordinary people think. It can even be said that it is basically impossible to do.

And Chen Changming did it.

This is to make the impossible into possible, and create a miracle in the absence.

Is amazing.

Stood still, looking at the figure of Chen Changming in the distance, Ye Yaoyi couldn't help sighing at this moment, then shook his head silently.

"Anyway, at least the souls of this world are saved ..."

She spoke softly, so she said.

"I know you......"

In the distance, looking at Chen Changming from afar, Hei Di looked calm, although he was a little surprised in his heart, he still said quietly: "You are the Holy Sect Lord, will you come to block the lonely this time?"

"Still, do you want to get ahead of these wastes?"

His face was playful, looking at the kings in front, and said softly.

"These people have nothing to do with me."

Came from afar, Chen Changming's face was calm, and he walked forward slowly.

"I am here, not for others, just for myself."

He moved forward slowly, and as he continued to move forward, his breath began to rise.

The breath of breath is constantly leaping, and the sky-blooded golden blood is stirring, at this moment it rises directly into the sky and rushes out.

The power of the true demon is coming and erupts at this moment.

In the distance, looking at the black emperor in the distance, Chen Changming waved his hand.

The mighty divine light oscillated, and the radiance of light continued to spread, rushing outward.

On the earth, a **** pattern appeared spontaneously, directly surrounding the entire body of the black emperor, and then directly condensed, and beat hard.

Boom! !

A huge palm fell from the sky, and the breath of breath fell, towards the center of the earth.

The terrible pressure is suffocating.

In all directions, a piece of pure heaven and earth aura was tumbling, and at this moment, it spontaneously rushed forward and condensed out at this moment.

In the distance, feeling the power of this hit, the faces of the kings changed slightly.

At this moment, they felt a strong threat.

Is just the power of this palm. If it is really shot on them, I am afraid they can be shot directly to death immediately, without any accident.

Except for the two top kings, Chu King and Qi King, if any one of them faces this blow, the final result will probably not be wonderful.


The mighty heaven and earth aura roared down.

Stood still, and Hei Di's face was calm, and he didn't seem to care about it.

Behind him, accompanied by his thoughts, a heavenly **** demon roared with a roar.

Bursts of roar spread from his eyes, and broke out at the moment.

The mighty spirit of the gods came out.

At the next moment, two equally powerful forces were surging and facing each other.


The ground around began to oscillate, and the gleams of light flickered, shining in all directions.

In the same place, a figure appeared slowly, just standing in front.

I don't know when Chen Changming's figure has already appeared. Standing in front of Hei Di, he looked at him so quietly.

Heidi couldn't help but take a step back.

Since reincarnation, this is his first retreat.

Before, even in the face of the kings and the four great soldiers at the same time, he never took a step back.

But at this moment, he still retreated, unable to control at all.


Feeling the horror power emerging from his body, his face changed slightly, looking at Chen Changming.

It's just that for the Black Emperor, Chen Changming didn't think back.

A gold knife came out at once, and the sound of wild hunting exploded, rushing forward.

The power of terror was surging, and the mighty force of the mighty soldiers surged forward, slamming down.

A deadly sword show, which erupted forward at this moment, contained a decisive killing intention, like to slaughter all the creatures in this world, and wipe out all the creatures on this vast earth.

The implied meaning of pure demise is even more horrifying, like burying the gods and demons and causing them to die.

The king of gold swords, dies! !


The golden long knife slammed down, and in an instant, the whole world changed color.

In the air, a blade of hundreds of feet fell from the sky and fell.

The majestic momentum, the mighty power is suffocating, and there is a feeling of about to fall.

This is one of the three sword meanings that Chen Changming inherited from the Golden Sword King.

From now on, at this moment, with Chen Changming's own growth up to now, he has surpassed that year's Golden Sword King and reached a new level.

After reaching this level, the King of the Golden Swords also radiated a brand-new brilliance, and that mighty power was being displayed, and it appeared at this moment.

The vast sword fell from midair.

There is no doubt that this is a sword of the gods and devil series, and the most horrible and decisive sword. Once the horror power is shown, the surrounding space can't help dancing and feel the vibrations.

The mighty power and the magnificent shore of the air machine made the Black Emperor in front feel terrified. This moment has a sense of horror.

"This knife ..."

Stood on the spot, his face changed, and there was some horror in his heart at this moment.

A strong sense of amazement appeared in his heart.

Has to say that the Golden Sword King of the Year was indeed stunning, and the Golden Sword it created has already reached the peak of technology and has reached the level of God and Demon.

It can be said that if it is not the limit of the world, it is absolutely gorgeous with its shock, and it is almost certain that it will inevitably reach the level of gods and demons.

This is a character who makes the ancient gods and deities amazed and sighed.

And the time is changing, and now, the king of that year has passed away, but the inheritance left over by it is inherited by people, and it is generous and glorious at this moment.

If the spirit in the knife is not in a deep sleep at the moment, but is in a state of recovery, he must laugh, and feel excited and proud of the knife Chen Changming is showing at the moment.

And in the distance, the eyes of Zhou Tianzi and others watched with throbbing eyes, and a gold knife fell from the air, and suddenly fell down.

The quake was trembling, and the mighty heaven and earth spirits rolled in and were drawn.

That kind of breath of terror, the strength of which is absolutely suffocating, feels extremely terror.

"This power!"

Standing under a ruin, looking at the bright sword awns in the distance, Zhou Tianzi looked a little trance: "This is the spirit king?"

"Not bad."

Aside, Ye Yaoyi nodded gently and determined Zhou Tianzi's thought: "In the spirit king, the variables of the world."

"Past Spirit King has passed away, and now, he is the only Spirit King in the world."

Stood still, she spoke softly, and the voice continued to oscillate here, spreading to all directions.

There was a touch of golden sunlight, and she stood there. At this moment, Chen Changming, who was waving a gold sword in front of him and confronting the Black Emperor, could not help but flash a little splendid eyes.


The magnificent gas engine emerged.

On the ground, the gods and magic of up to 100 meters appeared, and there was a roar.

Stood on the spot, the black emperor raised his head, and the spirit of the gods and devils rolled up and down, and the mighty power directly erupted and poured out.

The power of terror erupted. On him, the magic of that **** was extremely unbearable, and erupted at this moment.

With the emergence of power, the power of the Black Emperor became more horrible, and at this moment it seemed to have completed a transformation.

The golden warm sun was spreading, and his eyes became scarlet above the earth, which was full of **** breath, which was shocking and terror.

Is a kind of charm that belongs to the gods and demons.

The mighty power spread out and emerged everywhere.

At the next moment, under the eyes of the kings, the tall **** magically roared, grabbed the sky with one hand, and greeted the golden long knife.

boom! !

The mighty power exploded, and the forces in all directions were emerging, rushing forward.

A breath of horror, burst at this moment.

Once the noble breath overflowed, it caused a spontaneous thunder of the whole world.

In all directions, the sound of thunder continued to sound, vaguely, as if the sky was angering and exerting power.

A **** pattern is intertwined in the surrounding ~ ~ The power that belongs to the **** and demon is emerging, and it is vast and rushing to the four sides.

The power of terror began to show.

In place, bursts of power began to surging.

Heidi's body began to retreat.

Above his body, the heavenly demon roaring still roared, but at this moment it gradually changed.

A very deep knife mark appeared on his chest, and then began to spread continuously, spreading toward the entire body.

Click ...

Bursts of crisp sounds rang continuously, ringing at this moment.

Listening to this voice, in the distance, the kings could not help looking up, looking towards the front.

I saw in front, above the Black Emperor, that **** and magic still stood.

And above the Fa, dense cracks continued to emerge.

The magic of God is broken.


Sorry for being so late.

Because of hurry, this chapter has only four thousand words, otherwise it means breaking off after twelve o'clock.

The next chapter is about to be cleaned immediately, but you do n’t have to wait, it is estimated to be a bit late.

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