Infinite World Projection

Chapter 198: At the end of the battle

"Have you left?"

Stood in place, looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Changming's face was calm, and the thought flashed in his heart.

In his body, the scene that appeared in the previous scene gradually disappeared and disappeared.

And in the scene that emerged before, Tai Ling Ling Wang finally left the world and went to an unknown distance.

Out of bounds?

"Is this the framework of the world?"

Standed in place, Chen Changming thought deeply: "There is a boundary outside, there is a heaven outside?"

Thinking back to the previous scene, Chen Changming's thought flashed in his mind.

From the previous scenes, many things can be seen.

In ancient times, a war of gods and demons broke out in this world. After the final battle, the spirit king smiled to the end and became the only one left at that time.

One of the gods.

And after that, the spirit king left the world and went to an unknown distance.

As for the place where the gods and demons live, if Chen Changming made no mistake, it should be the source of the spirit king himself.

Before leaving the world, the spirit king left his own source and turned it into a place where gods and demons live.

A place where gods and demons live, not only burying many gods and demons defeated by the spirit kings in the past, but also burying the source of the spirit kings in the past.

And the unique force that is full of them is obviously also left by the spirit king in the beginning, in order to be able to have enough advantages in the future

The descendants of xiu appeared here, and turned into gods and deities with the help of the power of this place.

Stood still, Chen Changming's thoughts flashed in his mind.

Unconsciously, his body has changed.

Over the whole body, the dense lines of divine manifestations manifested, covering his whole body.

And within its body, a small source has been opened up, in which the divine power is flowing.

Standing in place, Chen Changming can feel the changes above his body.

With the development of the source, in his body, the power of the spirit king, which was originally like the tide, began to surge forward into the mysterious and mighty

In the source of, finally, under the action of the power of the source, it was slowly transformed and concentrated, and became a brand new divine power.

The breath of breath emerged.

Chen Changming looked calm, slowly raised his head and looked into the distance.

With the development of the source, at this moment, his strength continues to expand, has surpassed the mortal pole, and truly stands above the realm of gods and demons.

With such strength, even if it is the terminator of this era, that black emperor may not be able to fight.

Unprecedented power is surging, violent and terrifying, that vast power is beyond Chen Changming's past imagination.

At this moment, he had a sense of inexplicable rise, as if he could destroy a mountain and a city by waving his hand.

The black **** pattern emerged at the heart, and the mighty power kept coming out from it, with a kind of inexplicable throbbing, that kind of vast power made the surroundings

The space of couldn't help but ripples.

Bang ...

A sound came out in front of my eyes, like thunder and thunder, thundering in midair, the sound was terrifying.

In the front, feeling the changes in Chen Changming's body, a King of Spirits nodded.

"Essential transformation, open source, he is now a body of gods and demons ..."

An ancient spirit king nodded and said, "If the soul is still missing, and you have not reached the perfect state, you can almost

Is said to be an inexhaustible demon. "

"Despite this, its combat power is extremely strong."

Another Spirit King interface, nodded: "Although there is a shortage, but only in terms of combat power, it is in no way inferior to the real devil."

"Even if it is the reincarnation of the Black Emperor, it will certainly not be his opponent at this moment."

Feeling the breath of Chen Changming's body, many spirit kings present nodded, and so spoke at this moment.

Obviously, they have a high evaluation of Chen Changming ’s current strength. Although they are lacking at the moment, they are not inferior to the real

God demon.

In fact, it is true.

The strength of nearly a thousand spirit kings is constantly superimposed, the vastness of that kind of power is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Under such a huge accumulation, even if it is a demon, its accumulation may not be as profound as that of Chen Changming at the moment.

This is the accumulation of the whole spirit king, which is now inherited by Chen Changming, reaching a kind of extreme.

Stood still, Chen Changming slowly lowered his head and looked in front of him.

Strength: 49.51. Agility: 47.18. Physique: 49.92.

Projection: Gold Knife, Hou Sheng, Zhao Zheng .......

Talent: Incarnation.

Familiar projection interface slowly emerged and displayed at this moment.

It's just that compared with before, Chen Changming's body data has been greatly improved.

All the data have been improved by a large half in an instant, and the total is close to half a hundred.

And it will only be more terrifying in its real combat power.

The breath of breath slowly spreads out. With the movement of his thoughts, the blood in Chen Changming's body seems to be boiling, and a force begins to spontaneously.

Pulse emerged, giving him a faint urge to growl.

If the observation is clear enough, you can find that behind Chen Changming, a change seems to be taking place.

Behind him, accompanied by Chen Changming's gas machine, a sky-like, ghost-like ghost image is gradually revealed, once emerged

, Then startled the Quartet.

This is the magical aspect of the gods. To a certain extent, it is a sign of the realm of the gods and demons.

the amount.

At this moment, with the success of Chen Changming's promotion, his own magical phase has gradually taken shape, but it is still a bit illusory at this moment.

Stood in the same place, feeling the magical figure emerging behind him. Chen Changming was a little surprised. This moment somehow thought of the past inheritance hall.

In the past, there were many murals of different gods and deities engraved in the stone temple that inherited the Secret Code of the Spirit King.

Now it seems that perhaps the murals carved are a form of deities that belong to different gods and demons.

Chen Changming flashed this thought in his heart, and then walked forward slowly.

"Thank you!"

Stood on the spot, his face was sincere, and at this moment, he saluted the kings in front of his heart: "Thank you ancestors for helping me."

"We didn't do much ..."

In front, a good voice sounded.

"All you can do in front of you is your own ability. I will wait for assistance."

"If you really want to thank me and so on, go out as soon as possible to meet the black emperor."

Below, there is a look on the face of a king of spirits, at this moment all eyes are looking at Chen Changming in front of him: "Under the wave of this era,

Keep the inheritance of me, this is your best reward for me. "


Chen Changming's complexion returned to calm, and he nodded seriously at this moment.

Stood still, he looked aside.

In his hands, the golden sword of the king is still in the process of transformation. At this moment, the spirit in the moving sword is still asleep, and there is no way between one and a half.

Responded to Chen Changming.

However, after the source of the Spirit King is integrated into the King of the Golden Sword, the King of the Golden Sword has also transformed into a real magical soldier.

The spirit in the sword falls into a deep sleep, although it will have an impact on the use of the king's gold sword, but the impact is not too great.

"it's time......"

Stood still, holding the king's gold sword, Chen Changming's face was calm, and the thought flashed in his heart.

At this moment, he slowly turned around and looked into the distance. At this moment, his eyes seemed to have penetrated through a lot of isolation and looked above a certain figure.


boom! !

Outside of a city wall, the power of terror overflowed.

The immense immortality of the gods began to show, standing in the void, a pair of scarlet eyes staring coldly at the front, like the devil coming from hell

In general, terrifying, and exudes a vast atmosphere.

And on the opposite side of this deity's magic, it is a decaying city.

The originally huge city has collapsed, most of the cities have collapsed, and the original tall walls have collapsed, leaving only

Some wreckage.

On the side of the city, some figures are still standing, still fighting.

Zhou Tianzi, King Qi, King Chu .......

The three kings stood under the ruins of the city. At this moment, they looked at the gods and magical faces in front of them, and their faces were blue.

As for the King of Jin, this moment has already fallen, and the whole person was hit by the magic of the gods, which directly turned into nothingness.

In the distance, the golden **** axe was inserted alone on a mountain peak, stained with the blood of King Jin, and it looked extremely desolate.

The soldiers will not return, but the soldiers will survive forever.

In fact, the origin of the battle at the moment is far more than that of King Jin.

In the distance, many of the holy Lords and kings of the kingdoms who came here also fell. In the face of the huge magical face of the gods, there is not much power to fight back.


As for the remaining people, except for a very few people, they are also very invasive at the moment, no longer the previous prosperity.

And in the distance, a figure in a black robe stood up, the figure seemed very lonely, the breath of the gods and demons all over him kept shaking


"Only this level?"

The black emperor stood in the air, looking at the golden **** axe that fell into silence in the distance, and the king of Chu and others in front, his face was uncovered.


"Compared to your ancestors, you are too far away ..."

Stood in the air, Hei Di shook his head, and said softly.

Opposite, listening to the words of Heidi, the king of Chu and others looked sullen, but they could not refute.

Indeed, relative to their ancestors, they are indeed far away.

Was able to inherit countless years in the Central Plains, and even became the king of the founding of the country. The ancestors of many kings present traced upwards, undoubtedly a deity-level

Other beings.

Compared with those legendary gods and demon, they are too far behind.

Even the so-called Xeon, such as King Chu and King Qi, are only called Xeon in the source, compared with the real gods

Magic is not counted.

"Yes ....."

Standed in place, the Black Emperor shook his head, inexplicably disappointed: "Sure enough, I shouldn't expect too much from this era."

"Since you are so weak, then simply die."

The faint voice fell on the spot. Behind him, the god-magic roared and seemed to be about to start.

Judging from the state of the kings in front of him, once he started, the next blow must be shocking.

The kings in front of me may not be able to bear it at all.

Feel the movement of the Black Emperor, and the faces of the kings changed, and at this moment, he looked extremely green.

"Why not wait and wait?"

A voice sounded in place, and it came so clearly.


In the distance, Heidi looked at the figure in front unexpectedly.

Beside Zhou Tianzi, I do n’t know when, a beautiful woman in black robe stood up, a face exquisite, beautiful to the extreme, as if

The most beautiful works of art in this world are average and beautiful.

"Another man who has been in the palm of his hand for a long time, turning himself into an invisible **** operator ..."

Standing still, Heidi shook his head: "It has to be said that in this era, although the gods and demons don't show up, but you and other **** operators are out

Less. "

The appearance of the **** operator is not so easy.

Even during the ancient divine period where the Black Emperor was, there were not many **** counters in the world.

Generally speaking, it is good to have one person in an era.

But in this era, it appeared one after another.

Previously, when he saw Shang Jun and Bai Ling, Hei Di was surprised.

He thought that these two people were the only two gods in this era.

Did not expect that there is one more person here.

"Are you here to surrender to orphans?"

He couldn't help but looked at Ye Yaoyi's delicate and beautiful face, and couldn't help but smiled: "Just right, compared to the woman before, lonely to you

Looks pretty pleasing. "

"Let's surrender now, join the lonely, lonely can spare you a life."

Facing Ye Yaoyi, he issued a solicitation.

But how to say, talents like gods are always scarce.

Previously, Qin had two gods, but they all missed Hei Di.

Among them, the Shang finally wanted to suppress the Black Emperor and delay the time when the Black Emperor was born, but was eventually used by the Black Emperor and directly covered him

Vitality is absorbed.

Even if you want to collect, there is no way.

As for Bai Ling, it was an accident.

In terms of the Black Emperor's original intention, a **** operator took the initiative to vote, and he was still very willing to accept it.

I just don't know what to do. His body seems to be extremely repulsive to Bai Ling and has a strong sense of disgust.

At the time, Heidi had not yet fully controlled the body, so he killed Bailing.

Thought that after the previous two people, there were no more gods in this era.

Did not expect to see another one here.

For this, Heidi couldn't help but want to see the other party's reaction.

But what surprised him was that in front of him, Ye Yaoyi just bowed slightly, and then spoke: "Hei Di invited, Yao Yi would not dare to refuse

. "

"It's just that, at this moment, the outcome has not yet been decided. When the Black Emperor waits for the overall situation to be fixed, Yao Yi will come back again."

The quiet voice fell.

In front of him, Heidi became interested: "Do you mean that the victory or defeat has not been decided yet?"

"Not bad."

Ye Yaoyi's face was calm, and she nodded with certainty.

"Interesting ..."

The corner of the mouth of the black emperor hangs up: "You mean, those people around you still have the right to play against the lonely?"

"No, of course not."

Ye Yaoyi shook his head: "In the original trajectory, the kings are the defeated leaders of the Black Emperor. This will not change even now.

. "

"It's just that although the number of hits is the same, the variables are not necessarily."

Her face was calm and she said softly.

"Do you mean that the variable that appeared in this era?"

Heidi smiled, and at this moment could not help saying: "Can he be my opponent?"

He Changdi naturally knew about the variable Chen Changming, not only knowing it, but even knowing it very clearly.

After seizing Zhao Zheng, he has completely obtained Zhao Zheng's own memory, and therefore understands the existence of Chen Changming from Zhao Zheng's memory.

It is just that, despite knowing the existence of variables, before this, Heidi did not care.

The gap is too big.

Nowadays, the Black Emperor has recovered some of its former strength, although it is impossible to truly return to the peak and incarnate because of the limitations of the rules of the world

God and Demon, but it is only half a step at the peak.

What about Chen Changming?

According to the impression in Zhao Zheng's memory, the other party was just a master at the moment.

Is naturally very good to put outside, enough to dominate one side, but in Heidi's view, it is like this.

Is just a degree that can be wiped off by waving a hand.

Only at this level, can he act as his opponent?

As an ancient **** and demon, the Black Emperor knew much better than other people about the inheritance of the Spirit King.

The spirit king who inherited the spirit king, who created the order of the spirit king, had already left this world, and he stayed in this world now.

The only thing in is the fate formed by its trajectory.

Since the Spirit King of the Taichu is not in this world, Chen Changming cannot be the Spirit King of the Taichu turned and seized the house, just an ordinary person.

If it is just an ordinary person, even if he is a variable, how can he compete with such ancient gods and demons as him?

Therefore, from the beginning, Heidi did not put Chen Changming in his eyes and regarded it as normal.

And at this moment, the **** operator in front of him said, Chen Changming will be his opponent?

Is really a joke!

Stood on the spot, the Heidi couldn't help but smile, and then his face gradually became indifferent: "From now on, all kings are defeated, the variable you said, and

Where is? "

"Where is nowhere ~ ~ is far away."

In the distance, standing under a ruin, Ye Yaoyi's face was calm, and she gently said: "Look, he's here."


Hearing Ye Yaoyi's words, the Black Emperor was stunned for a while.

Just the next moment, an inexplicable gas machine began to emerge.

The breath of breath came from afar, and in the air, the sky suddenly changed color, as if the gods and spirits were recovering, and it would destroy the world.

Bursts of golden light splattered, rushing from a distance

'S fear.

This kind of fear rises from the heart. It is caused by the large gap in the level of life, as if encountering one's own natural enemies.

Previously, when facing the emperor before him, the kings also had this feeling, but it was far less clear than this moment.

Now, a more terrifying breath has appeared, impacting their minds again and again.

The mighty breath soared into the sky. In the distance, there seemed to be an angry dragon roaring and hissing at the moment.


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