Lin Mo suddenly remembered that there seemed to be this plot in the original work? Did he bump into it by chance?

But there is no one here, let alone whether Kirito from the original work will come to save her.

There was no time for Lin Mo to think so much, and his figure ran quickly in the forest under the night.

A few seconds later, a little girl was crying while holding a blue fluorescent feather. Wait until you see the situation clearly. His expression changed. The speed suddenly increased.

She saw the wild monsters surrounding her, looking at her quietly, and the attacking movements in their hands did not stop because she was a little girl.

Fortunately, Lin Mo arrived in time, and the Abyss Devourer pierced their bodies in an instant.

(5/8, there are three more to be added tomorrow! My eyes hurt a little, I went to bed first, it’s 5 o’clock.).

221 Silica

Are you okay? Lin Mo put away the sword in his hand and asked with concern.

It's okay, but Bina...

Before the little girl finished speaking, she couldn't help crying again.

Lin Mo naturally understood who the Bina she was talking about was the feather in her hand after the familiar died!

In the world of SAO, many pets and familiars were born. People who obtain these pet familiars are collectively called ‘tamers! ’

However, this type of people account for the smallest proportion in SAO.

Among a hundred people, there is not even a single animal tamer. Because of the scarcity of props, this type of players is rare.

But once 843 appears, it will inevitably become the target of competition among major guilds.

Animal trainers are also divided into categories, including attack type, healing type, and observation type.

Attack-type beast tamers, no matter where they are, will become the targets of competition for major guilds.

The same goes for the healing system, and perhaps the worst is the observation system.

This kind of pet can only be used to explore the terrain or identify directions. You must know that there are many hidden traps in the maze area. With the help of this pet, a lot of trouble can be avoided.

The pet in the hands of the little girl in front of Lin Mo was a healing pet.

Bina, I'm sorry, it was all because of my arrogance that I killed you! the little girl cried softly.

Okay, don't cry. It's not impossible to revive it. Lin Mo said softly.

After hearing this, the little girl turned her head and looked at Lin Mo.


Well, really!

On the south side of the 47th floor, there is a wild maze called the Hill of Memories. It is said that the flowers blooming at the top are special props used to resurrect the familiar. However, the flowers will bloom only when the master of the familiar reaches there.

After hearing the words, the little girl's eyes quickly lit up, but then dimmed in the blink of an eye.

Floor my level...

Not finished yet. There were two crystal tears flowing in his eyes.

I can take you there for free. Anyway, there is nothing to do these days.

Lin Mo thought for a while and then said. At present, the strategy team has found the room of the floor boss and is now contacting people to carry out the strategy. The most important thing is that the person in charge of this strategy is Asuna.

She is so strong that she will definitely not come to him for help in strategy.

She is so strong that she will definitely not come to him for help in strategy.

Although Lin Mo wanted to attack the BOSS first, he didn't know the specific room. Even if you go to the information sellers, they still don't know.

It can only be said that the strategy team was really strict this time.

How is this possible! You have already told me so much information. As long as I work hard to improve my level, I will be able to resurrect Bina one day! said the little girl.

I forgot to tell you something. The period of resurrection is three days after death. If it exceeds three days, Bina cannot be resurrected.

how come……

The little girl looked at the feather in her hand, feeling extremely sad in her heart. At the same time, she made a decision and looked at Lin Mo.

Well, let me pay for the travel to the 47th floor. Although it may not be enough, I will definitely pay it back!

Lin Mo's refusal seemed a bit unkind. Since everyone said so, he had no choice but to agree.

At the same time, I was a little impressed in my heart. Others could not wait to agree. After all, it is free. Who doesn’t want pie in the sky? Only a small number of people will ask themselves to bear it.

Then it's settled, my name is Silica, please give me your advice...

Silica said gratefully.

My name is Lin Mo. Please give me some advice during this time! After saying that, he held hands with Silica's little hand.

Um, Lin Mo, where do you live? Silica asked curiously as she walked with Lin Mo.

It's too much trouble on the 50th floor, so let's stay here on the 35th floor first. We'll set off tomorrow. Don't worry, we'll make it! Lin Mo looked at Silica and said with a smile.


Silica responded happily, and it could be seen that she was in a particularly good mood now. Coupled with the twin ponytails she wore, she looked like a little girl next door.

Isn't this Silica? So you escaped from the forest? That's great! I thought you completely died in the forest!

The sudden sound made Silica's face freeze, and her worry quickly returned to normal. He raised his head and looked at the person speaking in front of him.

One eye was covered by red bangs, and when he came over, he had an expression of gloating. The exposed eyes and the evil expression on her face can be described as the most poisonous woman's heart.

Oh? Where's the lizard following you?

Bina is dead! But no matter what, I will definitely bring it back to life!

Really? What a pity...

Even though she said this, the smugness in her eyes became even more intense. She had long disliked Silica. Now hearing what she is going through, there is no sympathy. My heart is as happy as eating honey.

(6/8, please subscribe automatically! The flowers are over 2W, thank you all book friends for your support T, T, I will find a chance to make a wave. From now on, there will be three updates every day! The next volume is the Fate series, Sword Art Online Pick up the pace as soon as possible!).

222 Flower of Soul

Let's go!

Lin Mo ignored the other party and said to Silica.


Silica obviously didn't want to have too many disputes with her teammates.

Pfft, let me tell you, with your level, it would take you ten thousand years to go to a place like Memory Hill! I didn't expect that now that I have got a big money, but I don't think this guy is a master. oh?

Lin Mo frowned slightly when he heard this. Glancing at the other party, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he took Silica and left.

People like this usually don't live long. The final outcome has already been determined.

If you have too much entanglement with the other party, you will look like an idiot.

Ordinarily, if someone dared to talk nonsense like this to Lin Mo, he would have beaten him up without saying a word. But now we are in a town. Killing and harming others is not allowed in the town.

PK can only be conducted with the permission of both parties.

What's more, in the original work, Kirito had already sent this group of people directly to prison.


The next day, Ingria on the 47th floor

Lin Mo and Silica arrived here early.

When Silica saw the scene in front of her, she screamed in surprise.

The gentle sunlight shines on the stone pillars engraved with beautiful patterns, giving off streaks of white luster. Colorful petals are flying freely in the sky. Looking down from the steps, it feels like you are in a sea of ​​flowers. It's so refreshing.

29 Directly in front of Lin Mo was a small round fountain. From the fountain, crystal water droplets are spraying, but because the speed is too fast, when viewed from a distance, it forms an illusion like a waterfall.

This floor is called the Garden of Flowers, and the entire floor is covered by a sea of ​​flowers. Lin Mo explained.

I think when I first came to this floor, I was also surprised by this scene.

There are only a handful of floors covered by a certain plant like this in the entire SAO.

At least in Lin Mo's opinion, there were very few.


Looking at the various men and women around her, Silica didn't know what she was thinking of, and her face turned red.

Because most of the people here are couples, Silica, who has never been in love with a man, can't help but feel a little shy.

Let's go!


Silica replied quickly.

Lin Mo smiled, walked in front, and began to quietly lead the way.

Keep walking along this road and you will reach the Hill of Memories. Lin Mo said while looking ahead.

Silica looked at the sea of ​​flowers around her, and her hands on her chest tightened slightly.

I'll save you soon, Bina!

Lin Mo and Silica walked side by side on the road to the top. Although there were a few hiccups along the way, they still reached the top of the Hill of Memories without any danger.

That's it!

Lin Mo pointed forward and said,

Silica ran over impatiently and looked at the small, glowing stone pillar floating in the air in front of her.

It can be clearly seen that the moment Silica approached the stone pillar, a flower slowly grew in the center.

Take it off!

Lin Mo said softly.

Silica suppressed her nervousness, stretched out her hand, and picked off the flower.

‘Get props: Flower of Soul!

Let's use it on the familiar when we get back. Resurrection in the wild will be a bit dangerous. Although I'm not afraid, if you can minimize the risk, then do it! I believe Bina hopes so too,

Lin Mo said.


Silica nodded fiercely and put the 'Flower of Soul' into her backpack as if it were a treasure.

Now that we got the things, let's go back! Lin Mo said easily.


The big stone in my heart finally fell, and even my voice became much happier unconsciously.


What's wrong?

Silica looked at Lin Mo who stopped and said strangely,

Those who are ambushing over there, come out!

Lin Mo looked at the empty tree and said lightly.

After a few seconds, several figures finally appeared.

And that group of people was the same group of people who had a dispute with Silica last night.

Miss Rosalia...

Silica instantly recognized the person taking the lead.

Since you can see through my invisibility, your enemy-finding skills are really high!

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