Lin Mo said lightly.

No, this is all a misunderstanding.

The vice president of the Holy Dragon Union swallowed his saliva and said with a sneer. He was deeply afraid that if Lin Mo was not careful, the sharp edge of the sword would pierce his throat.

Stop it!

Asuna stood up and called softly. She had no intention of siding with the Holy Dragon Alliance and coming out to stop them, just because it was not the right time to fight yet.

If the two sides fight, it will be a loss for the entire team. Now it is the key point to capture the floor BOSS. In order to take the overall situation into consideration, Asuna has no choice but to stop it.

But on the other side looking at the Holy Dragon United, there was a look of disgust in their eyes.

The members of the Moonlight Black Cat Group didn't say anything. Everyone was waiting for Lin Mo's decision. After all, this time, the Holy Dragon Alliance's actions did indeed cross the line.

They want to take advantage of the remaining health of the boss to make up for the final blow, and after getting the items, they can take the opportunity to escape. But I didn't expect that Lin Mo could kill the BOSS so quickly!

There was still half a tube of blood left, and he was instantly killed by Lin Mo.

After a few seconds of stalemate, Lin Mo's long sword made a gorgeous sword flower in the void, and then fell steadily into the scabbard behind him.

¨ Take your people and get out!

The people of the Holy Dragon Alliance breathed a sigh of relief and ran away quickly. I was afraid that Lin Mo would change his attention later.

Such a shameless guy!

(Zhao Hao) Asuna curled her lips disdainfully, and then looked at Lin Mo.

Are you OK?

Lin Mo shrugged

Do you think I'm in trouble?

That's right! With such great strength, it's definitely impossible for you to get injured.

Asuna immediately chuckled.

They talked like old friends. The surrounding players' eyes widened, especially those from the Blood Alliance Knights.

Is this still my vice president? A person who doesn't even give a look to the leader is chatting and laughing with SAO's strongest player!

If word got out, it would definitely make people’s jaws drop.

(3/8, please subscribe, and there are flowers!).

219 Team up with me!

By the way, what's your name?

Lin Mo asked pretending to be ignorant.

Asuna's face froze and she was dumbfounded. Even the others had expressions of hatred for steel.

You don't even know her name, but you still have such fun chatting with her? Moreover, where is Asuna’s fame? You don’t even know? Are you an alien?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that he didn't tell him his name.

After figuring this out, Asuna was stunned. Looking at Lin Mo with an innocent expression, he didn't know what to say.

really do not know?


Lin Mo said sincerely, but he was snickering in his heart. He had indeed never heard her say his name.

Although they met several times, there was no communication between the two. Asuna took the initiative to talk to him today, which surprised him even more.

All right!

Asuna was defeated, took a deep breath, looked at Lin Mo and shouted 397.

Listen clearly! My name is Asuna, and I am the deputy leader of the Blood Alliance Knights!

Oh, can you please lower your voice? It doesn't have to be so loud, I can hear you. Lin Mo scratched his ears.

Asuna really wanted to strangle him to death now.

People from several major guilds looked at each other, is this the strongest player in SAO? It's okay to be powerful, but they didn't expect that their skills in picking up girls were beyond their reach.

Let's go, let's go!

Like chasing a duck away, the several Fenglin Huoshan and Yueye Black Cat groups retreated wisely, leaving only the people of the Blood Alliance Knights inside.

You guys go out first! I'll be here later.

When facing outsiders, Asuna returned to her usual expression of one who could only look at things from a distance but not play with them.


No (cjcg) but! Go out first, I have something to discuss with him. Asuna said majestically.

All right!

The subordinates were helpless and began to retreat one after another. In a blink of an eye, only Lin Mo and Asuna were left alone.

How are you doing these days?

After Asuna and others all went out, she looked at Lin Mo closely and asked.

It's okay, I do the same thing every day anyway. Lin Mo stretched and said.

Then are you still fighting alone? Asuna said.

Otherwise? Besides, I'm used to this kind of life, free and easy! Lin Mo sighed as he looked at the scenery around him.

Otherwise? Besides, I'm used to this kind of life, free and easy! Lin Mo sighed as he looked at the scenery around him.

Sixty percent of the body's limiters have been unlocked.

This can be regarded as the result of hard work!

Really? Then what do you plan to do in the future? You know that the difficulty of the BOSS becomes more and more difficult the further you go, do you still plan to continue to attack it alone? Asuna said.

We'll see then. In fact, with my current strength, I can handle it up to level 90. After that, I don't know. After all, I don't know how powerful the BOSS will be.

Lin Mo thought about it for a moment and then said.

He actually told a little lie here. With his current strength and the inexplicable extra skill that appeared in the skill bar a few days ago, it would not be a problem to reach level 100 alone.

Asuna was shocked. Level 90, if others heard it, they would definitely say that Lin Mo was arrogant.

You must know that the difficulty of the BOSS increases exponentially as you go further. In the eyes of the outside world, Lin Mo's ability to handle the BOSS on the 80th floor is extremely incredible.

Is this all you want to talk to me about?

Lin Mo glanced at the shocked Asuna.

Asuna came back to her senses and met Lin Mo's eyes: Of course not. In fact, I came here for one more thing, and that is to see the strength of the strongest player in SAO. Asuna crossed her arms and said. ,

Oh? So how do you feel?

Just so-so!

Asuna pouted and said.

Lin Mo suddenly felt ashamed. He was still so careless. I'm afraid that other people's strength wouldn't be able to catch your eye, right?

Okay, no more joking, I want to talk to you about something.

What is it? So serious?

Lin Mo asked curiously.

Team up with me!


Team up with me!

Asuna was reborn again.

Isn't your brain burned out? Lin Mo couldn't help but ask.

Asuna gave him a dissatisfied look and began to talk about the real reason.

I must have said something when we defeated the first-level BOSS. That's why you don't form a team with others even though you have such strong strength.

Lin Mo recalled it for a moment, and it seemed that this was indeed the case?

But so what? Does this have anything to do with 'wanting to team up with me'?

(4/8, please subscribe and send flowers. Thanks to the two previous guys for their tips, I’m very grateful!).

220 Touching Asuna

Of course it does matter! If you team up with me, the efficiency of the strategy will undoubtedly be much faster. Wouldn't it be good for you to escape from this world as soon as possible? Asuna said loudly.

Well...Actually, I don't care whether I escape from this world or not. Besides, I'm used to walking alone. If I need it that day, I'll come find you! Lin Mo said lightly,

Then regardless of her reaction, he walked towards the exit behind him.

Asuna looked at him blankly.

Are you used to walking alone?

I don't know what I thought of, but I looked at Lin Mo with a firm look on his face, and hurriedly followed him~.


By the time the two of them came out, Feng Linhuoshan and Yueye Black Cat Group had long disappeared. Only the people from the Blood Alliance Knights stayed not far away -.

Lin Mo's chat messages also contained some messages from Keita.

After a brief glance, he forgot about it. Then he turned to Asuna.

I'm leaving now. I have to go to the 35th floor to do some things later.

Okay, before that, can you add me as a friend? Asuna said expectantly.

Okay. By the way, I'll give this to you. It won't do much for me anyway.

After Lin Mo and Asuna exchanged friends, they suddenly remembered something and threw a crystal to Asuna.

After Asuna took the crystal in her hand, she was stunned.

Resurrection props can resurrect people who die within 10 seconds!

If the guess is correct, this resurrection item is also the one that Lin Mo obtained after defeating the BOSS before. However, he just gave such a valuable thing to himself. Why doesn't she move? Besides, Asuna knew how important the resurrection items were to other people.

When she came to her senses and hurriedly wanted to return it, she found that Lin Mo's figure had already disappeared. Only the glowing crystal remains.

Asuna clenched the resurrection tool in her hand, feeling mixed emotions in her heart. Just like this, she quietly looked at the direction Lin Mo was leaving. Although her subordinates wanted to remind her, they still stood aside honestly in order to protect their own heads.

How it ends is none of Lin Mo's business.

How it ends is none of Lin Mo's business.

Along the way, Lin Mo had some doubts in his heart. When had Asuna been so kind to her? Although nothing could be seen on the surface, the concern in his words could be heard even by others, let alone Lin Mo himself.

Could it be that his charm has reached the limit?

Forget it, I can’t think of a reason, so let’s go to the 35th floor first!

Lin Mo murmured and threw the question behind him.

As everyone knows, it is precisely because of his previous meetings and conversations with Asuna that she is now slightly different from the original.

············Please ask for flowers··············

However, this change is only effective for him. If he were an ordinary person, he would be like the Valkyrie on the battlefield in the past!

Coming out of the weapon shop and looking at the customized weapon, Lin Mo showed a satisfied smile.

This weapon was actually made by Xin Bai, who asked Lin Mo to make it. It happened to be completed today, so he asked him to pick it up.

. . 0

While passing through a dark forest, I suddenly heard the cry of a little girl.

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