But will the facts really allow Lin Mo to get his wish?

Although she was full of doubts in her heart, Misaka Mikoto had no other choice but to believe in Lin Mo. Even though her brother had taken over her railgun and showed great abilities, she did not believe that her brother could defeat... Everyone including Mugino Shiri!

I also don’t want my brother to find out anything. The plan to copy LV5 has the participation of Academy City’s senior officials! If Misaka Mikoto plans to continue implementing her plan, it will be equivalent to starting a war with everyone in Academy City!

He couldn't handle just a few people, so how could he involve his brother?

Both sides have ulterior motives, and each is content with their own hearts, but they can't do without one sentence! That is...worrying that the other party is in danger!

By the way, what were you doing earlier? I saw you lying on the road with bruises. I was the one who jumped you! Lin Mo said pretending to be worried.

Yeah! It's okay! Misaka Mikoto shook her head and said. At the same time, there was a small question in her heart, how did she run out in the first place? She clearly remembered that she was in the laboratory!

With a shake of her head, she threw these messy thoughts out of her mind, with a look of exhaustion on her face. All kinds of things in the past few days had made her heart full of pain and uneasiness. If she hadn't been able to easily put DNA into it when she was a child, If donated, those poor children would not be born and would not be harmed.

Anyway, let's speed up the progress! Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth, resisted the dizziness in her mind, and pushed herself out of bed.

Lin Mo looked at the sissy Misaka Mikoto who was about to fall, and quickly dropped the work in her hands to support her: Hey! Although I don't know what happened, you should take care of your body at least!

It's okay...I can still... Misaka Mikoto weakly pushed Lin Mo away and walked toward the door step by step in a daze.

Misaka Mikoto's dazed body was like a patient who would collapse at any time, so Lin Mo quickly sent her back to the bed.

He gently covered her with a quilt, touched her smooth forehead, it felt a little hot, and said

Even if you have something important to do, it's not too late to go after you recover. Why do you have to hold on? Don't worry! Everything should be over by the time you get up...

Well... Misaka Mikoto slowly closed her eyes. The extensive use of her abilities in the past few days has made her body exhausted. What she needs now is just a good rest!

Regardless of whether Misaka Mikoto heard the last sentence or not, when she saw Misaka Mikoto's eyes gradually closing, she couldn't help but feel relieved. She looked at the sleeping Misaka Mikoto's face with pity and murmured, Don't worry! It's very good. It will be over soon...the nightmare that has plagued you will no longer exist...

(2/3, please collect it!!)

26 Accelerator

Lin Mo is wearing a black coat, just like a real assassin master hidden in the darkness. What awaits him will be an unprecedented crisis for him!

In the dark night, the cold wind is biting, accompanied by a little bit of 'star rain' falling in the wind. In this hot weather, it is as refreshing as the dew in the desert.

But the night was destined not to be too peaceful. It had rained for two consecutive days, and the ground inevitably felt a little damp.

Undercurrents surged from all sides, and Lin Mo took a deep breath. The original date for the decisive battle with Accelerator was brought forward. The big, dark red dot on the system map told him that he was not far from Accelerator!

Lin Mo walked towards Accelerator's position with heavy steps, recalling all the information about Accelerator's abilities in his mind.

Accelerator, as the NO.1 of Academy City, has an unknown gender. His ability is vector control and he can control the direction of energy. He can reflect all physical attacks and can kill people just by touching him.

But Lin Mo's ability is not ordinary physical damage. He can freely control space within a radius of hundreds of miles. At the same time, his time ability, which should not exist by itself, can be regarded as just a trump card.

Although vector operations are particularly powerful, as long as Lin Mo is careful and not careless, he can win safely. This is not blind arrogance, this is a kind of self-confidence derived from strength!

If the level division of Academy City is really imposed on Lin Mo, he will definitely hit LV6! A person with absolute abilities that only exists in theory!

Lin Mo hurried on quickly, the black afterimage driving freely in the night, as if the silence of the night could not cause any harm to him.

Hahahaha! Can't you give me more pleasure? Ah~? A crazy voice laughed wantonly not far away, a man with white skin and hair, pupils like flames, and a slender body Lines and lack of muscle training result in slight bulges in the bones of the hands and feet.

Even Lin Mo, who was not far away from Accelerator, could feel the madness in his eyes.

Even Lin Mo, who was not far away from Accelerator, could feel the madness in his eyes.

Not far from Accelerator, a Misaka sister covered in blood dragged her broken body slowly and with difficulty towards the front.

But how can it be faster than Accelerator? What's more, he was seriously injured.

It's so boring. I'm tired of playing, so I'll ask you to die! Accelerator tilted his head, patted the side, and decided a person's life or death without hesitation...

Lin Mo didn't have time to think too much, and quickly used space teleport to come to Misaka's sister, put his hand on her back, and then the two of them disappeared.

He took Misaka to a safe place, simply bandaged his wound, and then disappeared in Misaka's surprised eyes.

Ah? Who are you? Accelerator smacked his lips in displeasure. Everyone would be unhappy if his elegance was suddenly stopped, let alone an extreme person like Accelerator.

How about a duel? How about it? Lin Mo chuckled and said straight to the point. It was as if the person in front of him was not the strongest person in Academy City, but a defenseless man.

Although I don't know who you are, but! Since you said so, I have a reason not to agree! Xiaoluoluo, I hope you can make me happy! However, when the time comes, Don't die! Hahahaha! Accelerator looked up to the sky and laughed.

So? Are you ready to die? Accelerator smiled ferociously, raised his foot, and stepped lightly on the floor!

A burst of crazy and strong fluctuations came from the underground. Immediately afterwards, the ground began to deform rapidly in a way that was visible to the naked eye. With Accelerator as the center, the ground several miles away began to instantly collapse and shatter!

(3/3, 3 updates a day, additional updates from time to time on Saturdays, please collect and send flowers, your support is the biggest motivation ^O^)

27 battle

Academy City, in the 17th School District, in a broad industrial area, inside a train group... the ground shook violently as if an earthquake had occurred.

What a strong fluctuation! Lin Mo exclaimed. Although he had a rough prediction of Accelerator's strength, it was still far beyond Lin Mo's imagination.

Lin Mo's figure flashed quickly, and in an instant, he was in the air, walking through the air. With a slight stroke of his arm in the void, several small, hard-to-be-felt space blades rushed towards Accelerator at extremely high speeds.

Accelerator finally stopped joking and looked up at Lin Mo with scarlet eyes. Although it couldn't see the space blade coming from the void, it could feel the abnormality in the space!

It's really interesting! What kind of power is this? In this Academy City, is there still a power that I can't rebound? Hahaha! Let me play more!

Accelerator dodged the space blade in a flash, covered his face, and laughed maniacally. With his finger lightly touching the ground, a trembling low sound erupted in the air, and then, several boulders floated in the air. Accelerator pushed with his finger, and the boulder quickly flew towards Lin Mo's direction with a sharp whistling sound.

Looking at the incoming boulders, Lin Mo didn't see any movement. Several explosions flashed in the air. In the blink of an eye, the incoming boulders were cut into two halves without any warning! Even this is not enough! One knife, two knifes...until it was crushed until only the residue remained and fell downwards.

Accelerator smiled. Countless iron pipes were manipulated by some mysterious force and attacked from behind Lin Mo.

Lin Mo glanced behind him with indifferent eyes. A dozen iron pipes were cut into more than a dozen pieces according to the previous plot.

Space is torn apart!

Lin Mo roared.

The space around Accelerator began to twist, and in a blink of an eye, a water-like vortex was formed, and the surrounding air flowed crazily into it.

Accelerator's keen sense of smell naturally sensed the threat. His figure suddenly flashed, his body jumped up high, his five fingers spread out, turning into eagle claws, and he gestured to grab Lin Mo in the void.

Trouble! Lin Mo secretly said, and directly used spatial teleportation to avoid it.

Alas! Your ability is really interesting! Is it to control space? Accelerator stood in the air and looked down at Lin Mo not far away. After several rounds of confrontation, his brain, which can compare to computer calculations, can perform operations in an instant. After getting the answer, he said with interest.

Unlike that bastard who can only use a single skill, you seem to be able to control space? Make the space conform to your own wishes, right? It's really interesting!

So what? Can you catch me? Lin Mo said mockingly.

Tch! Accelerator smacked his mouth in displeasure. Just as Lin Mo said, it couldn't catch Lin Mo, but Lin Mo could catch it easily!

Even if it changed the momentum of the sole of its feet and made a qualitative breakthrough in its speed, it could not catch up with Lin Mo, who did not even need 1 second to move.

Even if it changed the momentum of the sole of its feet and made a qualitative breakthrough in its speed, it could not catch up with Lin Mo, who did not even need 1 second to move.

Don't get too proud of me, you bastard!!

Spreading his hands, blue energy flowed crazily towards Accelerator, and then blasted towards Lin Mo like countless tentacles.

Lin Mo was dodging in the air, but those blue streams of light were like missiles with long eyes, constantly following Lin Mo.

Until the end, Lin Mo didn't seem to be planning to hide anymore, and just took the blue light stream.


A deafening explosion resounded through the sky the moment Lin Mo paused.

Black smoke filled the void, and Accelerator stared at the sky. When the smoke dissipated, Lin Mo's figure appeared in the air unscathed.

Good luck... Lin Mo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Fortunately, he let the space shield block in front of him at the critical moment and forcefully accepted the attack from 360 degrees without blind spots.

The fight between the two sides lasted only one minute! But it caused devastating consequences!

Countless white mist was floating in this space, and the originally intact ground was now in tatters and a mess.

And the person who caused all this was Accelerator standing in front of Lin Mo!

The gradual battle made Lin Mo's heart gradually become fanatical. He no longer stood in the air, but slowly floated down and stood not far from Accelerator.

Oh? Are you finally no longer hiding like a bug? Accelerator's mouth curved in a dangerous way.

Well... there's no point in hiding, so... I decided to make a quick decision! Lin Mo shrugged his shoulders, took a deep breath, and his eyes became serious. Clenching his fists, an invisible force of space slowly flowed towards Lin Mo. In the blink of an eye, it wrapped around Lin Mo's entire arm, and even the air produced sharp and harsh sounds.

With a kick of his legs, he rushed towards Accelerator like an arrow from the string...

That's what I meant! Accelerator laughed, his face twisted, and he clenched a fist with one hand, intending to fight violence with violence! Let’s have a head-on confrontation!

(1/3, more updates will start tomorrow, please give me flowers and collections... The book club is in the relevant chapters, anyone who is interested can come in.)

28 The blackened Accelerator

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and the earth was moved by it.

The fists of the two figures collided together, and a strong wind centered on the two people and spread out in all directions.

A sharp and harsh voice murmured in the air, and several traces of blood appeared on Accelerator's face.

But it still didn't respond, and its scarlet eyes looked straight at Lin Mo. Okay, okay! It's great! I haven't encountered such a refreshing battle for a long time! Accelerator laughed, and the strength of his hands was endless. is increasing.

Lin Mo's expression changed and he jumped back. Accelerator's fist hit the iron box on the side and made a big hole.

What's wrong? Keep going! Accelerator touched the wound on his face that was scratched by the power of space in Lin Mo's hand, said with a ferocious smile, and the figure rushed forward again.

Accelerator rushed up to Lin Mo, who had no reason not to fight back.

The two figures kept colliding. Every time Accelerator tried to control the blood in Lin Mo's body, Lin Mo would find him in time and quickly separate.

After fighting for several rounds, Accelerator, who had been invincible in the past, felt aggrieved. In the past, he could freely control the blood on his body as long as he put his hand on the opponent, but every time he wanted to put his hand on Lin Mo, , will be avoided by Lin Mo.

The figures of the two people who separated at a rapid speed flashed again and rushed forward again at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Time delay!

Lin Mo shouted low, and the world seemed to be dyed with a layer of gray. Everything became very slow in front of Lin Mo, and Accelerator in front of him, his fists seemed to Lin Mo to be as slow as a turtle. In this world, he is the only being who is not limited by his own abilities!

The figure turned away, and the movements of his hands accelerated again.


A punch hit Accelerator directly in the face, knocking him away.


Accelerator flew out like a kite with a broken string, his face still showing disbelief.

What's going on? I obviously kept my eyes on him, why did his fist suddenly appear in front of me? Accelerator wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up hard, his steps unsteady. Looking at Lin Mo, It seems you still have many secrets that you haven't used yet.

What's going on? I obviously kept my eyes on him, why did his fist suddenly appear in front of me? Accelerator wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up hard, his steps unsteady. Looking at Lin Mo, It seems you still have many secrets that you haven't used yet.

Accelerator had a sullen face, knowing that he had muttered against the other party, no matter in any way, he had muttered against him.

Lin Mo didn't give him a chance to talk nonsense.

Space teleportation!

He came directly to Accelerator, watched time delay again, punched Accelerator in the pale face, and blasted him out again.


Accelerator fell to the ground, and blood flowed out of his nose uncontrollably. Here he comes again! He didn't feel anything, but he suddenly appeared next to him.


Accelerator stood up again, covering his injured face and lowering his head so that no one could see its appearance.

Pain...this kind of thing Accelerator laughed, with disbelief and a little confusion in his voice. He muttered to himself. When he realized that this was not a dream, his pupils froze, and he laughed like a madman. Blood... blood! I haven't seen this kind of thing in a long time. It's really amazing.

Hey...you seem to have hurt me...

The conversation suddenly changed, and the shocking murderous intent couldn't stop emanating from Accelerator, shrouding Lin Mo, making his pupils shrink.

Suddenly, Lin Mo's expression changed drastically, his tiger body shook, and he used space teleport to fly into the air.

Immediately afterwards, the place where Lin Mo was standing was crushed into pieces, and no stone was bigger than toilet paper scraps...

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