Lin Mo's eyes glanced around. In just one second, not a single piece of the ground was intact.

(2/3, please collect and add flowers, I will add more updates from tomorrow...)

29 ‘I will definitely be the strongest! ’

Accelerator spread his hands, and a huge tornado suddenly rose up from the ground without any warning, spinning from the air. Everything absorbed by it was torn apart at this moment, leaving nothing behind.

And there’s more than one tornado! The atmosphere gathered together crazily and flowed backwards. In the blink of an eye, three or four manic tornadoes surrounded Accelerator.

Hahaha! Die, you bastard! Accelerator laughed yanderely, and with a wave of his hand, three or four tornadoes quickly hit Lin Mo's side.

go to hell!

At this moment, thunderclouds rolled between the sky and the earth, and three tornadoes rushed towards Lin Mo with overwhelming force. No matter how Lin Mo hid, he could not escape the scope of the tornado, unless he fled the battlefield like a bereaved dog, but Lin Mo might How to do it? Even if it's not for himself, for Misaka's sister, Misaka Mikoto, he will definitely win this battle!

Lin Mo shouted angrily

Space blockade!!

In an instant, an invisible mysterious force fell from the sky, wrapping the tornado from beginning to end, preventing the tornado from moving forward.


Kacha! Kacha!

The broken space like a mirror shrouded the tornado. In the blink of an eye, it was fragmented. Dark vortex-like vortexes appeared from it, but disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if someone was repairing the broken space.

For a moment, everything was calm, Accelerator stared with big eyes, as if he didn't believe what he saw in front of him.

Time accelerates!

Lin Mo added the ability of time to himself, one second...maybe not even one second! Without using space teleportation, he arrived at Accelerator's side purely by relying on his own physical strength. Before it could react, his hands alternately bombarded its body, and bursts of air explosions rang out from Accelerator's body. 1 Within seconds, Lin Mo received more than ten punches in a row!

Even if Accelerator can reflect all powerless damage, it must be within the range that his mind can move!

Accelerator's computer-like brain alone could no longer keep up with Lin Mo's speed. Lin Mo's attack alone could only be seen as a black shadow based on its calculations!

The severe pain in his body made Accelerator's fiery red pupils red again, and his eyes were bloodshot. His expression was extremely angry, and he wanted to tear the man in front of him into pieces who was embarrassing him.

The severe pain in his body made Accelerator's fiery red pupils red again, and his eyes were bloodshot. His expression was extremely angry, and he wanted to tear the man in front of him into pieces who was embarrassing him.

Trying his best to get his figure out of Lin Mo's control, Accelerator's face turned the color of pig liver and he stood on the ground with unsteady legs.

How can it be repaired?

A wild beast-like roar roared out of Accelerator's mouth.

Facing all this, Lin Mo looked at it expressionlessly. The power around Lin Mo began to surge. In the blink of an eye, a 6.7-meter-high crescent blade was formed. With Lin Mo's low roar, he was invincible. With such force, he rushed towards Accelerator. On the way, even the space was twisted and torn apart.

Sure enough, I'm still not strong enough... If I'm strong enough, those people won't be hurt... If I'm strong enough... Those bastards won't appear... If I'm strong enough... They won't...

Stop hurting people!

If I were invincible, that would be great. I would not be hurt by the person in front of me, and I would not be beaten to pieces, but...

I will definitely be the strongest!!

Crazy roars swept the sky. Suddenly, there was lightning and thunder, and it seemed that even the sky felt unfair...

Accelerator's brain's calculation power was fully activated, and he frantically manipulated the winds in Academy City.

In Academy City, the windmills placed on the roadside or somewhere were spinning wildly and uncontrollably at this moment.

The wind that spreads hundreds of miles around Academy City, in a form visible to the naked eye, quickly moves in a certain direction, and that direction is exactly where Accelerator is!

The howling wind, under the control of Accelerator, condensed together, and in Lin Mo's shocked eyes... gathered into a huge white ball of light.

(3/3, please collect and send flowers)

30 The end of the battle

The pure white ball of light grew larger and larger, and in a blink of an eye, it formed a huge ball of light hanging above Accelerator's head.

In Lin Mo's shocked eyes, Accelerator roared, and the photoion cannon above his head ran directly towards where Lin Mo was standing, colliding with the space blade, forming a dazzling light. It was accompanied by a sharp and harsh sound.

Centered on the two forces, countless buildings and industrial facilities were blown away. The attacks that bombarded each other collided briefly. Although the space blade tried hard to cut a small slit in the huge ball of light, the gap was filled again by the strong wind coming from all directions.

The Space Blade was finally defeated and swallowed by the white ball of light. Lin Mo looked at the huge ball of light coming towards him. Not only did he not feel any fear in his heart, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and a sense of excitement appeared on his face. Although he can choose to escape using the ability of spatial teleportation, is it possible for Lin Mo to do so? The answer is definitely not!

Taking a deep breath, his face was calm and composed when facing the coming ball of light, but it was not difficult for anyone to see Lin Mo's excitement.

He slowly stretched out a hand and shouted loudly.

Time flows backward!!

A special wave emanated from Lin Mo's body, as if a miraculous event had occurred. All the buildings and industrial facilities that had been blown away returned to their original positions! It was like a movie replaying, as if nothing had happened.

The huge ball of light was instantly enveloped by a special wave. Pure white energy began to float outward from the inside out. In the blink of an eye, the huge ball of light turned into a small spot of light. Accelerator slowly drifted away in shock and disbelief.

For a moment, there was silence. A breeze caressed their faces, and the leaves drifted in the wind, crossing the sides of their faces.

Lin Mo's head was a little dizzy. He had never used this trick on such a large scale! But Accelerator was no better. His brain was overloaded with calculations and his abilities were overdrawn, causing him to collapse to the ground and never get up again! The only thing that can move in the whole body is the pupils that still remain unimaginable!

Lin Mo was not only feeling dizzy now, but also was filled with heartbreaking pain all over his body.

Ha...ha...hahaha! After a short recovery, Accelerator struggled to get up from the ground. The expression on his face was like a devil from hell. It was extremely gloomy, but the wounds on his body told the story. It doesn't feel good now when it comes to others.

Accelerator walked towards Lin Mo step by step, and then his lax walking turned into running.

Lin Mo looked at Accelerator who was running towards him with his broken body, not to be outdone, he clenched his fists and rushed forward.

go to hell!!

go to hell!!


In the end, Lin Mo's Zigou Fist was the first to hit Accelerator's face, knocking him away. Blood was swaying in the air like a parabola, and Accelerator's body fell to the ground.

Ah! Since I this what defeat feels like? It's such a disgusting feeling!

At this moment, many images flashed through Accelerator's mind, but as his consciousness fell into slumber, it suddenly shattered...

In the last moment, although Lin Mo was able to use his ability to knock down Accelerator, he didn't! But he chose the most manly way to resolve the battle.

Lin Mo watched Accelerator pass out and did not kill him. He was not the Holy Mother of Lin Mo, but in the final analysis, Accelerator was just a poor man, and his nature was not bad...that's all...

This can be reflected from the original work. In order to save the last resort, Accelerator did not hesitate to break into the enemy's base camp single-handedly. Even if it fell down again and again, it would stand up again.

Just saying this was enough for Lin Mo to let it go, but he didn't expect that the consequences of using Time Counterflow on such a large scale for the first time would be so serious.

As if his spirit had been violently impacted, it was mixed together. It would be an exaggeration to compare Lin Mo's head to paste.

The reverse flow of time can only be used on objects or certain forms of energy, but it cannot affect anyone. Lin Mo doesn't have that ability yet.

We have to go back as soon as possible... Lin Mo held his heavy body, supported the wall, and walked step by step towards an unknown location. After an unknown time, his eyes darkened and he fell to the ground...

The last image I saw was a woman wearing a Tokiwadai school uniform with honey-colored hair...

(1/4, please give me some flowers and collect them! The flowers are terrible. The book club group is in the related group. Those who like to chat can come in. If you have any opinions, you can tell the author...)

31 Luxurious room with girl

Academy City, School District a building without any glass doors or windows...

Aleister was hanging in the eternal yellow liquid culture tank, looking at Accelerator who had passed out in the hospital through the screen, closing his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking...

After a long time, Aleister turned off several screens in the void and at the same time called up a report about Lin Mo.

Incompetent...? It seems that you have to redefine your identity. You may be a chess piece that can be used in the future...

Time is running out... We have to speed up the progress, magic forces. I hope you won't ask for trouble. After all, I have a hidden card in my hand...

Aleister closed the screen in the void, closed his eyes, and raised his mouth slightly, as if he thought of something interesting...

Elsewhere... Misaka Mikoto opened her eyes, her mind as clear as ever. She had a high fever yesterday, and it has gradually subsided today. She looked around in the distance. Shirai Kuroko was asleep on the hospital bed, mumbling something.


Misaka Mikoto looked at the sleeping Shirai Kuroko and gave a wry smile. Then her expression changed and she picked up the portable computer on the table that was smaller than a tablet. A trace of blue current flowed from Misaka Mikoto to the small computer.

How's the copy plan going?

Misaka Mikoto anxiously checked the information,

The plan was stopped...Accelerator who participated in the plan was defeated...The plan drawn up by the tree diagram calculator failed...

Several cryptic words appeared in Misaka Mikoto's hand, but she did not relax in her heart. There was always a question lingering in her heart: Accelerator? That Academy City No. 1, who defeated Accelerator?

Could it be it?

A vague black shadow appeared in Misaka Mikoto's mind. This person was someone she had grown up with and was very familiar with.

A vague black shadow appeared in Misaka Mikoto's mind. This person was someone she had grown up with and was very familiar with.

But she was not sure in her heart, so she could only wait until she had time to ask him in person.

Ah... Onee-sama, are you awake? Shirai Kuroko opened his eyes in confusion, then threw himself into Misaka Mikoto's arms and acted coquettishly.

Misaka Mikoto laughed and patted Shirai Kuroko's head. The plan was stopped. Although she didn't know the specific situation, it made her feel relieved and relaxed.

In a room somewhere, Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was a magnificent and luxurious room.

After a day of coma, Lin Mo's mental strength had almost recovered. What made him confused was who saved him.

But he soon knew the answer...

The door to the room was opened, and a girl who made people shine slowly walked in.

Golden hair, slender waist, facial features as delicate as a doll, and an exquisite figure. The only regret may be that there is something mediocre about it.

Wearing the Tokiwadai Middle School uniform, with white gloves on both hands and white lace spider-style stockings, the smile that hangs on her lips from time to time makes her look more like the eldest lady of a certain family.

It can be said that this is a girl who is both beautiful and well-dressed. If she can develop a little more intact somewhere, it is not an exaggeration to say that she will be the most beautiful girl in the country, but it is also enough that people can't live without her at the first sight. beautiful girl.

(2/4, please collect some and have flowers!! The Queen is indeed beautiful...)

32 Shokuhou’s fault?

Oh? Are you awake? The girl sat at a round white table not far from Lin Mo. She took the tea cup handed by the servant and drank it bit by bit. Her movements were very elegant. Lin Mo Mo had to sigh, she was really a typical young lady.

The girl's name is Shokuhou Caori. As one of the few single-digit ability users in Academy City, she also has her pride.

I had just solved an incident that made me feel very unhappy. As a result, when I was about to return home from outside at night, I encountered a collision between two huge energies.

So Shokuhou Caori, who was very curious, rushed over and looked at the two people who were fighting. After seeing the two people, she was undoubtedly shocked. Wasn't the man with black broken hair the one who hit her that day? That man? His mobile Shokuhou Kaiji is still kept among his personal belongings.

These are not the most important. The most important thing is the other person he fights with, Academy City's No. 1, Accelerator, who is said to be impossible to defeat!

What surprised her the most was that the man who hit her had beaten Accelerator! Shokuhou was shocked by the brilliant battle between the two, so she rescued Lin Mo who was mentally exhausted.

This is here? Lin Mo said doubtfully, lifted the quilt and walked down.

This is my home. I saved you, don't you have anything to say to yourself? Shokuhou said dissatisfiedly as he looked at Lin Mo's attitude.

Well, thank you then...that's weird! Aren't you the one who stole my phone!

Lin Mo always felt that he had seen her there before, and finally remembered it before.

Yes! So what? Shokuhou groaned and smiled.

Forget it, let's not talk about the past, but I still want to thank you for saving me. Even if you don't save me, I won't have much of a problem... What Lin Mo said was the truth. They all have space shields, and anyone who has ill intentions towards him will be blocked from the space shields.

The space shield may have sensed that the girl had no ill intentions, so it allowed her to get close to Lin Mo.

Should I finish saying that I'm being sentimental? Shokuhou put down the teacup and faced Lin Mo with his eyes straight.

At this moment, Lin Mo seemed to have lost his will, staring blankly at the girl's golden eyes, which were shining slightly like stars in the night sky.

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