The girls looked at the world in shock, which was like a fairyland on earth.

This is a world that exists in the gap in space. It can also be said to be my exclusive space!

I will call you out later. You can rest here first! All the entertainment facilities here can be used. Lin Mo said.

Question, where are you, Lin Mojun?

Xi Xian asked in confusion.

I'll go back to that world to deal with some things first, and I'll summon you out soon. Don't worry.

Lin Mo said, originally only one elf could be summoned every week, but Lin Mo repeatedly communicated with the system, and after agreeing to certain conditions, he could completely summon Shixiang and the others into the main world, but the price was that Complete a task.

Then I'll go back first, and you guys can have a good rest here.

Lin Mo said hello and disappeared in front of the girls.

Tohka and the others looked at each other, and then started a heated discussion.

In the forbidden world, the world that was originally dyed gray slowly shattered with the arrival of someone.

Lin Mo looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar room, touched his nose, opened the door, and walked out.

At the same time, on the other side of the world, a figure's eyes slowly opened. If Lin Mo saw the other party, he would definitely scream in surprise.

This figure is none other than Aiwass!

Who is it...?

Aiwass, who couldn't see her specific face clearly, looked solemnly into the distance. In the early stage when the world was still, she had already felt something, but she couldn't resist. She could only watch her side of the world sinking into immersion.

She was not concerned about why her world had been inexplicably stopped. What she cared about most was the person behind!

Even she can't avoid the fate of being suspended in time. This was undoubtedly a huge blow to her.

The strength between the two people has been clearly compared. Aiwass can only feel something, but the others can't even feel it! This also includes Aleister!

It seems that the world... will not be peaceful again...

Aiwass murmured something, and then turned into a faint white smoke and disappeared between heaven and earth.

(1/10, please subscribe and flowers! The author is working hard on coding!).

182 People I haven’t seen for a long time

The first thing that caught Lin Mo's eyes was the unchanged furniture. Secondly, the little bits of fog that came in the early morning made the place even more intriguing.


A door to the room was slowly opened. Qiong wiped his eyes and walked out of the cutely decorated room as if he hadn't woken up.

Brother? What's wrong? Are you up so early?

Qiong opened his big eyes and said with some confusion.

No, it's okay.

Lin Mo was startled for a moment, then replied with a smile. Just coming back here gave him a feeling of being touched by the scenery.

Especially when he saw Qiong, the feeling that he hadn't seen him for a long time made him feel nostalgic.

really weird……

Qiong gave him a confused look, then walked to the bedroom and started washing up.

Perhaps in Qiong's memory, the two were separated for less than a day, but in Lin Mo's time, the two had not seen each other for several years.

Others would feel this way.

Lin Mo smiled helplessly, came to the kitchen, and started preparing breakfast as before. I'm in a rare good mood today. Let's go to school later!

At the dinner table, Lin Mo hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to tell Qiong something.

Qiong, I have a few friends who want to move in.


Qiong glanced at Lin Mo, as if he had seen through it.

Lin Mo nodded awkwardly. He didn't know why he always felt guilty in his heart.

Okay, I don't care anyway.

Qiong's openness really surprised Lin Mo. Logically speaking, shouldn't he cry, make trouble, and hang himself? Although there was no plot like in the movie, nothing happened and not even his expression changed, which made him feel weird.

He may not know that Qiong Mei had already looked away a few days ago, and basically had a no-questions-asked attitude towards Lin Mo's women. Anyway, in Lin Mo's heart, just her presence was enough.

Kuanqi, Misaka Mikoto, Shokuhou Caoqi, and Xiaomi all have a special liking for Lin Mo.

If you want to be jealous one by one, then it’s not a case of jealousy?

So... after more than ten days of ideological struggle, she completely thought about it. But sometimes his childlike behavior still makes Lin Mo dumbfounded.

There were few people on the streets in the early morning. There are only a few dewdrops falling on the leaves, and the wet feeling under the feet is due to the rain last night. As for the level of rain, maybe only the surrounding buildings can feel it personally, right?

Lin Mo and Qiong walked on the street together. Since their schools were in the same direction, they went along the way.

Onee-sama! Slow down, please...please wait Kuroko!

Onee-sama! Slow down, please...please wait Kuroko!

A thin voice came from behind Lin Mo, and the two girls were chasing each other on the street.

The road between enemies is narrow!

Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh, and his walking speed slowed down.

Her shoulder-length brown hair was fluttering behind her, and the girl's heroic figure made the few passersby around her look sideways. The phrase You don't need makeup to dress up well is fully reflected in the girl's face. On the body.

She was holding a bag in her hand and was wearing Tokiwadai's school uniform, which made people inadvertently think of terms like 'the eldest lady of Tokiwadai'.

Behind him was a girl with the same hair color, but from time to time a 'vulgar' smile flashed across her face, making people subconsciously take a few steps away from her.

············Please ask for flowers·······

Especially when you hear the other party shouting Sister obsessively.

The passers-by looked like they understood each other, which made the girl running at the front feel extremely ashamed. No one could tell anything from between them.

‘Lily girl! ’

It was naturally placed on the two of them...

Huh? Isn't this Lin Mo? Why do I always meet you on the road!

.. ........

Words of disgust sounded behind Lin Mo, that's right! The person coming is none other than Misaka Mikoto!

We haven't seen you for a long time, but you still haven't changed at all! Can't you become more like a lady?

Lin Mo turned around, looked at the pretty and cute figure in the front, and said helplessly.

Tch! It sounds like we have been separated for a long time. Also, my place is no longer a lady!

Misaka Mikoto said dissatisfied.

Haha, I have never seen anyone wearing safety pants under a skirt. You have refreshed my outlook! Lin Mo said with disdain.

Do you have any objection? Huh?


A blue arc of electricity lit up from Misaka Mikoto's body. Misaka Mikoto had a dark face as she looked at this man that she both hated and liked a little bit.

Of course I have no objection. It's up to you to dress however you like, but it's a pity...

After saying that, Lin Mo sighed quietly towards the sky. Any man would know what he meant. It was just that he couldn't appreciate the beautiful scenery under his skirt.

(2/10, please subscribe, please flowers, it’s been so cold recently, my hands are frozen).

183 The secret of the system?

Looking at Lin Mo, who had a vicissitudes of life on his face, Misaka Mikoto had a big # on her head, and she wanted to shoot him a railgun.

Are you a pervert again? What on earth do you want to do to my sister? Nothing good will happen to you when I meet you.

Kuroko Shirai, who had arrived late, saw the figure in front of him and spat in disdain.

This is the last word that should come out of your mouth!

Misaka Mikoto complained, then passed over Lin Mo and grabbed Qiong Mei's little hand.

Qiong, let's go first! We'll be late soon. Don't worry about this bastard.

Misaka Mikoto 530 completely turned a deaf ear to Lin Mo who was standing aside.


Qiong Mei was startled for a moment, then nodded.

Wait for my sister!

Shirai Kuroko glared at Lin Mo unhappily and followed immediately.

Seeing the three figures leaving him like this, Lin Mo really wanted to cry without tears. Forget about Misaka Mikoto and Kuroko, why would you leave me too, Qiong! Is it because you are upset about what happened in the morning?

Forget it, let's go to school quickly! Otherwise, I'll be scolded by that pink-haired lolita again later.

Lin Mo thought helplessly, and then walked on his own single-plank bridge.

A familiar figure in front of him stopped Lin Mo's steps again. Then he walked over as if nothing had happened.

I will definitely kill you next time!

Is it just you? I'm defeated!

Lin Mo said indifferently.


The tension was tense, and the atmosphere became a little heavy for a moment.

Accelerator was told by Lin Mo that he was in pain, and he glanced at the opponent unwillingly. Although he wanted to fight, he knew his own injuries best.

The two people's backs passed by each other in an instant.

Lin Mo's expression did not change at all. Perhaps Accelerator from the past could pose a certain threat to him.

But that time was different from the past. Now, with my own strength, I can basically defeat the opponent unilaterally. The only ones who can pose a threat to Lin Mo may be the angels in heaven or the demons in hell...

But that time was different from the past. Now, with my own strength, I can basically defeat the opponent unilaterally. The only ones who can pose a threat to Lin Mo may be the angels in heaven or the demons in hell...


After arriving at school, Lin Mo found his class and sat down. Time passed by minute by second.

He casually dealt with a few words about Kamijou Touma, and spent his time in school quietly like a salted fish under the monitor's eyes.

The sunset is infinitely better, just entering dusk. Looking at the gradually darkening sky, Lin Mo suddenly felt a trance.

Even though he didn't do anything, time passed quickly, which gave him a very unreal feeling.

Lin Mo took a look at the girls staying in the source world and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that no one was bored.

The name Source World was also learned from the system’s ‘mouth’.

As the origin of all things, there is rich time energy hidden in the source world.

As for energy with other attributes, except for space, they do not exist in the source world! Lin Mo used the ice energy, but couldn't use it.

And time is everywhere, filling almost every corner of the world. Even Lin Mo, the owner of the system, doesn't know how big this place is...

It seems endless, with no corners of the world visible at all.

Although there are mysterious beings everywhere here, Lin Mo knows one thing! That is to practice the dual systems of time and space here, and get twice the result with half the effort!

After spending so long with the system, even Lin Mo would be quite curious about its origins, but the other party remained silent.

But it also gave Lin Mo a chance, that is, after clearing the second world, he would be told everything about this place one after another.

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