This identity alone is enough for her to know a lot of things.

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179 Aizal’s back-up plan

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the scene inside slowly entered Ellen's eyes, but it was not the scene she wanted, but a scene that made her despair.

Lin Mo stood in the center of the explosion unscathed. Not only him, but also the laboratory behind him did not lose a single soldier. ’

What? Do you still want to fight? You should know the gap between you and me, right?

The cold words immediately brought Allen back to her senses, and she wanted to continue fighting, but found that she could hardly control her body. The space around her was like a jack, and she couldn't breathe, let alone answer Lin Mo's words.

Lin Mo glanced at her lightly, and then followed the system's 29 instructions and came to a computer. Something shocking happened to Allen.

Opening this computer often requires more than a dozen verification methods, but Lin Mo just put his hands on the keyboard of the computer desk, and many codes flashed across the computer screen visible to the naked eye, and this continuous stream of codes flashed across the computer screen. The code is a precursor to the system being cracked!

Needless to say, all of this was done by the computer. Looking at the screen flashing everything about the elves, the expression inside became more and more shocked.

Not only is there information about the inverted form of the elf, but there is also specific information about the elf that did not appear in the original anime, including Erya, the Seven Sins, and Hoshigong Rokugao.

Ding! System task completed!

The system's beep made Lin Mo tremble. When he wanted to continue reading the information about the elves, a violent explosion suddenly brought him back to his senses.

The ground under Lin Mo's feet was shaking visibly to the naked eye. Soon, collapse occurred in various places, and rocks fell heavily.

Tch! Did that guy Aizal activate the company's self-destruction device? He was so desperate to protect the things 'inside' that he didn't even consider the consequences of the explosion of the building.

Allen curled his lips, but...she forgot at all that she was also within the scope of this company!

Lin Mo's brows furrowed. It seemed that he could no longer continue the investigation. If he wanted to ask for more information, then this woman...

There was no time to think about it. The violently trembling earth was already facing collapse. Lin Mo lifted Allen out like a chicken. Standing in the void, looking at the building that was already making bursts of noise, he waved with one hand, A small black spot appeared in the center of the building, and then it was devoured at a thought-provoking speed.

Allen opened his mouth wide, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him. One second, just one second! The building that was more than ten meters high was swallowed up, leaving only a sliver of ground, which proved the glory of DEM Company!

Allen opened his mouth wide, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him. One second, just one second! The building that was more than ten meters high was swallowed up, leaving only a sliver of ground, which proved the glory of DEM Company!

Before he could take a second look, the surrounding scene changed rapidly. When Allen came back to his senses, he found that he had arrived at a place full of technological brilliance.

Oh? Isn't this Lin Mojun? Didn't you and the commander go to Meijiu's concert? Who is the woman in your hands? Could it be that you...

Especially profound words rang in Lin Mo's ears. Kannazuki Kyohei looked like you understand and I understand.

Lin Mo didn't bother to pay attention to her, and directly threw Allen in his hand against the wall. Under Kannazuki Kyohei's puzzled eyes, he slowly explained.

She is from DEM Company. I forgot her name, but I heard them call her 'the strongest magician in mankind'


Kannazuki Kyohei screamed in surprise and looked at the other person carefully. The result was exactly the same as the character in his own image.

Is it possible that you went to the DEM907 company to capture her? I'm just wondering who did that kind of thing just now.

That's about it. I'll leave her with you from now on. Please notify your commander later to come for interrogation! There are many secrets hidden in her, and I believe Qinli will be interested, Lin Mo said.

Okay! You're awesome!

Kannazuki Kyohei looked at the other party with shame.

I'm leaving first to see if I can catch the end of Meijiu's concert.

Lin Mo said hello, and then his figure flashed and disappeared from Kannazuki Kyohei's sight.

Kannazuki covered her face helplessly. It is estimated that the only one who can come and go freely in Ratatosk is Lin Mojun. The elusive teleportation of this hand alone makes him ashamed!

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180 Powerful abilities and decisions!

Back at the concert, Yu Xiao Meijiu's performance was almost coming to an end. Although there was only a little time left, Lin Mo continued to watch with interest.

After all, Lin Mo felt extremely happy when he thought about galloping on the battlefield with Meijiu.

On Kotori's side, after receiving the message from Ratatosk, she had a solemn expression and quickly said hello to Tohka and the others, and then left in a hurry, leaving Yoshino and the others confused. force.

Lin Mo was looking enthusiastically when he found a small hand beside him that kept pulling him out. There is no doubt that the owner of that little hand is Kotori.

What are you doing?

Kotori didn't say anything, just glared at him fiercely, and then pulled him out.

Did you go there just now?

Kotori questioned.

Oh, I just went to deal with some things. Don't you already know everything, and you still ask questions knowingly. Lin Mo said with a shrug.

Although you say that, what you did is a bit too horrifying, isn't it? Not only did you capture the 'most powerful magician' Allen alive, but also the ground information monitored from Ratatosk, DEM Our company disappeared from the ground in just a short moment. What on earth do you want to do? Qin Li said in a deep voice.

Lin Mo scratched his face in embarrassment.

Actually, I didn't want to destroy the DEM company, but Aizal activated the company's self-destruction device and did not hesitate to protect the secrets inside, so I just didn't do anything and destroyed his company directly.

Qin Li knew that what Lin Mo said was wrong, but he didn't know where to refute it, so he had to be silent for a few seconds and then said to Lin Mo.

Next time you are not allowed to do such a dangerous thing. Even if there is any special reason, you must let me know in advance.

Lin Mo's expression flashed, and then he nodded.

Then I'll go back to Ratatosk first. You can figure it out on your own! Don't let the elves worry. They couldn't find you just now. Fortunately, I made up a reason. Kotori said calmly, and then Turn around and leave.


Lin Mo looked at the red figure and said with complicated emotions.

Kotori's back paused for a moment, then left as if nothing had happened.

Lin Mo raised the corners of his mouth slightly, turned his back, and left in the opposite direction to Qin Li...

Night fell quietly, and the boundless darkness almost enveloped the sky. The earth seemed to be immersed in it. Only the faint glow of the moon dyed it with monotonous colors, adding a little warmth to this lonely night.

And in the brightly lit Wuhe home. But an extremely extraordinary scene was staged.

Lin Mo looked at this extremely spacious room and fell into deep thought.

Just today, he has decided to leave tomorrow.

Just today, he has decided to leave tomorrow.

System, after I return to the main world, this world should be suspended?

Lin Mo asked worriedly.

Yes, when the host leaves, everything in this world will stop.

That's good!

Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly remembered that he still had mission rewards that he had not received, and then called out in his mind.

System, collect the mission reward

Ding! As a reward this time, the host will break through the body's limiter.

Lin Mo's face flashed, limiter? What limiter? Could it be...

Thinking of some possibility, Lin Mo's breathing became completely messy.

System, the limiter you are talking about is the ability of the male protagonist in One Punch Man.

That’s right! When Lin Mo heard the word limiter, he naturally thought of a particularly popular TV series.

Yes, but it will take a few more years for the host to grow to Saitama's level.

After getting the answer he wanted, Lin Mo said that he could no longer be calm. If he had the ability of Teacher Saitama, 'Aiwass' would be nothing!

But there is one thing that worries Lin Mo, and that is whether his hair will fall out like in the original book, right?

¨‖Ding! The host does not need to worry. As an optimized version of the ability, the same situation as in the original work will not occur.

The system's reply made Lin Mo take a deep breath. Since this is the case, it couldn't be better. Let’s not talk about whether he can beat ‘Aiwass’ now. As long as I live an ignoble existence and wait until I grow up, what does 'Aiwass' mean? You can do it with just one punch, okay?

As the saying goes, a gentleman's revenge is never too late, and this sentence is also suitable for Lin Mo.

(Li's) Lin Mo would not do this unless he had no choice. Although it was harmless, his own mind could never grow.

Strong people often do not focus on their own talents, but need to have a lasting and eternal heart.

After Lin Mo figured this out, he looked out the window, his eyes becoming extremely deep.

‘Aleister! ’

I will repay you for threatening Misaka Mikoto and the others sooner or later!

I hope you don't die so soon!

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181 Return

Early the next morning, Lin Mo looked at the girls in the room, nervously waiting for their recovery.

Lin Mo had already told Shi Xiang and others that he was not from this world, but he said nothing about the system.

You mean... you come from another world. It's just that the technology in that world is much more advanced than here, but it's essentially no different from this world, right? Mijiu pondered.

Roughly the same!

Lin Mo nodded.

But there are also differences. For example, the academy city I am in belongs to the scientific camp, but the other side of the world is controlled by the magic association. The people in the magic association also have so-called forces. The city we are in The location is the human world. In addition to the human world, there are also angels in heaven and demons in hell. I’m not particularly clear about the details.”

Toh Xiang and others were not that shocked, after all, they themselves had abilities beyond ordinary people, but after hearing these words of Lin Mo, they were still a little surprised.

How are you? Do you want to follow? 330 Let me explain one thing first. In that world, superpowers are generally recognized, and magic is only known to a considerable number of people. But they also have their own levels, and superpowers range from low to high. LV1 to LV6, but I don’t know much about that side of the magic world. Lin Mo explained.

Of course I have to follow, time in this world will be suspended anyway. Tohka said without any doubt.

Yoshino and Yoshino want it too!

Yoshino raised the rabbit in his hand and said rather weakly.

It's okay for me anyway. If my husband goes there, I will follow him there. Besides, don't you find it interesting to see a different world? Kuang Sanyin said with a smile.

Now that Lin Mojun is gone, it's possible that Xi Xian and I will fall behind! Ye Juya said dissatisfied.

Feel the same!

Then it's up to Kotori, what's your decision?

Lin Mo looked at Qin Li who was silent.

When we leave, time in this world will stop, right?

Kotori asked again worriedly.

That's right, no matter how long you leave, time in this world will always stop.

Then will you come back to this world?

Kotori asked.

Of course! So you don't have to worry about Shizhi. Lin Mo nodded.

That's good. In that case, I'll go too. After getting the answer he wanted, a big stone in Qin Li's heart finally fell.

Lin Mo took a deep breath: Now that everything has been decided, let's set off and send you to a place first.

Kotori and the others didn't have time to think too much, and the world in front of them began to turn upside down like a mirror. At the same time, in the world of Date Live, anything that was still moving became stationary. The whole world became deathly silent.

Kotori and the others didn't have time to think too much, and the world in front of them began to turn upside down like a mirror. At the same time, in the world of Date Live, anything that was still moving became stationary. The whole world became deathly silent.

here it is……

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