I got it!

Qin Li pursed her lips and said rather dissatisfied.

When the two arrived at the amusement park, they looked at the dazzling array of items and didn't know what to play.

How about we go ride a roller coaster?

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows. Since Qin Li has been in sister mode all day today, why not give her some good training?


Itsuka Kotori called out, and was about to vote against it, but found that Lin Mo had already signed up.

Let's go! Don't worry, if anything happens then, I will protect you! Lin Mo held out a thumb and looked at Qinli with shining teeth, feeling a very bad feeling.

When I got on the roller coaster, this feeling became even more intense.

His legs were shaking constantly, and he looked at the car getting higher and faster. If he hadn't been trying to save the last bit of dignity in his heart, he might have called out his commander mode.

After finally waiting for the time to end, he found that Lin Mo had taken him to a haunted house.

What's wrong, Kotori? Look how much your body is shaking!

Lin Mo still had the same smile that had never changed for thousands of years.

I've long been unhappy with him coming here to braid my hair every day. Lin Mo couldn't be too happy to be able to get his revenge as he wished.

It's okay, let's go in!

Even though she said this, Kotori was already extremely scared.

Along the way, she hugged Lin Mo's arm tightly, as if she was afraid that he would get lost, and the 'ghosts' that appeared from time to time made her scream in surprise again and again.

What are you going to do next? How about bungee jumping?

Lin Mo thought for a while, then 800 turned his head to Qin Li

Kotori, what do you think? Huh? Why do you look so gloomy?

Lin Mo looked at Qin Li, who was bowing her head in silence, and his eyes suddenly drifted to the hair tie on her head.

The black hairband was fluttering in the wind, but Lin Mo kept crying in his heart...

Kotori, didn't you agree? I can only let you in sister mode come out today...

Lin Mo couldn't help but take a step back and said with a smile.

I changed my mind...

Qin Li had a sullen face and looked at Lin Mo expressionlessly.

What? Do you have a problem with me?

No! How could it be possible? Let's go! Our next project.

Lin Mo quickly waved his hand and said.


Qin Li snorted coldly and walked in a certain direction.

Lin Mo scratched his head awkwardly.

It seems a little too big?

What are you dawdling about!

Kotori was in the distance, crossing her chest with her hands and saying with an unhappy look on her face.

Well... Let's have some fun with Kotori next! I'll go spend some time with you later.

Lin Mo looked at Qin Li, who was gradually enjoying it, and sighed quietly.

Qin Li looked up at the sky. She couldn't remember how long it had been since she went to the amusement park. To be honest, when Lin Mo invited her on a date yesterday, she didn't have the slightest objection, and she was a little happy. After all, it was a chance to be with her. She didn't want to miss the opportunity to be alone with Lin Mo.

But Lin Mo's joke made her angry. After all, she was still too weak in sister mode. I had no choice but to switch to commander mode.

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161 An uneasy dinner

Ah! I had so much fun today!

In the evening, Kotori stretched and said.

How about it? Without the old job, it would be a good choice to reward yourself! Lin Mo said with a smile.

Indeed! I feel like I haven't been this happy for a long time.

Kotori nodded, her face still flushed with excitement.

Then let's go back now! It's not good to make Toh Xiang and the others wait too long. Anyway, the goal has been achieved! Lin Mo said, looking at her side face.

Purpose? Could it be that you called me out just to let me relax? Qin Li said, staring at Lin Mo.

Otherwise? It's a pity that maybe it would be better if you were in sister mode. After saying that, he shook his head regretfully.

Haha, you just saw how timid I am! Kotori said as if she knew you well, and then turned away.

Thank you!

Hearing this, Lin Mo laughed and patted her head.

You're welcome, go home!


Qin Li hummed, and then followed Lin Mo's footsteps.

As the sun sets in the west, the earth is bathed in the afterglow of the rosy clouds. The silhouettes of the two people are getting longer and longer under the rays of the rays...

When I got home, I immediately saw the girls sitting at the dining table.

Kotori Linmo, welcome back, the food is already cooked, it's just you who are left behind!

Yoshino's sharp voice reached their ears when they first entered the door.

They looked at each other, then laughed heartily.

As soon as Lin Mo sat down on the dining table, his buttocks were not yet warm from sitting, and his hands were hugged by Kurumi Tokisaki and Miku.

I said, can you let go of one of my hands first and let me have a meal?

Lin Mo looked at the two people who were secretly competing and said helplessly.

If you want to let it go, you have to let it go first!

Ah! Miku-san, what are you talking about? You were the one who let go first, right?

A scarlet light flashed in Kuangsan's eyes, and he said with a smile, but his eyes were full of malice.

Hearing this, Meijiu snorted coldly, then turned her head away, squinted her eyes, picked up a dish with her other free hand, and put it to Lin Mo's mouth.

Darling~ Let me feed him!

Darling~ Let me feed him!

Lin Mo looked at the misty food in front of him awkwardly, not knowing what to do. He simply calmed down and ate the food in front of him in one bite, then looked at the two of them hesitantly.

Kurumi Tokisaki held Lin Mo's arm tighter, and then he thought of a good idea, and an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He picked up the spoon, took a sip of the soup, and kissed Lin Mo's mouth under the eyes of Zhong Ren in disbelief.

A wave of heat came from his mouth, Lin Mo's eyes widened, and he stared blankly at Tokisaki Kurumi who was close at hand.

A silver thread parted along the two people's mouths. Tokisaki Kurumi licked his lips and narrowed his eyes into a crescent shape.

Lin Mojun, how are you? Does my soup taste good?

Like a depth charge, it hit the hearts of everyone present.

¨‖Wow! So bold!

Shizhi covered his lips and Shuodao looked amazed.

Although Qin Li didn't say anything, Lin Mo could feel the hint of resentment in her eyes even through a wall.

You two are really...

Yoshina looked at the two of them speechlessly, and Tohka remained silent, but the movements of his hands did not stop at all.

For a moment, there was a particularly weird atmosphere. Like the calm before the storm.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Mo quickly broke away from his arm.

I'm full, you go ahead and eat!

As soon as Lin Mo left his seat, his body was grabbed by a big hand (Manno's).

sit down……

The owner of that big hand was none other than Miku.

It's just that her expression seemed a little uncomfortable, and there was a bit of anger in her gloomy face.

Aah, ah, ah, it looks like our classmate Miku is here!

Kurumi Tokisaki is a master who doesn't take things too seriously, looking at Miku with a smile.

Lin Mo could only lower his face and watch quietly as they tore apart again. At the same time, I wanted to look up to the sky and shout.


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162 Tokisaki Kurumi takes the initiative?

Let me tell you, this year's school trip is about to begin. Are there any students who want to withdraw?

In the classroom, Teacher Xiaozhu looked at the students in the audience who were already in an uproar with a smile.

Study trip? Going to Okinawa?

The students in the audience said excitedly.

No! This time it was changed from Okinawa to the beautiful island. It can be regarded as a special case! According to the school official, a certain travel club said that due to tourism public relations reasons, all fees were exempted, so the school changed the name from Okinawa to the beautiful island. It has been changed to Oromejima! Teacher Xiaozhu thought for a moment and then said.

Wow! That travel agency is so wealthy, I really want to thank them properly.

The students were very excited. After all, it was free and they didn’t need to pay more.

Study trip, what is that?

Tohka said doubtfully.

To put it simply, let's go traveling with everyone! Shiori said, sitting next to Tohka.

Really? Does that mean you can be alone with Lin Mo?

Tohka said with shining eyes.

Well, 140 is similar in meaning.

Shizhi scratched his face and said.

Oh yeah! The school trip is really exciting! Tohka said excitedly, waving her little hands.

And Lin Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief. In the past two days, he had been choked by the women at home. Wouldn't it be nice to have a chance to have a good rest?

But when I get home...

What! Your school is going on a study trip? I'm going too! Miku said angrily immediately.

Mijiu, you are not from the same school as us, how are you going? Shizhi said.


Meijiu was immediately in a dilemma. Although she could directly use her privileges to transfer to Lin Mo's school, she was afraid that Lin Mo would not like it, so she had to give up.

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