at the same time……

Lin Mojun~

Tokisaki Kuangsan flirted, wearing black lace, the same one Lin Mo bought for her on their last date to seduce...

However, whenever this happens, Miku will arrive in time to separate the two...

From the moment Miku and Kurumi Tokisaki met, Lin Mo knew that the 'Fourth World War' had broken out.

Asshole, you stinky woman, stay away from Darling!

Ah la la la, I can't pretend that I haven't heard anything about this! You are the only trash who only sings and dances every day, and you should not be around Lin Mojun.

What did you say!

Are you deaf or something? Do you need me to repeat myself? You piece of trash!

Tokisaki Kurumi said with disdain.

Miku suddenly became furious and started fighting with Kurumi Tokisaki in Lin Mo's room.

I don't know how many times I have seen this kind of thing, and Lin Mo is used to it. After all, he is the one who benefits, right?

Looking at the scene of the happy couple, Lin Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It felt quite like Shokuhou Misaki and Misaka Mikoto standing in front of him.

What? Did Kurumi and Miku quarrel in the room again?

Qin Li looked at Lin Mo who exited the room and said happily.

Yes! I don't know how many times this scene has happened. By the way, where are Tohka and Shiori?

Lin Mo sighed, and then said strangely.

Toshika said she wanted to help Lin Mo, so she went out to buy groceries...

Lin Mo was speechless.

As for Shizhi, he went out shopping.

Kotori crossed her legs and said calmly.

What about you? Aren't you going out with Shizhi?

Haha, I guess if I go out with you, I will either help carry clothes or help with shopping. I am too lazy to do the kind of work that is asking for trouble! Kotori curled her lips.

Haha, I guess if I go out with you, I will either help carry clothes or help with shopping. I am too lazy to do the kind of work that is asking for trouble! Kotori curled her lips.

Since Lin Mo was speechless, he suddenly thought of something.

I remember you seem to owe me a condition!

It can be seen that Qin Li's body suddenly stiffened.

What conditions?

Don't act crazy, you won't forget what you said on the day of your date with Kurumi Tokisaki, right?

Lin Mo said jokingly. He leaned in front of Qin Li and looked straight into her somewhat evasive eyes.

Okay! What are you going to do? Let's make it clear first that it is absolutely impossible to do such perverted and obscene things. Just give up!

Qin Li pushed Lin Mo away and shouted...

Don't worry! I'm not that perverted yet. Well... let me think about what I should ask you to do?

Lin Mo put one hand on his chin and thought deeply.

Just when Qin Li was getting impatient with waiting, Lin Mo finally spoke.

How about a date with me?


Kotori was shocked.

Are you sure you're not joking?


Lin Mo nodded with an inexplicable smile.

Kotori gave him a confused look, but agreed.

If it's a date, I don't mind. Anyway, it's just playing games and eating.

Qin Li's indifferent expression made Lin Mo's mouth corners rise faster, and then he narrowed his eyes and continued.

You may not have heard me completely, but what I mean about the date is that you have to be in 'sister mode'.

Looking at Lin Mo's scheming expression, Qin Li always had the look of someone falling into a devil's abyss.

Then it's settled on 2.4!

Lin Mo said happily.

Should, probably, maybe... there won't be any problems, right?

Qin Li secretly thought, but she didn't know why she always felt like she couldn't let go.

By the way, Gao Zhenna has completely separated from the original company and entered Ratatosk to help Lin Mo conquer the elves.

After sealing the system tasks of Kurumi Tokisaki and Kotori Itsuka (when they were children), the task was completed, and the task reward was a certain ability from a certain anime character.

(Please give me flowers and collections.).

160 Newly acquired abilities and dates

The evil eye of death! Can see all the dead lines and dead points in the world. When the holder of the Direct Death Eye draws a sharp blade across the dead lines of things, things will separate along the dead lines and cannot be stopped or recovered.

If you use a sharp blade to directly attack the dead point of an object, the object will end immediately.

But the Demonic Eye of Direct Death obtained by Lin Mo is in a sealed state, which means that the incomplete Demonic Eye can only see the line of death, but not the dead point, let alone the Demonic Eye of Direct Death. The various abilities that have been reproduced.

As for lifting the seal, Lin Mo guessed that he had to die once, not to fake his death, but to experience it with his own eyes and die for real.

But would Lin Mo put himself in such a dangerous situation? That is obviously impossible!

It seems that the only way to remove the restrictions on the Demonic Eye of Direct Death is to complete system tasks. Anyway, it is a good choice to use it as a trump card.

Lin Mo was lying on the bed, quietly thinking about future plans.

The only task I have left is to collect space shocks. This is easy to do. Just let Kuang San release his spiritual power and then collect it himself. I have never had time to do it.

As for the other system task, Lin Mo suddenly felt helpless. It seemed that he could only wait for the first two tasks to be completed and then ask the system.

With this thought, Lin Mo lay on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

In the early morning, everything is silent, and a wisp of light rises from the eastern horizon, carefully infiltrating the light blue sky, and the new day gradually moves over from the distance.

And in an ordinary but not ordinary family,

A red-haired girl slowly poked her head out, her white hairband tied into a very cute shape.

The girl opened the door, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, her body suddenly accelerated, and she jumped upwards. Her target was the figure on the bed!

Oh~ni~chan, good morning!!

Just when the girl's exquisite little feet were about to step on the figure, the boy lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

What Lin Mo saw was the glimpse of scenery under the girl's skirt.

Subconsciously, he grabbed the girl's little feet that were about to fall.

The girl exclaimed and fell down uncontrollably.

There was no pain as expected. The girl's closed eyes slowly opened. When she saw the scene in front of her, she couldn't help but froze.

The heat that hit her face made the girl's delicate body suddenly tremble.


The girl's body quickly separated, and her face was already blushing.

Kotori, what are you doing?

Lin Mo said speechlessly. This was the first time he had seen such a strange way of waking someone up...

I, I, I... came to wake you up...

Kotori said inarticulately, and suddenly her face hurt.

Bit your tongue?

Lin Mo looked at her and asked tentatively.

Qinli covered her mouth and nodded pitifully.

After getting the expected answer, Lin Mo was really dumbfounded.

It's 8 o'clock...after washing up, have breakfast and then go out! Lin Mo said after looking at the time.


Kotori responded shyly.

Is that my first kiss just now? It probably doesn't count! After all, it was an accident...

The girl thought tangledly.

As soon as he walked out of the room, Lin Mo smelled a particularly fragrant smell.

Tohka Shiori and Yoshino were already sitting at the table.

Where are Tokisaki Kurumi and Miku? Why didn't they come out?

Like the head of the family, he sat at the front and said doubtfully.

The two of them are still sleeping in the room. I heard that they were noisy until very late yesterday.

Yoshina said with a smile.

Really? It seems that the two of them will have a very strong chemical reaction when they meet! Lin Mo smiled bitterly.

Lin Mo! I had a good time shopping for groceries yesterday!

Tohka's expression of please come and praise me really made him helpless, so he touched Tohka's head.

Okay! You are the best, right?

Yoshino, it seems that Lin Mojun likes Tohka more than you! Otherwise, why didn't he come and cross you! Yoshino's words made Lin Mo very painful.

elder brother

Without looking, he knew exactly what Yoshino was craving for. After repeating what he had just done to Tohka, Yoshino started eating breakfast with satisfaction.

Please tell Kuang San and Miku that I won't be back for lunch today! Lin Mo said to Shizhi.

Then what are you going to do later?

Then what are you going to do later?

I have something very important to do with Qin Li. Lin Mo said mysteriously.

is that so?

Shizhi turned to Kotori who was silent.

Yes! We will be back in the evening!

Kotori nodded quickly.

Oh well!

Shizhi reassured his inner doubts and nodded.

Where are we going next?

Walking on the street, Kotori asked doubtfully.

Well... let's go to the amusement park first! Also, today, you are not allowed to let Kotori out in commander mode.

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