Tokisaki Kuangsan shouted loudly

Eight bullets!!

A dark black luster suddenly emerged from Tokisaki Kurumi's feet and expanded rapidly.

Hey hey hey, come out! 'Us'!

Following a blood-curdling scream from Tokisaki Kurumi, a dozen dark red arms suddenly stretched out from the ground.

More than a dozen figures who looked exactly like Tokisaki Kurumi suddenly appeared on the rooftop of Tokyo Raizen High School, completely surrounding the place.

Lin Mojun, what should you do? If you want to get rid of the predicament in front of you, you have to kill 'me' all, but I know! With Lin Mojun's gentleness, it is impossible to kill 'me' !”

29 Tokisaki Kurumi laughed wildly, but what greeted her was the same look that made her heart tremble just like that day.

It seems I can't do it without waking you up! I'll use your most obsessed power to defeat you!

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo's body suddenly burst out with a huge energy, and a strong wind swept over Tiangong City wantonly.

That's right, that's right! It's this power, this huge amount of time, ah ~ Lin Mojun, it is indeed the right choice to choose you!

There was a trace of intoxication on Tokisaki Kurumi's face, and he opened his hands. What greeted her was a brilliant and dazzling white light.

White light almost filled her entire field of vision, and at the same time, there was an energy that made her intoxicated and obsessed.

Coldness and madness, despair and hope, destruction and rebirth, are all revealed under this blow!

Lin Mojun, you are indeed the best!!

As soon as he finished speaking, blinding white light shone over Tiangong City, and at the same time, it enveloped Tokisaki Kurumi's delicate body.

The unstable energy with a destructive aura destroyed the huge clock behind Tokisaki Kurumi with lightning speed.

When Lin Mo opened his eyes, what he found was a scene like a sea of ​​fire.

The sound of panic almost became the only theme here, accompanied by a huge siren.

It's like a real human tragedy, heartbreaking.

Lin Mo shook his dizzy head. Just as Tokisaki Kurumi said, it was impossible for him to kill Tokisaki Kurumi in any timeline.

So he thought of a way, which was to use huge time energy to forcefully send various clones of Kurumi Tokisaki back to her original timeline.

At the same time, the huge clock behind Tokisaki Kurumi was destroyed at the last moment, leaving her to stay on the ground for a while.

Unexpectedly, when the energy with the time system destroyed the clock, unexpected changes occurred. The two forces twisted together and sent him back to 5 years ago.

Because of the instability of the space around Lin Mo, he may return to the real world at any time.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Lin Mo had a wry smile on his lips.

I didn't expect that I guessed it right. The next step is to find Kotori who has gone berserk with elven power.

Immediately, the figure turned into an afterimage, quickly passing over Tiangong City, just to find the helpless girl in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Suddenly, a cry caught his attention.

Suddenly, a cry caught his attention.

The figure jumped over the house very quickly, and finally found the girl collapsed on the ground with great effort.

Who are you?

The girl stopped crying and looked at Lin Mo who appeared in front of her at some point.

I'm here to get you out!

Lin Mo said with pity.

Looking at the big hand in front of her, the girl wanted to put her hand on it, but she couldn't!

It's all...all my fault! If it weren't for me, everyone, everyone wouldn't...

The girl said with a cry.

Then are you willing to believe me?

Now that he has returned to the past, Lin Mo decided to try to change history.


The girl nodded fiercely.

Knowing the answer she wanted, Lin Mo handed her the ring in the system space.

This is?

The girl's eyes were filled with tears as she took the ring handed to her by Lin Mo.

This is the power that can seal the spirit inside you. Try to make this fire that shouldn't happen disappear, okay?


The girl was unprepared and put the ring on her hand. The flames around her had disappeared, but there were still four colors of fire around her, and there were still flames spreading wantonly on the house.

The girl glanced at Lin Mo in front of her for help.

Lin Mo smiled and touched the girl's head.

Then he took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. The ice energy existing in nature seemed to have been mobilized by someone, and suddenly condensed into a vortex in the sky above Tiangong City.

The girl suddenly felt a little drizzle, and this feeling became stronger and stronger. Looking up at the sky, the sky that should have been covered by thick smoke had condensed into a group of dark clouds at some point.

Ice changes from water, and Lin Mo can naturally change from ice to water.

Thank you!

Understanding that all this was done by the man in front of her, the girl thanked her from the bottom of her heart.

Since you believe in me, how could I let you down?

Lin Mo chuckled, and then handed the rose carved by You Bing as if changing his mode.

The girl took the rose from Lin Mo's hand and looked at her curiously.

Lin Mo picked her up like a princess and took her away from the house that might collapse at any time.

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156 Words from the Heart

Time passed bit by bit, and when Lin Mo took Qinli out, the fire outside had almost disappeared.

Kotori, Kotori!!

A blue-haired girl shouted, the anxious expression on her face could not be concealed, and the clothes on her body were stained with a little soot.

Qin Li, who was climbing on Lin Mo's back, suddenly heard someone calling him and quickly looked towards the source of the sound.

Sister Shizhi, I'm here!

Kotori waved her hand quickly.

The girl's face lit up with joy, and she ran to Kotori regardless of her image. After taking a closer look, he couldn't help but sigh in relief when he found that she was fine.

He turned to look at Lin Mo, showing deep doubts.

he is?

He saved me. If he hadn't saved me, I would have...

After Kotori finished speaking, there was still a sense of guilt on her face.

This should be the taxi weaving from my childhood...

Lin Mo glanced at the other party, and then slowly placed Qinli in his arms on the ground.

Thank you for saving Kotori!

Shizhi thanked him.

It's okay! When the road is rough, draw your sword to help! Lin Mo waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Suddenly he felt something, a strong suction pulling him outwards.

What's wrong?

Qin Li noticed something strange about Lin Mo and asked.

I gotta go…

Lin Mo said with a complicated expression.

You're going there々¨!

When Kotori said this, there was a hint of crying in her words.

I have to go back to the time when I should have gone back...

Lin Mo sighed quietly and touched Qinli's ear.

Shizhi looked at them quietly and did not interrupt their conversation.

Then can I still find you?

Qin Li's eyes were red and she tugged at the corner of Lin Mo's clothes.

Of course you can! Maybe we will meet in the near future.

Lin Mo comforted him while putting on the ring exactly like the one in Kotori's hand.

Lin Mo comforted him while putting on the ring exactly like the one in Kotori's hand.

As long as you believe in me, I will definitely appear by your side!

Lin Mo finished speaking firmly.

But his body flew uncontrollably towards an unknown place.

A burst of dazzling white light made Lin Mo close his eyes subconsciously, and then slowly opened them again.

What caught his eye was Kurumi Tokisaki, who had fallen to the ground and looked at the sky blankly.

Ah la la la, it failed! I thought I could change the world by going back to the past, but nothing changed... Instead, I ended up in this miserable situation. Tokisaki Kurumi gave a bitter smile, and the sound of footsteps made her His eyes looked over there involuntarily.

Come here to watch the fate of a loser? Lin Mojun is really a bad person!

Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile.

Hey! After all, you are also a pitiful person. As the saying goes, pitiful people must be hateful.

But I have no hatred for you, only pity!

Lin Mo said lightly.


There was a hint of helplessness on Tokisaki Kuangsan's lips.

What else can I do now? Kill or hack as you please... Anyway, I have lost the meaning of living!

Tokisaki Kurumi's willful words made Lin Mo frown.

Lin Mo bent down and kept a very close distance to Tokisaki Kurumi.

Why are you showing such an ugly expression? Do you know? There are three types of people I hate. One is someone who gets something for nothing, one is someone who gives up halfway, and the other is someone like you who will do whatever it takes to get revenge!

¨ There's no point in living? What's that?

Lin Mo grabbed her neck tightly and suddenly sneered.

Tokisaki Kurumi didn't refute, he looked at Lin Mo with dull eyes, and a crystal tear fell from the corner of his eye. It was a tear of unwillingness.

If you want someone whose life is meaningful, then let me give it to you! If you want revenge, I will help you avenge it! Your life, everything about you, belongs to me!

Cheer up! I can understand. How bad is the inner nature of a person who can't bear to kill animals?

Lin Mo's words made Tokisaki Kurumi's eyes flash with a hint of color.

A person sheds tears because of pain; a person (Li Wang's) feels pain because he cares; a person cares because he has feelings; a person feels feelings only because you are a human being. !So, if you feel, care, have been hurt, and shed tears, it means that you are a complete person. When you are sad, forgive yourself. You are just a person. There is no need to regard yourself as so indestructible.

How about learning to rely on others when it's time?

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