Well! Good morning, Lin Mojun! I was really happy on yesterday's date! Kurumi Tokisaki chuckled.

I'm quite happy. If it hadn't been for the series of things that followed, I think it would have been even more perfect. Lin Mo said with a faint smile.

makes sense!

After Tokisaki Kurumi finished speaking abruptly, he suddenly took a few strides forward and put his head next to Lin Mo's ear.

When you come to the school rooftop after class, you should know what I will do, right?

Tokisaki smiled wildly, turned sideways, and passed by Lin Mo.

Lin Mo stared at Tokisaki Kurumi's back, and then sighed quietly.

Kotori, did you hear everything?

Yes, it looks like there will be a fierce battle later!

Through the headphones, one can clearly hear the seriousness of the situation in Kotori's words.

Later, you go tell Shiori Tohka to take refuge! I'm afraid Tokisaki Kurumi will take them 853 as hostages...

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he cut off the contact with Ratatosk.

That guy, forget it, wait until he comes back and settle the score with him! Since you dare to act alone...

Kotori, who was leaning against Ratatosk, screamed fiercely, and then waved her hand to inform Shiori. Also, if Kurumi Tokisaki does something outrageous later, a space alarm will be issued directly!


The messy wind blew across their faces. On the rooftop, the two stared at each other.

Lin Mojun, you are here.

Tokisaki Kurumi slowly opened his mouth, his blurred eyes looking straight into the distance, where there was also a figure standing.

Yes! It would be bad if you did something extraordinary.

Lin Mo shrugged and said.

(cjba) It seems that my image in Lin Mojun's eyes is not very good!

Tokisaki Kurumi said calmly, ruffling his messed up black hair.

Of course, if ordinary people saw the scene yesterday, they might behave like this! Lin Mo said indifferently.

But you are not an ordinary person, you are special! Kurumi Tokisaki looked at Lin Mo infatuatedly, and slowly stretched out a hand.

Your existence, everything about you, everything about you! They are all special! So, become one with me! Only you are worthy of me!

I reject!

I reject!


The corner of Tokisaki Kuangsan's mouth suddenly showed a hint of madness.

Then don't blame me! I should have been enjoying my campus time! But, I can't wait...I can't wait to become one with you.

Divine Power Spiritual Equipment·Third Edition!!

Come out, Zafkiel!!

A thunderbolt fell from the sky, and the dark red energy suddenly condensed into the outline of a huge clock.


The clock made a loud sound, and a golden clock more than twice his height suddenly appeared in front of Lin Mo's sight.

Tokisaki Kurumi held two ancient-style rifles and pistols tightly.

I ask again, are you willing to become one with me?

Tokisaki Kuangzo, who had transformed into a spirit, raised his head slightly, his enchanting pupils staring unblinkingly at the man who had obsessed him.

I reject!

The same answer came out of Lin Mo's mouth as last time, and it was more powerful than before.

What a cruel man! Then...I won't show mercy this time!

Tokisaki Kurumi laughed ferociously, raised the short pistol in his hand, and pointed at the huge clock behind him.

One bullet!!

From the words Clock 1, a wisp of dark red energy floated out and integrated into the gun body.

The next second, the disappearing figure of Tokisaki Kurumi appeared in front of Lin Mo without any warning, and the ancient style rifle in his hand was aimed at Lin Mo's chest.

Seven bullets!


The bullet made a faint sound of breaking through the air, and rushed towards Lin Mo with an unstoppable momentum.

Lin Mo came back to his senses and quickly mobilized the hidden energy in the surrounding space to form an invisible protective shield in front of him.

When the bullet reached a certain distance from Lin Mo, it suddenly stopped. At the same time, faint spatial ripples appeared at the tip of the bullet. Then he hung down helplessly.

The matter was not over simply yet. The space energy mobilized by Lin Mo hit Kurumi Tokisaki like a tide, and there were bursts of huge air explosions all around her.

The violent pressure came, causing Tokisaki Kurumi's expression to change slightly, and his body suddenly jumped back, standing not far away, looking at Lin Mo from afar.

The space she was standing in suddenly collapsed, and a broken hole appeared in front of her eyes, and then suddenly disappeared. As quickly as it came, it went as quickly as it came.

It seems that I have underestimated you, Lin Mojun. Tokisaki Kurumi smiled.

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154 Tokisaki Kurumi’s Past

Tokisaki Kurumi smiled evilly

Then are you going to fight me again?

Lin Mo said with narrowed eyes.

Of course! I won't give up until I get you! Kurumi Tokisaki laughed wildly.

A dark red luster suddenly appeared under Lin Mo's feet, and some terrifying arms came out of it and grabbed Lin Mo's limbs.

Lin Mo frowned, the aura on his body was strong, and the coldness made Kurumi Tokisaki shiver.

When she looked towards Lin Mo, the dark red arm holding him tightly had been enveloped by a cold aura and turned into an ice sculpture.

The 270 arm, which now had no binding force, slowly fell off Lin Mo's body and fell to the ground, making the sound of ice cubes breaking.

However, this was not the end. Lin Mo took advantage of Tokisaki Kurumi's inattention and came to her side in a flash.

An ice sword was clamped around her neck and she said coldly.

Give up, you can't beat me. Unless you completely liberate the elf power, you have no chance of winning against me now.

That's right! What should we do!

After saying that, Tokisaki Kurumi made a thinking expression. The short pistol in his hand suddenly aimed at himself, and then fired.

One bullet!

As if changing places, Tokisaki Kurumi in front of Lin Mo suddenly appeared behind him, with the ancient style rifle in his hand pressed against Lin Mo's waist.

Faced with this incident, Lin Mo remained expressionless.

Look! Our roles seem to have been reversed!

Tokisaki said with a smile.

You...you just mean that I have unlimited time, right?

Lin Mo said lightly. Anyone who knows him well knows that this is a sign that he is getting serious.

Tokisaki Kurumi didn't object, but looked at him with a yandere expression.

It's not just that! Your gentleness made me almost fall in love with you at that time!

That’s right! Tokisaki Kurumi heard everything Lin Mo said to her clone.

So... let me ask you, even if you devour my time and go back to the past, what can you do? Kill the original elves?

Yes! Elves are creatures that should not appear in this world. I want to kill the original elves to end this vomiting farce.

You who have saved many elves should understand, right? The sadness hidden deep in their hearts.

As Tokisaki Mitsukoshi spoke, the ancient style rifle behind Lin Mo went one step further.

This is just a reason you imposed on yourself! Lin Mo laughed.

This is just a reason you imposed on yourself! Lin Mo laughed.

What's so funny? Am I right?

Tokisaki Kurumi said with intense emotion.

How about I tell you a story?

Lin Mo turned around and looked at her directly.


Tokisaki Kuangsan's strange pupils remained alert.

Once upon a time, there was an ordinary human lady who lived a very peaceful life.

When Lin Mo said this, he looked at Tokisaki Kurumi pointedly, and he could clearly see a hint of disbelief on her face. At the same time, he continued.

But one day, I was suddenly attacked by an unknown monster, but at the critical moment, I was saved by a person. That person claimed to be a partner of justice, and at the same time told the human eldest lady that the elves were evil. I hope she will come together to destroy the elves.”

It was obvious that Tokisaki Kurumi's delicate body began to tremble at a distance, and even the hand holding the gun slowly retracted...

The girl believed what that person said and accepted that person's favor. So the girl became the spirit of time, and together they destroyed the evil existence in two days.

Until one day, the girl discovered that the elves she killed were actually her friends. She learned that all the elves she killed were transformed from humans.

After learning these things, the girl almost collapsed, so she wanted to question the person, but was sent back to an unknown world by the person.

At this point, Tokisaki Kurumi's expression began to gradually become distorted.

I don't know how long it took, but the girl returned to her original world, but her memory has faded away.

When some people were chasing her, the girl used her abilities and gradually remembered the fact that she had been deceived by that person. So the girl decided to change the past, no matter what the cost!

Do you know who the girl is?

Lin Mo said calmly.

Tokisaki Kurumi didn't speak, a surge of anger and countless feelings of regret intertwined in her eyes. 0.2

Yes! That person is you!

You...why do you know?

Tokisaki Kurumi finally spoke.

It doesn't matter how I know. Maybe your starting point is good, but even if you go back to the past, what can you change? Can you change the fact that your friend is dead?

Lin Mo sneered.

No! It's not like this... I can change! I will definitely change! I will definitely change! Therefore, I will do whatever it takes, Lin Mojun, your power is necessary! Sa~ Become one with me!

When Tokisaki Kurumi said this, there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

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155 Girl in the Sea of ​​Fire

Why are you so stubborn? Lin Mo sighed faintly.

No! You will never understand! I will kill the original elf with my own hands. Lord Lin Mo, please merge with me!

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