Lin Mo was suddenly surprised. What on earth made Misaka Mikoto so shy?

Really, stop talking!

Misaka Mikoto scratched her head in annoyance.

Lin Mo was speechless. What is this?


107 Daily life and Shura field

There was a sudden commotion ahead. Under the protection of the escort, Shokuhou Misaki was walking slowly like stars holding the moon.

Xiao Mo, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much!

A particularly familiar figure suddenly appeared in Shokuhou Misaki's field of vision, making her bright starry eyes even brighter.

He trotted up to Lin Mo and threw himself into his arms.

He didn't even notice Misaka Mikoto's gloomy face or Shirai Kuroko's gloating look. There is also a jealous look on his face.

Hey! Who is that man? Did the Queen throw herself into that man's arms like this?

I don't know, he seems to be Shokuhou Misaki's boyfriend? And I seem to have seen his figure there... Oh! I remembered it. Isn't that man the same man who dated Queen 073 last time?

Shokuhou Misaki had long been accustomed to facing the audience's pointing and pointing, and still crawled into Lin Mo's chest calmly like a kitten.

And the Queen's escorts were gnashing their teeth and wanted to tear Lin Mo to pieces.

How did you come?

Under the envious and jealous gazes of the surrounding group leaders, Lin Mo put his hand on Shokuhou Caoqi's head and stroked it.

It's not because I want to see my dear~

Shokuhou Misaki said with a complaining expression.

This is nothing! You two, separate quickly! It's too indiscreet to do it in public!

Misaka Mikoto finally couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly separated the two people who were hugging each other closely, and said with an angry look on her face.

Shokuhou Misaki looked unhappy at being disturbed and said provocatively.

Oh? Is our Miss Misaka envious?


Misaka Mikoto's little face suddenly turned red and she defended in a panic.

How is it possible! How could I be envious...

As she continued talking, Misaka Mikoto's voice became weaker and weaker, and she lost all confidence.

How is it possible! Onee-sama would envy such a pervert!

Shirai Kuroko jumped out and said loudly, then turned to Mikoto and opened his hands with a look of obsession.

Shirai Kuroko jumped out and said loudly, then turned to Mikoto and opened his hands with a look of obsession.

Sister-sama, if you don't suggest it, come to Kuroko's embrace! Let's have a passionate love that blends water and fire...

Misaka Mikoto ignored Shirai Kuroko's words and was still immersed in Shokuhou Misaki's words.

Oh! It seems I was right!

Shokuhou Misaki said with a smile.

Even if you beg me, I won't give up Xiao Mo's position to you...

After saying that, Shokuhou Caoqi once again threw herself into Lin Mo's arms, like an ambiguous couple, extremely intimate.

elder brother!

Qiong pouted his face and shouted angrily.

Lin Mo suddenly smiled bitterly. What could he do in this situation? Just like dry wood and fire, when they are rubbed together, they will produce unexpected effects.

Misaka Mikoto's little face turned red from suppressing the anger caused by Shokuhou Misaki.

But no matter how Misaka Mikoto feels now, Shokuhou Misaki still pretends not to know, provoking Misaka Mikoto's bottom line step by step.

Darling, leave this violent woman alone, let's go!

Misaka Mikoto suddenly came to her senses and angrily stepped forward to stop Shokuhou Misaki from trying to pull Lin Mo away.

Lin Mo promised to come with me today! I came first if he wanted to come!

Hearing this, Lin Mo was confused. When did he agree to Miqin? Have I lost my memory?

Oh! Really?

Shokuhou Caoqi said in surprise, looking at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo chose to remain silent. He finally understood that if these two people met together, there would be a strong chemical reaction. Lin Mo, who was trying to reverse their relationship, looked desperate.

Not getting the answer he wanted, Shokuhou curled his lips in dissatisfaction. The next scene completely shocked everyone, including Misaka Mikoto.

Shokuhou Misaki suddenly grabbed one of Lin Mo's hands and put it on his chest while everyone looked at him in astonishment. Her face was rosy, she licked her lips and said extremely charmingly.

Darling~ Are you going to go with her? Or are you going to go with me?

(2/5, please subscribe automatically!).

108 Enjoy the blessings of being together?

The sweat on Lin Mo's face was flowing like a waterfall, and his mind was muddy. What's going on? Has Shokuhou Misaki become so bold now?

You, you, you... what are you doing!

Misaka Mikoto's trembling fingers kept pointing at Shokuhou Misaki. It was not only her who was shocked, but also the surrounding onlookers.

Especially the escorts of Shokuhou Misaki, their eyes almost burst out with fire. They were colorful and all kinds of abilities emerged from their bodies. If the Queen hadn't still been in Lin Mo's hands, they would have swarmed up.

What...isn't it obvious?

Shokuhou Misaki said with a flushed face.

Xiao Mo, leave her alone and let us continue with the next thing!

Shokuhou Misaki hugged Lin Moshi's neck with one hand, and slowly moved her body upward. Seeing that their lips were about to touch each other, Misaka Mikoto finally couldn't sit still.


The blue electric arc followed Misaka Mikoto's completely gloomy face, and the electric light on her body became brighter.

Lin Mo yelled that something was wrong, and quickly retracted the big hand that was pressing Shokuhou Misaki. Although the soft touch on it made him distracted, in order to avoid the situation becoming more serious, he had to reluctantly let go.

Shokuhou Misaki glared fiercely.

When Misaka Mikoto saw the two separated, the electricity in her body gradually disappeared as time went by.

Calm down, be sure to calm down!

Misaka Mikoto took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in her heart.

Shokuhou Misaki's face was also a little bright red. This was the first time she had done such a thing in public, and even she was a little shocked. As for the onlookers? Just erase their memories later!

My dear, am I not as good as Misaka Mikoto? Is there something I haven't done well enough? Xiaoqi will try her best to change it!

Shokuhou Misaki glanced at Misaka Mikoto provocatively and said seductively.


A terrifying power emanated from Misaka Mikoto's body, and the flames that had just been extinguished were burning brightly again.

Shokuhou Misaki said softly, as if she still wasn't determined to give up.

Xiao Mo, tell me, who has a better figure between me and that washboard over there? It must be Xiao Qi, right?

Hearing this, Misaka Mikoto immediately turned to Lin Mo and stared into his eyes closely.

Lin Mo's scalp suddenly became numb. Is this the right choice? Could it be that you are talking about Misaka Mikoto? But anyone with a discerning eye knows that Shokuhou Misaki is better than Misaka Mikoto in every aspect!

Lin Mo's scalp suddenly became numb. Is this the right choice? Could it be that you are talking about Misaka Mikoto? But anyone with a discerning eye knows that Shokuhou Misaki is better than Misaka Mikoto in every aspect!

The best way is to remain silent, no matter which aspect it is easy to offend people, so keeping silent is the best way!

The scene once fell into a very embarrassing situation.


Shokuhou Misaki's charming voice was particularly conspicuous, and she grabbed Lin Mo's hand again and placed it on her chest.

It seems I have won! Compared to the washboard over there, my body is more attractive to Xiao Mo.


Like a volcano erupting, a monstrous anger had nowhere to vent in her chest, and wisps of blue electricity ran up Misaka Mikoto's bangs. Looking at Shokuhou Misaki's side face, the anger in his heart became even stronger.

············Please ask for flowers·········

As a result, Misaka Mikoto made a move that shocked everyone. Take a few steps forward,

He grabbed Lin Mo's other free hand, placed it on his flat chest, and said loudly in the eyes of Shirai Kuroko with a collapsed look on his face.

Tell me! Which one do you like better?

Lin Mo was stunned, the onlookers were stunned, and even the people on Shokuhou Caoqi's side were completely stunned.

........ .. .. .. ..

Qiong Mei was looking at Lin Mo with a strong resentment in her heart.

Well now, I still had a free hand, but now I don’t have one anymore! Lin Mo clenched his hands subconsciously.

Two gasping sounds came out of the mouths of the two culprits.

Shokuhou Misaki simply couldn't believe it. His eyes widened and he looked at Misaka Mikoto, who was less than one meter away from him. You can literally fit an egg in your mouth.

What is really unbelievable is that Shirai Kuroko, the person who knows her sister best and best, can make Misaka Mikoto do such a shameless thing. This is simply unimaginable!

Shirai Kuroko's face was gradually approaching collapse.

If I could use one sentence to prove Lin Mo's current situation, it would be: the snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman benefits...

If it weren't for Shokuhou Misaki's stimulation, Misaka Mikoto would never have been able to do such a bold thing. In the end, it was Lin Mo who really took advantage...

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109 Trial from fff group…

Misaka Mikoto suddenly came back to her senses, her face stiffened. She just did what she did out of anger, and she never saw her brain thinking.

A big hot hand on her chest reminded her all the time.

Misaka Mikoto fell into a very embarrassing situation. Hechi Linmo took his hand away? Putting aside the way others view her, Shokuhou Misaki will definitely laugh out loud if she sees it, and will definitely use this incident to suppress her in the future.

If you don't take your hands away, doesn't this hateful guy take advantage? After weighing things up for a long time, Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth. Now that everything has happened, she must not lose to Shokuhou Misaki!

Lin Mo looked helpless. Although he had already taken advantage of it, what should he do afterwards? Has it always been like this?

The three people's eyes widened, and as time went by, Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki's faces became increasingly crimson.

A big hand kept doing strange things on them, making their eyes filled with mist, and a confused look lingered in their eyes.

Shirai Kuroko really couldn't stand it anymore, and with an angry look on his face, he pushed Shokuhou Misaki and Misaka Mikoto away.

What a pervert! When are you going to catch me? Can you suddenly touch my sister's holy breasts?

The two of them were shocked by Shirai Kuroko's words, and they both came to their senses. One person looked at Lin Mo with a smile, his face full of indifference. The other person was shy, with white smoke coming out of his head, and his maroon pupils did not dare to face Lin Mo directly.

You pervert, stay away from Her Majesty the Queen! I can't tolerate you continuing to do some unforgivable things to Her Majesty the Queen!

Shokuhou Misaki's escorts were also awakened and rushed to Shokuhou Misaki. The weapons in their hands were pointed at Lin Mo and they spoke vigilantly.

What is this? I have always been on the passive side, okay? Besides, Shokuhou Misaki has long been mine, both mentally and physically. Do you need more nonsense?

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