Lin Mo, who was in a good mood, leaned over and looked at the girl in front of him with interest...

Looking at Lin Mo who was so close, Jie Biao Danxi panicked in an instant. For her, Lin Mo at this time was Villaresta and terror existed. If you fall into his hands, the outcome will be terrifying.

I don't know where I mustered up the courage. I raised my head and faced Lin Mo. This time I found that their faces were very close to each other!

If there is nothing, please go back first!

Jiebiao Danxi pretended to be calm and said, but if you look carefully, her body doesn't obey her orders and keeps trembling.

Oh? Do you hate me so much?

Lin Mo stretched out his hand, lifted her chin, and said with an evil smile.

Jiebiao Danxi panicked again, and her reaction was even stronger than before.

How could I hate you, sir!

Oh, is it so?

Lin Mo smiled playfully, and once again brought his head close to Jie Biao Danxi's pretty face.

As if accepting her fate on 5.4, Jiebiao Danxi closed her eyes, waiting for the tragic fate that her first kiss would be robbed.

Time is spinning minute by minute. At this moment, Jie Biao Danxi truly realized what it meant to live like a year.

After waiting for a few minutes, no movement was seen from Lin Mo. Jie Biao Danxi had no choice but to open her eyes. The first thing she saw was Lin Mo's face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling...

(On 4/5, there are two updates in the morning and three updates in the evening. Please give me flowers, please subscribe, and subscribe automatically! If you have any comments, you can leave a message in the book review area, or tell me in the group account, group account **, everyone is welcome to join!) .

105 Qiong, is this the time to meet the parents?

What are you doing? Lin Mo said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, pretending to be surprised.


Jie Biao Danxi's face froze and she didn't know what to say, so she could only say tremblingly.

I lord, you wanted...

Oh? What do I want?

The smile at the corner of Lin Mo's mouth grew wider. Looking at the blushing Jie Biao Danxi, his heart became extremely happy.

Jie Biao Danxi didn't seem to have thought that she had been tricked by Lin Mo. She was talking incoherently and didn't know what she was talking about. The blush on her face became redder and redder with Lin Mo's intentional or unintentional breathing.

Lin Mo was stunned. It seemed that this girl was an out-and-out fool. She didn't even know that she was playing tricks on her. 29

Looking at Jie Biao Danxi, whose eyes were gradually misting, Lin Mo really couldn't laugh or cry. He gave up the idea of ​​teasing the girl and casually let go of the hand holding his chin.

Jie Biao Danxi breathed a sigh of relief and glanced away, not daring to look at Lin Mo. When she felt the hand on her chin disappear, she felt happy and used space teleportation to run away.

Looking at the deserted street, Lin Mo scratched his head in embarrassment. It seems that you have played it? He chuckled lightly and used space teleportation to return to the location where the Daiha Star Festival was held.

Fortunately, the morning competition was almost over, otherwise I would have been scolded again! Lin Mo thought helplessly, and after sensing Qiong Mei's position, he rushed straight towards her.

After walking for a few minutes, Lin Mo finally saw Qiong Mei, but there were too many people around her, which made him feel very sick.

Dome! Misaka Mikoto! There is also Lin Mo who can tell who she is even with his eyes closed. After all, they have been together for more than ten years.

That's right! That person is Misaka Mikoto’s mother, Misaka Mirei! She is also Lin Mo’s nominal adoptive mother!

Ah! Isn't this Xiao Mo!

The sharp-eyed Misaka Mirei screamed in surprise.

Long time no see, can you please stop calling me that way... Lin Mo smiled bitterly and walked to everyone's side.

Brother, where did you go earlier? I didn't even answer your phone calls! Qiong said dissatisfied.

Sorry, I encountered some trouble ahead!

Lin Mo apologized.


Misaka Mirei looked thoughtful, looking at the two of them, and showed an intriguing smile.

Mom! At least pay attention to your image in front of outsiders!

Mom! At least pay attention to your image in front of outsiders!

Misaka Mikoto said lecturingly.

Oh! Really? I think the two of them are a good match. What do you think, Mikoto?

Misaka Mirei said with a smile, her eyes turned to Mikoto, as if she was revealing some information.

Lin Mo didn't notice anything, but Misaka Meiling's words made Qiong blush. In a true sense, Qiong is now equivalent to the feeling of a daughter-in-law meeting her parents. That's why Qiong remained so nervous.

What are you talking about? Mom!

Misaka Mikoto said angrily and glared at Lin Mo who was still in a dazed state. He turned his head away and sulked alone.

Pull, pull!

Misaka Mirei smiled knowingly.

Although Lin Mo didn't understand what was going on, he almost understood when he saw Misaka Mikoto's jealous look, so he spoke out.

Mikoto, it's getting late, let's go eat first!

Oh? I didn't expect that the relationship between you two has become so good after not seeing each other for so long! When Mikoto saw you when she was a child, it was as if she had seen some world-destroying demon king.

Misaka Mirei said in surprise.

Well... time will dilute everything!

Lin Mo smiled.

Hurry up and eat first! Mom, you must be very busy recently!

Misaka Mikoto blushed and quickly pushed her mother away. Misaka Mikoto, who hadn't heard Lin Mo 723 call her name so affectionately for a long time, was absolutely elated now, but she was afraid that her mother was seeing something wise, so she quickly changed the subject.

In fact, how could Misaka Mirei not know this about Misaka Mikoto? When he was a certain distance away from the two of them, he leaned into her ear and whispered softly.

Mikoto, if you don't join me, your dear brother will be abducted!

You, you, you...what are you talking about!

Misaka Mikoto blushed and stuttered.

Stop pretending, any discerning person can know what you are thinking now, especially when I saw you jealous, I became even more sure of what I was thinking in my heart. Don't worry! Xiao Mo has no blood relationship with our family, bold Go and love!

Misaka Mirei patted Mikoto on the shoulder and said encouragingly.

(5/5, please auto-subscribe and flowers, uh... I found that I said this sentence at the end of every chapter, isn't it a bit too shameless? o_o).

106 Lin Mo looked confused

Misaka Mikoto was speechless and could only push Misaka Meiling away with a blushing face. It would be bad if Lin Mo behind her heard her!

Don't worry! If you need any help, just ask, mom will fully cooperate. Misaka Mirei still chattered.

Your silence is the greatest help to me!

Misaka Mikoto said as her face gradually collapsed.

Because they were far apart, Lin Mo didn't know the small theater where they were taking place, and he was chatting happily with Qiong Mei.

By the time they arrived at the cafeteria, Misaka Mikoto's face was already flushed.

Um, what happened to Mikoto?

Lin Mo pointed at Misaka Mikoto and said strangely.

Don't ask more about women's secrets.

Misaka Mirei blinked and said.

All right!

Lin Mo said helplessly.

Misaka Mikoto thought about what her mother just said and felt incredible. Have you ever seen a parent teach his daughter how to improve her relationship? Even if there are, there seem to be too many methods!

Misaka Mikoto did a rough calculation and found that there were at least 20 methods mentioned by her mother!

After casually ordering a few dishes, a few people sat down casually. Whether intentionally or not, Misaka Mirei insisted on sitting with Qiong, which was called: connecting feelings.

Of course Qiong happily agreed. On the contrary, he felt very happy that he could get closer to Lin Mo's mother after all.

So, Lin Mo and Misaka Mikoto sat together. The most important thing is that this table is too small! asshole!

Lin Mo complained crazily in his heart.

The meal passed slowly in a very harmonious and strange state. Why do you say weird? I don’t know if it’s Lin Mo’s illusion or something? Whenever her mother blinked or used something to hint, Misaka Mikoto would always be at a loss for words. Sometimes she wanted to pick up some food for Lin Mo, but when she got nervous, the food in her hand fell to the floor.

Throughout the meal, Lin Mo didn't know how much food Misaka Mikoto dropped on the ground...

Miqin, I don't know if there is something I should say... Lin Mo looked helpless as he watched his mother gradually leaving.

What are you talking about? Mikoto asked strangely.

Next time when picking up vegetables, please hold your hands more firmly... Lin Mo said painfully.

What! You guy! People are so kind to pick up food for you...

Misaka Mikoto curled her lips in displeasure.


As soon as Misaka Mikoto's mother left, a character pronounced Kuroko and perverted in writing came...

While everyone was stunned, Kuroko Shirai swooped down, hung on Misaka Mikoto, and rubbed her with an intoxicated look.

While everyone was stunned, Kuroko Shirai swooped down, hung on Misaka Mikoto, and rubbed her with an intoxicated look.

If I don't see my sister for a day, my heart feels like something is missing! It's no longer complete...

Hey! Kuroko, are your injuries healed? And get off of me quickly! It's disgusting!

Misaka Mikoto said in disgust, reaching out and pushing Shirai Kuroko's shoulder hard. Trying to pull her off.

Thank you for your concern, sister. After not seeing you for a day, my heart feels unbearably lonely, empty, lonely and cold! So the first thing I do when I recover is to come and see my sister!

Shirai Kuroko said with runny nose and tears.


The onlookers seemed to understand something, and nodded in realization. Looking at the two people, there were doubts, ambiguities, and confusion in their eyes...

Qiong was also speechless. There was also a different look in Misaka Mikoto's eyes.

I said...come down here quickly, do you hear me!!

Misaka Mikoto felt terrified when the crowd saw her, her forehead was covered with the characters ¨‖ # , her face gradually sank, and lightning flashed for a moment.

A few seconds later...

A black, charred object fell to the ground and twitched.

Okay! Let's continue talking about the next thing!

Misaka Mikoto clapped her hands with satisfaction that she was a masterpiece.

The corner of Lin Mo's mouth twitched. It is estimated that only Shirai Kuroko's resistance to electric shock against Misaka Mikoto is at the MAX level.

What's up?

It's nothing. You just remember the bet, right? Your school's points are completely behind ours. I hope you won't cheat! Misaka Mikoto raised her eyebrows and said.

(Money is good) Don't worry! I'm not that kind of person, and it's just this morning, you've mentioned this topic no less than 5 times. No matter how bad my brain is, I can almost remember it...

Lin Mo said with a wry smile.

And...there's one more thing...

Misaka Mikoto's face suddenly turned extremely red, but she couldn't say the next words anyway.

What's up?

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