Compared to Lin Mo's two days, it really pales in comparison.

Even the well-informed Nangong Nayue would be amazed when he saw his magic power reserve.

As soon as Lin Mo turned off the lights and went to sleep, Suzaku fell asleep on his chest, and his sweet sleeping face struck Lin Mo's heart all the time.

This feeling of being able to only see but not touch can even drive people crazy.

She is my beloved beast... She is my beloved beast...

After more than ten minutes of self-hypnosis, Lin Mo finally fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the morning light replaced the ink-like darkness, and the bright light reflected on the entire Xian Shen Island, and there was still a faint fragrance in the air.

As time goes by, the fiery sunshine dissipates the unique coolness of the morning, and also brings a slight sense of dullness.

In the bustling and noisy city of Genkami Island, there are more people flowing on the streets than in the past. Today is the day when the Hasouin Festival begins. Some businesses have also made preparations early, and people dressed in strange and weird clothes are also Not a few.

In the business building, Lin Mo and his party came here to meet at the agreed time.

After everyone arrived, the people around looked at the only man in the team with unusual envy.

Surrounded by Lin Mo, there were two girls with angel-like faces, Akisa Nagisa who was always quirky, Ji Hiiragi Shelley who was extremely serious but looked very cute, and the last one, who looked twelve Three years old, the red-haired girl Suzaku makes people want to hold her in their hands and care for her.

The powerful combination, coupled with the fact that each person has their own special temperament, caused passers-by to almost replace the only male standing among them with the thought of replacing them.

Senior, although today is the Bolongyuan celebration, I didn't expect the influence to be so great! Shelley looked around in surprise.

It's completely normal. After all, the Haolongyuan Festival is the largest celebration on Xiankami Island. There will be a lot of people during this period. Lin Mo said with a smile.

Lin Mojun is right! Shelley may not know it when he first came to Xian Shen Island. During this period of time, it is especially easy to get the Xian Shen Island visit pass. It is expected that there will be so many people.

Nagisa, who likes to be lively, explained the knowledge about the Hatouin Festival with a cheerful look on his face.

Nagisa, who likes to be lively, explained the knowledge about the Hatouin Festival with a cheerful look on his face.

Then why is everyone dressing so weirdly from just now? Shelley asked curiously.

Rather than saying it is weird, it is better to use the word demon to describe it.

This must have something to do with the customs of Xian Kami Island! The models are all dressed like Halloween. Who said this is a special zone for demons? Lin Mo shrugged.

Ah! This is what I wanted to say just now, but Lin Mojun said it before me. Nagisa pouted dissatisfied.

Immediately afterwards, Nagisa's eyes turned to Hayase Xiaon and La Fulia, his eyes lit up slightly, and he said.

I've heard Lin Mojun talk about the relationship between the two of you before, but it's still surprising to see them in person! They look like sisters!

Yes, when Nagisa first met the two of them, he mistook them for sisters just like normal people. 0......

How could it be possible that the two of them were born from the same appearance?

After hearing this, La Fulia and Yeze Xia Yin looked at each other, and then both of them laughed in unison. Lin Mo saw this scene and sighed that the relationship now is better than at the beginning. a lot of.

With Nagisa as a living treasure, the atmosphere in the team couldn't help but become more lively. Even Suzaku was forced to ask questions, such as why he liked to be called Master Lin Mo and other gossipy topics.

Lin Mo broke into a cold sweat after hearing this and hurriedly interrupted this embarrassing question.

Nagisa, who couldn't get the answer he wanted, could only unhappily shift his criticism to Hase Natsune and La Folia.

Because of Ella Furia's good qualities, even after being bombarded by Nagisa, she could only look at Lin Mo with her beautiful eyes, a signal for help in her eyes.

Of course, Lin Mo selectively ignored him.

Is there anyone who hasn't come yet? Shelley, standing next to Lin Mo, asked in a low voice.

Sayahua and Lan Yu haven't arrived yet, they should be here soon. Lin Mo replied.

What Sayaka said was to postpone Her Royal Highness's return to the country, which should be coming soon. As for Senior Lan Yu, senior, are you supposed to explain something to me? Xuecai stared at Lin Mo's side face, a picture that broke the sand. 0.2 The expression of asking the question to the end.

Lan Yu originally wanted to invite me to attend the celebration with her yesterday. Before Lin Mo finished speaking, Xuecai's eyes became unfriendly: You agreed?

Facing Xuecai's sharp gaze, Lin Mo said nonchalantly: Do you think it's possible? Although I didn't agree, I invited her to participate in our celebration in disguise.

After Xuecai heard this, she muttered to herself in a voice that was quieter than a mosquito.

There were enough of us originally, but I didn't expect that one more person would be added.

As for whether she was referring to the number of people present or her love rivals, it is unclear...

Ps: One update, 6 updates a day within three days before and after the Spring Festival, just want everything! .

533 The Shura Field suddenly unfolds

Sorry I'm late. Not long after, Lan Yu Qiancong arrived in front of everyone panting, with the blush from running still on his face.

It's okay, we just arrived. Shelley quickly bowed a courtesy and replied.

Despite Xuecai's lack of etiquette when getting along with Lin Mo, in fact, this kind of scene is usually only done to strangers who are not familiar with each other, and would not be done to true friends.

The image of Xuecai in school gives people a very strict and quiet feeling. Everything he says and does is full of true ‘everybody style’.

Coupled with her cute appearance, Yukina is still very popular in school even if she inadvertently shows a 'reject' expression.

If we use the words of internal staff communication, it is that Xuecai has a contrasting cuteness that no one else has!

Lin Mojun, who is she?

At this time, Nagisa saw the arrival of Lan Yu Qianzui and said with curiosity on his face.

Um...don't you know her? Lin Mo asked strangely. You know, in the original work, Nagisa knew 09 Aiha Asan!

Isn't this nonsense? Nagisa pursed his lips and rolled his eyes angrily: How could I know about Lin Mojun's friends! You haven't introduced him to me.

That's right... Lin Mo smiled sarcastically, muttering in his heart. Is there a deviation in the plot? Forget it, never mind it! The problem isn't that big anyway.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo explained: Her name is Lan Yu Qiancong, she is an... how should I say, an acquaintance of mine!

Acquaintances? Nagisa showed a slightly meaningful smile, and the spirit of gossip that had been worn away started to rekindle again: Lin Mojun, you really have a lot of 'acquaintances'!

Facing Nagisa's words that contained another layer of meaning, Lin Mo didn't know what to say, so he could only pretend not to hear and move his eyes elsewhere.

Seeing Lin Mo's appearance, Nagisa seemed to have thought of something interesting, and immediately clapped his hands and said with a slightly excited expression.

That's right! You haven't told me yet, is there your girlfriend here?

As Nagisa's lively voice fell, the scene fell into deathly silence.


A sound similar to turning one's head suddenly sounded, and all the girls present invariably focused their attention on Lin Mo. A strong aura quietly exuded, and sparks seemed to be generated between each other. The smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air.

Ahem, Nagisa, why did you ask this? Lin Mo almost choked on his saliva, looking at the slightly sharp eyes around him, a slight cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Hey, because I'm curious, you didn't tell me before. Nagisa looked at him with a smile on his face with a 'normal expression'.

The corner of Lin Mo's mouth twitched imperceptibly, and his eyebrows were beating wildly. What's going on with this sense of déjà vu in the Shura Field? Hey Hey hey! Why does even Suzaku have a surprised expression? Have you really been taught bad things?

Lin Mo's brain was running crazily, because no matter what, it was very likely to offend someone, and at this moment, a tired voice sounded among everyone.

Lin Mo's brain was running crazily, because no matter what, it was very likely to offend someone, and at this moment, a tired voice sounded among everyone.

Your Highness, I've arranged your return date for you! But don't do this next time, it's really tiring. Sayaka thought of the scene on the phone where the other party kept urging La Folia to return to the country. , Sayaka felt helpless.

This voice was like the dawn, giving Lin Mo the ability to change the subject.

Sayahua, are you here? Now that everyone is here, let's set off quickly! Lin Mo pulled Sayaka to the front of everyone with an enthusiastic look and said with a chuckle.

Sayaka's hand was suddenly grabbed by Lin Mo, and she felt inexplicably at a loss. Her face quickly turned into a sunset glow, and she hurriedly pulled away his hand and said loudly.

The fifth truth...uh huh huh...

Before she finished speaking, Lin Mo hurriedly covered her mouth. The latter's eyes widened and her heart became confused. You know, it was the first time for Sayaka to have such a relationship with a man. Close physical contact.

Sayaka is suffering from male phobia now!

But what's weird is that Sayaka didn't react at all to Lin Mo! Unfortunately, no one present observed this, including Shelley and Lin Mo.

Be quiet! Don't you know there are outsiders? Don't reveal my identity easily. Lin Mo said in a voice that only two people could hear, leaning into Sayaka's ear.


Sayaka didn't pay much attention to it before, but now she saw it with a resentful expression on her face.

I'm sorry... Sayaka quickly lowered her head and apologized, subconsciously ignoring the heat brought by Lin Mo when he spoke in her ear.

Lin Mo sighed, 337 it didn't matter to others when they heard about his identity, including Lan Yu Qian Chong, but the key was that only Akatsuki Nagisa couldn't do it.

Akatsuki Nagisa suffers from a severe phobia of demons. Even if the other party shows any imaginary thoughts, he will be extremely uneasy and even scared to death.

It is also possible to be comatose due to excessive shock, so Lin Mo tried his best to conceal it if he wanted to, and only spoke out when it was impossible.

Sayahua, although I know you are working hard, don't you think the posture between the two of you is a bit ambiguous now? La Folia said with a smile.

Xuecai also snorted slightly, expressing her dissatisfaction.

Indeed, because of the angle, to outsiders, Lin Mo's face looked as if he was kissing Sayaka.

As for Nagisa, he was about to jump with excitement, and his big eyes were shining brightly.

Wow! Is it a love triangle? No! It may or may not be a love triangle.

Lin Mo noticed Nagisa's picture of the big bad wolf covering his face after seeing Little Red Riding Hood's 'hungry' expression, knowing that he would be busy in the future!

Ps: The second update will start depositing tomorrow. The second update will be as usual, sometimes there will only be one update. .

534 A perfectly held celebration

After the incident involving Sayaka Kosaka, everyone no longer paid attention to the previous topic, which was a blessing in misfortune. It not only gave Lin Mo a chance to breathe, but also gave Nagisa more breaking news.

Now that everyone is here! Let's set off!

Lin Mo saw Nagisa standing next to Sayaka and didn't know what to say, so he had no choice but to interrupt Nagisa's chattering.

He was afraid that if he didn't interrupt, Sayaka would find a hole to crawl in out of shame and anger. Even if Lin Mo didn't hear their conversation, he could roughly guess it when he saw Sayaka's blushing face.

At this time, Yukina also quickly responded: Nagisa, haven't you always wanted to go somewhere? Let's go and see it before the celebration starts in the evening!

Hmm...Okay! After all, you can't just focus on me. Since it's a celebration, the most important thing is for everyone to play together.

After hearing Yukina's words, Nagisa's eyes were dazzling, and he seemed to be attracted. He first said something without interest, then lightly touched his little feet, and came close to Sayaka's ear like an eccentric spirit, He said furtively in a very appetizing tone.

Hey! Sayaka-chan, I know you are embarrassed, please talk to me about this topic alone next time!

You, you, you...what are you thinking! I told you that I have nothing to do with this pervert. Sayaka blushed and retorted hastily.

Don't worry! I won't tell anyone! In fact, I'm just a little curious. Nagisa spit out his sweet tongue and winked before leaving. The meaning is self-evident.

Even if you don't tell me, I won't tell you, and I won't even die.

Sayaka complained in her heart, her gorgeous and beautiful facial features were still slightly rosy. After glancing at Lin Mo, she took a deep breath and followed Yukina closely. There was nothing unusual at all. .

Lin Mo saw that Nagisa finally calmed down and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Fortunately, it didn't lead to any big deal. It's best not to say anything about choosing between people. No matter who you choose, it will be easy. Offend.

Things became much simpler after that. Without the interference of Ashdown's witch, the celebration was held perfectly. During this period, Lin Mo also met Nangong Nazuki who was shopping with Misaki Sasaki.

Nangong Nayue still had the same delicate face as Gu Jingwubo. When he saw Lin Mo and his group, he was not surprised at all, and even had some contempt. The words he said made the corners of Lin Mo's mouth twitch.

Although I knew you were a scumbag before, I didn't expect you to be such a scumbag. You have several girls around you. Are you planning to attack them??

How is that possible! By the way, Yue-chan, why are you here? Lin Mo felt stupid as soon as he said this.

Sure enough, Nangong Nayue said with an expression as if he was looking at a fool: You may be here, how could I not be here?

Lin Mo shrugged and simply closed his mouth. Seeing this, Misaki Sasaki smiled and said, Actually, I invited Nazuki-chan to attend the celebration. Otherwise, she would have stayed at home all day long and would have become an older leftover girl!

Hey, hey, hey, you idiot, when did I become a leftover girl? I'm only twenty-seven! Is it appropriate for you to say this to a twenty-seven-year-old lady? Nangong Nayue immediately glared at Sasaki in displeasure. cape.

Why is it inappropriate? Twenty-seven is not young anymore! Misaki Sasaki continued calmly: Brother, if you haven't chosen a girlfriend yet, how about you consider Nangong Nayue? I think she is quite suitable. .”

Lin Mo remained silent and pretended to look at the scenery.

Besides, think about yourself before talking to others! You are older than me! Nangong Nayue suddenly sneered.

Besides, think about yourself before talking to others! You are older than me! Nangong Nayue suddenly sneered.

Misaki Sasaki's face froze for a moment, but she still said with a smile: Ah la ah la, it doesn't matter what happens to me, the key is you that month! If you don't tighten up your figure, There’s no chance!”

After saying that, she straightened up her high body part intentionally or unintentionally.

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