 ‖She...she...she.

Xiao Gucheng looked like he had seen a ghost, and Lin Mo couldn't understand his feelings, but Lin Mo couldn't bear it when a grown man grabbed his clothes like this.

He kicked Xiao Gucheng away and immediately calmed down.

Are you Suzaku? How did you become like this (Li Zhao)? Lin Mo communicated in his mind.

Eh? Didn't the master say not to attract attention? The girl's silvery voice revealed a deep confusion.

She walked towards Lin Mo from the void, the light red transparent silk around her neck fluttering slightly with the night wind.

The skin on the shoulders was also exposed, and was incredibly delicate and soft.

Lin Mo's face froze, and he was about to say something, but when he saw the big, watery eyes in Suzaku's eyes, he was defeated. There was nothing he could do, Suzaku looking like this now is so cute! Lin Mo almost couldn't control himself.

It's just... like a beautiful piece of art. Nangong Nayue came back from her daze and said what Lin Mo wanted to say...

Ps: 2 updates, there is 1 more update left, two more updates will be made tomorrow.

530 Returning home, Xiao Gucheng was attacked

Nangong Nayue's words were the emotion of everyone present. Although Lin Mo couldn't figure out why Suzaku became like this, since she wanted to stay, Lin Mo would not forcefully cut off the spiritual center to let her go back.

It will take a long time for Shelley to explain.

Lin Mo covered his face, looked at the red-haired girl in front of him, and said seriously: Suzaku, you can stay if you want, but there is one condition: you are not allowed to cause trouble, you know?

It must be understood that the power of Suzaku is so terrifying that it is possible to melt the entire Xian Shen Island accidentally, so Lin Mo will take precautions and explain a few words in advance.

I see.

The red-haired girl nodded her little head, and when her jade-like legs stepped on the ground, a faint circle of sparks would emit from time to time.

Lin Mo had no choice but to do anything after seeing it. After all, Suzaku belongs to fire. Even if it turns into a human form, a subtle fire-attribute magic power will unconsciously emerge from its body.

After that, she could only let Nangong Nayue teach her some knowledge about magic power.

Na Yue Jiang, about you... Lin Mo turned his eyes and looked at Nangong Na Yue.

Let's not talk about this for now. If I think about it, I will find you again!

Nangong seemed to be deliberately avoiding the topic that month, and Lin Mo didn't think much about it. After all, she really needed time to think about it now.

Then I'll take Suzaku back first! As for Xiandumu Aye's daughter, she is probably still on this Xian Shen Island. It's up to you to catch her or not. Lin Mo left a word and left.

Nangong's moon-like pupils were as bright as stars, looking at Lin Mo's back, and suddenly said: You injured the diplomatic envoy sent by the First True Ancestor. The other party is likely to cause trouble for you, so be careful.

The First True Ancestor? Lin Mo murmured and suddenly laughed. The premise is that if he dares to come...

Lin Mo waved with his back to Nangong Nayue and led Suzaku back together.

The First True Ancestor? Hey...what on earth has he done that makes people and gods angry! Xiao Gucheng, who was still in a daze on the side, changed his face drastically when he heard what Nangong Nayue said.

It's nothing, I just almost killed that guy Vatola. Nangong Nayue said casually.

Wattola? Xiao Gucheng's eyes widened suddenly, and just as he was about to ask something, Nangong Nayue's figure disappeared, including Xian Gumai.

As a last resort, Xiao Gucheng could only catch up with Lin Mo and kept chattering: Should you explain something to me? It's hard to be kept in the dark!

Their homes were in the same direction. Although Lin Mo was annoyed that Xiao Gucheng was chattering next to him, there was no reason to drive others away.

Lin Mo glanced at Xiao Gucheng and said, Want to know? Ask your good friend yourself, he has seen this whole thing in his eyes.

Yase Motoki, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly stiffened, then gave a wry smile. What a terrifying man...

Indeed, as Lin Mo said, Yaze Motoki saw the whole thing clearly, including how the battle took place and the scene where Lin Mo summoned the familiar beast.

Xiao Gucheng had no choice but to tease the little girl next to Lin Mo.

Xiao Gucheng had no choice but to tease the little girl next to Lin Mo.

Just as he was about to speak, he was inexplicably bounced away by a force and hit the ruins nearby.

Lying in the stone pile, Xiao Gucheng's brain almost couldn't function. He didn't believe in evil and continued to try to get close to Suzaku. He did this several times in a row.

But the outcome is the same every time, either blasted away or burned by the flames.

Until later, Xiao Gucheng's face was as ugly as death, and his brain was completely shut down.

My fourth true (ajfd) ancestor can't even take down a little girl? What kind of international joke are you kidding me?

Xiao Gucheng seemed to be competing with Suzaku and kept trying to touch her head. Lin Mo even admired his will.

Finally, after the sixth time, Suzaku seemed to be irritated and used some strength, almost burning Xiaogu City to death.

Nowadays, Xiao Gucheng and Lin Mo maintain a distance of about 5 meters. They look at the harmless girl next to Lin Mo with a fearful face, feeling depressed.

Lin Mo had a weird look on his face. It was understandable that Suzaku didn't like strangers approaching him. What if he did the same to Shelley when he went back?

Lin Mo shuddered when he thought about the consequences.

Suzaku, if you meet someone you know later, don't take action. Lin Mo quickly gave the red-haired girl some ideological education.

Hearing this, Xiao Gucheng almost vomited blood, speaking as if he was not an acquaintance of his.

Hmm... Suzaku responded softly, grabbing his clothes with his little hands, and looking around with his cute big eyes.

The two of them had passed the area where the battle was taking place and arrived at the city block. Although it was late at night, it did not prevent Suzaku from observing his surroundings.

The surrounding stores have long been closed, and there are still a few celebration dolls on the street. The weak light shines on a few people, making the shadows of the three people long.

After Lin Mo saw it, his thoughts started to fly. Tomorrow happened to be the celebration. Now that Nangong's incident in that month was solved, he could play with the girls without any worries.

In fact, he himself did not expect that the other party would come to rescue Xiandumu Aye so quickly.

But it just so happened that it saved him a lot of effort to find the other party.

The group of people soon arrived at a residential area. After walking to the floor where Lin Mo was located, Xiao Gucheng said weakly.

See you tomorrow, oh no! It's best not to see you tomorrow. I'm really unlucky today. After Xiao Gucheng finished speaking, he sighed in frustration, parted ways with Lin Mo, and continued to walk upstairs.

It seems that what happened with Suzaku had a big impact on him!

Lin Mo laughed, took out the key, and was about to open the door. To his surprise, he found that the door was already open.

Has anyone been here? Lin Mo asked doubtfully, and with a squeak... sound, the first thing he saw was Shelley sitting upright in front of him...

531 Xue Cai’s worries

Senior, where have you been? Xuecai was sitting in front of him, her closed eyes suddenly opened, and she stared at him with a serious expression.

Generally speaking, late at night, most people are asleep, and only a small number of people are still active.

So Yukina was no exception. She put on pink pajamas and went to sleep.

Judging from the hazy crystal tears still remaining in the corners of her eyes, Lin Mo knew that she was also suddenly awakened by the battle between him and Wattola.

The Xuexia wolf placed next to him explained everything very well.

And Xuecai was indeed as he thought. At first, she wanted to go to Lin Mo to investigate the matter, but later found that Lin Mo was missing, so she waited here.

Because Yukina knew that the power that could cause the entire Genkami Island to be shaken was definitely something she couldn't handle. Even though she was restless at home and worried about Lin Mo's safety, the concept of not causing trouble to Lin Mo prompted her to rush to the battlefield without impulse. .

That's why the next scene happened.

But, if Lin Mo doesn't come back, Shelley will change his clothes and go out to look for him.

Lin Mo looked at Xuecai sitting in front of him and swallowed, because from this angle, Lin Mo could naturally see the beautiful scenery in Shelley's pajamas.

However, Xuecai didn't seem to notice, and looked at Lin Mo with a serious tone and a no kidding facial expression.

Ahem... I went to solve a small matter. By the way, Xuecai, why are you here? Lin Mo scratched his face in embarrassment. In his heart, he had an inexplicable feeling of going out for a 'roaming', and then being raped by his wife after returning home. Caught in guilt.

As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, Xuecai said word by word: It doesn't matter where I am, what matters is you, senior. Are you really going to solve small things?

Yukina emphasized the 'little things'.

The corner of Lin Mo's mouth twitched. It seemed that it was really not a small matter. After all, the entire Xian Shen Island was alarmed by such a big movement. Maybe someone from the top would come out to explain it tomorrow.

Looking at the angry Xuecai, Lin Mo spread his hands and said helplessly: Okay! There's nothing to hide. I'm sorry that I went out without saying hello to you in advance and made you worry.

anything else?

Xue Cai put her hands on her knees, and her delicate face was indeed as Lin Mo said, with a worried look, but it was hidden well and no one could see it.

What else? What else? Lin Mo tilted his head in confusion.

Of course I want to explain the whole thing! Also, who is the girl next to you? Xuecai said solemnly, her eyes on Lin Mo, as if looking at the expression of a scumbag.

In fact, if someone who doesn't know the reason sees this scene, he might really think that Lin Mo is the same as a scumbag.

Have you ever seen anyone bring a strange little girl home late at night, and a cute and shameless little girl at that?

This person is either a scumbag or a pervert.

Or both.

Or both.

So it is natural that Shelley would think so.

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, and first told the whole story. When it was his turn to introduce Suzaku, he said with a strange expression.

She is my beloved beast, the same one you saw last time. You should know that, right?

The one I saw last time... Xue Cai lowered her head and pondered for a while, her pupils suddenly widened, with a surprised expression on her face: She is your beloved beast, senior? How did she become like this?

It's a bit hard for Xuecai to imagine. After all, is it possible for a familiar beast to transform into a human being? At least in Ji Hiiragi's image, there is no similar information.

Who are you asking me about this? Lin Mo spread his hands. He really didn't know why Suzaku had the ability to change human forms.

I already know the cause of the matter. Xue Cai sighed, then crossed her hands across her chest and said seriously: But running out at night and not telling me, the supervisor, is your fault, senior. Got it!

0 ··········Ask for flowers··· ··

In other words, do you have something to ask for? Lin Mo immediately saw through Xuecai's little thoughts and said with a half-smile.

Xue Cai's face turned slightly red and she waved her hand quickly: I'll talk to you later, but keep it a secret for now! What if the senior's words don't count when the time comes?

It seemed like a perfect reason, but Lin Mo couldn't find any flaws. He just raised the corner of his mouth, smiled slightly, and said, Shelley is really dishonest!


Xue Cai lowered her head nervously, and happened to see the red-haired girl next to her looking at her with wide, watery eyes, and awkwardly changed the subject.

Then...Senior, if you are safe, I will go back to the room first! Shelley stood up in a hurry and was about to leave, but his legs were numb from sitting for a long time, and his body fell forward.

Seeing this, Lin Mo subconsciously stretched out his hand and caught Xuecai.

What you get is an extremely soft body and a light fragrance that hits your nostrils.

Xue Cai, are you okay? Lin Mo asked with concern.

No...it's okay, my legs are just a little numb.

Xuecai leaned into Lin Mo's arms a little shyly. Shelley, who had always maintained a serious style on weekdays, became shy, and unexpectedly had a heart-thrilling charm.

For a moment, the two fell into a brief silence. If there hadn't been the curious sight of the girl next to them, perhaps this would have been an excellent confession scene.

Senior, I'm going back to the room first. See you tomorrow. Xuecai came back to her senses and left Lin Mo's arms in a panic. She looked at Lin Mo with a smile on her face. Before leaving, she suddenly said He murmured like a mosquito.

Senior is such an idiot!.

532 Xuecai’s ‘enemy’

After Xuecai left, Lin Mo looked at the quiet red-haired girl next to him and said softly: Suzaku, you can stay next door to me tonight! La Fulia went to accompany Haise Xia Yin, so It’s currently in a state of desolation.”

Suzaku shook his head, grabbed Lin Mo's clothes tightly, and said softly: I want to sleep with the master.

Lin Mo looked stunned. Looking at the expectant red-haired girl, he couldn't refuse, so he had to agree. After all, Suzaku was his beloved beast summoned from another world, and it was understandable that he would become dependent on him.

Lin Mo didn't know the existence time of the companion beast, but Suzaku could stay in this world for about two days. Once it exceeded two days, the magical connection between her and Lin Mo would be forcibly cut off and returned to the place where she originally stayed. .

Even if Two Six Three Suzaku himself still wants to stay here, he will consume Lin Mo every moment, so this is the limit of time.

But even so, it is extremely terrifying. You know, even if Xiao Gucheng is the fourth true ancestor, he does not dare to summon the lion's gold to exist in the world all the time. Being able to summon it for an hour or two is already a good achievement.

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