Just at this time, the closed door of the rooftop opened again, and Yukina came here carrying a box. After Nagisa saw her, his eyes lit up slightly, and he quickly ran to Yukina with the kitten in his arms.

Xue Cai-chan, do you want to get a cat?


Xuecai was startled, and when she saw the white and soft kitten in her arms, she immediately fell in love with it.

Before Xuecai said anything, Lin Mo got up from the ground, patted the dust, and said with a strange expression: Nagisa, are you sure you want Shelley to raise it?

Is there any problem? Nagisa said angrily, obviously resenting the previous rejection.

Is there any problem? Nagisa said angrily, obviously resenting the previous rejection.

No, of course it's no problem. Lin Mo chuckled, as if he thought of something interesting and started laughing again. When Nagisa saw this, he couldn't help but glance at him suspiciously.

Senior, you seem to have a lot of objections to me. Xuecai looked away from the cat reluctantly, and then looked at Lin Mo angrily.

Xue Cai, you think too much. Lin Mo spread his hands.

Then why do you think I can't raise them? Xuecai put her hands on her waist and asked.

Did I say anything? Lin Mo blinked.

I said it! Xuecai's tone paused slightly, and Nagisa's little head came to her ear and whispered: Think carefully about what Lin Mo said.

Xuecai thought about it for a while and found out awkwardly that Lin Mo really didn't say anything. If he wanted to blame it, he could only blame Lin Mo for acting too cheap! He was brought in accidentally.

Lin Mo smiled and turned to the cats in the box: What are you going to do with these cats?

Nagisa touched his head and said helplessly: We can only wait until Xia Yin comes to see it again.

As soon as he finished speaking, a girl with silver hair walked towards the exit of the rooftop. The girl's temperament is very out of this world, unlike the fireworks in the world.

Observing at a close distance, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of shame. I thought that talking to the other person was a profanation of this beauty and sanctity. I subconsciously had the idea that I should watch from a distance but not play with it.

Her eyes were white, but they were mixed with blue pupils. Her gaze contained no impurities and was as bright as the bright sea of ​​stars.

She is not big, about the same size as Yukina, and there is not much difference between the two, but her figure is the same as Shelley's, with a hint of youthfulness. At the same time, the black stockings add a lot of charm and look exciting.

Yose Xiayin? After Lin Mo saw the person coming, he read out her name without realizing it.

Is it you? Ye Lai Xia Yin also saw Lin Mo, with a lot of surprise on his face.

This man had a lot of influence on her on that rainy day, especially his words, which were deeply remembered.

I didn't expect that we would meet again. Lin Mo sighed with emotion, looked at her pupils seriously, and said: What I said before leaving is still valid. If you need my help, you can tell me.

For a moment, there was hesitation in Yeze Xiayin's eyes, but she hid it well. The others didn't notice anything, and she could only smile and nod.

Senior, do you know her? Xuecai asked curiously as she looked at the two of them.

It just happened once! Lin Mo's words made Shelley breathe a sigh of relief. If this person becomes her opponent, she has no chance of winning.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about her good looks, when she first appeared on the stage, she was a girl who was momentarily distracted, but fortunately, the situation did not develop as she imagined.

Even Lin Mo, who has seen many beauties, would express heartfelt admiration for Ye Lai Xia Yin's appearance. The most important thing is this temperament. It will be difficult to find another one in the future.

If a timid boy came up to talk to him, he might not even have the courage to speak.

Ps: First update, I’m responsible for the lack of updates. I've been depressed lately, but I'm picking myself up. .

499 Watch a good show.

You adopted all these cats? Lin Mo glanced at the box next to Nagisa.

It's not an adoption, it's just that someone asked me to take care of these cats, but I don't know how long this kind of life can last. There was some sadness in Ye Lai Xia Yin's beautiful eyes.

Yes! I'm just taking care of them now. I can't bring them to school every day. Nagisa also looked distressed.

Nagisa, do you know Hain Haise? Lin Mo looked at the two of them and asked.

We know each other! Nagisa glanced at the ridiculously beautiful girl next to him and said, She was in the same class as me before, but she hasn't come to school for a while and only came recently.

That's it. Lin Mo nodded. Then, Nagisa glanced at Lin Mo again and said in a bad tone: I haven't asked yet, what is the relationship between you two!

I said it was just a one-time relationship, what else does it have to do with it? Lin Mo shrugged. Sometimes he was really helpless towards Nagisa's curiosity. After all, once he got entangled, it would be difficult to get away.

Really? It's really suspicious. Don't you have any thoughts about her? Nagisa looked unbelieving.

Thoughts? Lin Mo shook his head and stopped talking about this topic. This made Nagisa even more sure that there must be some ulterior secret between the two of them, and so did Xuena.

By the way, since you are all here, why not do me a favor... Nagisa clapped his hands, his eyes twinkling.

Lin Mo and Xuecai looked at each other, knowing what was going to happen next, so they could only nod helplessly.

As expected, Lin Mo and Shelley then started looking for adopters of these cats. After searching for a long time, they finally gave away all the cats.

Under the shade of the tree, Lin Mo wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at Ye Lai Xia Yin and Xue Cai next to him, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, They must all have found their owners, right?

Yes, except for the one I picked up just now. Xuecai nodded seriously.

The corners of Lin Mo's mouth twitched twice and he sighed resignedly.

I can just adopt this one. Ye Lai Xia Yin said quickly.

Lin Mo looked at Yeze Xiayin in front of him, and secretly thought that the next fate might be bumpy!

Hey, don't you know animals are not allowed in school?

Suddenly, a majestic voice came from behind Lin Mo. Nangong Nayue, still wearing a black lolita outfit as always, came to the crowd holding a sun umbrella.

Suddenly, a majestic voice came from behind Lin Mo. Nangong Nayue, still wearing a black lolita outfit as always, came to the crowd holding a sun umbrella.

Lin Mo turned around and said with a smile: It's you, Yue-chan, what kind of wind brought you here?

Nangong Nayue hit Lin Mo's head with the folded fan without hesitation: How many times have I told you, don't put the word sauce on the teacher's head!

Lin Mo looked disapproving: If you don't stay in your luxurious office, what are you doing here?

Nangong Nayue said angrily: Don't think that I am so idle, okay? I'm not like you. Nangong Nayue glanced at his mouth and continued.

I just came here to see who is so bold and dares to violate campus regulations.

Lin Mo smiled: Now that you've seen it all, what do you think?

What do you think? Nangong Nayue glared at Lin Mo, and a cunning light suddenly flashed in his eyes as bright as stars.

¨. Originally, I was going to punish you, but you can let me go, but there is one condition: stay with me tonight.

Accompany you? Lin Mo glanced at her upper and lower body with a strange expression, and couldn't help but said with laughter: It's not impossible for me to sacrifice my appearance.


Nangong Nayue slapped her with a fan again, using a little force.

Don't interrupt! I'm just letting you see something interesting. Lin Mo hesitated for a long time, but under the threat of the latter's eyes, he agreed.

Then it's settled! As for the matter of you bringing animals to school, I won't pursue it. Arrive on time in the evening (Hello Nuo Zhao). If not, huh! Nangong warned Lin Mo that month. , and then left.

Instructor Nangong... you really have a personality! Shelley laughed dryly.

Yes, she has always had such a personality. Although she is so good-looking, she still looks mature, which makes me have the urge to bully her. Lin Mo said with a sigh.

The two women looked at each other with strange eyes and said in unison.


Ps: First update, there are 2 more updates. One of my pots is duplicated and is being modified. There has been a break in updates for two days, and they will be updated urgently within a few days. .

500 molded angels!

At night, the charming lights illuminate the whole city again, the sky is full of stars, and the wide sea of ​​stars is like the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, stretching straight across the north and south of the sky from one end of the sky to the other.

There are many high-rise buildings in the city of Xianshen. On the roof of one of the buildings, Lin Mo put his hands in his trousers and leaned against the wall, quietly waiting for someone to arrive.

I promised to arrive at 6 o'clock, but... it's been 2 hours! It's been 2 hours! Why haven't you come yet? Lin Mo stood aside and shouted.

Senior, instructor Nangong won't let you go, right? Xuecai walked up to Lin Mo and said softly.

It's possible! Alas, I'm still too young. I thought they wanted to do something shameful when they called me out at night. I'm so disappointed! Lin Mo sighed faintly and looked at the whole scene. This city is profound and unpredictable.

For a long time, no reply was heard from Xuecai, until at a certain moment, a light tone reached Lin Mo's ears.

Senior, you are indeed a pervert and a pervert!

Hearing this, Lin Mo smiled disdainfully, turned his eyes, looked at Ji Hiiragi Xuena, who was wearing a yukata, and said, Why are you wearing a yukata today?

Oh 327, you said this, because there was a festival in the nearest city street, Nagisa asked me to wear it. Yukina looked down at her relatively conservative yukata, feeling a little embarrassed.

Compared with other people's yukata, her yukata seems a bit rustic, but she usually only has this set, so she can only make do with it.

However, Yukina's appearance itself is much higher than that of ordinary girls. Even without clothes to set it off, she can still make people's eyes shine.

Then she didn't ask you to go shopping with her? After staying here with me for two hours for no reason, I feel a little guilty. Lin Mo said strangely.

Yukina quickly waved her hand and explained: Nagisa contacted me, but I thought that senior might be bored by himself. Plus, I am your spy, so I don't feel at ease, so I came.

Lin Mo was startled for a moment, then suddenly grabbed Shelley's little hand, almost bursting into tears and said: Sure enough, my Shelley is still considerate. Compared with that girl who lived for twenty-seven years, she is not even a little bit better. !”

Xuecai's face gradually turned red, and her heartbeat accelerated rapidly. Just when she was about to say something, a delicate voice came out suddenly.

I just came here and I heard someone seem to have a big opinion about me?

Nangong Nayue came over with Astarut and looked at him with a smile.

After hearing the sound, Xuecai hurriedly pulled out the hand held by Lin Mo and stood aside shyly.

Lin Mo curled his lips, chuckled, and said, Anyone who is left hanging on the roof for two hours will have a lot of opinions, right?

Nangong Nayue was speechless. After a few seconds, he gave his own explanation: Because there is a festival here, I wanted to take Astarut to experience the night market.


Lin Mo looked at Astarut, whose face was full of happiness, and the accumulated resentment suddenly disappeared. He sighed and said, It's good to take her out for a walk. What do you want to see me for tonight? Isn't it just a call? Shall I drink from the northwest wind?

What do you think? Nangong Nayue gave Lin Mo a white look, and turned to Shelley with her exquisite doll-like face: Compared to this, I seemed to have seen something extraordinary just now, Ji Hiiragi Xuena, are you It’s not about explaining why you’re here.”

After Xuecai heard it, she said seriously: Because I am the supervisor of seniors.

After Xuecai heard it, she said seriously: Because I am the supervisor of seniors.

Her tone was full of matter-of-factness, and she seemed to be proud of her profession as a monitor.

Nangong Nayue was speechless: Forget it, let's talk about what I came to see you for tonight! Nangong Nayue paused for Lin Mo and continued.

Did you read the email (cbbg) I sent you?

Have you sent me an email? Lin Mo said with a blank look on his face.

Nangong Nayue covered her face and shook her head: I knew you didn't read it. Normally I would send you some news.

Lin Mo smiled coquettishly, took out his mobile phone calmly, took a quick look, and roughly knew what was going on. He looked stunned and thought to himself.

I didn't pay much attention to it before. Was the Mask Incident mentioned in that month's message already so fast? I thought time would slow down a bit.

Thinking back to yesterday's appearance of Natsume Haise, it proved that she had actually been transformed into a molded angel.

There was a hint of complexity in Lin Mo's eyes. To be honest, she really wanted to save Yeze Xiayin before she was transformed into a molded angel, but if Yese Xiayin didn't tell her, no one could help her, even if The same goes for Lin Mo.

After all, Haze Natsume had been transformed into a molded angel a few weeks ago! The mask incident mentioned in the month before three days ago largely involved the appearance of Natsume Haze.

Simulate a fight between several angels, and then decide who is the strongest!

At the same time, if you want to solve the incident involving Ye Lai Xia Yin, you must first find Ye Lai Xiansheng, and Lin Mo still doesn't know where the latter is now. If he is found, he can completely solve the mystery surrounding Xia Yin. Angel.

This time, even if Ye Lai Xia Yin doesn't say anything, Lin Mo will help to the end. No one can be indifferent to this kind girl, let alone him?

Looking at Lin Mo who was stunned on the spot, Na Yue's fan hit his head and said dissatisfiedly: It's time to come to your senses!

Lin Moping calmed down and said, I probably know the reason. Are you going to let me catch it?

Nangong Nayue looked at Lin Mo in surprise: I didn't expect you to be quite smart! This is my mission to come to you. You won't refuse, right?

Even if you don't tell me, I will still help. Lin Mo smiled.

That's good! If they show up later, Astarut is going to let the people in the commune set off fireworks. Nangong Nayue said to the girl next to him.

Fireworks? Xuecai looked at Lin Mo in confusion.

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