Wattola smiled slightly: He was kidnapped.

Hijacked? Nangong Nayue snorted and said with a gloomy face: Don't pretend to be crazy. It was you who brought the Black Death Emperor Faction and Nalak Bella to Xian Shen Island, right? Otherwise, with the security of Xian Shen Island, Power, why can’t it be found by so many people?”

With something as bizarre as Narakbela, without anyone's help, it's easy for people to become suspicious and try to deceive others. Now the only one who can help is Vatola's cruise ship, the Tomb of the Poseidon!

The internal volume of Poseidon's Tomb is too large, and some celebrities are used as bunkers. No one can find it as long as they deliberately hide it.

What are you talking about? How come I don't know? Vatola still had a pleasant smile, but this smile looked so hypocritical.

Nangong Nayue glanced at Wattola coldly, then turned around and said to Lin Mo.

Let's go! Let's deal with the remaining Nalakbela first. As for the Black Death Emperor faction, I have sent people to keep an eye on them before. Even if the other party has an isolation barrier, they still can't escape my detection.

Lin Mo nodded and said: Without Nalakbela, the other party is just a bunch of scattered sand, which is not enough to be used as evidence.

Nangong Nayue agreed with her face. If she were alone, she would have to waste a lot of time to deal with Nalak Bella, let alone capture the Black Death Emperor faction. Now that Lin Mo has joined, she suddenly feels relaxed. a lot of.

Even the look he was looking at Lin Mo couldn't help but be pleasing to the eye, and he said secretly in his heart.

It seems that the addition of the Fifth True Ancestor to Xian Kami Island is not a bad thing.

As for the Fourth True Ancestor, she had long since forgotten him and gone to the ends of the earth.

As the blue magic circle flashed under Nangong Nayue's feet, the two figures disappeared.

Seeing this, Wattola knew that this incident was coming to an end, and it was time for him to consider leaving.

On the other side, on the plywood of the Poseidon's Tomb, Garde looked at the intercom with a sullen face and said in a solemn voice: How is Xiangami Island doing now?

Everything goes well. Nalakbela has been released and is causing havoc on the streets. The subordinate's voice came from the communicator.

Garde frowned slightly and looked at the war-torn Xian Kami Island from the sea: Did your operation succeed? Can you still catch that little girl?

The little girl that Garde is talking about naturally refers to Lan Yu Qian Cong. Without Lan Yu Qian Cong's cracking program, they could only awaken Nalak Bella, but could not control Nalak Bella.

In the original plan, the other party's existence was an indispensable link, but he didn't expect that Lin Mo could actually save Qian Cong on the plane.

An angry voice came from the communicator, and his subordinate said angrily: There are two people protecting that person, and we can never defeat each other.

Really? Garder's face was expressionless, and no one knew what he was thinking.

It seems that the Sanctuary Treaty cannot be destroyed... There was a hint of gloom in Garder's eyes. If the Sanctuary Treaty cannot be destroyed, the world cannot be plunged into war. This is very different from his original plan.

It seems that the Sanctuary Treaty cannot be destroyed... There was a hint of gloom in Garder's eyes. If the Sanctuary Treaty cannot be destroyed, the world cannot be plunged into war. This is very different from his original plan.

You continue to monitor Gengami Island. There is news to report to me. As soon as Garde finished speaking, the other end of the communicator fell into deathly silence, accompanied by an explosion, which made Garde realize that he My companion is probably doomed.

Sure enough, after the explosion, the voice of the communicator was replaced by another person's voice.

No need to report, you will find him soon.

A violent emotion flashed in Galder's eyes, and he directly crushed the communicator. At this moment, wailing and screaming continued to sound in the distance behind him.

It's bad! Someone...someone rushed in. The orc ran to Garde in panic.

Alone? Galder frowned and waved his hand: Come with me to have a look!

With a sullen face, Garde walked towards the fighting area, where he saw a woman wearing a cheongsam. If Lin Mo were here, he would definitely recognize her identity.

She is none other than Misaki Sasaki, one of the Four Fist Immortals!

In the city of Xian Shen, Lin Mo easily killed several orcs under Garde, and immediately came to Nangong Nayue's side.

Almost solved, right? Lin Mo glanced around. Here, there were not only the bodies of several orcs, but also Nalakbela who collapsed on the ground.

Well! Nangong breathed a sigh of relief that month, looking at the completely destroyed city, he felt a headache: I don't know how long it will take to repair the city. Fortunately, this place is only close to the edge. If it were the center, it would be unimaginable.

... ... ... ... ...

Saying this, he hated the culprit Vatola even more.

Xue Cai and the others should have arrived home safely. Now it's time to deal with the last remaining members of the Black Death Emperor faction. Lin Mo said.

Don't worry, with that woman here, it's enough for them to drink a pot. Although I don't want to admit it, Misaki Sasaki, this idiot, still has some strength. Nangong Nayue said casually.

Lin Mo laughed dumbly. Hearing Nangong Nayue's tone, even though he had seen it before, he still had to sigh, these are indeed a pair of happy enemies!

Let's go! Go to the Poseidon's Tomb. Nangong Nayue was not pretentious, and went to the Poseidon's Tomb with Lin Mo.

When the two figures emerged from the void, although their footsteps were in the air, they did not fall down.

Lin Mo looked down and saw the sparkling sea beneath his feet.

In Lin Mo's field of vision, there was another ship moving forward at a slow speed. It was the luxurious Tomb of Poseidon.

On the Tomb of Poseidon, you can still see several orcs falling to the ground. They fell all the way. The man seemed to have hit him from the stern to the bow of the ship, and there were paralyzed figures all the way down!

Ps: First update, I fell asleep for no reason yesterday, so I’m going to catch up on it. .

497 The Black Death Emperor Faction Incident Ends

Lin Mo looked at the fallen orcs, slowly falling from the sky to the plywood, and said with a helpless smile: It seems that we don't need to appear, Misaki Sasaki can solve the battle alone!

Nangong shrugged that month and put away the sun umbrella: That's the best thing. Let her keep an eye on her here beforehand. It is indeed the right choice. We don't have to work hard anyway.

Lin Mo curled his lips and said, It sounds like you have contributed a lot along the way. Whether it's Nalak Bella or the remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction, it seems like I was the one who solved it, right?

Hearing this, Nangong Nayue glanced sideways at Lin Mo: Do you have any objections?

No. Lin Mo spread his hands and said with an innocent expression, Of course I have no objection.

I'm sorry you don't dare to have any objections. Nangong Nayue raised her head slightly and said proudly.

930 Lin Mo's mouth twitched, his face full of helplessness.

While they were talking, dull pinging sounds were heard from the plywood of Poseidon's Tomb, like the sound of a person hitting a building when being blasted out.

From time to time, you can still hear the sound of shouting and the subtle sound of breaking through the air.

Should we go and take a look? Lin Mo said to Na Yue.

Don't worry, even if that stupid dog can't be beaten, he can still run away. But after all, I came here to help. Nangong Nayue raised his little head, not worried about the safety of Misaki Sasaki.

Isn't this nonsense? If you don't want to help, then why are we here? Looking at the sea to understand life? Lin Mo said with a half-smile but not a smile.

Nangong knocked on Lin Mo's head that month and glared at him fiercely.

The two people immediately walked forward along a straight passage. There were signs of fighting everywhere along the way, and countless orcs fell to the ground.

On the other side, facing Misaki Sasaki, Garde could never defeat him. Misaki Sasaki, even though he was a boxer with extraordinary strength, was said to be hard to beat with four fists, so there was nothing he could do against these orcs.

After all, fighting all the way to now has consumed a lot of energy.

That damn month, why hasn't it come yet? Misaki Misaki cursed and turned his head to avoid Garde's roaring fist, followed by a roundhouse kick, kicking the opponent a certain distance away, and took a breath. Watch them warily.

Galder, who was separated by a certain distance, frowned. To be honest, the opponent was more difficult than he originally expected. Even the orcs, who were famous for their strength, could not compete with the opponent's seemingly weak body.

But fortunately, the opponent's physical strength is not invincible, and using the human sea tactic is enough to defeat the opponent.

Several orcs were scattered on the ground around them, and the only number of people left, including the Garders, was only 5.6.

“Can’t wait any longer 1”

Garde roared, and with a steel-like body, he rushed forward again. The veins in his arms bulged slightly, and his fists were filled with wind. He aimed at Misaki Sasaki's head. Once he took action, he was going to take the opponent's life.

Just as Misaki Sasaki was about to retreat, she found that she was surrounded on all sides and had no way to go. She could only grit her teeth and use her soft and slender hands to cross the bars in front of her to resist Garde's attack.

Just when Garder's attack was about to fall on Misaki Sasaki's arm, two chains seemed to appear out of thin air and struck directly at Garder's back.

When the chains moved, there was a clanging metallic sound. Garde's expression changed. Just as he was about to put away his fists and dodge, it was already too late. The chains tied his body and tightened suddenly. Garder's figure fell straight down.

When the chains moved, there was a clanging metallic sound. Garde's expression changed. Just as he was about to put away his fists and dodge, it was already too late. The chains tied his body and tightened suddenly. Garder's figure fell straight down.


Galder roared angrily, with a ferocious look on his face, and stretched his hands outwards with such force that veins appeared on his face, making him look terrifying like a small snake.

Hmph! Just lie down for me!

A delicate yet majestic voice sounded instantly, and the chain seemed to have heard the order. It was tightened again, and Garde was unable to move on the ground. She was blushing and could not break free no matter what.

Just kidding, the Chain of Commandments is a weapon made by the gods. If someone breaks free of it, then just throw it away. However, Lin Mo is not within this range.

Although the Chain of Commandments is powerful, it is not without its weaknesses. If it encounters the same space control magic as Nangong Nayue, it will be easily avoided.

The speed is also the same... .

After Misaki Sasaki saw Lin Mo and the others, he breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his fists together, and looked maliciously at the orcs who had not fallen down around him. After a rough beating, Lin Mo and the others were the only ones left here.

Misaki Sasaki clapped his hands and said with dissatisfaction to Nangong Nazuki: We agreed to call me to block the Black Death Emperor faction's escape route first, but why did you come so late? It's not interesting!

We are dealing with Nalak Bella in the city, do you think I think so? Nangong Nayue said casually. Besides, with your skills, wouldn't it be easy to take them down?

But you didn't tell me there were so many people! Misaki Sasaki retorted with an aggrieved look.

Tch, it's just unexpected. Nangong turned his head that month.

You feel guilty! You definitely feel guilty! Misaki Sasaki pointed at Nazuki's face and said loudly.

Stupid dog, stop talking nonsense, don't you think you are noisy? Nangong Nayue said impatiently.

Hmph! I still get upset every time I see you! Misaki Sasaki curled her lips.

Okay, stop making trouble. If you want to make trouble, wait until you go back. Lin Mo watched the two beauties, one big and one small, scolding each other over there. He couldn't help but feel like his head was exploding, and he quickly stopped him.

I'm going to give Lin Mo some face today. I'm too lazy to argue with you. Misaki Sasaki said with his hands 4.3 on his hips.

Nangong raised his eyebrows that month, but he didn't stop talking nonsense with Misaki Sasaki. He picked up the phone and dialed the security team members of Genkami Island and asked them to come and lead the dozen or so people here.

With this, the Nalak Bella incident has come to a successful end. Nangong Nayue looked at Lin Mo and said while waiting for the arrival of the security team.

What do you think about Vatola?

I don't think so. Anyway, he has been killed by me once. If there is another chance, I will not give him a chance to resurrect. Lin Mo replied nonchalantly.

Nangong Nayue remained silent, and then sighed slightly: If you kill Wattola, it is likely to attract the attention of the First True Ancestor, so be careful!

Ps: Second update, I’ve been in a bad mood these days, so updates are a bit sparse. .

498 Holy girl, meet again

On the rooftop of Caihai Academy, Lin Mo has always liked to stay here and enjoy the quiet time. After these few days of observation, he finally understood why the protagonists of anime like to run to the rooftop.

Not only does it serve as a warning to pay homage to a man who was hit by a knife, but it also serves as a reminder that the tranquility on the rooftop cannot be experienced in other places.

In addition, the location of Caihai Academy is very good, with good mountains and great scenery. It is a unique choice to have nothing to do here and stay for a few days occasionally.

Today, the tranquility here will be destroyed. Let's say it is destroyed. In fact, a girl who loves archery runs towards him every day. She comes and shoots an arrow when she has something to do. Lin Mo can't rest even if he wants to. Don’t forget to say something.

I won't hand Shelly over to you! You damn pervert must suffer death!

So, on the third day after the girl's arrival, he finally couldn't stand it any longer, grabbed her and gave her a few hard blows on her butt. Not to mention the feeling, everything was peaceful for the past few days, and no one bothered her anymore. His leisure.

21 But today, this leisure is finally disappearing.

Lin Mo looked at Nagisa playing with the cat with a headache, his eyes opened slightly, and he said half-deadly: Nagisa, why are you holding such a box of cats? Do you plan to adopt them?

No, cats are not allowed in my house, and there are too many cats here. Even if I adopt one, it will be of no use. Nagisa looked depressed, looking at these white and tender little cuties in front of him, and couldn't bear it. Turning his head, he looked at Lin Mo pitifully and said.

Why don't you adopt a few of them, Lin Mojun? These little things are very obedient, can you bear to see them exposed on the streets? Nagisa opened his big shining eyes and looked at him with hope.


The cat in the box seemed to have a close connection with Nagisa, and barked at Lin Mo a few times, expressing its cuteness and charm.

Lin Mo raised his brows, waved his hands, and said, I'm tired of cooking every day, and you still expect me to raise them? They can barely raise me.

Are you really not going to think about it? You will definitely not regret it. Nagisa quickly patted his chest and said in assurance.

Lin Mo's head was full of black lines: I don't know how to raise him, you can find someone else!

Hey! Lin Mojun is really useless.

Nagisa muttered, and seeing that Lin Mo couldn't do anything to help him, he started playing with the cat again, ignoring his existence.

When Lin Mo heard this, there were more black lines on his head.


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