Even though Kasuga Sage had seen it before, he still couldn't help but feel horrified.

Seeing Lin Mo rushing over, the White Demon King quickly laid out a magic circle in front of him. The next second, Lin Mo's attack came suddenly, and terrifying shock waves spread out in all directions. The barrier in front of the White Demon King seemed to be in vain, and cracked open under Lin Mo's attack.

Lin Mo's punch hit the White Demon King directly in the face. It seemed like an ordinary punch, but it actually contained amazing power!

The White Demon King underestimated the enemy and thought that the magic circle in front of him was enough to withstand Lin Mo's attack. However, at the most critical moment, he realized that he was so stupid.

The defense was broken, and Lin Mo's punch hit the white devil's body like a sound wave. As the ripples spread in the void, the figure of the white devil flew backwards like a meteor, directly smashing the wall behind him and landing on the ground. After sliding for a while, I stopped.

His face had been blasted into disarray, leaving only half of his body intact.

Is this solved? Kasuga Sheng looked in disbelief. He suddenly felt that his throat was a little dry, and he couldn't help but feel lucky that he didn't conflict with Lin Mo in the first place.

It's not over yet, but it's almost over. Lin Mo smiled lightly.

Before Kasuga Saint could ask any questions, the white minced meat on the white demon king whose face was shattered by Lin Mo in the distance squirmed for a while. It looked extremely disgusting, but the effect was unquestionable. His body could not even survive for two seconds. If not, it will be completely repaired.

As expected of the artificial demon king, his self-healing ability is quite powerful! Lin Mo praised him, but it was so harsh in the ears of the white demon king.

Damn it. The white devil gritted his teeth and looked at him, his pupils flashing with red light.

Don't look at it, I don't have magic power. Lin Mo laughed dumbly.

Kasuga Sage also knew the White Demon King's ability, so he had already made preparations. In the blink of an eye, he arranged the isolation magic.

Kasuga Sage also knew the White Demon King's ability, so he had already made preparations. In the blink of an eye, he arranged the isolation magic.

The white devil, who had suffered a loss of silence, had never expected to be so aggrieved. His face became angry for a while, and then he spread his hands toward both sides, making an embrace gesture.

But in front of the White Demon King, a magic array appeared, covering it layer by layer. Until it was approaching the dark clouds, the magic array's mouth was pointed in the direction of Lin Mo, and the White Demon King's mouth was hanging. He said with a cruel smile: Angry Demon King, as the price for provoking me, let you see my power!

As soon as he finished speaking, the beam of light that destroyed the world instantly spurted out in the direction of Lin Mo. The sky was eclipsed, and the white light became the only main theme here. The void that the beam of light shot through was like a blazing fire. Like a raging flame, it burned the void and kept twisting it.

Well done! Let me see the difference between you and that Demon King candidate! Lin Mo took a step forward, took a deep breath, and the moment the beam of light came, his black pupils shrank. , punched out with his right fist!

···Ask for flowers···· 0

Suddenly the earth shook and the mountains shook. The collision between two huge forces was like the end of the world. The gravel was splashed and a lot of dust was flying. The college behind Lin Mo was like a rickety boat. Under the strong bombardment of the hurricane, All the windows were shattered, and cracks appeared on the walls, making it look like a ruined building.

Kasuga Sheng stared at Lin Mo who collided with the beam of light. What kind of terrifying body and strength must he have to be able to compete with magic? She really couldn't imagine where Lin Mo's limit was.

The collision was neither fast nor short, but the result was obvious. Under Lin Mo's punch, the beam was directly shattered!

0 .. 0

Even the White Devil himself looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, but whether he believed it or not, Lin Mo's figure came to him after the light beam disappeared, so fast that he didn't react. When he came back to his senses, Come, his body is still the same as last time, it was destroyed and it was not like a human being.

This time, the white minced meat still wanted to recover his body like last time, but Lin Mo no longer gave him this chance. The space condensed into a white light spot, which contained terrifying space power. With just a touch of his hand, he could was crushed directly.

It is different from black spots.

The existence of white spots is an attack, while the existence of black spots is based on suction and distortion. If used to describe it, it is roughly the same as the legendary white holes and black holes.

In this case, under the control of Lin Mo, the white light spots were involved in the white devil's body and the squirming minced meat, and were eliminated bit by bit in a form visible to the naked eye...

Ps: Three updates, one more on Monday and two more on Tuesday will be made up on Saturday. The weather suddenly changed. It was more than 20 degrees here yesterday, and now it has soared to more than 10 degrees. The result is obvious. The author is very bitter. Got a cold. .

448 falls, mission accomplished!

Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, are you returning now? The moment Lin Mo killed the white devil, the cold and emotionless system voice also sounded in his mind.

Don't come back yet.

Lin Mo rejected it outright. Just kidding, he hasn't spent enough time with Lilith and the others! How could you go now?

After receiving Lin Mo's answer, the system's voice fell silent again.

After completing the task, the corners of Lin Mo's mouth raised slightly, and he seemed to be in a very good mood.

Although there are still many uncontrollable factors in this world, such as who is the mysterious man who released the White Demon King from the ancient library, and the true strength and identity of the Big Demon Lord and others, etc. These are full of doubts. But these are no longer what he cares about. It would be better to say that he doesn't care.

One Sixty

Anyway, when the soldiers come, the water will be blocked and the earth will cover it up.

But after harvesting two magic books, Lin Mo’s trip was considered worthwhile! Whether it is the world structure of Sora and Illya, or their ability to combine offense and defense, they are very few in this world.

It is the best choice to take it back and leave it to the defenseless Qiong Mei and some people related to him in the forbidden world.

As for what the system will reward in the end, Lin Mo has no idea.

Lin Mo then turned his attention to Kasuga Sheng. Seeing him looking at him blankly, he smiled faintly and said, Stop being so dazed, let's go! Lilith and the others should also kill the Phantom Demon D, so There has been no movement for a long time,


Kasuga Sheng replied dully, looking at the mess all around, his whole body suddenly felt excited, and there was a strong sense of fear in his eyes, as if he was following Lin Mo deliberately to keep a distance.

Why did you stop? Kasuga Sage saw Lin Mo's figure stopped and immediately asked with caution.

No, I just noticed a certain clown! Lin Mo stared at the dark and gloomy sky with his plain eyes, narrowed his eyes, and then said casually.

Clown? Kasuga Sage was puzzled. He followed Lin Mo's line of sight and saw no one. However, the collapse phenomenon in the sky had been resolved with the disappearance of the Demon King. In addition, , and nothing unusual was found.

Lin Mo shook his head and said: Sometimes what you see may not be real. For example, above our heads, you can't see anything with your naked eyes, but in fact there are two people who have been observing the occurrence of tenses.

One of them is the dean of this college, and the other looks quite young. I don't know if she is an old witch or not.

Kasuga Sage looked stunned, Old witch? Are you talking about our dean? The one with pink hair.

What do you think? Lin Mo smiled meaningfully. Under the strange gaze of Kasuga Saint, he picked up a stone and played with it for a few times with interest. Then he stared at the stone in his hand and pointed it towards the sky. Shoot out!


Like an explosion, when it was swung out, a terrifying hurricane was set off. The stone pierced the void like a meteor, and rushed to somewhere in the sky with a sharp and ear-piercing sonic boom.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Kasuga Sage was startled by the sudden loud noise.

Lin Mo did not answer her, but quietly looked at the direction in which the stone flew.


When the stone flew to a very far place, it seemed to hit something. The scene of a magic circle being broken occurred in the distance.

Lin Mo's expression did not change at all, and he said as if mumbling to himself: Sure enough, the distance is still too far? If we were closer, maybe we could beat him down...

Kasuga Sheng smacked her tongue and decisively chose to ignore Lin Mo's words. She was afraid that she would burst into tears.

You know, if you look here, you can only see the crystal fragments left by the shattered magic circle and the powder of stones falling from the void together. If you hold your breath and focus so hard that you can only see a little bit of light, you know How far is it from here to the target Lin Mo is attacking?

If she hadn't had very good eyesight, she might not even be able to see it.

But in this case, Lin Mo was able to accurately capture the opponent's position, and with a stone, she hit with the effect of her full strength. It was so hurtful to one's self-esteem!

There was a hint of helplessness on Kasuga Sage's pretty face... As expected, no one can compare with the man in front of him. He didn't play according to common sense at all!

After thinking about it, Kasuga Sage still asked in confusion: Who is that person?

The person behind this farce... Lin Mo finished speaking calmly and walked towards Lilith and the others.

Kasuga Sheng carefully thought about this sentence, and suddenly her pupils tightened. She understood something immediately, but before she had time to ask, Lin Mo was almost disappearing from her eyes, so she had to stamp her feet to express her helplessness.

When Lin Mo found Lilith and the others, the corridor here had been broken in more than a dozen places and was in dilapidated condition, but the figures of the girls still appeared intact in front of her eyes.

Is it over? Lilith asked softly when she saw Lin Mo walking over. Her voice was like that of a wife waiting for her husband to return. Although she was worried, confidence took up a larger part.

It's over. The opponent's strength is barely okay. Unfortunately, I don't have magic power, so I am destined to be his nemesis. Lin Mo spread his hands and said without interest.

Kasuga Saint, who was following closely, was speechless again when he heard this. Only when he had seen the strength of the Demon King could he know how terrifying the other party was. However, there was still a hint of boredom in Lin Mo's calm tone?

How are things going between you two? Kasuga Sage's face returned to its usual calmness, and he asked Yujie, who was holding a sword at the side.

No problem. Sister Yu simply replied.

Really, that's the best. Kasuga Saint turned to Lin Mo, stared at him with complicated eyes, and said, Since the devil has been eliminated, it's time for us to leave. I hope you can Treat Ilyas’s fragments well.”

Don't worry, I will do it. Lin Mo nodded and said without any falsehood in his voice.

Then let's say goodbye here! Kasuga Sheng didn't intend to talk about his feelings with Illya, so he left directly with Yu Jie.

Ps: First update, let me say it first. I will make up for the updates I owe. I only ask for flower subscriptions and monthly passes. The results are a bit dismal. A new book will be released next week, about daily life in the second dimension. .

449 The end of this world, the beginning of the next world

After Kasuga Sheng and Sister Yu left, the principal of the college came over at the right time and said with a smile: Ah, thank you for your hard work. It's great that all of you are safe! Leave the repairs of the college to us. You can Go back and rest.”

The girls nodded, and Lin Mo didn't bother to say anything. The mission was over anyway, and he wouldn't get into trouble with the academy leader who had been observing secretly.

The gun in Lilith's hand also transformed into Lilim again at the end of the battle, staying very close to Lin Mo.

Oh, right!

The dean suddenly remembered something and said to everyone: The school is being repaired in the past few days. You can go to the island in the south and have fun! I paid for the entire trip by myself, so I am grateful!


Yui's eyes lit up. If they went to the island together, she wouldn't have many opportunities... It's exciting just thinking about it. She definitely can't miss it this time! Yui waved her little crystal fist in her heart to work harder for herself.

Really, this is my reward for you. Dean of School 21 said with a smile.

Are you leaving tomorrow? A flash of light flashed across Yalin's plain eyes.

Of course! said the dean.

Everyone had a happy smile on their face. After all, in this hot summer, it is a very good choice to go swimming or soak in a hot spring.

Lin Mo also smiled slightly. He had never seen Lilith and the others in swimsuits since the last time they saw them. Looking back now, I have to say that they were very charming.

After several people made up their minds, they all went back to their rooms. It is worth mentioning that Lin Mo's room was in disgrace because it was destroyed by the Phantom Demon of D. Therefore, under this situation, Lin Mo had no choice but to look distressed. I ran to Lilith's room and asked her to stay for one night.

As for the borrowing method, it was only realized when Lin Mo coaxed the little loli Lilim into sleeping in the magic book...

Early the next morning, everyone got up quickly. In order not to be noticed, Lin Mo slipped out of Lilith's room beforehand. When everyone gathered, Lilith's rosy face could still be seen.

It's just you guys this time. I've already said hello to you in advance. I wish you a happy time! the dean said boldly.

A few people were in a happy mood. If they were alone, they could have fun! However, they didn't know what to say to Lin Mo, the only man among them.

Even before Mira set off, she took the lead in warning Lin Mo not to peek at them bathing, which was a treaty that was beneficial to the girls. Although Lin Mo listened to it, in fact, it went in one ear and out the other. On the surface, he looked like a gentleman, but secretly no one knew what he was thinking.

The girls were chattering on the plane while casting their beautiful eyes at Lin Mo from time to time.

As long as Lin Mo looked around, he could see that all the people around him were women, and he was the only man surrounded among them. Such a fragrant and heart-warming scene, if other people see it, they will inevitably feel envious and jealous again.

But unfortunately, they are destined not to see it...

Everyone stepped on the golden beach, wearing extremely tempting swimsuits. Under the outline of the swimsuits, one could see their fair and soft skin and exquisite figures.

A breast as thick as white jade. Although it was covered, the turbulent scale was reflected to the maximum extent under the restraints of the swimsuit. The slender and smooth jade legs are exposed, as beautiful and charming as finely carved jade.

Lilith stood tall and graceful in front of Lin Mo, her delicate jade-ying skin could be broken by a blow, and her expression was inevitably a little shy.

Under the sun umbrella, Lin Mo opened one eye slightly, and then his sleepy look suddenly disappeared. He stood up, looked at Lilith from all directions, and made a tsk-tsk sound in his mouth. He couldn't help laughing. Praise.

Sure enough, my wife Lilith looks good in anything she wears.

Who is your wife! Lilith scolded Lin Mo with a blushing face. Although she said this, the happiness on her face was unavoidable.

Hey, while they are playing in the water right now, how about I help you apply sunscreen? I don't want any small blemishes on Lilith's beautiful skin.

Lin Mo's hands naturally wrapped around Lilith's slender waist, pointed at Lilith's ear, blew lightly and said.

Let me go...they are watching. Lilith's voice was extremely small, and her face had already turned red under the series of teasing.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter even if you are seen. It's just a matter of applying sunscreen anyway. Lin Mo's eyes narrowed into slits.

Okay, but don't mess around... Lilith agreed to Lin Mo's proposal under half-hearted push.

The next process was naturally another scene that made everyone blush. When it was about to end, Lilith's face was already red, and her whole body was exhausted and limp on the ground, still uttering vague words. respite.

Lin Mo couldn't help but feel funny. Although he applied oil in the middle, wasn't it just a matter of applying sunscreen? It seems Lilith is still too sensitive!

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