Once you open your petals, it depends on who will be able to pick this white lotus.

Once you open your petals, it depends on who will be able to pick this white lotus.

When a pair of sisters get together, they will have a charm that is difficult to describe in words, especially on this occasion.

Um...Yi Yi, get off me first, I can't see anything! Lin Mo said, holding Yu Yi's hand.

No. Yui shook her head like a rattle, unable to survive.

Lin Mo felt Yu Yi's soft touch and felt helpless for a while. After a while, with the water splashing continuously, he finally got Yu Yi off, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Otherwise, the giant thing that raised its head would It won't be long before he is discovered.

However, no matter how well he hid it, Lilith, who was closest to Lin Mo, still noticed something strange, and she suddenly blushed and dared not look at Lin Mo.

Although others saw Lilith's blushing face, they did not suspect anything. After all, this is a hot spring, and it is normal for the temperature to rise.

Lei Wen was wearing the school's swimsuit and swimming in the hot spring. He didn't care about Lin Mo's farce and had a contented look on his face.

Yaqiou, who had the largest breasts and had the most say here, seemed not to have seen this scene, just looking up and enjoying this rare hot spring trip.

Compared to soaking in a hot spring alone, this feeling seems a little more warm!

After Illya and Kong took a dip in the hot springs, they took the lead in exposing their sparkling feet and walked up. They also breathed a sigh of relief and rested.

In this situation, everyone's spirit was greatly released. However, something unexpected happened. A black sun suddenly appeared, and cracks appeared around the sun. Not only did it look horrifying, Being extremely human can also block the brightness of the bright moon.

Dark magic was continuously released from the sky, and the entire building seemed to be dyed light black. The lights were extinguished, and the entire building fell into deathly silence.

Hey, hey, under such circumstances, the collapse phenomenon would be too out of line! Lin Mo complained.

That's right! Yui also agreed with Lin Mo. She was still thinking about doing something indescribable with Lin Mo after bathing in the hot spring!

Stop talking and go check what happened! After Lilith said that, she started to connect to her library and put on her battle uniform. The other girls also did the same. Only Lin Mo was still slow. Tuntun wears clothes.

After being fully prepared, everyone quickly rushed out of the bathroom.

As an auxiliary magic book, Illya must of course protect her master's safety, so she turned into a ray of light and hung on Lin Mo's body. Only Sora was left outside.

Mother, let me help you! Lilim followed Lilith and said.

Then it's up to you, Realize! As soon as Lilith finished speaking, Lilim disappeared and was replaced by a big gun similar to Barrett's.

At this moment, black liquid dripped down from the ceiling, transforming into monsters...

Ps; one more update. .

445 The Appearance of the White-haired Demon King

When Lilith and the others were about to take action, a white sword flashed suddenly, and a dozen monsters in front of them were killed in an instant without any resistance.

A royal sister held a long sword and landed in front of everyone like lightning. The speed was dizzying. There was still a way to swing the sword in her hand. Only Lin Mo and Lei Wen narrowed their eyes. Look at the figure in front of you.

Lei Wen was very familiar with this person, and the same was true for Lin Mo. He knew the identity of the person the moment he arrived.

One of the three people I saw at night before I returned to the academy a few days ago! One was a white-haired girl, and although the other two had their faces hidden under black robes, their unique auras could not fool him, so he determined the identity of this person.

Lei Wen stared closely at the imperial sister holding a long sword in front of him, and said calmly: Lugu, what do you want to do here? There was a sense of tension in her voice, which can be seen from here. , the relationship between the two is not particularly good.

The royal sister named Lu Gu glanced at Lei Wen and said: Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to fight with you. Even if I want to fight, you are still not my opponent. I'm just here to see the person next to you. Human. Sister Yu said calmly, even though she killed a dozen monsters in an instant, her breath was still stable.

Lei Wen turned his head and saw that Lin Mo was beside him. However, he did not give way and said calmly: What happened in the past is in the past. It doesn't mean you can defeat me now.


Sister Yu's face sank, and she almost waved the hand on the knife, but she still endured it, because she knew that if she did it, the person next to Lei Wen would not be a vegetarian.

Okay, you stand down first and I'll talk.

A blue figure suddenly landed in front of Sister Yu and waved.

Sister Yu nodded, took a step back, and took on the role of guard. Once there were monsters that reappeared around her, she could kill them with the power of thunder.

Lei Wen sensed the blue figure and knew that he was invincible, so he had no choice but to hand this place over to Lin Mo.


The magic book on Lin Mo's neck exclaimed, feeling very uneasy.

Long time no see, Illya, I'm still free. Kasuga Sheng smiled slightly.

Yes! We haven't seen each other for a long time. I didn't expect to meet on this occasion. Sora said helplessly.

Don't worry, I'm not here to be your enemy. I have something to discuss with your master this time. After Kasuga Sage finished speaking, his eyes were fixed on Lin Mo.

Long time no see, this is the first time I appear in front of you in this posture. Kasuga Saint said gently. Although it was another face of hers that appeared last time, the overall appearance is still similar to now. Lin Mohe clearly identified the person coming.

Long time no see, this is the first time I appear in front of you in this posture. Kasuga Saint said gently. Although it was another face of hers that appeared last time, the overall appearance is still similar to now. Lin Mohe clearly identified the person coming.

Indeed...Long time no see. Lin Mo nodded slightly as an answer.

Do you know her? Kong said in surprise when he saw the two of them.

We met once before. Although it was unpleasant, we still got to know each other. Lin Mo smiled.

Yes, I have something to tell you this time. I wonder if you are interested. Kasuga Sage recalled the last time the two met, and he was not angry. In fact, he could not get angry, but was calm. said.

Is he the white-haired demon king who was sealed in the ancient library? Lin Mo said as if he had expected it.

You already know? Kasuga Saint said in surprise. Only Lilith and the others were still confused.

Well, can you tell me how the white-haired devil found me? Lin Mo asked with interest. You must know that it is completely different from the original work. There is no longer a candidate for the devil, and there are already many things. was quietly changed.

I don't know about this. Kasuga Sheng frowned slightly, paused, and continued: ¨. Although I don't know how the other party found you, but the other party must have come prepared. You defeated the Demon King candidate, so his target should now be focused on you.

Just in time, I want to find him too! Lin Mo raised a smile.

Are you looking for him? Kasuga Sheng was startled, and then thought of Lin Mo's powerful strength, and couldn't help but feel relieved. It seemed that his worries were unnecessary.

Since you are trying to catch his attention, I will also help you. Although the White Demon King is man-made, his strength cannot be underestimated. He is only stronger than the real Demon King candidate. He has been around for hundreds of years! Kasuga Sage reminded.

He is very strong. Am I going to use my true strength? Lin Mo smiled meaningfully. Last time, he was unable to kill the Demon King because of the interference of world consciousness. Now, there is no world consciousness. He didn't believe that he was still the same as Xiao (Zhao Zhao) Qiang, who couldn't kill him even after a few punches from him.

Then I won't say anything more. Besides, he has the ability to take away the magic power of anyone he sees. Kasuga Saint's frown relaxed.

Capture magic power? Lin Mo sneered, shook his head and said nothing more.

Hey, hey, pay attention, a big guy is coming!

Yaqiou suddenly felt something. As soon as he finished speaking, a strong wave rippled in the void. With a bang, the surrounding windows were shattered, and the crystal fragments fell to the ground like confetti.

Ps: 1/4, there were originally three updates scheduled for Sunday, but only one was updated. I was too dizzy last night and fell asleep first, so I will make up for the old rule of 4 updates today. .

446 The explosive contest

After the glass broke, everyone quickly looked out the window. In the sky, a monster with blue light suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

It has a huge body like a mantis, with two sharp scythes with a sharp light, and a pair of wings on its back. A magic power that is more powerful than other monsters gradually emanates from its body.

That's...D's Phantom Demon! The designated magical beast sealed in the ancient library. How did it escape? Mira said with a surprised look on her face.

I can feel the breath of the treasure. Someone must have released it. Sister Yu glanced at the monster and frowned slightly.

That's it. Everyone suddenly realized. There are not many treasures that can break the seal of the long-standing library, but it is not impossible. Thinking back to the conversation between Lin Mo and Kasuga Sheng, it seems that someone must have deliberately sabotaged it!

I just don’t know who this person is…

Lin Mo, leave this to us. You go to the White Demon King first! Lilith said softly at this time. She also wanted to share some of the pressure for Lin Mo. Although she couldn't intervene in the war between them, D's Phantom Demon It can still compete with 657.

In that case, I'll leave it to you. Just in case, Kong, Illya and you two stay here. Lin Mo didn't want Lilith to feel like a useless vase, so he agreed. In addition, there are people like Mira, Yui, and Yalin who can be said to be the top experts here, so there won't be much of a problem.

Don't worry, little brother. Teacher Lilith's safety is with me. When you come back from defeating the devil, I will let you see a complete teacher Lilith! Yaqiu patted his chest, looking confident. said.

Jacio, do you think this is a flag? Mira teased.

Really? I really didn't pay attention. Yaqiou laughed hahaly. Although he said that, everyone was not worried about whether they could win the Phantom Demon of D.

Lin Mo knew that they would definitely win, so he felt relieved.

Dad, please be careful. Lilim's worried voice came from the weapon.

You too, Lilim. Lin Mo smiled slightly, and then said to the magic book that he had contracted with: Song, Illya, their safety (cbbg) will be left to you two. Kasuga Sage, take me to the White Demon King!


Kasuga Sheng responded, and the two figures ran quickly. The monsters they encountered along the way did not even get within five meters of them, and were directly killed by Lin Mo's space ability from a distance.

This special power once again impressed Kasuga Sage.

Soon, the two came to a relatively wide place, where they could see the black sun in the sky at a glance.

In the distance, a white figure stood here, with a mask covering half of his face, and his white hair fluttering in the direction of the breeze.

He is the White Demon King. Kasuga Sheng said nervously. No one can remain calm when facing a powerful opponent.

But for Lin Mo, the White Demon King was just an opponent who was stronger than the ants, so he didn't look like a battle at all, and he looked completely lazy.

I heard that you were the one who defeated the Demon King candidate? The White Demon King stared at Lin Mo indifferently, with arrogance and disdain in his tone.

Even if it is... so what? Who are you? Lin Mo said with interest.

Even if it is... so what? Who are you? Lin Mo said with interest.


The white devil's face turned cold, and he came to the opposite side not far away from Lin Mo in a trance, saying: I don't understand how a person like you without any magic power can defeat the devil candidate. Could it be that the opponent is already weak? To the point where you can’t beat even a mortal?”

Lin Mo curled his lips. Are all the current enemies the same as Chuunibyou? One mouthful of a mortal. There is a saying that goes well, if I just watch you pretending to be cool like this, if you scare me, then I lose!

However, Lin Mo guessed wrong. The demon kings had their own arrogance. They didn't care about inquiring about the enemy's situation at all, so they mistakenly thought that Lin Mo was an ordinary person.

However, even though the White Demon King said this, there was still a trace of caution hidden under his proud head. From this point of view, it is still worthy of praise.

Magic power sometimes cannot represent a person's intuitive combat effectiveness. Lin Mo said slowly.

What a shame! A dangerous red light flashed in the white devil's red pupils.

If that's the case, then let me teach you a lesson, but the price is your life! Lin Mo was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party. With a thought, he controlled the space around the White Demon King, and said with a heavy voice Press it down.


In the area around the White Demon King, the ground collapsed, and the gravity also soared to more than ten times that of the outside world at this moment.

The White Demon King frowned slightly, put away his arrogance, and said solemnly: I admit that you are qualified to be my opponent, but just because of this, you still underestimate me!

The magic power on the white devil suddenly erupted, dyeing the sky red like a vast ocean, and the gravity around him disappeared in an instant. In this case, Kasuga Sheng's body tensed, and then her expression changed drastically, because the magic power in her body was constantly being lost. If this continued, she would have no choice but to let the other party slaughter her.

The White Demon can not only absorb the opponent's magic power through his pupils, but can also actively drain the opponent's magic power! If it weren't for Lin Mo being here, Kasuga Sage might have used his last strength to escape.


However, during this period of thoughts in Kasuga Saint's mind, an energy composed of pure magic power gathered together and suddenly fell from all directions in the sky like arrows of light!

Kasuga Saint's face turned pale with fright, and the arrow light directly cut through the void. Mixed with the fierce roar was a huge powerful impact!

“Bang bang bang!!!”

There were constant explosions on the ground. As if Lin Mo had never seen anything before, he stretched out his hand and spread a transparent space energy shield around him.

The white devil's attack would automatically explode when it was two meters above Lin Mo, without even injuring the two of them.

Kasuga Saint looked around blankly, because here, he could only see indiscriminate attacks, but nothing else.

This phenomenon lasted for more than ten seconds before stopping! The ground had been completely destroyed, but the figures of Lin Mo and Kasuga Sheng were still intact...

Ps: 2/4. .

447 The Destruction of the White Demon

Oh? I didn't expect you to survive such a big explosion. It is worthy of praise. The white devil looked at the two figures and said with an expression of surprise.

A painless attack like yours is far worse than the Demon King candidate. Lin Mo shook his head, bending his waist slightly, and his body was like a tiger ready to go, shooting suddenly. out!


At the same time as Lin Mo's figure shot out, the ground suddenly exploded, gravel flew everywhere, and a spiderweb-shaped pit caught Kasuga Sheng's eyes. She seemed to feel a vibration in the ground she stepped on.

What a terrifying power!

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