Hey, you guys came just in time, I was just about to seduce the master! The silver-haired Loli shamelessly pushed Lin Mo on the body and pushed him onto the bed. Then, her weak body pressed down and fell down. Lin Mo's body showed an ambiguous posture of a woman on top and a man on top.


When has Mira seen such a scene? She often talked about the words 'purify evil', but when she actually encountered this scene, she didn't know what to do. Her face even turned slightly red because of the silver-haired loli's bold movements.

Jacquio laughed out loud after seeing Mira's shy expression, and said, You must be more merciful, my general is very thin-skinned.

Oh? On the same level as Lilith? Kong, who was lying on Lin Mo, asked with interest.

Absolutely! Yaqiou put his hands on his hips and smiled on his face.

Song, you better get off me first! Lin Mo patted the silver-haired Loli's back and said quietly. He could already feel something beneath him raising its head shamefully. If it continued like this, he would be embarrassed! So I had to hold back my comfortable feeling and said.


Why can't Lin Mo feel the strangeness in his body? She, who was usually carefree, blushed for a rare moment, then quickly opened her calf wrapped in black stockings and stepped back from Lin Mo's body. Previously, because their bodies were close to each other, Lin Mo had a strange feeling, and she naturally felt it too.

But she hid it well and was not discovered by others.

But she hid it well and was not discovered by others.

After being liberated, Lin Mo quickly sat up straight and suppressed the fire in his heart. At this time, Mira and Jacquio also walked in front of Lin Mo.

After Mira recovered from the blushing state just now, she bit her lower lip and said, I didn't expect that you wouldn't even let go of the magic book, and you would also do some shameless things...

I am passive, do you believe it? Lin Mo heard this, blinked his big eyes, and said with an innocent face.

I believe you are the only one who has a ghost! Mira looked at Lin Mo with contempt.

Hey, Master once said that my body is very weak! The silver-haired Loli who separated from Lin Mo suddenly became mischievous and said something to add fuel to the fire.

Lin Mo turned his eyes and glared at her with a ferocious expression.

If you continue to speak ill of me, hehe, if you fall into my hands, you don't have to think about the consequences, right? Lin Mo stopped pretending to be pure and finally exposed his true nature.

Consequences? Let me tell you, I really don't know! Loli blinked her eyes, with a wicked smile on her lips.

You'll know then!

Lin Mo said meaningfully. Then he glanced at a certain location on the silver-haired Loli's body, and there was a faint water stain there. If you don't look carefully, you can't really see clearly.

Feeling Lin Mo's gaze, Kong suddenly blushed. She finally knew what the strange feeling was before.

Although the silver-haired lolita was transformed from a magic book, she was essentially no different from an ordinary woman. Once stimulated, it will naturally manifest itself in an alternative way like other women.

So after a period of time, Lin Mo no longer treated Sora differently from other girls as he did at first, but truly treated her as a person.

Haha, you guys are really interesting! No wonder the general is so curious about you. Yaqiou said with a hearty laugh like a big sister. She didn't realize at all that her words made Mira feel even more embarrassed.

what are you talking about!

Mira blushed and said loudly.

Am I wrong? Yaqi retorted.

After seeing Lin Mo staring at her, Mira quickly waved her hand and explained with a red face, Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious about your strength and abilities.

Lin Mo nodded and smiled. He didn't think about it that way. After all, he did have a lot of abilities.

Especially having such great strength without choosing a research topic. It’s already very curious in itself, so it’s inevitable that Mira would think so.

Lilith, Yalin and others also asked Lin Mo this question, but every time at this time, he found an excuse to excuse it. It was better not to mention the existence of the system. And naturally they would not be stupid enough to force Lin Mo to tell him. Just asking out of female curiosity! After all, they are still dominated by Lin Mo, and they definitely don't want to leave any bad influence.

Ps: This chapter took me two and a half hours to write, and it took almost three hours to finish. I was really helpless. From now on, Sora will be called the silver-haired lolita. The name Sora is the name of the protagonist in Game of Life. It would be bad if he crashes into a car. In some welfare situations, T, T cannot be written. I can only write a little bit and cover it all in one stroke. .

425 Lilith’s Admiration

At night, Lilith opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was her quilt with a strange smell and the white ceiling. After panicking for a few seconds, he looked around and looked at where he was now. Scenes flashed through his mind like a movie.

She didn't know what she thought of, her delicate face turned a touch of pink, and her whole body seemed to be immersed in a very wonderful state. The curve of the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, revealing a sweet smile. Turning his head to look at Lin Mo's profile, there was even more deep attachment in his eyes.

The blue pupils were staring at his figure tightly, as if he was a piece of wood, not leaving even an inch, as if he would not let go for a second. This situation did not end until Lin Mo spoke.

you're awake?

Lin Mo suddenly felt a line of sight behind him, ended the conversation with Mira, turned around with a smile, and looked at Lilith who was getting up.

Hmm... Lilith nodded lightly like a little bird.

Mira looked surprised at this moment. She suddenly felt that Lilith was different from before. Even she couldn't tell what the specific changes were.


After thinking for a few seconds, a light flashed in Mira's eyes. She finally understood why Lilith was different now from her past.

Change of attitude in character!

Normally, if Lilith talks to a person of the opposite sex, she will subconsciously reject her! This was not done deliberately, but was cultivated by Lilith's way of treating the opposite sex over a long period of time.

Anyone who is familiar with Lilith in the academy can hear the strangeness inside.

But now Lilith seems to have suddenly determined her goal, no longer escaping, and she has never even shown a secretive attitude.

A simple response to Lin Mo's words was filled with feelings of dependence. It was as if the two were born to be a couple, with no gap at all!

Thinking of this, Mira's eyes changed when she looked at Lin Mo. She seemed to be curious about what kind of charm could make this serious teacher Lilith fall in love with him so much.

What are you talking about?

Lilith opened her pink lips and looked at Lin Mo tenderly. At this moment, his expression was as gentle as water. Even Lin Mo had indescribable feelings when he saw this expression.

Lin Mo's actions before she fell asleep deeply touched her heart, making this inexperienced 17-year-old girl as sweet as eating candy. Let me ask you, when can you be more satisfied than that moment?

Lin Mo, on the other hand, was still a little overwhelmed by Lilith's transformation, but at this time, he obviously knew what to do and smiled.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, was still a little overwhelmed by Lilith's transformation, but at this time, he obviously knew what to do and smiled.

I was talking to Mira about the four major magic academies. How about you, Lilith, how are you resting? If you are too tired, don't force yourself too much. After all, you still have to teach every day...

When Lilith heard this, she felt moved in her heart. Her beautiful eyes flashed with strange light, and she said softly: I'm fine. I'm going to leave the day after tomorrow, so I have to make some preparations.

Seeing Lin Mo's conversation between you and me, Mira and Yaqiu on the side couldn't get a word in, so they could only say aggrievedly: I suddenly remembered that there was something else, so we left first. If you still have any questions that you don’t understand, you can come to us tomorrow.”

Before leaving, Jacquiou blinked: Since the boss has spoken, we will leave first. By the way, I wish you a good night. After Jacquiou said this , couldn't help laughing.

Mira and Lilith's faces turned red in unison.

Lilith gave Lin Mo an angry look, as if she was blaming him for saying something that made her blush and heartbeat despite so many people around her. But if Lin Mo was asked to take back his previous words now, Lilith would definitely be the first to disagree. It can be said to be a contradiction.

Mira was like a bereaved dog, and Jacquiou ran away dejectedly, leaving only Lin Mo and Lilith in the room. As for the little Loli Kong on the side, she looked at them with a playful face.

¨` Just think that I don't exist. The silver-haired loli sat on the bed, kicking her legs, looking like she was watching a good show.

Lin Mo curled his lips: Children, adults, please don't interrupt. Go back to the magic book first!

Tsk, tsk, as expected, are you two going to do something bold? the silver-haired loli said with a giggle.

After Lilith heard what the silver-haired Loli said, her face became hot and she almost didn't dare to look directly into the eyes of the silver-haired Loli.

How is that possible! Lin Mo continued with a righteous look; Am I like that kind of person?

Aren't you that kind of person? Loli said scornfully, Since the master has asked me to go back, I (Liao Nuo) will go to bed first. Don't worry, I won't be in the magic book. I'm spying on you. The silver-haired loli patted her chest and said confidently. Then it turned into a magic book and fell on the table beside it, settling down. It seemed to have entered a dormant period without making any sound.

Lin Mo secretly slandered me, why did I end up having an affair with Lilith...

Is that called adultery? That’s called fair and aboveboard! Just talk about love, talk about love, and do something to benefit mankind when necessary.

I haven't done anything shameful, so why do everyone think of me so dirty?

Lin Mo shook his head and stopped thinking too much. Since the light bulb Sora had disappeared, he had to seize this rare opportunity!

Ps: Please subscribe. .

426 Interference

Two days passed in a blink of an eye. During this period, although many wonderful things happened, the final step with Lilith was still not completed.

It's not that Lilith is unwilling, but that Lin Mo doesn't want to worry Lilith at this point. After all, a woman's first time is always accompanied by a strong sense of discomfort. If she encounters any danger during a mission, physical reasons will definitely cause inconvenience in movement.

For various reasons, Lin Mo gave up calmly. After all, he still didn't want to see this happen to Lilith.

At the same time, before setting off, he made a space mark on Lilith, so that no matter how far away he was, he could reach her in an instant.

The same goes for Mira and others, so they must be prepared.

Anyway, he was not in a hurry, he would finish the task first.

Moreover, it doesn't mean that nothing has been accomplished. At least the erotic scene that happened when he was in the hot spring with the girls yesterday made him satisfied and the regret in his heart was slightly reduced.

Even if he failed to make 647 to the final step, he had almost taken advantage of it. After returning from this mission, he would do what he should do and what he shouldn't do, and then pull the trigger. Wouldn't it be a blessing to have sex with a silver-haired lolita?

On the day of departure, Lin Mo followed Lilith to the room the dean had mentioned, and immediately saw the dean who had been waiting here.

The other party turned around, showed his white teeth, and said, Are you here? How was your play yesterday? Were you happy?

Lin Mo glanced at Lilith beside him and said leisurely: Thanks to you, I really had a lot of fun.

Haha, that couldn't be better. Only when you are energetic can you be prepared for the next battle, don't you think so, Mr. Lin Mo? the principal raised his eyebrows and said with a mean look.

You're right. Lin Mo smiled lightly. He moved his eyes away from the head of the cafe and looked at the surrounding environment. The first thing that caught his eye was the shockingly huge building in front of him. It seems as if the entire room is centered around this building.

The surrounding walls are circular and shaped like a huge clock. On both sides of the wall, there are gear-like things. Several small red firelights form a circle on the wall like embellishments. Adds a different sense of beauty.

Sometimes the gears rotate slightly and make a mechanical sound of friction.

The only thing that is different from a clock is that it does not have an hour hand. What it does have is just a pointer-like existence fixed on the wall.

The only thing that is different from a clock is that it does not have an hour hand. What it does have is just a pointer-like existence fixed on the wall.

On its ground, there is a special symbol, and at the same time, in the sky corresponding to the symbol, there is a spider web-like design, with occasionally a few bright lights projected from above.

When Lin Mo looked up, the light was gone, and only a constructed virtual image existed, and that was the goal of everyone's trip.

Are you all ready? If you are, please stand in the center. The dean said, pushing up his glasses.

You can go at any time! Yaqiu said impatiently, rubbing his palms together. Lin Mo and others stood in the center without any objection.

Then... get ready to leave now! I hope you can return safely. The principal nodded, his expression suddenly became serious, and he activated the magic circle.

Above the magic circle, the roulette wheel was rotating rapidly, and the image in the sky became clearer. At first, the ground where everyone was standing was very stable, but at the critical moment when the machine started, the ground suddenly shook violently. , making a rumbling sound like an earthquake.

This is?!

The dean looked at the sky solemnly. At this time, the originally constructed picture was rapidly falling apart, and it would not take long before it would fall apart.

Ominous atmosphere! Mira looked at the scene in front of her and said in horror.

Lin Mo felt that the space around him was starting to become chaotic, and his face was not particularly good-looking. He quickly grabbed Lilith's hand and shouted loudly: If you don't want to fall into the time gap, stand next to me. Someone is forcibly interfering with space transfer!

At the critical moment, Yaqi Omila didn't care about anything and came directly to his side. Lin Mo stretched out his hand, and a space shield directly protected them.

After doing all this, Lin Mo turned to look at the dean and said calmly: What can you do, dean? If I want to transfer my spatial ability to the destination, I must go to that place.

Don't worry! With my dignity blocked, I will definitely be able to send you there safely. Although there is some deviation in the coordinates, with your strength, protecting them should not be a problem. The head of the academy said tightly. Staring at the sky closely, at this moment, a strong sense of confidence emerged, and at the same time, blue magic arrays lit up on his hands.

As the words fell, the windows above everyone's heads quickly burst open, a dazzling white light enveloped the entire room, and everyone's figures disappeared immediately...

Ps: In the next world, there will be a bloody attack. From now on, there will be 2 updates every day. I only ask for flowers, monthly tickets and rewards. .

427 unknown place

As their vision was shrouded in white light, everyone's figures quickly disappeared in place, and the magic circle used to transfer them at the beginning also collapsed at the moment they disappeared.

Not only that, under the strong interference, the entire room collapsed over time and became a ruin. Only the intact figure of the dean emerged from it.

But even so, his body was made gray and embarrassed, which did not fit in with his past image.

On the other side, the sky gradually became darker and darker, and the whole world seemed to have been stripped of color, leaving only a lifeless scene.

There is dust brought by gun smoke everywhere. As the white light faded, a silent building quickly appeared in front of everyone.

The quiet and eerie atmosphere pressed down on them like a heavy hammer. It's like being shackled here, and a heavy feeling in my heart, a sense of disharmony, arises spontaneously.

The air was turbid, and the forests in the distance were forcibly dyed gray. Everywhere was full of weirdness, just like ancient ruins, without any life at all.

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