Ps: Please subscribe. In preparation for the next world, there are blood-devouring attacks, the last big devil, the sword dance of the elf, and so on. .

422 Investigating the Disappeared Demonic Academy

When Lei Wen was about to continue teasing Teacher Lilith, two clear bells suddenly sounded on the radio, and the broadcaster's voice gradually sounded: Classmate Lin Mo, Teacher Qianjian Lilith, after hearing this, please call immediately Come to the principal’s office.”

Repeat, classmate Lin Mo, teacher Qian Jian Lilith, after hearing this, please come to the principal's office immediately.

Tch, it's just at this time.

Lei Wen curled his lips slightly and gave up the urge to tease Teacher Lilith. On the other hand, Lin Mo and Lilith looked at each other in disbelief, neither of them understood why the dean wanted to find them.

You guys chat, Lilith and I went there first. As for the matter of living together, let's talk about it next time! Although I really want to agree, other people have big opinions on me! If we continue to argue like this, I'm afraid we won't all have to live together. My room has been hit. Lin Mo said with a headache on his face.

Okay! Then I'll wait for you to come back! Just in time, I can also go to see the college and see what changes have happened in the past few days since I left. By the way, let's go see Selina! After all, I have to apologize properly. Lise smiled slightly.

Then I'll accompany you! Lei Wen said worriedly. She didn't dare to let an unknown factor like Lisey mess around.

As for Yuyi and Yalin, they were waiting quietly in Lin Mo's room. Occasionally studying magic is all they have in their daily lives.

On the road, Lin Mo and Lilith were silent, and a strange atmosphere surrounded them. Until Lilith grabbed her skirt and said with a somewhat coy expression.

What happened just now...

What are you talking about? Lin Mo looked at her with a half-smile.

Just now...I... Lilith blushed and muttered softly. The sound was intermittent, as small as a mosquito, and if you didn't lean your head carefully to listen, you couldn't hear it at all.

Even Yi Lin Mo couldn't hear what Lilith was saying at all, but when he saw her red face, he could probably guess it.

A smile appeared on Lin Mo's lips, and he stretched out his hand to lift the hair on Lilith's forehead; Let her let go of what happened before!


Lilith hummed slightly, her face turned red, and she lowered her head, looking a little restrained like a little girl. There was a touch of unmistakable joy in her eyes, and her inner joy filled her heart like a hundred flowers blooming.

But, Teacher Lilith's figure is incredible! Lin Mo suddenly praised her.

Lilith glanced at him angrily: Well... I promised not to mention it!

She said this in almost the loudest voice she could say now, and one can imagine the shyness in her heart. But when he heard Lin Mo praising himself, he couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Every woman wants the man she likes to praise her, and Lilith is no exception.

Yes, I won't mention the head office anymore! Lin Mo waved his hand and said with a smile.

When Lilith saw this, a slight smile appeared on her lips, and she felt very happy.

The two of them quickly arrived at the principal's office and found that Mira and Jacquie had been waiting for a long time.

The two of them quickly arrived at the principal's office and found that Mira and Jacquie had been waiting for a long time.

You two are here.

Since the first time he came to the college and met the dean, Lin Mo didn't have much communication with him for a period of time. But regardless of this, there is no doubt about the strength of this principal, and a faint coercion always exudes inadvertently.

Although his expression was a little careless, the glints in his eyes made this person increasingly unfathomable.

President, do you have anything to do with us? Lin Mo asked calmly. No matter how powerful the other party is in the original work, it is not enough to arouse any awe in him. To deal with him, one punch is enough!

It was just because the two of them had no essential conflict that they attacked each other. What's more, Lin Mo's joining is also something he is happy to see, after all, the combat power is there.

The dean folded his hands together and supported his chin firmly. The red eyes hidden under the lenses glanced at the two people and said.

It's like this. Actually, I want you to temporarily join the reviewing officer seat. How about it? the dean said with a smile. There was suddenly a strange look in his eyes. Although it was well hidden, Lin Mo still caught it.

··0Request flowers·····

Lin Mo didn't even need to think about it, he knew why the dean did this. It was no surprise that he was so powerful! As long as it is tied to a boat, it will naturally be beneficial to him as the dean.

Let him join the second seat of the reviewing officer? Wouldn't the principal of the college think about it? Mira was startled when she heard this and couldn't help but ask.

Of course, this is a conclusion I came to after careful consideration. Moreover, with him here, I can complete the task very well, right? The previous results are obvious to all. The dean said with a smile.

That said, being a review officer is not such a simple job. Mira insisted on her point of view.

........ 0

So, Teacher Lilith has joined us as the surveillance officer. How about it, there should be no problem now, right? the principal spread his hands and said with a smile.

The most important thing is that the place I want you to go to this time will not be too safe for Mira and Yaqiu alone. I feel much more relieved when Lin Mo joins me. The principal said while looking at the few people.


Jacquio looked at the dean's suddenly serious face out of curiosity. What is it about this place that makes this dean become so serious? He even did not hesitate to let Lin Mo join in order to protect their safety.

The place I asked you to go to is one of the three major magic academies that has been confirmed to have completely disappeared a few days ago, Wangli Book Demon Academy. The departure time is set for the day after tomorrow. Before that, please ask Teacher Lilith to do it for Lin Mojun. Some of the most basic knowledge of magic. The dean of the academy said solemnly.

I understand. Lilith, who was standing with Lin Mo, nodded. Although Lin Mo's strength may not require these, it is better to have some basic things said than not to say them.

Moreover, now there is a reason to stay with Lin Mo, right? Lilith suddenly thought of something, her face turned red, and she glanced at her furtively, her expression was really cute...

Ps: Please subscribe, I will post a vote in advance for the next world, Blood Devouring Attack, God Killer, etc. .

423 Lilith’s Enlightenment

After returning to the dormitory, Lin Mo stretched, looked at Lilith who was silent and said with a smile, Why did you stop talking all of a sudden?

No...I'm just thinking about how I can teach you well. After all, the dean has said that I will be your exclusive tutor these two days. Lilith pursed her lips, looking very confused.

Actually, it doesn't have to be that troublesome. Just teach me whatever you want! Lin Mo lay down on the bed and said nonchalantly.

In that case, do you want me to give you some advice? Loli girl Sora suddenly ran out of the magic book and said with a smile.

It is you!

Startled by the sudden sound, Lilith breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the petite figure clearly, and then said curiously.

Altia's codex, do you have any ideas 910?

Of course! Since you two are alone in a room now, it would be more appropriate to do something directly. The silver-haired Loli had an evil smile on her lips.

Do something...

Lilith's face turned red instantly, as if she was thinking of somewhere again.

Hey, hey, don't misunderstand me! I mean, why don't you just tell Lin Mo some knowledge now? There happens to be something that needs you to demonstrate, and I can use your magic by the way. Come and demonstrate, won't you kill two birds with one stone? the silver-haired Loli said with a giggle. Then his eyes narrowed slightly.

Or do you really expect to do that kind of thing? Don't worry! I won't disturb you in the middle.

Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he suddenly stood up from the bed, looking expectantly at Lilith's shy gaze. Lilith, if you expect it, it's not impossible for me to agree.

Only a ghost would want to do something like that! Lin Mo, you are not serious at this time. Lilith turned her head and pouted.

Is Teacher Lilith serious? After all, your library is full of lust! Isn't this kind of thing what you expect? And if the target is Lin Mo, you must agree in your heart, right? ? The silver-haired loli chuckled, fearing that the world would not be in chaos.

do not talk...

After being exposed the little secret she had been avoiding, Lilith blushed and covered her head.

Hey, when the time comes, the fiery teaching plus the wet training will definitely be a very exciting lesson! Loli said with emotion.

Ahem. Lin Mo choked and glared at her fiercely, while the latter blinked innocently.

Well, Lilith, don't take what she said to heart. Just take it as a joke. Lin Mo looked at Lilith squatting on the ground with her hands covering her face, and the corners of her mouth twitched twice.

I see……

Lilith suddenly took a deep breath and stood up with a calm face. She looked like two different people from the shy look before, and Lin Mo looked at her in confusion.

If Lin Mojun really thinks so, I...I can't... Lilith bit her lips and said words that made Lin Mo spurt blood.

Even Lolicon's eyes widened as she looked at Lilith in front of her, feeling full of admiration in her heart. As the world knows, she just wanted to tease Lilith, but she didn't expect that the other party would actually think about it.

Who knows how much Lilith's mood fluctuated in these few seconds. .

Seeing the two people looking at her in disbelief, Lilith's face turned red again, losing her previous calmness, and she spoke in a small voice.

Seeing the two people looking at her in disbelief, Lilith's face turned red again, losing her previous calmness, and she spoke in a small voice.

Of can't do that kind of extreme thing...

You can't do that kind of thing... In other words, apart from that thing, have you really agreed to any of my requests? Lin Mo said with a look of disbelief.


Lilith nodded her head twice like a meter.

This was the first time Lin Mo saw Lilith say this, and he couldn't help but feel a little alienated. But to actually do anything, it is definitely impossible.

The current scene clearly does not look like something to be done. Even these words Lilith said only fully reflected Lin Mo's status in her heart.

Chun Sui was so stimulated by Sora that she said it out loud...

But he dared to say it boldly in front of Lin Mo, which means that the day when he will be truly taken down is not far away. If you are moved by emotion, it will naturally grow into a beam. There is no need to rush.

After thinking about this clearly, Lin Mo suppressed the desire aroused by Kong and said... 0

Let's discuss this matter next time! It's not urgent anyway. The task now is to tell me about the three major magic academies. After all, we will leave the day after tomorrow.

That's right...then, let's start now!

Lilith secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just as Lin Mo thought, she was not prepared. Shan Cun said these words just to prove it to herself.

A strange light flashed in the silver-haired Loli's eyes, and she murmured in her heart: It seems that my master is not as bad as he thought!

Lin Mo didn't know what Kong was thinking, but listened carefully to Lilith's teaching.

After Lilith saw what was happening in front of her, the good impression in her eyes became even stronger.

The afternoon passed quickly.

In the dormitory, Lin Mo looked at Kong who was riding on him speechlessly and said, Is it time for you to get off of me?

Hey, what does it matter? Teacher Lilith is already asleep anyway, so it doesn't matter if I express my gratitude to the master. Loli lay on Lin Mo's body without caring.

Lin Mo's eyes turned and he saw Lilith, who was lying on the ground and had fallen asleep unconsciously, and smiled helplessly. After an afternoon of teaching, it was understandable that the other party would feel a little tired and fell asleep.

Okay, get off me first! It would be bad if Lilith is sick. Lin Mo patted Loli on the shoulder and said.

Okay, Master, you really feel sorry for her! After hearing what Lin Mo said, Kong Kong, who was wearing a women's school uniform, didn't care about the problem of light leakage at all. He stood up from Lin Mo's body and jumped down easily. made the bed.

Lin Mo smiled faintly, then walked to Lilith who was sleeping on the ground, gently picked her up, put her on the bed beside her, and covered him with a quilt.

She chatted with Sora about what she knew.

But where he didn't see it, Lilith suddenly had a gentle smile that was hard to wipe away. She pulled the quilt on her body, and then she really fell asleep.

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424 The ambiguity between the two

Lin Mo and Kong chatted for a while, and suddenly there were two knocks on the door outside the bedroom, causing both of them to stop talking at the same time, and both looked sideways at the person coming.

Mira, who was wearing a pink dress, and Jacquio, who looked slightly helpless, opened the door and slowly walked into Lin Mo's room.

The two of them seemed to have just taken a shower, with a few drops of water still remaining on their heads. Not only that, but the residual blush after bathing can still be seen on the pink and tender skin. Under the reflection of the light, it becomes more and more shining and charming.

Mira didn't wear the rigid girls' school uniform as usual, but instead wore a cute pink dress. The sudden change of style makes people who watch it feel like their eyes are brightening.

However, the most impressive crystal ball in the academy was still placed beside her, becoming her only symbol. It seems that only in this way can I have enough sense of security.

Why are you here?

Lin Mo looked at the two of them with surprise. Just as he was about to get up, he found that there was still this little lolita on top of him! I had no choice but to give up.

I passed by occasionally and wanted to see how your study progress is now 20 years old. I didn't expect... Mira glanced at Lilith lying on the bed and the petite Lolita in his arms, and looked at Lin Mo as if looking at an animal. A look of disgust.

Lin Mo smiled awkwardly, and the Loli straddling him in his arms became the only evidence of his crime that he could not clear away. Despite this, he couldn't help but say something.

Things are not what you imagined. We were just taking a short break! As for Lilith, she was just tired and fell asleep. Don't think in strange directions.

We understand. Yaqiou raised the corners of his mouth slightly and glanced at Lin Mo provocatively.

You know a hammer!

Lin Mo replied to Yaqiou without hesitation.

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